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Anime Hardsuits For Sale 75

Fuzzy_Damnit! pointed us at a site where a guy has built authentic looking Anime Hardsuits that he's selling on eBay. Features a quite impressive Nene (from Bubblegum Crisis). No. It doesn't fly. Or have weapons. You might still be able to ride a motorcycle.
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Anime Hardsuits For Sale

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  • I can see your argument, especially with sci-fi type anime, but keep in mind not all anime recalls feudalism and violence in some way: What about other genres like magical-girl or whatnot? (please, nobody start a thats-not-real-anime-cuz-it-sucks thread...)

    If anything I'd say (this is all AFAIK) that there's angst over the current loss of economic and social stability relative to the bubble-economy era. Salarymen no longer have a lifelong gravy train, young women aren't interested in abandoning their careers for housewife-mommyhood (birth rate is down, and single women have the most disposable income now), they're years behind with the Internet... and, incidentally, the slow economy is ripping the anime industry to bits over there. From what I understand the current anime in Japan is getting pretty wierd and angsty.

    Not everyone in Japan relates to Meiji: militarism and violence is severely discredited over there post-WWII, and most Japanese don't know how to tie a kimono properly themselves. But everyone likes looking at explosions :)

  • "Guy in sailormoon suit: You misunderstand. I don't speak Japanese."

    Of course he doesn't. He's cosplaying the dub version of Sailor Moon. :)
  • That's a sexy suit and everything, but do you rEALLY want to wear that at Linuxworld? You'd probably get more attention than Linus himself.
  • Why buy something that's just for looks when you can get the Ursus Mark VI [] hardsuit.
    It doesn't have any real weapons to speak of, but
    you could prolly graft a M60 on there pretty easily.

    Hey, it's only $150k...

  • Too bad there's no pictures with someone wearing the outfit.

    The above page has the real translations for what he said. Looks like he doesn't know a word of japanese; They are all copied verbatim from the page. What an ass.
  • "Browsers or spiders that do not properly identify themselves with a user agent http: field are not allowed to access my sites. This is because they often ignore my robots.txt file and then get into infinite loops loading dynamic content. Please use a normal browser to visit my sites. Thank you. " What baloney is this? Calling me a robot and an agent. That's rude. Really.
  • Actually, you don't get to dress up as the character. You probably need to find someone with the dimensions of Ally McBeal to fit into that thing.

    Then again, you never know what those crazy otakus will try to fit into for cosplay.

  • Fyi, the 'Power Rangers' style of show originally *came from* anime.

    Science Ninja Team Gatchaman (or G-Force, or Battle of the Planets, for the lobotomised English version) was the first show with the 5-or-so member team who could 'transform' to fight bad guys. Power Rangers and all those similar live-action series came later..
  • I was kidding with the porn^H^H^H^H thing... take a joke.
  • Wrong. I don't like anime and Tolkien and yet I am a geek, or so they say...

  • I bet there are some hardcore sex players that would like to get their hands on these and not the schematics... :)
  • by Tofuhead ( 40727 ) on Tuesday December 19, 2000 @03:33PM (#1420254)

    Um...ever heard of cosplay? It's not my cup of tea, but if you go to any con, you'll see some otaku dressed as his favorite character.

    It's not just an American thing, either. Watch Gainax's "Otaku no Video" and you'll learn what Japanese really think about fans of anime, sentai, Western and Japanese SF, military stuff, and other hobbyist culture.

    Incidentally, I'm of the opinion that any Westerner who considers himself an "otaku" when it comes to anime fandom really only does so because the term already exists. This is unlike Japan, where "otaku" is a somewhat derogatory term originally used for obsessed people. seems like most people in Japan read manga, and public recognition of even moderately-popular characters is immediate and common, so fandom isn't a hard's only a matter of how hard-core you are...and it wouldn't take too much of a hard-core attitude (by Japanese standards) to put one of those suits on.

    The guy who made those that's an otaku. Next step...Lego version.

    < tofuhead >

  • At least, to the times they imagine -- i.e., without all the plague and famine and pestilence and hard work. People worship the past out of unease with the present.

