Securing Win2K, NSA-style 186
bpitzer writes: "The NSA has released their guides for securing Windows 2000 that they have issued for various DoD organizations."
Felson's Law: To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.
NSA & Linux? (Score:1)
Re:An omission (Score:1)
Re:Backdoors? (Score:1)
Re:Unplugging the computer... (Score:1)
No - because it applies to processes too. For example you can't cut and paste (or pipe, I don't think SE Linux has an X server yet) classified information into an unclassified document. Much more sophisticated than any form of file permissions.
Re:Backdoors? (Score:1)
Breaking News (Score:5)
Damn! NSA was slashdotted! (Score:1)
Re:Securing win2k (Score:2)
Re:Unplugging the computer... (Score:2)
True, but just because they have the source doesn't mean they can hack on it or fork it like they can with Linux.
Re:Bullshit (Score:1)
Step 1.... (Score:2)
Re:Typical... (Score:2)
Re:Bullshit (Score:2)
Re:Bullshit (Score:2)
Re:Bullshit (Score:2)
wow, with acres and acres of computers... (Score:1)
Still, I suppose you get SOME security by using extremely slow connections..
Your Working Boy,
- Otis (GAIM: OtisWild)
Re:Yet another DDoS attack logged... (Score:2)
NSA Uptimes... (Score:1)
Re:Unplugging the computer... (Score:2)
Yes, they did - which is pretty remarkable for an incredibly secretive organisation like the NSA.
By putting it out there under the GPL, they have. I don't know whether it's planned to integrate with the main tree or not - it may be that the features the NSA require interfere with other things more important for maintream use.
Go you big red fire engine!
Re:MS and NSA (Score:2)
While what you say is theoretically true, as a practical matter any machine that has any really secret stuff on it is always going to be air-gapped. That is, the machines that really have to be secure are simply not physically connected to the outside world, either directly or indirectly. It's the only way to be sure there won't be a remote exploit...
You can actually see the site. (Score:4)
Re:Bullshit (Score:1)
Shoving all that under "capabilities" and then arguing that since win2k outshines linux in the granularity of it's permissions model borders on dishonest. Security-feature wise, SELinux is in a whole different ballpark (B1) from both win2k and Linux.
Pretending that that patch was necessary to get Linux to be as secure as NT is dishonest (or ignorant).
Re:Hmmm. (Score:2)
Re:Question... (Score:1)
I downloaded 'em all (except the three supporting docs that I wasn't interested in) before they turned off the pipe, so if they change something, I would notice. I don't expect them to, though.
Re:Unplugging the computer... (Score:3)
Forking the kernel can be a good thing, and it shows how flexible linux can be...
Re:Unplugging the computer... (Score:1)
Re:Securing win2k? (Score:1)
Re:Unplugging the computer... (Score:3)
With their linux dist they get many eyes looking at it and they can do anything they want with the source code to make it as secure as possible.
Given the choice of mostly secure which the nsa can get with w2k and redoing parts of linux to make it actually secure which would you choose? It seems obvious which one the nsa chose. Also they are more changes in their linux dist then just the kernel.
Re:Yet another DDoS attack logged... (Score:2)
Is bashing ms your chief joy in life? (Score:1)
For those of you over 17,
I'm going to tell you a story I heard in a movie. A little boy grows up hating his stern father because he punishes him, while he is very close to his mother because she protects him. He grows up and moves out. Later, when he's about 25, his mother dies unexpectedly at around 50. At her funeral, he's silent. His father continues to remain estranged to him but lives to an old age, and dies at 75 when the man is now 50. As he's standing at his father's graveside, he finds himself sobbing uncontrollably.
The point is that when his mother died, it was unfortunate. But, when the father died, the man, who hated his father so much, now no longer had the hate to keep him going.
The movie was a movie about how Nazis and Jews. It reminds me very much about how some of you act. Please be more interesting.
[Saint Stephen]
Re:Unplugging the computer... (Score:1)
ACLs provide very little security in
a practical sense because they are
almost impossible to administer.
Capabilities, (not the dumbass privileges of
POSIX) are the only easily administered general
security model. They are a lot less work for the kernel too.
