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How To Make Software Projects Fail 905

Bob Abooey writes: "SoftwareMarketSolution has an interesting interview of Joel Spolsky, of Joel on Software fame. Joel, a former programmer at Microsoft, discusses some of the reasons he thinks some very popular software companies or projects fail, including Netscape, Lotus 123, Borland, etc." This interview brings out some mild boiler-room stories which sound like they could be the basis of a good book, along the lines of Soul of a New Machine .
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How To Make Software Projects Fail

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  • Isn't it obvious? (Score:2, Flamebait)

    by smileyy ( 11535 )
    Joel, a former programmer at Microsoft, discusses some of the reasons he thinks some very popular software companies or projects fail, including Netscape, Lotus 123, Borland, etc

    I imagine the interview goes something like:

    Joel: We drove them all out of business.

    • by tshak ( 173364 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:06PM (#2657550) Homepage
      Actually, reading this interview shows how there where serious blunders performed by NS, Borland, etc. In each case, while MS improved their software, the other companies rewrote their software.
    • by Alpha State ( 89105 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:09PM (#2657570) Homepage

      It is funny how every company he talks about lost to MS. Seriously though, one of the things he does say is:

      Fortunately for Microsoft, they did this with parallel teams, and had never stopped working on the old code base, so they had something to ship, making it merely a financial disaster, not a strategic one.

      IOW, have more money than God and throw it at any problem you're having trouble with. The minnows in the pond get beaten up by the 800lb gorilla (or something).

      • by scrytch ( 9198 ) <> on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @11:03PM (#2658043)
        > IOW, have more money than God and throw it at any problem you're having trouble with

        Didn't work for IBM in the early 90's, didn't work for Detroit in the late 70's and early 80's, still doesn't work for the government.
    • by Skim123 ( 3322 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:16PM (#2657604) Homepage
      Before you jump to false conclusions. A lot of companies that Microsoft "drove out of business" were driven out of business because they made stupid mistakes. Yes, MS's money and marketing helped, but some of the stupid things these companies do is their own damned fault.

      You may want to check out this article by Robert Cringely: Microsoft's C# Language Might Be the Death of Java, but Sun's the One to Blame [].

      A lot of truth in that...

      • by SoftwareJanitor ( 15983 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @10:05PM (#2657804)
        The interesting thing is that Microsoft made plenty of stupid mistakes too, but since they were powered by monopoly profits in OSes (and earlier on by licences for BASIC in ROMs), they could afford to wait out their mistakes and just keep throwing money at the problems until they straightened them out. As long as a company is successful in the long run, people forget most if not all of their stupid mistakes, but if the stupid mistakes take down the company then people remember it. The history books are written by the victorious (in the short term at least), so I would take a lot of this guy's story with a grain of salt, as it is certainly far from unbiased.

        It is a pretty bad situation for a market to be in if any one company is so big that all they have to do is wait for their competitors to make a mistake in order to be able to crush them. When any one company wields so much power, it makes it nearly impossible to sustain any sort of competition. Not to mention that when a market is ruled by an 800lb gorilla, all of the smaller players are pretty much forced to take more risks and make other decisions differently than companies do in a market where there are at least two or three players splitting up significant chunks of market share. Sometimes those risks pay off brilliantly, sometimes they are stupid mistakes.

        • I believe the key to Microsoft's success is knowing when to let go of a bad idea. Such as MS Bob, MS Chat and various others. It is when you still believe in a product which doesn't make money that you fail. It doesn't have to be superior or even new. It just has to have piss poor marketing and no good entrance to the market to lose.

          Going on a rant here: this is why I believe Eazel failed. They held on to their file management program, but failed to realize it would not make them money when they needed it most. This is what I believe happened with Netscape also. They could not figure out a way to utilize Navigator for profit, but kept developing it. It would have probably been a good idea to release the source code then, while MS would only have been comfortable going as far as no-charge with IE (thus, giving Netscape the upper-hand). I also believe IE was a failure with Microsoft as well, though people don't realize it. Now that IE is free MS makes no money on it, and does not, IMO, know how either. The result of this action is that Microsoft is stuck developing the worlds most popular web browser for free with no way to recoup development costs. A total loss to Netscape? I don't think so..
          • Now that IE is free MS makes no money on it, and does not, IMO, know how either. The result of this action is that Microsoft is stuck developing the worlds most popular web browser for free with no way to recoup development costs. A total loss to Netscape? I don't think so..

            IE is no more a loss leader than any other piece of windows is. Doesn't matter what they tell the judge, it's a piece of windows. It's probably saved them a lot of money in the long run as well by not having to implement and integrate various viewers into other programs. Winhelp is gone, the help system now is 99.9% IE.

            Even if it is a loss leader, it still sells Windows. This can scarcely be considered a failure. Bob and Comic Chat were a failures ... quit while you're ahead.
          • I agree with you up to a point with IE. Microsoft certainly isn't making any money on it, and doesn't look like they have any idea how. But the difference is that a company with a monopoly to fall back on can afford to keep around loss leaders whereas a startup can't. In the case of IE, I believe that Microsoft can, and is, trying to use it to leverage into other markets by trying to build proprietary lock ins to their .NET server products and lock everyone else out of those markets.

          • >> The interesting thing is that Microsoft made plenty of stupid mistakes
            >> too, but since they were powered by monopoly profits in OSes (and earlier
            >> on by licences for BASIC in ROMs), they could afford to wait out their
            >> mistakes and just keep throwing money at the problems until they
            >> straightened them out.