    Americans' fascination with ancient Japanese culture fascinates me in the same way that Japan's fascination with American karaoke does. We all seem to want to be in each others shoes, eating the grass on the other side of the fence, so to speak.

    And you're wrong about Meiji. Meiji isn't just a city in Japan. It's an entire culture. Enormous numbers of Japanese boys are named "Meiji" out of deference to that culture. Whatever Meiji used to be, it's today something else entirely. It doesn't surprise me to hear the name surfacing in the context of anime.
  • The KS girls wear a leotard embedded with electical sensor mesh to facilitate transmission of movment data between their bodies and the hardsuit.

    Knight Sabers, Sanjo!
  • by Fantastic Lad ( 198284 ) on Tuesday December 19, 2000 @03:36PM (#1420257)
    Remember that great scene in "Manhattan", where Woody Allen was being driven nuts by this blowhard standing ahead of him in a movie line-up, spouting on and on about some bullshit he didn't know anything about but argued that he did because he happened to teach it at some university?

    You don't remind me of Woody.

    -Fantastic Lad -The most amazing script kiddie of them all!

  • These suits are another expression of the angst that this loss of cultural identity has caused, as the old certainties of Meiji Japan were ripped away and replaced by the values of the soulless Kairetsu. The warrior ethos and clothing of the Samurai has been replaced by the businesswear and corporate values of the salaryman.

    What??? These suits are promotional items, used to sell BubbleGum Crisis anime in America, just like LucasArts has a bunch of StormTrooper suits that my friend got to use to promote Star Wars at his bookstore. Well, okay, it's true that Star Wars is based on the whole samurai ethic and Japanese movies, but that's not the point, which is that people like a show, especially when being convinced to buy something.

    And the suits do, in fact, kick a lot of ass, for all their wear and tear.
    P.S. A "Did you know" for all you true blue rpg geeks out there. The guy who is selling these, Robert Woodhead, is the creator of Wizardry. Bam!
    It is easy to control all that you see,

  • Screw the hardsuit, I want a MECHA, dammit!!!! I've been a good grrl all year...Santa-chan, give me a MECHA!!!! Doesn't have to be Eva-big, just big enough to smash a few cars.

    ---- Hey Grrl Geeks! Your very own geek news site has arrived!

  • And the parent post covers only a small range of what's available. Even the "sci-fi mecha stuff" that American media loves to portray all Japanese anime as usually has some kind of deeper meaning. (I'm talking about stuff like Gundam and Macross) One of the best things I've ever seen (period) was Wings of Honneamise - that didn't resemble anything I'd ever seen before.

  • A slight correction on the Meiji history, again. (groan and throw tomatoes if you must.)

    1868, not the early 1800s, was the year that Prince Mutsuhito took the throne, and changed his name to "Meiji", which means 'enlightened rule'. (however, there was a nasty little skirmish going on in the early 1800s, so it's an undertandable mistake.)

    the emperor was pro-westernization, or 'modernization' as it was called by the meiji faction. working at first covertly, then in the open, the supporters of Meiji overthrew the Tokugawa shogunate. in place of the shogunate system, they tried to institute a centralized government.

    end japanese history lesson. now, go watch rurouni kenshin or read a boolk.

  • Does it at least come with the girls? otherwise, it's not worth buying :P
  • A great gift for any anime fanatic, but I think its just a tad extreme...
  • by Chairboy ( 88841 ) on Tuesday December 19, 2000 @02:49PM (#1420264) Homepage
    If they don't have weapons, why the heck would we want to buy them?

    Darnit, I thought I had finally found a 'parts' hard suit to use in restoring mine, damaged in battle with the Gamalons... Alas, back to Schucks autoparts to pay their outrageous prices for NEW Shojin Blaster firing coils and Yamasuka! brand wrist to air missiles....
  • Price up to $12,000. Too rich for my blood.
  • The same thing that makes us all like Tolkien is making us like Anime. It really fascinates me that geeks, who have this fiercely individualistic streak, all seem to enjoy the same pastimes !!
    It cannot be coincidence. I think the same thing that makes us good at grinding out code makes us appreciate certain kinds of art.
    I mean, have you ever met a Unix admin who didn't like the Dead ?
    It in the genes. It has to be !!

