Time's Up For Virgin Connect Webplayer 62
R forwarded to us e-mail from Virgin Connect, outlining that company's discontinuation of service for all the Virgin Connect Webplayers, effective the 15th of this month. They're offering gift certificates to Virginmega.com as a sort of booby prize to participants in the "charter member program." If you have one of these devices, be advised:"Internet Appliance Network will terminate your charter membership and
shut down the service as of midnight 11/15/00. Effective as of that date,
you are no longer bound by the terms of the Member Agreement. We will
send you a letter via U.S. mail within the next 7-10 business days that
includes instructions for returning your Webplayer and a prepaid UPS
shipping label, so you can return the device free of charge. Your
Webplayer cannot be re-configured to work with another ISP." Actually, since all sorts of things can be reconfigured to work as stand-alone systems, I wonder about that. Anyone had any success converting a Webplayer ala i-opener?
Virgin don't seem to be having much success online (Score:4)
Link Broken (Score:3)
The requested URL (www.virginmega.com1) is not found.
Try Correct Link [virginmega.com] well, unless you have virginmega hooked up to your commport ofcourse...
Ugh. (Score:4)
Second, your choice of links didn't help me figure this one out anyhow, since I hadn't heard of the player [virginconnectme.com]. I found some info in the slashdot comments too--looks like a cheap-o Cyrix-based box...
Third, I'm glad it's dead [zdnet.com], even though I like Virgin in general. I found Virgin Radio soon after I found RealAudio, and I thought their station was pretty cool. (We USians find those UKians so quaint sometimes!
pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [ncsu.edu].
Inside the Webplayer (Score:1)
Inside the Webplayer (Score:5)
appliance hackers unite (Score:3)
I don't see how these loss leaders are going to make it until they begin to at least clear the manufacturing cost of the machine. Netpliance learned the hard way but at least they're still in business, sort of. And since their unit is now sold close to cost the restrictive TOS is a thing of the past. But the WebSurfer people bit the dust, now Virgin is pulling their project...
I think people really do want cheap internet terminals. But these companies are selling to the wrong crowd. Net Terminals should be going up at local businesses in little kiosks. Our public librarys running wasteful NT machines should go back to diskless stations. Our cities could be full of access that offered the same promotional capabilities. From there, you could sell home users a system that was at least used in their community rather than a dead product that's useless without the service.
Info on Webplayer (Score:5)
This was all from this internet appliance bboard [kenseglerdesigns.com] and a user "anonyman". I might get around to playing with this. I guess it depends on the term of the agreement and whether or not they *must* return it. Does anyone know the specifics of this deal?
Mr Branson doesn't always win, but he's a good guy (Score:5)
IMHO, it's a hell of a shame to see Virgin Connect die. Virgin have quite a reputation for being good, fun and revolutionary
On past history though, when things go pear shaped for a Virgin business (and that doesn't happen often) then Virgin will be nice and play fair about it... read on...
Virgin is a branding company. They have lots of different businesses: The well known Virgn Megastores (no longer owned by the Virgin group), Virgin Atlantic, the luxury airline showing the others how to fly, Virgin Express in the UK, the cheap and cheerful airline in the UK. Virgin Trains, Virgin Mobile phones, the list goes on.
In the past few months, Mr Branson has come down under to set up Virgin Blue, the low-cost airline that is seriously putting the cat amongst the pigeons for the long standing duopoly that masqueraded as a scheduled air transport industry in Australia.
One of the first Virgin businesses was Virgin Records. After some initial success, the board of directors decided to float the company on the stock market. A bad decision as it happened, things went ugly, and ultimately the company decided to buy-back the shares and de-list.
At the time, the share price had dropped to some 30% of the original issue price. In legal terms, they could have paid the current price, and got out. Richard Branson took a different stance though. At the original float, he went to the street, and met with individual investors queueing to buy shares in the company. When they decided to de-list, he said "Those people put their faith in me, I won't let them down." He bought their shares back at the price they originally paid. A huge cost to the then ailing record company, but a huge boost to his personal reputation, and the Virgin brand.
So, a significant point about the withdrawal of Virgin Connect - I don't expect it to be an ugly grab-the-money-and-run action that one expects from failed start-ups these days.