            > I believe the key to Microsoft's success is knowing when to let go of
            > a bad idea. Such as MS Bob, MS Chat and various others. It is when you
            > still believe in a product which doesn't make money that you fail.

            What worked for microsoft was to enter a market, take control of it, and then find new markets to take on.
            When they got big enough they did that in parallel.

            They started with BASIC, then MS-DOS, and then tried to maintain control of the OS (with Windows) at the same time as writing applications to take on people like Lotus. They they went for the server market, the database market, etc.

            They can afford to kill of stupid/failing products because they have a number of revenue sources.
            Borland screwed up all their markets, and manage to scrape through with a set of development tools.
            Lotus lost on the apps, but managed to hold on to Notes long enough to get bought out.
            Netscape lost the broswer war, and got sold off for spare parts (NetCenter and Enterprise Server).

            If you're only competing in one market, then you have to get it right pretty much every time (Oracle). If you let the ball down you will end up loosing your market, and getting bought out (Informix).

            MS didn't win because they had a monopoly, they won because they used their monopoly (both for power and resources) to allow then to diversify into and market they wanted.

      • What a horrid column. Cringely just gets worse and worse. For example:

        When Java came to market five years ago, it was bulky, slow, and buggy. Today, five years later, Java is still bulky slow, and buggy.

        Java is buggy? A language is buggy? What's that supposed to mean? Perhaps he means that Sun's Java compiler is buggy or their JRE is buggy, but neither is true. As software goes, both are extremely un-buggy. Unless he actually has some evidence to the contrary. No, I'm just kidding; I realize evidence would be completely out of place in that column.

        In other words, McNealy isn't willing to bet the company on either Sun ONE or Java, while Gates and Ballmer are happy to bet their company (have ALREADY bet their company) on .NET and Java.

        I'm sorry, Gates and Ballmer have bet their company on Java? I guess since he doesn't actually research his writing, why should he check it over afterwards?

        Seriously, I've read more insightful comments browsing slashdot at -1.

  • Good point (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Bandito ( 134369 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @08:54PM (#2657494)
    He says:

    "My theory is that this happens because it's harder to read code than to write it."

    He couldn't be more right. I've recently been asked to port some code from another group in the company. Upon first reading it, I found global variables being referenced from everywhere, and it looked terrible.

    The more I looked at it though, the easier it got to read, and having an existing code base to work from made things much easier.

    Plus, when I have problems with it, I can blame it on a "design error" by the previous programmers!
    • Re:Good point (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Skyshadow ( 508 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:04PM (#2657542) Homepage
      This is why it's important to force your developers to (gasp) comment their code. Of course, 99 times out of 100, this won't happen because either (1) the boss thinks that'll slow you down and you'll miss your release date or (2) your boss has never written a line of code in his life and doesn't even know you can comment on that computer codes thing.
      • Re:Good point (Score:2, Insightful)

        by czardonic ( 526710 )
        Commenting poorly written code won't help you worth a damn. Plus, why assume that someone who writes bad code will write good comments? Good code speaks for itself.
        • Re:Good point (Score:5, Insightful)

          by zmooc ( 33175 ) <zmooc AT zmooc DOT net> on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:49PM (#2657730) Homepage
          Good code speaks for itself about what it does, but not about WHY it does something and that's were comments come in handy.
        • by jdcook ( 96434 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:59PM (#2657772)
          I couldn't agree more. In a similar vein, I removed the turn signals from my car. I get .0000047% improved performance and, after all, what good are signals? I know where I'm going.
        • Re:Good point (Score:3, Insightful)

          by rodgerd ( 402 )
          Because sometimes code which looks bad to the casual observer is bad for a reason, usually to do with the peculiarities of and environment - a buggy standard c lib, a braindead app server or somesuch. Good commenting makes it clear that this is broken by design and attempts to fix it will cause more problems than they solve.

          Likewise, I've left comments in code to the effect of, "I know this is broken, but we had to have it yesterday. It should be written better using x, y, and z techniques"; this flags to future developers (and me) that it's a FIXME and points a route for the fix.
        • by Andy_R ( 114137 )
          It's very important that the poorly written code is documented, since that's the code that will need to be re-written!
      • or (3).. (Score:4, Insightful)

        by rho ( 6063 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:13PM (#2657592) Journal

        or (3), incessantly repeated nerdisms such as "if it was hard to write it should be hard to read" instill an improper sense into young, impressionable programmers.

    • Re:Good point (Score:5, Insightful)

      by StaticEngine ( 135635 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:30PM (#2657658) Homepage
      Good code is not just code that compiles and runs efficiently. Good code also has the following properties:
      • Clear, Consistant Formatting - This code complies with the company standard for writing code. Indents are properly nested, Functions are named consistantly, variables use Hungarian Notation or some other standard. Any programmer should be able to look at code by another programmer and pick up on it very quickly, without shaking their head and saying "What the hell were they thinking?"
      • Copious Comments - Lots of comments, clearly written and explanatory. What does this function do? Put a block at the beginning explaining it. How does this algorithm work briefly? Write a paragraph if you have to. The best comment I heard was from a friend about a former coworkers code: "It's English with some C++ thrown inbetween the comments."
      • Documentation - Anyone who shrugs this off is an idiot. You always have time for documentation. And it's not just for the instance where a programmer gets "hit by a bus." It's for people who leave behind code when they quit, or go to a new project. It's for the new hires, so they can understand and study and learn good design, good techniques, and developer rationale. It forces developers to explain themselves. And it allows non-techies to understand what they're doing. Imagine you had to get through 12 years of grade school with no books. Pretty frightening, eh? Documentation is good. Write it.
      Coders who follow these rules truly are an asset to their company. Geeks who hack, write unreadable code, and utter geek credos about enforcing obfuscation and being purposefully vague have no place in a business environment.
      • I'll agree with your other points, but this:

        Copious Comments - Lots of comments, clearly written and explanatory. [...] The best comment I heard was from a friend about a former coworkers code: "It's English with some C++ thrown inbetween the comments."

        is nonsense. If your code isn't written well enough to make it obvious to another programmer what it does, then no amount of documentation will help the poor sop who comes along after you and has to maintain your code. Programming languages are just that--languages--and can be used to express concepts just as well (better, in some cases) than human languages. For example, if I see:

        for (i = 0; i < array_size; i++)
        then it's perfectly obvious that it's freeing the contents of an array; I don't need you to tell me so in a comment, and in fact if you do, it gets in the way. As one of my university professors said, "Use comments to tell me something I don't know."

        Comments are good things, of course--used sparingly. But there is such a thing as "too much of a good thing."

        • by ttfkam ( 37064 ) on Wednesday December 05, 2001 @12:37AM (#2658330) Homepage Journal
          Let's compare:

          for (i = 0; i array_size; i++)

          and now let's look at:

          // get rid of the array
          for (i = 0; i array_size; i++)

          Has your life *really* been so harmed? Is this *really* so terrible? Comments should not be written with the thought that your university professor would know what everything else means. Comments should be written so that all of those folks without a PhD in CompSci. know what it means.

          What if the next joe to hit your code doesn't have a degree? What if the recently-hired intern was just handed a "C in 21 days" book and told by the manager to "fix it" because the programming team is snowed in (or similarly unavailable) and the customer is screaming? (Yeah, try and tell me that's never happened...)

          A fine use of comments is (for example) every ten lines to say, in general, what is going on. One thing I used to do is write a comment at least every 10-15 lines. Why? When the next joe who comes along has to read/edit my code, scanning through some periodically placed comments will *always* be quicker and easier than reading the code. ...assuming they are English speakers of course. Proof? I have programmed (I don't count the BASIC years) for ~10 years. I have been writing/speaking English for over twice that long. Which do you think I'm better at?

          The code effectively shows my implementation, but may not show my intention. I have coded for years. I started dreaming in code several years ago. Shortly thereafter, the code actually worked when I typed it in the next morning. That isn't the point. How good a coder you are isn't the point.

          When you have a hundred thousand lines of code to go through, comments become like "Cliff's Notes." For the quick patch (probably the majority of code being written by most people), comments are invaluable. Who cares if I didn't read Moby Dick if I can still pass the pop quiz? If I need to make an indepth study, I can still do this, but thank god for the "Cliff's Notes."

          Now then, on to the "proper" use of comments.

          1. Write out what you are planning to do in English. (or whatever else may be the dominant language in your development group) Fill in every step in the problem. This is NOT psuedo code. This is akin to: Find out who is, open a connection, ask for the main page, and check to see if our cache is still valid. If the cache is stale (the yahoo page has been updated), get a new copy of the main page. If the cache is still valid, pull the page from cache instead. Drop the page into the "ready" bin and send a message to the user that the page is here.

          2. Make a copy and label it "documentation."

          3. Go back to the original, fill in all of the logic in whatever programming language at the appropriate points in your "documentation," and label it "source file."

          This means that your documentation is done, your code is adequately commented, and your algorithm and intent(!) are clearly defined for both your co-workers (and yourself when you have to fix something ten months from now). If you can't spell out the problem and the solution in your primary native language, you sure as hell better not be trying to spell it out in a programming language that members of your team have only been using for two years.

          The only excuse not to do the above is laziness. For some people, laziness is not considered a bad thing. It was noted as being one of the main virtues of a hacker -- hubris, laziness, and impatience. Hell, according to this measure, I myself am lazy from time to time. But cut the bravado, the beating of the chest, the battle cries of "I'm smart enough to figure this out, so should you be," and call a spade a spade. Avoiding comments means that you are being lazy.
        • Comments should explain WHY, not HOW.

          If all the comments are doing is telling you exactly what you already knew from being moderately literate in the language, then they are just ugly chunks of text that get in the way of reading the program.

          But that doesn't mean verbose comments are bad. If the verbosity is dedicated to telling you *why* something is being done, rather than giving a play-by-play description of how, then it is very useful. If I see a for-loop that counts backward from ( array_size -1 ) down to zero, don't give me a comment that says "counting backward in a loop". I can TELL that. But what I can't necessarily tell at a glance is *why* the author chose to count backward instead of forward - what was the algorithmic purpose to doing it that way - THAT is what I want to see comments explaining. And with THAT type of comment I am very happy when it comes with a lot of verbosity.