Timing (Score:2)
The trick is to have the child lose the rights whenever the parent loses the rights.
Pure bait (Score:1)
Re:Unplugging the computer... (Score:5)
The NSA has the Win2k source code. It's very easy for universities and other establishments to get the source, slightly less easy for large companies, and slightly less easy still for small companies and individuals (although they're changing this as we speak...)
Re:NSA and MS (Score:1)
The W2K source is available for corporations with the funds. There will never come a day when CompSci students can learn OS design by looking over MS's source.
Slashdotting the NSA (Score:1)
Securing win2k (Score:2)
Step 2: Disconnect the keyboard
Step 3: Disconnect the mouse
Step 4: Disconnect the monitor
Step 5: Turn the computer off
Step 6: Unplug it
Step 7: Remove the harddrive and lock it in a safe somewhere where nobody will ever think to look for it, then promptly forget where you left it.
Step 8: Kill yourself just to be sure you don't accidently ever remember
Ok. Its secure.
New Date Material Will Be Available (!slashdotted) (Score:1)
Because of the amount of interest in the Windows 2000 Security Recommendation Guides, we are updating our Web site to better handle the demands placed on downloading the files. We expect to make the guides available once again during the week of June 18, 2001.
Windows 2000 Security Recommendation Guides [nsa.gov]
Maintain a questioning attitude
Re:hey jackass... (Score:1)
Just kidding. It's impossible to read those pathetic forums.
Re:Yet another DDoS attack logged... (Score:1)
Legal Notice (Score:1)
Really? Well, I guess I shouldn't kiss this rattle snake then. Lucky I read the legal notice.
Re:Typical... (Score:1)
Why should I freely work for them for a product that they will turn around and charge me for, you ask.
If you're even a halfway productive beta tester, you don't have to pay for the OS. At least, i've never had to.
Plus, its knowing you have access to a pre-release OS in its formative stages, watching it grow and having more input than the average joe into the development of a platform destined to go on thousands of PC's. It also has benefits when it comes to one's career - When one of my previous employers moved to 2000, I already had extensive experience in 2000 and knew it intimately - moreso than any of the other NT admins. This provided a distinct advantage for me within the company which is beyond the scope of this post.
Re:Typical... (Score:1)
Typical... (Score:5)
Heres a small dose of insight, from someone who's beta tested MS operating systems for 5 years (or so.)
Microsoft listens to users suggestions. They may not respond to you, they may not integrate them into the OS. But they do listen. MS does not make an insecure operating system on purpose - Beta testers have a whole newsgroup to focus on security and how to improve it before the final build is released. Its part of their role and responsability to test for exploitable security holes - if you don't think they're doing a good enough job, how about you send a request to betareq@microsoft.com and ask to be on the next beta team for windows. Keep in mind though, they usually only want experienced users and there are checks and balances to make sure you're a functional beta tester - not just someone who enjoys bragging about having teh leet XP build #x.
The beta process is not perfect, IMHO - Bugs do get knocked down (i've thought for a long time they should let the beta testers moderate bugs) and i have an extreme distaste for setting a release date before the beta testers agree that testing is complete. XP is remarkable right now, but not perfect. This part is MS's fault.
If you have an intelligent, well-thought-out, non-kneejerk "windows sucks *chortle*" suggestion/comment regarding windows - you may go to http://www.microsoft.com/mswish/
(p.s. - When you list your beta testing experience, the following line is a bad, bad idea: "I tested (unofficially) Windows XP, 2000, ME, 98SE, 98.... you get the idea. har har har *snort*"
Re:Unplugging the computer... (Score:2)
Ah yes - DES which was deliberately weakened from 128 bits (which was the original recommendation) to 40 (which the NSA could break but hoped nobody else could)
and this supports your argument how?
Re:Unplugging the computer... (Score:3)
Re:Bullshit (Score:2)
Re:NSA and MS (Score:2)
Thank God for that.
