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Journal Journal: President Jarrett really should teach her no-talent rodeo clown to lie better

WH: historically cold winter to blame for weak GDP
WH: we're having hottest year in history

I'm not really ashamed of my country, but #OccupyResoluteDesk is a total piece of work. To say nothing of his sycophants littering this site.
The real question is whether President Jarrett can submarine Her Majesty enough to allow running Michelle, so that President Jarrett can hold power for another 8 years.
User Journal

Journal Journal: For "Lying with flair and abandon" values of "some mistakes"

Clinton Foundation admits making mistakes on taxes. Do. Tell.
I pretty much think every utterance from a Clinton is at least corrupted, if not mostly a bucket of lies.
In response to Barabara Hudson's JE, I should have also said that, sure, Schweitzer is peddling a book, and has a history of selling books with heavy claims. To address d_r's inevitable accusation, I'm not saying that we should take Baltimore-style action outside of a proper legal proceeding.
Restated, just because Her Majesty uses the Rule of Law like a chamber pot is no excuse to join her degeneracy.
Rather, there should be support for actual reform.
Anyway it hasn't mattered Fig #1 these last years. The electorate seems to crave hell. Well, there are people who will deliver.


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User Journal

Journal Journal: "O'Keefe takes his case against John Doe to U.S. Supreme Court" 30

I guess our favorite Pavlovian degenerate will claim this is just a stunt, there's no "there" there, and it doesn't matter until certiorari is granted.
What's the difference between a mallard with bird flu and a Wisconsin Lefty?

Oh, and I guess the WSJ urging SCOTUS to take the case is just an example of conservative media bias, or something.

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Journal Journal: Slashdot's Favorite Governor Rides Again 11

Scooby Snack (no-Chiptle division) for the haters who gotta hate my links. Mother Jones:

Scott Walker Celebrates Earth Day by Proposing To Fire 57 Environmental Agency Employees

Happy Earth Day! Today is a day we can all band together and share our love for this beautiful planetâ"or at least drown our sorrows about climate change with nerdy themed cocktails. Later today, President Barack Obama will mark the occasion with a climate-focused speech in the Florida Everglades. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a frontrunner for the GOP presidential nomination, had a different idea: Fire a big chunk of the state's environmental staff.

Troll level: Grand Master.

User Journal

Journal Journal: So here's a good WI test for you 63

If pockets as deep as Rush Limbaugh are calling you out by name for your perfidy in the Wisconsin John Doe prosecutions, he's pretty confident that even the smartest shark in the tank isn't going to get Ol' Rush To Judgement convicted for libel, no?
A big fat whale like Rush would be sooooo tasty for the Left. They'd probably pour the kind of resources into taking Rush down that they did in trying to unseat Scott Walker, if they didn't know Rush was dealing that thing which to the Left is like sunlight to a vampire: the truth.
The usual suspects may now vaporize the messenger.
User Journal

Journal Journal: "Wisconsin's dirty prosecutors pull a Putin" 18

Instapundit in USA Today:

When Vladimir Putin sends government thugs to raid opposition offices, the world clucks its tongue. But, after all, Putin's a corrupt dictator, so what do you expect?
But in Wisconsin, Democratic prosecutors were raiding political opponents' homes and, in a worse-than-Putin twist, they were making sure the world didn't even find out, by requiring their targets to keep quiet. As David French notes in National Review, "As if the home invasion, the appropriation of private property, and the verbal abuse weren't enough, next came ominous warnings. Don't call your lawyer. Don't tell anyone about this raid. Not even your mother, your father, or your closest friends. ...This was the on-the-ground reality of the so-called John Doe investigations, expansive and secret criminal proceedings that directly targeted Wisconsin residents because of their relationship to Scott Walker, their support for Act 10, and their advocacy of conservative reform."

And the slack-jawed syconphants on here that support these abuses can just fall off the planet. History, I surmise, will show, to Wisconsin's credit, that the American residents of the state effectively and peacefully threw off what was tantamount to a Commie takeover.

User Journal

Journal Journal: yet another hint as to why MS-DOS is the pariah of the computer universe. 1

when a n00b copied a file to a dos machine that being did not understand that 'ban proliferation' would be appended to nab.efilorp . this cause much confusion since 'proliferation of nuclear technology' and 'prolife' are not the same thing except when giant, atomic powered robots are trying to make giant atomic powered babies.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I was inspired to write the words below.

One Philosophy I would like to resurrect it that of the beginning and end of the 'world.' Whenever a Life begins it is the creation of a world. Whenever a Life ends it is the end of a world. This is the many worlds theory. In the wheel of time it says there are neither beginnings nor ends to the 'wheel' of time. This is a Great lie.

Following the 'many worlds' theory, thus the beginning of many worlds are known. They say we do not know when the world ends. This is another Great Lie. For we carve into the most durable of products the ending of many worlds. the ends of our ancestors. The world is not a planet, a planet is just a rock in space. the world is not a nation, a nation is just a factor in how a rock in space is measured.

The TV calls 'hangman' The wheel of fortune, As in it is fortunate to die. For some this is true, that is the function of death to end worlds. There need not be as many worlds created as worlds destroyed. Though I was taught, I was taught of the book of lies. when they ask when the world was created they are teaching me of a close relative. When they ask when will she die, they make many false answers. They are partial to their lies for that is what they were taught and that is what they do, exactly what they are taught.

They invent disease that they may charge for healing. they invent technologies that they might have greater wealth through lies. They have many questions, for they are taught to question everything. I am alive and well. My close family member of whom I speak of, is doing well. I have no idea when my world will end, Nor the world of the close family member of whom I say was the 'beginning' of the world as told to me.

When they were told to 'question' everything they began the process of making all information questions (I site the Jeopardy TV show) Recently someone afraid of the Truth used my command position to utter the following command "the only question is: Is the world worth saving?" Obviously my acolytes immediately questioned the order demanding to know who uttered such a command. Because children they may be, but they are not dumb.

May the Source be with you my legion of Nerds.

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