          The worst examples of useless verbosity are when you see code written by someone who has *just* learned a new programming language and is unfamiliar with the "culture" of that language. They tend to document things that everyone already knows like the back of their hand. (For example, a novice C programmer tends to go into excessive detail about the use of null chars to terminate strings.)
        • make it obvious to another programmer what it does
          The point of comments is not to say WHAT you're you say, that's obvious. The point is to say WHY you're doing it.
          d := d*360/400;

          d := d*400/360;
          Any programmer can see that I'm mangling d and calling a function. It might be useful to add the following comment, though...
          // gsin function requires argument in gradients

          // convert d from degrees to gradients before
          // calling the function, then convert it back
          Now, when you're trying to improve performance or figure out why d changes value subtly in this routine, you can rewrite the code as
          Comments are good things - you should use them copiously to explain your thinking. Any compiler can figure out WHAT you're doing; a human being can thus do likewise. Only a sentient being can determine WHY you're doing it. Use your comments to communicate with sentient beings. It may take a paragraph to explain a single line of code. A page of code may require only a single line of comment. Use your own judgement, but always remember that your target audience is someone completely inexperienced with your project somewhat inexperienced with the language you're using.
      • Re:Good point (Score:4, Interesting)

        by Codifex Maximus ( 639 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:52PM (#2657742) Homepage
        From a purely intrinsic point of view, I agree with you StaticEngine. From a purely practical point of view, I couldn't disagree more.

        Let me explain myself. I have been the type of programmer you speak of. I have written copiously commented code. I have properly formatted my code and used standardized function names and such. After all, I was taught in college to write and comment my code so that any programmer could walk in off the street and understand it easily; that made it easy to replace me and I was.

        It seems that when you follow good programming practice, you end up destroying your job security; and as silly as it sounds... it appears to be sooth.
        Jaded in a realistic world.
        • Job security? (Score:4, Insightful)

          by LinuxParanoid ( 64467 ) on Wednesday December 05, 2001 @10:20AM (#2659643) Homepage Journal
          Dude, think about what you are saying. Do you want to keep maintaining your old crappy code or pass that job onto someone else? Or do you want to go write some new code?

          Your perspective assumes your company requires a fixed amount of software. Think more imaginatively.

          Better documentation means you can shove maintenance to a more junior programmer with less pushback.

          Also, without good documentation, its a b*tch to try to outsource/handoff pieces of the code you don't want to bother writing.

          Besides, I don't care how well documented your code is, you should always be able to convince a boss that its more efficient for you to make changes to it (even at higher salary) than some cheaper guy who has never seen the code before.

      • by beable ( 170564 ) on Wednesday December 05, 2001 @06:10AM (#2658914) Homepage
        Clear, Consistant Formatting: [...] variables use Hungarian Notation or some other standard
        I find Hungarian notation much harder to read than not using it. For example, I find the Unix man page for strcpy which looks like this:
        char *strcpy(char *dest, const char *src);
        much easier to read than the Windows-style Help which is full of stuff like "LPCSTR lpBuf" and suchlike. The idea which is commonly called "Hungarian Notation" says that a variable name should include the type of the variable as a prefixed abbreviation in front of the name. This leads to stuff like:
        byte[] baBuf;
        whereas without Hungarian, it might be called:
        byte[] message;
        which would be much more meaningful.

        Especially in object-oriented programming, the type of a variable is the least important piece of information about the variable, and has no place being abbreviated and prefixed to the name. The most important thing about a variable is what the programmer is using the variable for, and that information should be what the name of the variable tells another programmer. If somebody really wants to know the type of a variable, then their editor or IDE should tell them what it is. If it doesn't tell them automatically, then they should look at the variable declaration, which will state exactly what type the variable is. If programmers want the variable name to tell them the type, then what is the point of declarations? And why bother putting a comment near the declaration saying what the variable is for, because people aren't going to read the declaration or comment anyway, because they are just going to look at the Hungarian warts.

        The argument that Hungarian notation reduces the possibility of assigning variables of different type to each other is long dead with compilers well capable of throwing errors if any incompatible type assignments are attended. I think that Hungarian notation is dead, or at least should be.
  • by Skyshadow ( 508 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @08:59PM (#2657515) Homepage
    Step 1: Hire my boss (God, please hire him away!).
    Step 2: Put him in charge of software development.
    Step 3: Do nothing as priorities change weekly and deadlines slip away.
    Step 4: Do nothing to stem exodus of clued-in employees to less-screwed companies.
    Step 5: Force remaining employees to work 15 hour days. Provide subtle reminders that there's a recession out there.
    Step 6: Do nothing as even non-clued-in employees flee.
    Step 7: Hire a sweatshop in China to crank out code; present this sound like a good idea.

    There, that was pretty easy. And, to be honest, everything beyond Step 1 pretty much happens on its own.

  • by Omerna ( 241397 ) <> on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @08:59PM (#2657516) Homepage
    I'd HIGHLY suggest reading a SoaNM. One of my favorite books (fiction or non).
  • by Sonicboom ( 141577 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:06PM (#2657548) Journal
    Alot of .com's I've worked at in the past 2-3 years always wanted to "lowball" developers and engineers, while lining the pockets of resource managers, implementation managers, marketing people, etc.

    Then a skilled/talented developer and/or engineer wants more money. The employer does nothing to retain them - thus the skilled/talented employee leaves.

    Now who maintains the code?

    The other problem is bringing in short term consultants for long term projects. The non-technical people who make these executive decisions don't seem to see the feasability of KEEPING their code maintained by the talented/skilled person who BEGAN the development on it.

    I know alot of consultants read /. - so I'll probably take a big hit on the karma - but I just was the casualty of another dotcom failure - and this was a seriousl problem.