Securing W2K (Score:1)
Re:Amazing (Score:2)
Just because you can see source doesn't mean that it is open source. Microsoft won't let you change the source code or build your own version of w2k. They will (for a large fee) let you look at the source to make your code work better, but they have so many rules and restrictions on the code that it next to impossible to do anything useful after you've seen the code.
Re:Securing win2k (Score:1)
(well, i don't have a windows key, but some people might)
NSA security tips (Score:2)
2) use encryption, but only really stupid encryption so that we can read it.
3) please please please use Windows - it is waay more secure than unix ok? (really!).
4) all your base are belong to us
Cool link ! Win2k security for home user (Score:2)
That link http://www.gpick.net/sbr/security/w2ksecuritytips
Re:CIA = NSA (Score:1)
Re:Bullshit (Score:1)
Re:Bullshit (Score:1)
Re: And it can't stay up for more than a few days (Score:1)
How 2 Secure W2K/IIS (Score:2)
Install W2K Server.
Install Service Pack 2
Install this IIS patch: http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/downloads/cr
OK - lets see someone "root" that box. I can positively guarentee you won't find any box with these two simple patches applied being defaced!
Is this really that hard people? W2K is secure. IIS is not nearly - but can be with a single patch (it's a rollup of all previous patches).
Re:Typical... (Score:1)
Did you know that some beta testers even pay to test for Microsoft (as in: I bought winxx rc2 and sent in bugs)?
Has anyone a decent explanation for this behaviour? And is there a way I can make a profit from letting other people do the same for me? Please let me know.
Re:Typical... (Score:1)
Hundreds of people joined the contest. How is that for cheap labor
Re:Typical... (Score:1)
-assuming they are dumb and I am right
-asking for help to understand why people behave unlogical (to me).
The second option is much more fun and instructive. So the question I asked was not a rhetorical one, but a real one.
As for the hostility: I assume the way of thinking of the others is dumb, but I am open to different opinions to enlighten me.
Re:Rule #1 (Score:5)
Re:Some very true, but old-hat, stuff (Score:2)
Yes, it's probably too elementary for your subtle and keenly-developed sense of computer security, but these guidelines might actually be useful to the great unwashed masses, many of whom die in droves while
If 90% of the computer security fatalities are a result of supposedly trivial things to fix, that does not make it any less helpful and useful to suggest trivial fixes, given how much grief can be saved.
Yet another DDoS attack logged... (Score:5)
Re:An omission (Score:3)
Funny, I thought it was "CIAagentsareweenies".
Bullshit (Score:3)
This is probably the most false claim I've ever seen on Slashdot. SE Linux is based on research into
Re:Bullshit (Score:3)
That's fairly easy and rather insecure. The hard part is limiting permissions in small chunks to different programs. Basically, the assumption is that any program is potentially hostile so you want them to run with the minimum amount of permissions necessary. For example, just because I can delete files, send emails and edit the registry in Windows doesn't mean that it is the wisest thing to have any script that runs from my email program have the same permissions that I do, the same thing goes for *nix and all those buffer overflow bugs that exploit setuid(). Ideally I should be able to say "start [web server of choice] but the only thing it can do is listen on port 80 and serve read files from directories A, B, and C and everything else is explicitly disallowed to the apache process"
Unplugging the computer... (Score:5)
What is perhaps even more interesting is that at least Win2K can be secured to a level that is suitable for the NSA, they actually had to fork the Linux kernel [nsa.gov] to get the same functionality out of Linux.
Re:Bullshit (Score:5)
Sorry about that, its just sometimes people seem to just be as guilty of spreading FUD as the so-called "evil" corporations that it gets exasperating.
I apologise for those comments.
Now . . . you're saying, if I understand, that the NSA's SE Linux is just hacking the Linux kernel to put in some stuff that's been talked about and even done in other OSes for years? And stuff that isn't even all that novel for Linux?
Yes and Yes. Actually what regular Linux is implementing (which is different from what the NSA is doing with SE Linux) is POSIX 1.e capabilities or "priviledges" which involves splitting up the permissions typically given to the root user (e.g. can connect to ports under 1024, can mount kernel modules, can change ownership of files, etc) into discrete entities that can be apportioned to other users and processes. This was something that the POSIX folks tried to agree on in the eighties (or is it seventies) but never came to an agreement on how best to implement it. Check out the Linux Capabilities FAQ [kernel.org] for more information.