Will pay cash... (Score:1)
Not exactly big money, but it's the same ammount Virgin's offering, and it actual currency rather than a gift certificate. If you're going to send it off anyway, why not give it to a good cause (my entertainment). I even promise to post anything interesting I discover.
eanderso at usa dot net
Virgin Webplayer vs. General Public License (GPL) (Score:2)
Keeping in mind they didn't properily follow the licensing terms in the GPL, they may have also been in violation of copyright/license terms of the RealPlayer or Sun Java Run-time Eviroment which was also included. Or, possibly, they had a falling out with Prodigy, the PPP dial-up account provider for the units. Anyone know the real reason why these guys end up having to withdraw their GPL violation units from market?
Legal Obligations (Score:2)
On the other hand, if anyone had a copy of the license/use agreement to post, I'd be interested to know what kind of financial recourse the user has, considering that Virgin breached it's end of the contract.
Re:Info on Webplayer (Score:1)
Wirgin WebPlayer running Linux ?? (Score:1)
Just found THIS [kenseglerdesigns.com]
Click on "Virgin Webplayer"
And then on " It looks like Linux...invoke the GPL? "
Could it be that it runs linux after all ??
Why pay for drugs when you can get Linux for free ?
Re:Legal Obligations (Score:1)
Problem was the biz plan (hacking it that is) (Score:2)
With the release from the tos, I suspect that you will see a few of these hacked, but since the supply has dried up, not many.
Anyway, with Webpad gone under (they had all of 300 subscribers at one point), this off the board and i-opener painfully dying, it appears that the demand for the standalone device bundled in to a isp just isn't there. Some of it may be grandma can't deal with the technology, but I suspect that the level of service that these folks offered was just not up to snuff. Hardware was fine, content was awful.
Re:Ugh. (Score:1)
You can keep your Webplayer (Score:2)
Hack those boxes (Score:1)
Now I wish I had one to disassemble.
I'll pay $100.00 bucks for one. (Score:1)
Re:Legal Obligations (Score:1)
Whups! Seemed to have moved since then, with no forwarding address..
A nice stunt, but they've still got your credit card #, and I bet they're confident that Visa can track you down.
Re:Will pay cash... (Score:1)
Checking with Virgin's FAQ, there is no problem with keeping them; you will not incurr a charge. So the naysayers who say that you will be charged $500, that's a definate no. Good news!
Re:Legal Obligations (Score:1)
Re:I'll pay $100.00 bucks for one. (Score:1)
Once I receive rock-solid confirmation that I won't be charged for failing to send this back (the FAQ above is a good start, but the Member Agreement stated pretty clearly that I would incur a $500 bill for failing to use or return the player), I will be accepting purchase offers--and you can hack it to your heart's content. Email me and put "virginplayer purchase" in the subject line.
Also, I don't have the member agreement handy right now, but if you really want to know what it says, email me and I'll locate it and send you a copy. Please put "virginplayer agreement" in the subject line.
The License Says You Must Return It (Score:1)
I don't think that keeping and hacking the Virgin unit is much of an option unless someone is willing to pay the penalty which is on the order of a few hundred bucks.
Re:Will pay cash... (Score:1)
The saddest part... (Score:1)
I don't suppose anybody out there has one of these and has gotten the letter described in the post? It might provide enough contact information for interested parties to contact Virgin and try to get one before it hits the scrap heap.
No charge (Score:2)
And the email notice that this entire article is about stated pretty clearly that, as of midnight 11/15/00, "you are no longer bound by the terms of the Member Agreement."
Yes, but... (Score:1)
Re:Ugh. (Score:2)
Re:Info on Webplayer (Score:2)
Re:Will pay cash... (Score:1)
Re:Yes, but... (Score:2)
As a totally dumb question (Score:1)
Hmmm...Ebay anyone? (Score:1)
I have a Player, but no letter yet... (Score:1)
Re:Info on Webplayer (Score:1)
I've tried the same things as you have, but I also can't get past the BIOS password. Right now, I'm looking into the possibility of purchasing a new BIOS chip and seeing where that may lead. So far, from the information I've found out about that particular BIOS, it *does* give you a choice on whether it uses the Disk on Chip or the HDD header.
Finally, as for returning the player: no, it's not necessary. The e-mail I received specifically said that we're released from the terms of the membership agreement. In fact, if you follow the link provided in the e-mail, it leads to a FAQ that asks your same question. The answer is that, since we're released from the terms of the agreement, we will *not* be charged if we wish to keep the WebPlayer. Instead, they're trying to coax us into returning it by repeatedly saying that it won't work with any other service providers. (I'm sorry, but I don't have the link to the FAQ handy right now...)