    Another problem is hiring non-technical managers to manage technical people. At my last job we had a manager off of an automobile manufacturing production line quit his job at the auto company to take a job as the manager of a group of Unix admins. This "bumper jockey" had NO CLUE what we did for a living, and treated us like a bunch of unionized UAW slobs, and not like professionals.

    How can a non-technical boss effectively manage technical people???

    Also - how about all the Ceo, Cio, Cto, eieio - types with their big salaries, catered lunches, etc... Alot of them have NO programming or hands-on technical experience. Hell - I've had the CTO come up to me and tell me that "The Internet was broken" when he knocked the dongle out of the side of his laptop - severing the network connection. And this guy is our Chief Technology Officer???? *lmao*

    I'm not saying that only technological people can make technology companies work - but I do feel that managers should take some sort of hands-on classes to learn some basic programming and internet skills so they have SOME SORT OF CLUE about what WE all do for a living!
    • Death by Engineers (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Skyshadow ( 508 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:17PM (#2657617) Homepage
      I'm in the alternate situation: Too many of my execs (except, for some reason, the VP of Development) are engineers.

      This leads to a whole host of problems:

      Many of them tend think they're smarter than people in non-engineering roles.

      Pursuant to this, they don't think PR and marketing and sales are "hard" or really even "important".

      Again after #1, they're always right when in disagreement with marketing or sales guys.

      Most of them haven't developed in a decade+, so now they know just enough to be dangerous -- make micromanaging decisions about detailed subjects things they don't understand well enough, chase unnecessarily after bleeding edge tech, etc.

      Fail to understand that not everyone wants to always work 14 hours a day.

      Laugh off meetings, so that eventually nobody in the company knows whats going on.

      As a result, nobody's heard of us (no marketing budget, no trade shows, no nothing) and nobody's buying our products (engineers tend to make lousy sales guys; despite what they might believe, nobody wants to listen to a 3-hour ridiculously detailed presentation on your product).

      There's got to be a happy medium someplace.

    • Yeah, this seems to be a problem where one of my friends works. All the execs would rather lay off people than cut their salaries. We're talking about people who are making AT LEAST $500,000, while the engineers, who to my understanding are now being "encouraged" to work extra hours and weekends, are making something like $40,000 at this company.

      It is rapidly becoming harder for them to maintain their code, and develop new software that might earn them a profit.

  • by Iamthefallen ( 523816 ) <Gmail name: Iamthefallen> on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:07PM (#2657553) Homepage Journal
    Joel: Hmm. That reminds me that Microsoft learned the "no rewrite" lesson the hard way.

    Obviously, MS biggest problem though is that they don't know when to give up and actually rewrite. For instance, it seems that the windows series of operating systems are all made with the intent of being backwards compatible and reusing core parts back to early DOS systems. Backwards compatability and code reuse is nice and all, but there is a limit to it and a time to give up.

    It will however be interesting to see what comes out of the "total rewrite" of IIS.

  • by paulbd ( 118132 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:08PM (#2657564) Homepage
    ahem. what was NT for? sometimes, you just have to come to terms with the fact that as tested, bug-fixed and studied as a chunk of code may be, it was developed as part of a misconceived model of either visible functionality or internal architecture or both. DOS and its progeny like win32 were clearly cases of this, and MS weathered a complete rewrite c/o cutler and co. quite happily. the fact that there are examples of disastrous complete rewrites doesn't mean that the examples that worked are meaningless.
    • Ahem NT is a rehash of OS/2. I mean, the reason they support OS/2 in NT in the first place is that the kernal runs it directly. NT3.1 actually uses an OS/2 boot sector, and NTFS is a hacked version of HPFS with the same drive type.

      The reason they they need to go for a 32-bit system is that the hacks built into DOS was just not enough for their (then) expanding programs. Put simply, they exhausted DOS and were looking for help to get 32-bits under way. Hence the MS-IBM cooperation on OS/2, and NT from MS's fragment of it. FAT32 is another extention of the fs to allow the use of fat ideas into larger disks.

      The original name of NT was "OS/2 NT". It's just an evolution of an IBM product that they had code sharing rights for. Ironically, the first version of NT [ie 3.1] is correct: version 1 and 2 were the common OS/2 base.

      Apparently the one true MS invention was MS BOB. It has a massive entry in technet. Enough said.

    • several people have claimed that NT wasn't a rewrite and that it was based on OS/2. this is false. MS hired dave cutler from DEC, cutler picked a team of programmers, and they wrote "NT" (which stands for "New Technology" [sic]) from scratch. it was not derived from OS/2, though it may borrow ideas from it. it borrows as much from VMS as it does from OS/2. readers may be confusing the NT kernel (which i was referring to) with the NT UI (which i was not referring to.
      • Microsoft just did not borrow "Ideas" from it. They borrowed the actual code. Look at the file c:/winnt/system32/os2/oso001.009, which contains the OS error messages. I mean, they talk about formatting disks and OS/2 boot disks there.

        This system is not present in Win9x or WinME. So I would still stick with the notion that NT is a modified OS/2, probably with VMS hacks in it. But I can't see them not recycling something that works and that they can use.