  • So you get to dress up like an anime character, right? Isn't that a big departure from the historical cultural purpose of anime: the appreciation of innovative graphic arts? If you're wearing that helmet [] then doesn't it make it harder to read the comics?

    I'm staring at the pictures, and I can't get the impression out of my head that anime has devolved into Power Rangers. The storyline may be more sophisticated and the drawings might be cleaner, but if you take it off the page and dress a grown man in it, then it ends up looking like Power Rangers. That can't be good for the artform.
  • by SethD ( 42522 )
    "...they are designed to fit petite women."

    Well...looks like most of the Harley Davidson folks are out right there...sorry guys! :/
  • I have been interested in Anime from an artistic perspective for quite some time, and it has always seemed to me that one of its central themes is the loss of identity of a culture that has went from fudalism to being the worlds foremost modern international capitalist nation in little under 100 years.

    These suits are another expression of the angst that this loss of cultural identity has caused, as the old certainties of Meiji Japan were ripped away and replaced by the values of the soulless Kairetsu. The warrior ethos and clothing of the Samurai has been replaced by the businesswear and corporate values of the salaryman. These suits, and indeed the entire Anime movement, are an unconscious desire to return to the violent certainties of old Japan, IMHO.

    KTB:Lover, Poet, Artiste, Aesthete, Programmer.

  • For some reason the girls on BGC completely strip to don their suits, is this a requirement?

  • When I went to see if I could find pictures elsewhere I came across this link [] as the top match. Not quite an "anime hardsuit" but still interesting.
  • by Ceren ( 102734 ) on Tuesday December 19, 2000 @03:39PM (#1420272)
    On that note, I've been considering selling the second FreeBSD Daemon-girl outfit, to buy a new one. Upgrading, as it were. ;)

    I'll probably sell it on Ebay, with a starting price of what was originally paid for it ($500). The goal is to end up with a comparable (or better!) daemonette outfit, maybe even in time for Linuxworld 2001 NYC....

    It's solid red garment quality latex, made by A woman named Molly (who ran So Hip It Hurts in SF) and sold large amounts of quality latex through Stormy Leather. The two pieces are both custom made from the same batch, and in size small; tshirt and leggings. The shine has partially worn off from the shirt (but still mostly there on the leggings) and it requires several minutes of polishing before it's ready to wear out onto the floor of the convention. This is mainly why I'm selling it. I really don't have this kind of time in the mornings. I'm a reeally late riser. And conventions never seem to happen on 36-hour day cycles. :P

    I'm 5"5", anywhere from 120 to 130, so that should give you an idea of who this costume would fit.

    Watch for this auction between now and early January.

    A friend was good enough to toss a few pics up for me -
    Credit goes to whoever took the lwce pictures at, and MSK who took the staged pictures. I'm sure I don't need to mention that the copyrights belong to the original photographers.... :)

    -Ceren E.
    FreeBSD's "Strange Attractor."

  • What? Did you read my post? I didn't say Meiji was or was not a city. I'm saying it was hardly the feudal-samurai period that KTB was making it out to be.
  • He also started and is the current head of Animeigo (for those who don't know, "eigo" is Japanese for "English language"), the coolest old-school commercial subtitlers. They got it right, dammit: small fonts in legible colors, with subtitles for the sondtracks' lyrics coexisting with the dialog.

    P.S. A "Did you know" for all you true blue Mac geeks out there: Robert Woodhead also wrote what later became Virex, the first Mac anti-virus program worth using.

    < tofuhead >

  • by EXTomar ( 78739 ) on Tuesday December 19, 2000 @03:54PM (#1420275)
    I hope that the person who ends up with either suit recognizes the history that came with these things. Not only does it represent an old show but it represents some of the old fan's feelings for a show they really enjoyed(mainly Woodhead and Takagi).
  • by Tofuhead ( 40727 ) on Tuesday December 19, 2000 @04:00PM (#1420276)

    I have been interested in Saturday morning cartoons from an artistic perspective for quite some time, and it has always seemed to me that one of their central themes is the lack of identity of a culture that started out as an British colony and has gone on to being the world's truly foremost modern international capitalist nation in a little over 200 years.

