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Comment Re:Before everyone jumps on the "Hatez the microso (Score 3, Informative) 133

Before everyone jumps on this with their "Hatez the Microsoft" commentary, let me just point out that Android relies on exactly this kind of branding, except it's Google instead of Bing.

If I install AOSP and don't install gapps, then it really doesn't say Google anywhere. Ditto for Cyanogenmod. And if I install Firefox on Cyanogenmod then my default search is Yahoo (ugh.)

Comment Re:Sorry to see you modded troll there (Score 1) 203

Most elected officials get into politics to help people by enabling change. Unfortunately some lose their way and some are bound by promises made which end up casting a shadow over the work they accomplished.

And the higher you hope to go, the more corrupt you have to be, as a rule. Sometimes there are seeming promotions which lead to dead-ends, though, like how when they accidentally hire an intelligent cop they push him towards becoming a detective. Then he's not out on the street where he can make a positive difference in a bunch of people's lives.

I'm sure that some elected officials aren't clean but there are many that are even if you don't agree with their view of the future for our society.

If their view of the future is deliberately best for them, then it's by definition not clean.

Comment Re:Chinese cheat (Score 1) 94

As for suggesting that one is somehow foolish to try and live with integrity when others are cheating.... Well thats just a variant on an ad hominem, called Poisoning the Well.

You're foolish to let people who are cheating get ahead of you because you're unwilling to cheat. That's not getting you anywhere, and it's just rewarding them and punishing you.

If you want to be foolish, because there are things more important to you than making shrewd decisions, so be it. I agree. But I'm not hungry, in fact I'm eating lunch right now.

Comment Re:Metric Guns. (Score 1) 830

Let's be honest here, going metric is just like banning guns: regardless of how you feel about the subject, the cost of changing the way it has been for hundreds of years is just too great. From road signs to revamping of labels to changing all hardware (like tools/bolts/etc) to just changing how people think about measurements.

or, don't change the roadsigns?

Comment Re:Lowering labor costs is nothing new (Score 2) 614

Exactly what did you think a "free market" actually is?

A complete fucking lie.

There never has been, and there never will be a free market. It simply can't exist.

I think when the rules of your "free market" are open for sale to the highest bidder, what you have is a corrupt system which starts with the premise that what is good for corporations is good for the country, but ends up exactly where we are ... a corrupt oligarchy.

I think entities will always lie, cheat, and steal to the extent they can get away with, and cutting regulations on them in an asinine ideological position which has repeatedly been proven false.

I think all the bullshit lies we've been fed over the last 3 decades about how cutting corporate taxes would benefit us all, despite zero evidence to support that claim, is such a giant scam it isn't funny.

I think extending copyright terms for douchebag corporations like Di$ney has more or less allowed them to hoodwink us to maximize their profits but generally fuck over everybody else.

I think the claim H1Bs is to cover is a skill shortage is a complete lie.

I think people who claim the free market exists, and that it is some perfect ideal are drooling idiots who lack proof.

So, jack up the taxes on corporations, put copyright back to where it was before Di$ney bought an extension, stop pretending that the profits of a corporation in any way help the rest of us, and stop allowing lawmakers to pass laws which hands to keys to the kingdom to corporate assholes who give us nothing in return.

It's time we stopped pretending that what is good for corporations has direct benefit to the rest of us. Because that's been provably false for a long time.

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