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Wimbledon Hoping Big Data Will Improve Fan Experience ( 30

Wimbledon is turning to big data to help improve fans' tennis knowledge, after discovering even ticket holders at the Championships were not aware of most of the players in the game. From a report: Crowds at this year's tournament -- expected to return to sold-out levels with easing of coronavirus restrictions -- are to be exposed to more facts and figures organisers hope will help get them "closer to the sport." AI-powered stats will seek to better explain the strengths and weaknesses in players' games but also predict upsets and rising stars, with data built in part from trawling newspaper headlines.

Alexandra Willis, the All England Club's director of communications and marketing, said the idea had come about before Covid. "We found that most fans didn't watch tennis the rest of the year," she said. "They also hadn't heard of most of the players [and] this was a specific barrier to engagement." Spectators at Wimbledon fortnight, as well as television viewers and app users, will have access to Win Factor, a tool that will aggregate data from a number of sources to better predict a player's chances of victory in a given match. Fans will be able to input their own match predictions while being encouraged to scour more information on some of the game's lesser-known players.

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Wimbledon Hoping Big Data Will Improve Fan Experience

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  • Is to have WWE-like personalities.
    Imagine how much more entertaining/amusing sports like golf, tennis or chess would be if the players were as flamboyant as the WWE wrestlers.

    (Yes, I"m going for humorous here, but let's be honest, aside from a very small group of die-hards, who is excited to watch a golf tournament?)

    • More John McEnroe, Jimmy Conners, and Ilie Nastase

      • More John McEnroe, Jimmy Conners, and Ilie Nastase

        Yep..guys that were presence AND a force on the courts.

        Although, it's also hard to forget Bjorn Borg.

        He was just quiet....but won and won a LOT.

        Conners was just plain fun to watch. He looked like he put everything into every shot he made.

        You yourself would actually feel a bit tired watching him as that you'd be tensing up and all like you were hitting the ball with him...really fun stuff to watch.

      • Naah, what boring sports need is fanservice (which I actually misread from the headline). Sports Illustrated figured this out years ago.
  • "Big data" was the hip buzzword 5 years ago.

    Also, this strikes me as pretty 'small' data anyway.

  • How about just more physically fit young teenagers grunting and sweating? I think everyone knows what improves the "fan experience".
  • by schwit1 ( 797399 ) on Wednesday June 22, 2022 @02:01PM (#62642458)

    Both leagues have gone all in on advertising for the gambling industry. It seems every game has betting odds at the top or bottom. It's whorish.

    • Tell me you live in Ontario without telling me you live in Ontario.

      They just changed the laws here and gambling advertisements have really taken off. Or so I hear. I don't watch broadcast TV or live sports in the past 10 years.

  • by 93 Escort Wagon ( 326346 ) on Wednesday June 22, 2022 @02:14PM (#62642492)

    She almost certainly primarily means they'll attempt to track and monetize the fans as much as possible.

  • by awwshit ( 6214476 ) on Wednesday June 22, 2022 @02:36PM (#62642562)

    We really want to be relevant, Big Data and AI will save us!

    Yeah, right.

  • When you know how the game will mostly turn out and why, then what is the point? Yes you still have to play the game but not knowing the enemy, er I mean visitor is half the fun. maybe. I don't know, I don't attend sports since a) it's on TV and b) I'm cheap c) I don't even watch sports much anymore except the local NFL team.

    Baseball turned into a home run derby. It's not on OTA TV anymore. Basketball I was never into, it's not on OTA TV anymore. and Ice hockey isn't on OTA TV anymore and I am cheap.

    Plus there are now more commercials than playing time.

    If someone gets a papercut we have to yank them from the game - or they aren't in the game because they might get a papercut if they play every day (Baseball) I guess we have big data to thank for that one. In Basketball they may play every game if all goes right, but if it's not a statistical help to get to the playoffs we don't have to try hard every game.

    -that moment you realize you sound like an old grumpy man - oh well.
  • by TokyoJimu ( 21045 ) on Wednesday June 22, 2022 @04:02PM (#62642838) Homepage

    Just admit that watching almost any sport on TV is a better experience than watching in person, what with multiple cameras, close-ups, player info, and analysis.

    • by BigZee ( 769371 )
      It depends on the sport. Tennis, if you have the right seats, can be far better in person. I've watched a match from Wimbledon no1 court and thought it was great. On the other hand, whilst the atmosphere at Silverstone is amazing, trying to watch the British GP is actually not that great when you're in the stands. F1 is a great example of being best when you're sat at home.
    • I agree. Son took me to an Atlanta Braves game for Father's Day years ago in their new stadium. It was fun to a point. Then it got hot and you were fighting for elbow space in a tiny seat next to loud people ! NEVER again ! Turn your head, you missed a play. Watch @ home in comfort with replays, drink my cheaper beer. I DON"T watch golf, tennis, basketball, rarely NFL, NASCAR no longer, horse racing. I watch college football, MMA, some boxing and WWE while streaming for free. Gave up DishTV over 15 years ag
  • My friend is a true tennis fan. He constantly tells me about different matches. He is very passionate about tennis. I advised him to watch the live sports matches and schedules on the site, click here [] to see more about it. Now he has also started to combine it with betting and get good money. I'm actually happy for him.

This is a good time to punt work.