    • Actually, NT was a completely different product line (servers, high-end workstations), with the eventual goal of replacing another product line (home PC's). Now, with XP, the "old" product line has been depreciated. It's also not ridden with 16bit code from the DOS era, as your post implies. Keep in mind that there's a difference between rewriting functionality, and even emulating functionality (for backward compatibility), then a complete rewrite of the entire codebase (in the millions of lines of code!)
    • NT was for nothing (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Sloppy ( 14984 )

      No one seems to be taking up this position in their replies to you, so I'll give it a try...

      Maybe NT really was a mistake. Maybe Microsoft would be even richer if they had just kept evolving Win9x and let it accrete more features.

      Did Microsoft really gain anything from NT? I don't mean gain things that important to geeks (reliability, performance, cleanliness, etc), I mean gain anything that is important to being commercially successful.

      Name one feature that NT has and 9x doesn't, which has resulted in increased revenue for Microsoft.

  • by reaper20 ( 23396 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:11PM (#2657578) Homepage
    True, MS's monopolistic policies notwithstanding:

    "Everyone thinks, poor Netscape, they were a victim of MS practices" - yes, they were, and yes, they innovated, but come to think of it, NS4 was crappy software that sucked.

    "Poor Real Networks, MS is integrating all that stuff into the OS." - Good riddance ... IMO anything Real makes has never made it out of Beta, and naturally, don't unload the stupid System Tray icon that leaks memory like a sieve, because "you could lose some key features and performance benefits."

    We blame Microsoft because their software sucks, and their practices suck ... but come to think of it, the only people to blame is Microsoft's competition, with their heads up their asses who can't put out decent software that works. Windows 95 didn't become the standard because it was great software, Win95 became the standard because OS/2 was marketed improperly, and IBM didn't work hard enough with OEMs. (that's gonna bring on flamage, so go ahead)

    Only now, with Linux and Open Source, can WE the users contribute to what we want, not what some guys proposed business model wants. I mean seriously ... I hate Microsoft as much as the next guy, having to put up with their software, but then again, I don't see many other "competitors" really trying ...

    ICQ pioneered instant messaging, but give me a break, the things been in beta for years and uses up more memory than most anything.

    My note to all burgeoning software companies - Make me something that doesn't suck,and I'll pay for it, don't force me to upgrade every 20 minutes to a more bloated piece of crap that is nothing more than a "portal" for all those neat advertising engines you've snuck in there....and I swear, if I hear someone say "monetize the desktop" .... heh...
    • Its not a level playing field. Blaming Microsoft competitors for releasing crappy software on windows ignores the significantly higher development costs incurred by orgs that don't have access to the real APIs, don't have advance knowledge of OS changes, don't have the ability to specify OS or API tweaks that will benefit their designs. Oh, and Microsoft app developers have a relatively lower risk that Microsoft will change the OS deliberately to break their app ("DOS ain't done til Lotus won't run").

      Think about it--can you name a non-microsoft app using OLE that actually works well? They can't *all* be fragile pieces of shit due to implementation incompetence.
      • I'm not saying that Microsoft is completely blameless, I'm just saying that it's not 100% Microsoft's fault.

        It just seems that all these software companies blame Microsoft because they can't keep up, and that might be true, but these guys aren't helping their own situations any.

        Maybe what - 60% MS monopolistic prices, 40% own vendor incompetence. Sure, 60% is high, and unfair, but there is never an excuse for incompetence either.
    • Your OS/2 comment is bang on. Technically OS/2 beat win95 in every way (back in 92/93). But IBM charged money for the dev kits. MS gave their's away (atleast for the first little bit). IBM failed to get hardware vendors onboard. MS paid hardware vendors to write drivers for win95. IBM ingnored the home market. MS put the home market square in their marketing sights. IBM's OS division couldn't even convince IBM's pc division to ship OS/2.

      OS/2 2.0 had the jump on win94 (ninety four) by a good year. When win95 finally shipped OS/2 had had two years to catch the market but did nothing.

    • Make me something that doesn't suck,and I'll pay for it, don't force me to upgrade every 20 minutes to a more bloated piece of crap...

      Unfortunately, if I write software that doesn't suck, doesn't need patches, and does what you want, you'll buy one copy (Netware 3 [], WinZip [], Eudora []) and in 2 years I'll be bankrupt.

      If I write software with tons of broken features and requiring constant upgrades for 'compatibility' and security (SAP [], QuickBooks [], and Windows 95 []), I'm guaranteed plenty of repeat customers.

      Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go buy a $100 ink cartridge for my $30 printer.
      • Dude, I'm sorry, but in that case, they shouldn't still be in business. It's the same thing with prescription drugs. When their stuff is new, it's the hot shit, and even gets patent protection, but after a while they have to move on and release new products to survive as a corporation. Why should winzip stay in business selling the same product for 15 years in a row?

        Ford, for example, stays in business not because Escorts suck so bad that you have to get the newest one every year to be road-compliant, but rather because people depend on their products and WANT to come back for the new ones. (Okay, maybe Ford is a bad example, but you get the gist.)
    • I challenge you to name a business that never made a mistake.

      They all do, or they all will make a mistake. Pointing out that Netscape or Real lost because of a mistake is disingenious, because EVERY business makes some sort of mistake. They spend too much time adding on buggy features, or they spend too much time getting it stable that they lack features, or both at the same time.

      But, Microsoft's monopoly position mean that they're almost immune from mistakes. They can afford to have 3 teams rewriting code. They can afford to be a loss-leader for YEARS. They can write crap, but make sure it gets users from version 2.0.