I'll start posting on the board if I find anything else useful about purchasing a new BIOS outright.
Virgin WebPlayer Co-Op (Score:1)
Re:Virgin Webplayer vs. General Public License (GP (Score:2)
1) the box was LEASED...so did the GPL apply?
2) Given *I* have no GPLed code in the linux kernel/on the web player the only people who have any kind of legal right are the authors. I am just 'a possessor' of the box...my standing for asking for code is weak.
3) An attempt to get the GPL invoked here has failed. (see the http://www.kenseglerdesigns.com elsewhere for the BBS system)
Note how IAN (the people providing the content) weren't paying the weather content provider. (the weather link went down the 6th)
Re:Yes, but... (Score:2)
Just because they're providing the means to return it doesn't mean you're obligated to. You're right, they don't say you can keep it. They don't say you can't, either. If the only thing that says you must return it is the MA, and the MA becomes invalid, you are no longer obligated to return it.
Re:Legal Obligations (Score:1)
Re:I have a Player, but no letter yet... (Score:1)
Internet Appliance Network will terminate your charter membership and shut down the service as of midnight 11/15/00. Effective as of that date, you are no longer bound by the terms of the Member Agreement.
Re:I have a Player, but no letter yet... (Score:1)
Re:You can keep your Webplayer (Score:3)
According to The Register... (Score:1)
Re:Info on Webplayer (Score:1)
Is it really worth it? (Score:1)
Internet Appliance Network, Please call (Score:2)
On behalf of the Virgin WebPlayer Co-Op, I would like to inquire about purchasing a quantity of your soon to be defunct and inanimate WebPlayer units. Unfortunately, neither I nor Virgin MegaStore can locate anyone employed by your company. My deepest sympathies regarding your recent failed venture, but perhaps some of the loss can be mitigated by selling returned units to the appliance hacking communitity. Please contact me at schlachAThotmailDOTcom if you can provide any information regarding your company's present contact information. Thanks, and best luck in future endeavors.
moderator: if you could mod this up so that a crusing IAN employee might actually see it, it would be most appreciated.
My bad... (Score:1)
Re:you sir are a hooha. (Score:1)
We are really doing this. Check out the Virgin WebPlayer Co-Op Homepage [digital-penguin.com]. And it is impossible to contact anyone at IAN.
Now, I'm not saying I wouldn't step over my own mother for karma, I'm just saying that's not why I asked for moderation in this case. =)
Re:Problem was the biz plan (hacking it that is) (Score:1)
Re:Will pay cash... (Score:1)
Re:Will pay cash... (Score:1)
Less than $50, though.
Re:The saddest part... (Score:1)
Re:Mr Branson doesn't always win, but he's a good (Score:1)
It's always the same with Branson propaganda... "He's such a nice guy", "Did you hear about the time he...". I was at a restaraunt launch once where he had part ownership, and if you were to meet him in person, or read some of the unauthorised bios out there you'd have a different opinion of him. At the restaraunt, he arrived with what can only be described as a posse of friends, yes-men and assorted beauties. They sat down, and ate. Half way through the meal, literally, he stood up and announced to the entire restaraunt (like we cared) that he was leaving. He wasn't the main guest or anything. All of his friends also stood up, many of them halfway through their main courses, and left with him en masse. It was spooky.
More recntly, with the lottery application, he was caught telling a whole lot of porkies to the press, the lottery commission, etc. Don't believe the hype. This man is a phenomenon, but he has more half-truths and propaganda written about him than anyone else in the country.
Ben^3 (aka an unhappy Virgin Trains commuter)Virgin webplayer challenge (Score:1)
Re:You can keep your Webplayer (Score:1)
Where can the word be found, where can the word resound? Not here, there is not enough silence.
Re:Info on Webplayer (Score:1)
Where can the word be found, where can the word resound? Not here, there is not enough silence.
Re:Virgin webplayer challenge (Score:2)
The BIOS password is "schwasck". It's QNX, not Linux. You're welcome.
Re:Virgin don't seem to be having much success onl (Score:1)
Re:Yes, but... (Score:2)
If you don't return the unit by the date, they will likely put the termination charge on your credit card.
Re:Yes, but... (Score:2)
If you don't return the unit by the date, they will likely put the termination charge on your credit card.
Help! (Score:1)