    Scooby Doo Halloween costumes are another expression of the angst that this lack of cultural identity has caused, as the old certainties of British rule were ripped away and replaced by the values of Democracy. The Victorian ethos and clothing of the British have been replaced by the tie-dyed shirts and communist values of the slashdot hippie. These Scooby Doo Halloween costumes, and indeed the entire Saturday morning cartoon movement, are an unconscious desire to return to the oppressive certainties of old Colonial America, IMHO.

  • OK. Where do I get the test I have to pass before watching any more anime? Gosh...I thought it was just movies...didn't mean to step on your cultural schlong there, buddy.
  • by Cryptnotic ( 154382 ) on Tuesday December 19, 2000 @04:02PM (#1420278)
    Your use of the phrase "violent certainties of old Japan" betrays your pretense of understanding. By all historical accounts, life in old Japan was anything but certain. And most people were of course, not Samurai, but serfs. No one with any brains would want to go back to the way things were. Their view of the past is a similar fantasy to Americans' view of their founding fathers.

    If anything, popular culture in Japan reflects the dualism of Japanese modern society. On one hand, there is a reverence for the past and the cultural heritage of Japan. On the other, there is the need to be a part of the modern international community. Japan handles this duality marvelously. Women in kimono ride the subway alongside salarymen and office ladies. Neighborhood shrines sit next door to high rise office buildings. If you are a wealthy Japanese man, you can still buy the virginity of the maiko (women who will become geisha). They call this tradition "mizu ageru" by the way.

    Also, you can make as many analyses of the unconscious desires of the Japanese as you want, but they are fundamentally unprovable. What is provable is that there is a growing disinterest among Japanese young people in the traditional Japanese cultural properties. Young Japanese are more interested in learning English than they are in learning to read classical japanese literature. They are more interested in listening to popular music than they are in studying classical Japanese instruments. They are more interested in drawing in popular styles like manga than they are in learning Japanese calligraphy.

    So anyway, there isn't any angst over loss of culture among most young people. And anime isn't made for the older generations in general. So I can't really tell what you were getting at besides an attempt to say something profound.


  • It's sure nice to see Bubblegum Crisis get some recognition. Usually everybody talks about Tenchi or Sailor Moon or Slayers.

    I think "geeks" like BGC because it has

    o a grity, cyperphunk future (ala Gibson)
    o cool-ass hardware
    o decent plot-lines (ok, so "Scoop Chase" was awful. sue me ;)
    o 80's music
    o cute girls

    Ok, so perhaps those last two are what makes it appeal to ME. It still has a flavor quite it's own, even years after it was over. A pity it was never finished.

    There's also a new BGC, called Bubblegum Crisis 2040, which uses the "alternate universe" idea. Same girls, different hair, sorta-simliar plot, much much more stories, way better animation.
    Check out

  • These hardsuits were built as promotional tools for the original Bubblegum Crisis series. If you watch some of the promos on the BGC tapes or DVDs, there's scenes of the voice actresses for the Knight Sabres wearing them. Three of them were given or sold (depending on who you talk to) to the head of AnimEigo, Robert "I helped write Wizardry" Woodhead. The suits are reasonably articulated - you get to see, in one of the promos, Oomori Kinuko (the voice actress for Priss) wearing one and at least on a motorcycle, if not driving it.

    The Nene and Linna are being sold. Woodhead is keeping the Priss suit. No one's sure where the Sylia suit is anymore.

    So this isn't a cosplay sort of thing. This is promo stuff and literally one-of-a-kind.

  • The Sailormoon suit is just wrong. But the Hello Kitty suit? Come on, you can't go wrong with Hello Kitty!

  • That doesn't have to be the case - Crying Freeman is Manga, rather than Anime, but the same principles should in theory apply.

