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User Journal

Journal Journal: Leviticus 11:12 8

*The department shall prohibit the use of benefits to purchase crab, lobster, shrimp, or any other shellfish. *

User Journal

Journal Journal: 'Conspiracy Theory' vs. Official Narrative 5

It is becoming even more obvious that the Official Narrative is being written by Hollywood (as work for hire, of course), not the other way around. Maybe that's what makes it so much more compelling. Really the very fuzzy dividing line is the production value, not the content. The interesting thing in all the kabuki is how people so easily dismiss out of hand any contradiction to the Official Narrative. The magic still works to this day. Obama wants to be Rambo. I see him more as Bart in Blazing Saddles, riding off in his limo into the sunset.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Dystopia 7

That's what this is... Somebody is wearing a hat! I'm sure you can find it in high def somewhere.

You know, if you are serious about things like term limits, you should apply them to the laws and all our treaties. Sunset everything, the entire damn government.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 'Traditional' Marriage, one major feature: 12

"In many states, married women were not permitted to own property or enter into contracts and had no legal existence apart from their husbands."

Yep, I remember mom's credit cards had dad's name on them. Maiden names were verboten!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Love the person "next to you" 1

"Næste"? Anyway, it goes something like that. However, the bourgeois 'christian' that dominates the moniker today preaches exactly the opposite. They only follow the millennial trend with their golden calf. Abundance has its issues amongst humans. They manage it poorly. Old instincts die hard.

User Journal

Journal Journal: To the true liberal free thinkers* 40

They don't seem to have the slightest clue of what they are up against. Refresh the link occasionally and watch the numbers roll. Positively Pavlovian...

Grand total... $842,387 Sick

I guess with all these distractions, the 'economy' must be doing okay.

*could be an illusion, they might not exist

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