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Comment Re:RACIST! (Score 4, Interesting) 514

And that's EXACLTY how the Jesse Jackson shakedown works.

"Do what I say or I'll call you a RAAAAAACIST!!!"

Jackson really should patent that. It's a hell of an effective "business" method.

Well, I have seen racism in dev shops before, to be sure, but not the sort that Reverend Jackson wants shakedown money for. I've worked for more than one place where "white men born in America" were about 2% of engineers. Normally, it's just not an issue, but at one place the racism was so bad that everyone not of the preferred race left over the course of 6 months after a shift of management. (Not saying what that race was, as the problem was just a couple of assholes, and not a more general problem).

I've also seen straight-up redneck racist at the first dev shop I ever worked at, back when we rode dinosaurs to work, but that company was so exploitive that racism only makes the middle of its list of abuses.

Comment FTFY (Score -1, Troll) 514

Jesse Jackson: "I desperately need a new cause to trumpet, or I'm no longer going to be able to afford my lifestyle. Therefore, I shall identify a desperate need for my community, for which I shall naturally be named the spokesman. By this method I shall articulate a set of vague, impossible goals such that we can once again identify an entire culture as 'victims' of the nebulous (but nevertheless nefarious) forces that keep us "down". I shall continue attach myself to this I-hope-ever-growing-movement, in order to be able to pay for my cars, mistresses, and if I'm lucky, even the lawyers needed to keep my son out of prison. Perhaps I have finally found the cause celebre that will even allow me to ride into media sinecure, like that dirty sellout bastard Al Sharpton."

Well, that's what I heard, anyway.

I'd call his plan for IT diversity the Nationwide IT General Graduate Effectiveness Resource System. Come up with your own acronym as required.

The real question, for the IT community is, of course, does his plan ensure enough vaginas in IT departments? If not, then his victim train will have to wait until that one leaves the station.

Comment Re:A Progression of Complaints (Score 4, Insightful) 190

I think that the main reason people speed, race the yellow, and in other ways behave as general asshats when behind the wheel is the inherent understanding that every second spent driving is a wasted second. You notice you rarely see passengers road raging. Once everyone becomes a passenger, and transit time becomes productive time, whether it involves work, updating facebook, playing games, or getting a few extra minutes of sleep, much of the incentive to rush goes away.

Personally, I generally drive like a bat out of hell, and regularly am cussing the idiots who wont get out of my way. But, once I get my autonomous vehicle (I plan to be a very early adopter) I won't care that the car is doing the speed limit, stopping when I would have chanced it, not changing lanes into the "fastest", etc. I'll be reading, sleeping, gaming, etc. In fact, once my commute becomes reliable productive time, I can see myself getting irritated that I get to my destination before I've finished my chapter, level, quest, etc.

Comment Re:Not subject to "monetary policy" (Score 1) 172

Theory and Practice. In theory, you are correct. In practice, you are not.

IMHO, there will be a nominal number of widely accepted crypto-currencies. I fathom perhaps 4-6 "standard" coins will be adopted, and another 6-10 in secondary/limited adoption. The 4-6 "adopted" will have "regional" flair being accepted widely in some geographic locations, and might not be accepted everywhere. There will likely be 2-3 Dominant currencies accepted most places, making them "default".

Comment Re:How to regulate something that is unregulateabl (Score 1) 172

The money in your bank account also continues to exist regardless of data connections where you go. And your ability to spend a given physical currency vary depending on where you go - dollars are special, but e.g. a rupee note isn't going to spend well in the US.

Specie-based currency has at least some value everywhere, but these days it's easier in most of the world to find a data connection than someone who trades in gold (plus a whole host of other problems).

Comment Re:medical services need a billing time limit (Score 1) 570

We gave up our freedom through the ACA, and yet this continues. It's not about being billed, it's about being billed incorrectly and not having any control over the process. The UK has fully socialized health care, yet people are denied care or left to die waiting... sometimes, literally waiting in the ER.

Clearly, giving up more freedom isn't the answer.

Comment Re:I must be the outlier (Score 1) 234

AND you can leave with a receipt for your returned equipment, plus the names of people you dealt with face to face. That could be extremely useful if they want to play the common game of "we never got your stuff and you still owe us monthly payments".

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