The NSA is working on "true capabilities" which is being able to grant and revoke extremely granular permissions to all objects/entities in the system. This concept is similar to java.policy files [arm.gov] being maintained for every entity in the system. Making sure that policies can be tracked in such a manner that they are revokable is the most difficult part (e.g. if I lose permissions to connect on a certain port or write to a certain file, then every process or file that I've created should lose those permissions as well).
An omission (Score:5)
This is only to be used for non-spying means. Really. There is no need for users to worry about invasion of privacy as we at the NSA are above that.
Additionally, please ensure that you give your files clear names such as "Nuke blueprints" or "Kiddie Porn". We suggest this purely to help you organise your file system.
Re:Typical... (Score:2)
Or, here's a radical idea, how about I use an OS that doesn't make me go down on my knees for the priviledge of exposing my computer to the risks of a beta version? Who's doing who the favor here, buddy?
The only "intuitive" interface is the nipple. After that, it's all learned.
Oh my god! (Score:2)
You bastards!
Re:MS and NSA (Score:2)
A (possible) side note from NSA ... (Score:3)
Re:Bullshit (Score:2)
Additionally you can give users special rights on the OS that don't have anything to do with file permissions. For instance, you can set up accounts that act only to run server processes, and you might give that account permission to act as part of the OS.
Basically, Win2K security is designed around the user, whereas in UNIX security is designed around the file.
Re:Really clever posts here (Score:2)
Securing Win2K (Score:2)
Different goals, different OS' (Score:3)
Um. May I suggest you read this [nsa.gov] document which explains the philosophy behind the kernel modifications.
Securing Windows 2000 and 'forking' (actually patching) the Kernel were both done with different goals.
In a nutshell, the modifications done to the kernel were done to impliment the 'Flask' security architecture, which (mainly) is about separation between setting and enforcing security policies, and how this is applied to the various types of resources. In addition, SELinux was the by-product of a research project, and is not used operationally by the NSA.
The suggested configurations for Windows 2000 have different goals, and is not a handbook for implimenting the Flask architecture on Windows 2000.
Re:Backdoors? (Score:4)
Suppose I set up a website with my new compiler. I give a binary download and a source download. What I don't tell people is that the binary download contains extra code which adds a backdoor to the software it compiles. It also recognises when it is compiling itself and adds all this extra code.
So now you've got a corrupt compiler which generates back doors.
Of course you have to persuade someone to download the binary compiler first. But if they're working on a system without a compiler - that's exactly what they'll do. Or they installed the compiler direct from the CD.
I'm afraid the only way to 100% sure that your compiler is not corrupt in this way is to write your own. At least one that's good enough to compile another one.
MS and NSA (Score:2)
The whole point of the specifications that they realeased if any of you accually read the thing before you started bitching about it, was it was for government agencies that were looking to set up W2K systems. By government agencies they probably ment local and state goverment, because the federal government has a set standard for their servers, and it is not W2K. They were doing this as a service to all the stupid Admins out there that mess up their W2K system because they are to retarded to read the manual and set up a good security protocol, and then go on slashdot and complain that Microsoft sucks because the knowledge to set up the server wasn't so obvious a chimp could set it up.
Been using it for a while (Score:5)
We've been using these "Security Baselines" as we call them in our organization for a while.
We have a *LOT* of Win2K boxes spread over a continent, and whenever one's compromised, we always find that the administrator or operator was not following the baseline. I don't know of any baselined machines being compromised.
Use these; they're a Good Thing.
crap (Score:4)
Agree about the cost point.... (Score:2)
You know... (Score:2)
- B
Re:NSA & Linux? (Score:2)
If you did'nt find that on their wabpage you surely did not look very herd.
Latest Service Packs? (Score:2)
Win2k security for home user (Score:4)
Re:Typical... (Score:2)
Unless MS is specifically recruiting thousands of beta-testers just to hack the security, they're not going to fix the important holes. I'm sure they're doing a certain amount of this sort of testing, but it clearly wasn't enough for their previous OSes. In any case, the sort of beta testing you suggest is generally not where you would expect to discover most of your security flaws. I really hope MS knows this.