    Now, compare the Crying Freeman Manga series and the Crying Freeman live action film. The film holds true to a great many of its Manga roots, and doesn't ever descend into the farce that is the Power Rangers.

    It's not what you do, it's how you do it. And Anime (and Manga) do it with immense style.

  • I thought your .sig said you "do it harder, faster, and *wipe*"

    I should damn well hope so! :)


    Freedom is Slavery! Ignorance is Strength! Monopolies offer Choice!
  • The seller states: []

    Many years ago, AnimEigo[the seller] obtained several hand-made hardsuit costumes crafted by Mr. Takagi Ryoosuke, a professional modeller. These particular pieces were showcased in an article of B-Club Magazine in Japan, and one of them (the Nene costume) was worn in the article by Nene's voice actress.

    The pedigree on these suits is not some guy slapping this stuff together in his garage with chicken wire and Bondo.


  • In general you are right. Anime is too varied a medium to make sweeping generalizations. Princess Mononoke celebrates clutural identity.

    But, your Serial Experiements Lain example is not valid. In the October 1999 Animerica interview, Ueda stated:

    "Q: What do you think American viewers will think of the series? Do you think they will have the same reactions as Japanese audiences?

    Ueda: They won't understand this. I don't want them to understand this. This work is based on the sensitivity and values of the Japanese people. America is different from Japan. This work itself is a sort of cultural war against American culture and the American sense of values to react to this work."

    The Lain story has multiple layers. The layer Ueda refers to has Lain's mother as the traditionalist, annoyed at Lain's father for playing with all the non-traditional gadgets and Mika and Lain getting totally messed up from immersion in the new culture's technology.

    Ueda is a bit arrogant believing that American anime fans can't self-educate themselves about Japanese culture to fully understand Lain. Plus there is some Taoism and Apotheosis which isn't really a Japanese thing, but a more general Eastern thing. ^-^
  • So, now it is fine to try to sell anything on /. as long as the seller is female and will dress up in something trashy? Why does this deserve to be moded up to 4? Has it anything whatsoever to do with anime?

    BTW, show some pride, Ceren. If you're going to parade around in something that accentuates every roll you might want to consider hitting the treadmill for a little while.

  • Noooo! It's all ready too late! No one will see the damned webpage for the next ten thousand years - it's gone to slashdot hell...
    The word of the day is mirror. Early and often.
  • by Kuroyi ( 211 ) <rick.kuroyi@net> on Tuesday December 19, 2000 @03:02PM (#1420288) Homepage
    It's not just 'a guy' auctioning these, it's Robert Woodhead of AnimEigo. Bubblegum Crisis is one of their licenses and it looks like these used to be used for promotion at Cons. Bubblegum Crisis was also their first DVD release (unfortunately sublicensed to Multimedia 2000, but the rerelease is pretty good by all accounts). He sent an email to the AnimEigo-DVD list about this Dec 7.
  • ever met a Unix admin who didn't like the Dead?

    Yes. My father knew good old Mr. Garcia, and I don't care for the dead all that much. Don't hate them though. Also, since when do all "geeks" like the same pastimes. I don't like many cartoons, or porn^H^H^H^Hanime, or most other things "geeks" like.

    Though I like grinding out code, or using unix, or network administration.. I also like drag racing and going out. You only seem to describe trendy geeks, especially by overgeneralizing things and putting everyone in the same boat just because they like linux or something.

    Either that, or IHBT...
  • But why on Ebay. I'm sorry but that place has lost a lot of credibility for me. Too many poeple bdding on their own auctions and funny stuff going on with feedback ratings.
  • No kidding? This story was massively slash-dotted?


    Tell me I wasn't the only one making a bee-line for the pictures of pretty girls wearing hi-tech halloween costumes.

    Too bad such pictures weren't available.

    -Fantastic Lad The most amazing script kiddie of them all!

  • ...that give the impression that all anime lovers are fanatic that just can't get over the fact that a movie or series has ended. I mean, paying money for a replica of a hardsuit, how pitiful. Do these people have no life?

