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Microsoft Businesses

The Newest Feature in the Microsoft Store is More Ads ( 30

If your main problem with the Microsoft Store is that you get too many relevant results when you search for apps, good news: Microsoft is officially launching Microsoft Store Ads, a way for developers to pay to get their apps in front of your eyes when you go to the store to look for something else. From a report: Microsoft's landing page for the feature says the apps will appear during searches and in the Apps and Gaming tabs within the app. Developers will be able to track whether and where users see the ads and whether they're downloading and opening the apps once they see the ads.

Microsoft also provided an update on the health of the Microsoft Store, pointing to 2022 as "a record year," with more than 900 million unique users worldwide and "a 122% year-over-year increase in developer submissions of new apps and games." The company launched a "pilot program" of the Microsoft Store Ads back in September of 2022, and the look of the ads doesn't appear to have changed much since then. Ads will be served to Microsoft Store users on Windows 10 and Windows 11 and are only available to developers who have already published their apps to the store.

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The Newest Feature in the Microsoft Store is More Ads

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Microsoft has an app store?

  • by geekmux ( 1040042 ) on Friday February 03, 2023 @05:35PM (#63263611)

    The more the Ad Enterprise pushes ads to TRY and create revenue, the more those that PAY for that stupid shit will realize just how fruitless the expense actually is.

    Marketing is one thing. Corrupt marketing is what we have today. It infects every aspect of our lives to a level that would make three-letter Government agencies jealous of the brainwashing capacity.

    FUCK that bullshit. Time to make infectious online advertising pointless. We already question how and why companies waste millions on it. Time to make that effort actually worthless instead of merely a business expense.

    • those that PAY for that stupid shit will realize just how fruitless the expense actually is....would make three-letter Government agencies jealous of the brainwashing capacity.

      You have a contradiction in your thought there, If it's effective as a brainwashing capacity, then it's not fruitless. And vice-versa. You have to pick one of those, you can't pick both.

      • those that PAY for that stupid shit will realize just how fruitless the expense actually is....would make three-letter Government agencies jealous of the brainwashing capacity.

        You have a contradiction in your thought there, If it's effective as a brainwashing capacity, then it's not fruitless. And vice-versa. You have to pick one of those, you can't pick both.

        I'm merely questioning why Greed N. Corruption is still legally manipulating the consumer using ancient tactics. Mass Ignorance tends to highlight the answer. If course it's not fruitless for Corruption. Doesn't mean the tactics are good for the consumer. Homicide and murder are certainly "separated" from a licensed doctor administering a lethal dose of morphine for a dying patient. End result is the same, but I'm certainly not picking "both" and calling doctors killers.

        And with regards to picking, sin

        • Debt isn't merely a goal in America. It's the American religion, given that American GDP utterly relies on it.

          Oh yeah? Debt is a religion in America? Is that your sincere belief?

          • Debt isn't merely a goal in America. It's the American religion, given that American GDP utterly relies on it.

            Oh yeah? Debt is a religion in America? Is that your sincere belief?

            $30 trillion in debt at the national level. The average low to median income household cannot afford a sudden unbudgeted $400 expense, and the upper classes are riddled with obscene debt driven by rabid narcissists all trying to keep up with rich YouTube celebrity Rockfellers and Hollywood elitists.

            What religion did a Gig generation follow embracing a trillion or two of educational debt to follow the American Dream?

            There are beliefs, and there are realities. Choose if you wish, but reality has already spo

  • hooo boy (Score:4, Funny)

    by Slashythenkilly ( 7027842 ) on Friday February 03, 2023 @05:43PM (#63263627)
    Better get that Windows 11 now!
    • Better get that Windows 11 now!

      I guess you didn't read the last line. If you're using a supported Windows OS you're affected, no requirement to upgrade.

      • My comment is sarcasm pointing to the fact people by purchasing MS products or upgrading are rushing into being the first to be bought and sold by such a heartless corporation.
  • by OrangeTide ( 124937 ) on Friday February 03, 2023 @06:01PM (#63263659) Homepage Journal

    If this were the 1960's and I were writing a paper on search algorithms. I'd determine the quality of the algorithm by the speed and accuracy of the results. That's computer science and something most of us here are at least something familiar.

    Business logic is where you present a feature to the user as if it were an ordinary operation like above. But you measure the results according to how much money shows up in your bank account that quarter.

    • by Darinbob ( 1142669 ) on Friday February 03, 2023 @09:08PM (#63264023)

      Business logic is when the spreadsheet tells you it's cheaper to pay off the victims of incompetence rather than add the expensive safety features. And it doesn't necessarily mean personal safety, sometimes it was about security - why make our bank cards secure when so few people have resources to make duplicates, instead just have a budget item to cover the small cost of fraud. An engineer would say "we need to plug that leak!" whereas business logic says to hire some interns to bale out the boat.

  • I hope that is supposed to be sarcasm. What everyone needs, when they can't figure out which app will actually do what they need, ads for things that are completely irrelevant to their needs.
  • The rapid enshittification of all things digital continues unimpeded. (see: [])
  • Just installed a nice fresh copy of windows 7...
    • Yep, as long it's viable doing the same thing here. Win 7 runs amazing on a 6th gen i7 CPU. When 7 finally runs its course I have my Mint and Pop OS boxes that can take up the slack.
  • Has anyone ever met someone who used the Microsoft Store?

  • Seriously I remember the good ol days where Android and Apple waged a battle over the quality of their respective app stores. But man those days look amazing compared to the shitshow that is the Microsoft Store. Half the time you can type the exact title of a Microsoft piece of software into the store, and you still need to dig through pages of crapware to find their own damn apps, to say nothing of the fact that hardware is splattered among the app list.

  • Why add only one revenue stream when you could have two? Maybe the enterprise version effectively does this already.

  • by ClueHammer ( 6261830 ) on Friday February 03, 2023 @08:09PM (#63263957)
    Doesn't have a Operating system it has an advertising platform the OS is secondary if not even lower in their priority list.

Type louder, please.