Re:Unplugging the computer... (Score:2)
You mean, like NTFS' ACL? Which NT had since forever?
Hell, NT can do it to any object whatsoever, not just files.
> Linux is the only OS extant they could have done this kind of work with.
No, they could've got any number of other OSes to do it for them.
Most Unixes has some sort of ACL capabilities, and I think that VMS has it as well.
Two witches watch two watches.
Re:You cannot gaurantee that anything is 100% secu (Score:2)
Since the number of truely talented hackers is small, that in itself reduce the chances of a break in.
Two witches watch two watches.
Re:Unplugging the computer... (Score:2)
Two witches watch two watches.
Re:Unplugging the computer... (Score:2)
Two witches watch two watches.
Secure IIS? (Score:3)
netcraft says nsa runs solaris and apache (Score:2)
It's official! (Score:2)
If you try to access their reccomendation guides you get redirected to http://www.nsa.gov/winsecnote.htm [nsa.gov] which says:
Those poor bastards...Let me get this straight... (Score:2)
Before trying to accuse the NSA of putting a private back door into your OS, be ready to explain how your conspiracy theory would keep it private. "Relying on the stupidity of several hundred million individuals" gets cut to shreds by Occam's Razor.
Some very true, but old-hat, stuff (Score:3)
Not to be a knee-jerk basher, but does it really surprise anyone that MS's preferred solution is inadequate?
Okay . . . and this the NSA spent years researching and deciding on? I mean . . . okay. I don't suppose they've got a bunch of chimps randomly banging on keyboards over there, but . . . well, it would seem that perhaps the Great and Powerful NSA could come up with something a little better than "Look both ways before crossing the street and don't talk to strangers."
Re:Unplugging the computer... (Score:3)
Okay, posting before investigating the link is lame. So I know I'm lame.
However, I went and checked the link. They didn't "fork the kernel to get it secure enough for them." They performed some research and experimentation in secure treatment of sensitive data being integrated into an operating system. This is vastly different from the kind of security being discussed in the referenced info on Win2k.
Now, I've worked with security-clearance-required data before. I think it's absolutely fascinating to consider encoding the clearance level and need-to-know requirements into the filesystem. As others have noted, Linux is the only OS extant they could have done this kind of work with.
I don't think anything they might have added would necessarily outright interfere with the main tree, but it would almost certainly create completely unnecessary overhead for most desktop users. OTOH, it might be a big bonus for corporations concerned about industrial espionage to have such features available.
Re:Bullshit (Score:3)
Okay, ignoring the ad-hominem "blatantly false and jingoistic" . . .
I am a rank newbie into the world of Linux/Unix/POSIX/etc. Please treat what you see as deceit and jingoism as pure, unabashed ignorance. It may not be an excuse for breaking the law, but from what I've seen it's a good enough excuse to post on /. ;)
I'm posting from a Win98 machine at the moment because, quite frankly, I'm more comfortable with it. I'm not particularly an OS bigot either. I just plain didn't (and still don't) know anything about any of those other projects.
On the one hand, thank you for pointing out to me the factual errors in my assumptions and suppositions, but on the other, I guess I'd appreciate if you'd not attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity. Perhaps it's a rarity to find someone who readily admits to it, but I'm much more interested in learning new things than mud-slinging and name-calling.
Now . . . you're saying, if I understand, that the NSA's SE Linux is just hacking the Linux kernel to put in some stuff that's been talked about and even done in other OSes for years? And stuff that isn't even all that novel for Linux?
Re:Really clever posts here (Score:3)
I have run win 2000 pro as well, its nice enough, and stable(I didn't run it for too long), no real complaints except the cost.
as for good software, it is out there, it just means you have to look thurther than PC world, and if you still can not find what you want, find a software company that can produce it for you - I can almost gaurentee that if you want it someone else will to.
- note I use OpenBSD rather than Linux (but thats my current personal preference)
- those who can spell care, those who can't don't -