    *Sigh* I waste too much time reading the anime articles on slashdot. Now my ranma/akira fanfiction story is going to be late. I must stare at my anime cells for inspiration, and watch akira for the 257th time while doublechecking my notes to see where it departed from the manga.
  • by laborit ( 90558 ) on Tuesday December 19, 2000 @04:04PM (#1420293) Homepage
    These suits, and indeed the entire Anime movement, are an unconscious desire to return to the violent certainties of old Japan, IMHO

    Yes, but not entirely. The things you mention, along with all giant robo anime, from Neon Genesis Evangelion to Voltron, handle the universal phenomenon of nostalgia with the unique Japanese bent. They blend the technology and eclecticism of the modern world with the personal excellence and honor of the (romanticized) old. This is not an attempt to turn back the clock, but to hold on to the best parts of the past.

    Personal note to KTB: I disagree with you here, but in general I consider you a white hat troll. On the other hand, the people who posted the "it's entertainment" responses are just being dumb.

    Go ahead, blame me... I voted for Nader!
  • I really do wonder how many petite women will feel the need to own one of these.
  • Oh wow, this is really cool! I'd love to find one of those under the tree this year! Awesome!

    No, wait, that's not what i meant to say.

    What i meant to say was: Huh? What? You've got to be kidding me. As Shatner said on SNL, get a life!

    No, this isn't flamebait. It's a wake-up call. Anime hardsuits. Please.


  • I'll probably get modded down for this but, what place does slash have to do anime news? Slashdot's anime coverage is always low on info, much too opininonated (and often wrong), and late.
    Leave the anime coverage to the Anime News Service [] and Anime on DVD []. /. should stick to tech news.
  • The Meiji era is the era in which Japan was unified under a single emperor. Before this era, there were various kingdoms scattered around Japan. These were all taken over either violently or peacefully. There were various factions vying for power at the time. This was a very bloody period around the early 1800's, if I recall correctly.

    The Meiji era proper was an era of extraordinary peace. This is the time when many cultural and industrial changes occurred.


  • Yeah I've heard of cosplay, but I've found such parties quite boorish. Especially, since the people involved don't ever bother learning any Japanese before they start appropriating the culture:

    Me: Osewaninarimasu. Tokyo kara denwa o shite orimasu, Peter to moushimasu ga, Tanaka Taro-san wa irashaimasuka?
    (Lovely party. Did Peter start holding them when he came back from Tokyo?)

    Guy in sailormoon suit: Ummm, what?

    Me: Tadaima Taro wa Singapore e shuuchoo shite orimasu.
    (It's at least better than the ones in Singapore.)

    Guy in sailormoon suit: You misunderstand. I don't speak Japanese.

    Me: Kare ga modottara, denwa suruyoni tsutaite kudasai.
    (If you don't speak it, then you should stop wearing that silly costume.)

    Guy in sailormoon suit: *motioning to his buddy, Phil, in a Hello Kitty suit* Do you understand what he's saying?

    Me: Sumimasen ga watashi wa Nihongo wa hanashimasen. Dozo Eigo de onegaishimasu.
    (Look, you guys are lame. Maybe you should be studying.)

    And so on. It's unfortunately typical when it comes to cultural importation like this. People should really get a grasp of the fundamentals before they try to derive the nuts-and-bolts benefits.
  • I would just love to see some pictures of the suits actually weared by someone. I'm sure that if the suits were used for promoting BGC, there must someone out there that has some pictures, and perhaps he/she/it would be willing to share them.

    And no, it's not a fantasy... although...

  • How does your theory explain the Smurf phenomenon, with the utter lack of shirts and the adoption of large beanie hats? Not to mention the whole blue skin deal.
  • I noticed that the most recent bid seems to be from an S_Hussein@StealTheOil.iraq in an apparent attempt to corner the market on Japan's military might.

    Once he powers the hardsuits with Playstation2 consoles, he'll be unstopable. May god have mercy on our souls.

  • BTW, show some pride, Ceren. If you're going to parade around in something that accentuates every roll you might want to consider hitting the treadmill for a little while.

    Show some pride, Shotgun. If you're going to parade your brain around slashdot which accentuates every idiot remark, you might consider being the slightest bit clueful.