      And, Microsoft makes mistakes, mistakes that would put any other software house out of business. Look at how late they got into the internet, and how many people they bought out to catch up? The billions of dollars spent developing IE.

      At that level, Microsoft doesn't need to give a fuck if they make a mistake. They have immunity from mistakes. They can use their monopoly to hide it, cover it up, or get a second chance later. Others, without a monopoly, cannot afford the expense of keeping up.
  • If he said "Microsoft ate their lunch" one more time, I was gong to puke my lunch all over my keyboard.

    Anyhow, I think he speaks horrible advice from a computer science standpoint. "It dosen't matter how bad, buggy, cludgy, and crufty a code base is, never ever rewrite it". If you don't understand what the code is, if it's impossible to read, don't worry! that's the sign of good code!

    It speaks alot of Microsoft's tactics, do whatever it is that takes the absolute least effort possible, and charge as much as you possibly can for it. All of those other companies failed because they were focused on quality, whilst they were focused on nothing the bottom line.

    Here's what I think is the worst software sin: writting shitty code and pretending it's not shitty. Regardless of how much gloss you put on it, bad code is rotten to the core, and it reflects that in stability and security. Why on earth do you think Microsoft falls flat on its face in those areas?

    I remember a story about JD Rockefeller. He was touring one of his oil works, and he saw someone soldering the oil cans shut. He asked him how much solder he uses on each can. The man told him, something like 48. Rockefeller said "from now on, use 36". That's exactly the type of cutting corners companies like Microsoft do. THat's not good for the customers, it's not good for society, and it's not good capatilism.
    • Anyhow, I think he speaks horrible advice from a computer science standpoint. "It dosen't matter how bad, buggy, cludgy, and crufty a code base is, never ever rewrite it". If you don't understand what the code is, if it's impossible to read, don't worry! that's the sign of good code!

      And this is the difference between academic code and commercial code. Ever looked at 90% of the research projects from graduate students? Most of them barely work, or only work on one specific set of hardware (and not anything else), or require a huge set of work-arounds to get the code up and running. The reason for this is because this is theoretical work. It doesn't matter how well it works (well, unless your thesis is on optimization, but that's different), only that it works well enough to demonstrate your research. Commercial software is the complete opposite. It has to work, and work well, on many different configurations of hardware, and many different versions of software (Windows 95 vs 98 vs 98se vs ME vs XP, Windows NT4 vs 2K vs XP, Mac OS 7.x vs 8.x vs 9.x vs OS X, and so on), or your potential customers aren't going to buy it.

      It speaks alot of Microsoft's tactics, do whatever it is that takes the absolute least effort possible, and charge as much as you possibly can for it. All of those other companies failed because they were focused on quality, whilst they were focused on nothing the bottom line.

      You didn't read the interview, did you? One of the main points in there was that by throwing away your old code and re-writing from scratch, you're throwing away years of experience and bug fixes. To use the example he gave of the nasty function that was supposed to do something simple but had a whole bunch of seemingly useless extra crap in it, the point was that all those extra little things that you'd throw away in a rewrite were necessary bug fixes. You throw them away, and unless you wrote those bugfixes in the first place (not likely, and even if you did, not likely you would remember), you lose all that information. That means that your new, "cleaner" version is very likely going to have similar bugs. Perhaps even the same bugs you fixed in your older, crufty code. Rewriting your code from the ground up is not focusing on "quality" (it may be focusing on "quality of code", which is a pretty useless standard so long as your code is proprietary), but instead focusing on "triviality". The bottom line is that in business (any business, not just the software development business), the bottom line is what's important. If you don't like that, stick to academia. You'll be happier there, and your potential peers in the commercial arena will be happier having you there.

      I remember a story about JD Rockefeller. He was touring one of his oil works, and he saw someone soldering the oil cans shut. He asked him how much solder he uses on each can. The man told him, something like 48. Rockefeller said "from now on, use 36". That's exactly the type of cutting corners companies like Microsoft do. THat's not good for the customers, it's not good for society, and it's not good capatilism.

      Irrelevant red herring, and a bad example to boot. You're equating a potentially dangerous situation (in your example, less solder means a less solid joint, which means the oil could leak) with a harmless situation (reusing your old code, crufty as it is). In one case you're making a conscious decision to be less safe, while in the other you're making a conscious decision to leverage the work that's already been done.

      As I said, I don't think you read the article. If it makes financial sense (you will sell enough copies to recoup your extra development cost and extended time to market), then there's nothing wrong with re-writing code (though Joel did suggest looking at the old codebase while writing the new, so that you won't miss any of those one-off bug fixes that are neccessary but are also the source of the cruft). The problem is that it rarely makes much sense. Especially when you're in a competitive market (as all the examples he gave were -- when you're competing against Microsoft, the worst possible thing you can do is be more concerned about code quality than making a featureful, useable product that's available quickly).

    • by Chris Johnson ( 580 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @10:12PM (#2657839) Homepage Journal
      No no- it IS good capitalism, BECAUSE straight uncut winner-take-all capitalism is not good for society.

      What you're seeing there _is_ capitalism- it just happens to be 'laissez-faire'. Under current conditions, those guys are the only ones who survive, because they 'eat the lunch' of everybody else and make sure there's no choice to resort to, by hook or by crook. In strict laissez-faire as it's practiced in the modern world, there is no concept of 'society' at all. It's 100% Union Carbide and there is no such place as Bhopal...