  • How does such a pathetic story even make it to the main page? Anime hard suits??? Who gives a rats ass. I'm sure most sane individuals would rather here about the odds of getting hit by a deorbiting satelite... which, btw, was rejected.

  • Yeah, I really can't imagine seeing a hardsuit irl. Pictures would be great, 'cause the whole thing sounds kinda messed up. And wouldn't it be heavy as hell?
  • Ah, thanks for the correction. I think I will now both read a book and watch Rurouni Kenshin. :-)


  • I personally found it really depressing. She's cute, and it pains me that there are NO good looking girl geeks in this country (the UK).

    Prove me wrong! I'm begging you!
  • this site makes me wonder why they didn't hire some models to wear the suits. possibly, they might look better lying on the floor?
  • Hey asshole why not learn at least 1st month Japanese before making a post like that.
    You obviously copied it from a text book or the like and made up your own translations.
    Take at least a semester of Japanese or actually buy a text book and study it for a while then we can talk.
    And by then you'd better be posting in kanji and kana or I'll eat your alive.
  • Does he want to sell the suits or not? His ebay page points to his photos on He must expect it to stand up against ebay traffic to sell his suits.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    To say all anime is porn is to say all American movies are porn. Hentai (what you're thinking of) happens to also be animated and use similar drawing styles. On the same side, Showgirls used the same filming techniques. Yet not every American movie is as bad as showgirls, and not every anime movie is porn.

    "Oh, some music has loud screaming, that must mean all music is Death Metal. Go to hell Bach, you satan worshiper!"

    I hear some really ludicrous statements here on slashdot.

    If you want to check out some fairly wholesome Anime, check out almost anything done by Hayao Miyazaki (Princess Mononoke, Laputa: Castle in the Sky, My Neighbor Totoro, Porco Rosso). (Granted, Mononke may be a tad violent but I'd hardly call it Porn).

  • These will be powered by Sony PS2s []...
  • Yeah, and those fantasy RPGs? They're there because we want to return to medieval times. Nope, I don't buy it. Face it, people are facinated by violence, especially with cool weapons, whether they be physical or an ability of the user. Now, if anime was instead a want to return to old Japan, why would it be popular with Americans, hmm? Especially with many technical people, the exact people who enjoy the technical world and lifestyle.

    By the way, what do you mean by the "old certainties" of Meiji Japan? IIRC, Meiji was the period of Westernization in Japan, not some feudal shoganate period. Culture ripped away? Are you nuts? These suits are just some cool suits used to promote some anime.

  • I bet there are some hard-core cosplayers who'd like to get their hands on these (or at least the schematics)


    "There is a reason why 95% of all cosplayers are women..." -Overheard at Animethon 6

    Capt. Ron

  • Much to the dismay of hardcore Anime fans everywhere, animeigo has announced that they will not be selling their "Tentacle Monster" hard suit in the near future.

    When asked about this, they responded "Our legal team has told us that this would not be in our best interest--what if a kid..."
  • by SPrintF ( 95561 ) on Tuesday December 19, 2000 @03:26PM (#1420316) Homepage
    Anime is a medium, not a genre. Saying that "the entire Anime movement" (whatever *that* is) is driven by a desire to return to pre-Restoration feudalism is like saying that all American movies are Westerns. Certainly true in some cases; completely off the mark in others:

    Serial Experiments Lain is a meditation on the nature of reality and godhood.

    Cowboy Bebop is a noir-ish melodrama, akin to Hong Kong action theater.

    Saber Marionette J is a sly reconsideration of the role of women in traditional Japanese society.

    Oh My Goddess! is straight romantic comedy.

    Princess Mononoke, for all that it's set during Japan's feudal era, is an essay on the inevitably uneasy relationship between Man and Nature.

    The assertion that (salaryman == samurai), though widely believed in the West, is a shallow interpretation of a deep and complex culture. Good anime reflects many facets of that culture.

One of the most overlooked advantages to computers is... If they do foul up, there's no law against whacking them around a little. -- Joe Martin