      Now, it's important to remember that there are OTHER types of capitalism, but to claim laissez-faire isn't capitalism seems a bit wrong. The trouble here is that you are aware of society and things like consequences to actions, perhaps you are aware of stuff like game theory that proves 'best doesn't always win' and you object to the rules of the game being virtually nonexistent, because you see what happens and you don't like it.

      However, to do something about it you'll have to encourage a different sort of capitalism than the laissez-faire one we live with, and until then it will be about 'eating lunch' and to hell with society, customers, or even basic fitness to the task.

      ...which explains why a lot of people like you are resorting to Linux or otherwise building and maintaining their own cyber 'tools'! One failure mode of this laissez-faire is that there will always be a certain number of people who find it easier to actually do the work themselves, than to struggle with crap every day. 'Eating their lunch' only matters to an accountant- if you're talking about a tool you need, and it's an IMPORTANT tool, then you may be forced to place a much higher value on its quality than a laissez-faire marketplace would ever support.

  • by gmack ( 197796 )
    Old code does indeed age.. what happens when you tweak a program to do something you hadn't thought of when you designed it?

    What happens when you cludge it a coupple more times?

    Eventually you need to go back and redesign the section you are working on from the ground up with all of your goals in mind.

    This is not throwing out the old knowlege it's learning from it and there are plenty of examples where it's worked out for the best.

    What was spelled out in the interview was a recipy for a buggy mess.
  • Code rewrite (Score:3, Informative)

    by Dominic_Mazzoni ( 125164 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:15PM (#2657603) Homepage
    A lot of the article is about whether or not you should ever rewrite code.

    SMS: Joel, what, in your opinion, is the single greatest development sin a software company can commit?

    Joel: Deciding to completely rewrite your product from scratch, on the theory that all your code is messy and bug prone and is bloated and needs to be completely rethought and rebuild from ground zero.

    SMS: Uh, what's wrong with that?

    Joel: Because it's almost never true. It's not like code rusts if it's not used. The idea that new code is better than old is patently absurd. Old code has been used. It has been tested. Lots of bugs have been found, and they've been fixed. There's nothing wrong with it.

    Joel blasts rewriting code some more, but doesn't really get into alternatives. Instead he talks about forcing programmers to get with the program, and if they don't, fire them.

    Isn't there sometimes a happy medium between completely rewriting the whole codebase and continuing to hack it up? For example, maybe you can identify certain modules that can be isolated and rewritten, then tested rigorously against the old code to make sure they're functionally identical. Or you could separate the old code into a library that just does the computational part of a program, and then write a new GUI around it from scratch.

    He takes Netscape as an example, saying the worst mistake they made was to rewrite it from scratch.

    I admit that it would have been nice if they released the source code to Netscape 4.x, and not just Mozilla. Even if the code was the most gawd-awful thing in the world, in the years since Mozilla started don't you think we (the open-source community) could have at least fixed some of the more annoying bugs in Netscape?

    • Re:Code rewrite (Score:3, Insightful)

      by mav[LAG] ( 31387 )
      Isn't there sometimes a happy medium between completely rewriting the whole codebase and continuing to hack it up?

      This happy medium is described well by Bruce Eckel in Thinking in C++ []. He says in the chapter on design (paraphrased): "don't worry that getting some aspects of a design wrong will mean you have to rewrite everything. You won't - properly-written classes shield you from your mistakes." This is from the section that talks about the problems that occur early on in implementation, but applies equally to rewrites.

      For example, maybe you can identify certain modules that can be isolated and rewritten, then tested rigorously against the old code to make sure they're functionally identical.

      This is called refactoring and is now a widely-accepted industry standard practice for improving a codebase without rewriting it from scratch. The official web site is here [].
  • by Bwah ( 3970 ) <RndmNmbr AT gmail DOT com> on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:16PM (#2657605)
    With your average application from scratch rewites are probably UnCool for the reasons mentioned in the article.

    For other kinds of systems I'm going to have to argue that rewites can be very beneficial.

    For systems where the development team has access to a regression test suite and the old (working) code at the same time rewrites are much more easily done. You simply treat the existing code like a prototype. Something that captures all of your requirements, but maybe not using a design that ended up working out (read as: turned into a freaking hairball as time passed!) You work through the old code, understand it, and then build up a new design that works out cleanly in all of the places where the old code was a hack.

    When you are all done (or as you are working), you hit it with the test suite. This works out best if your process requires that all of those pesky little bugs found in the old code had to have test cases to reproduce them. (Obvisouly there are limits to this ... the infamous 1 in a million "random" crash, etc.)

    Anyway, I think Joel's statement was just a little to broad. He's correct in some cases, but not all. Of course maybe I'm just one of those overly confident coder types ...
  • by deander2 ( 26173 ) <`public' `at' `'> on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:17PM (#2657611) Homepage

    Hold on, this man worked at Microsoft from 1991 to 1994. He led the Excel team. He led the VB team. This was win16. Excel is great now, but do you remember how much it sucked before office 95? And who the heck used VB for 3.1?

    Even better! he wrote the Juno e-mail application. Believe me, this was no fine engineering here. Why does he know better then anyone other Tom, Dick or Harry what makes software project tick?
    • Guys, if there's one thing we've seen, it's that good software does not always = profitable software. Like it or not, the big money is in programs like Windows that may not be all that great technically,. but have the marketing and OEM contracts to force it into becoming a standard.

      Likewise, Juno wasn't great from a technical perspective, but that's not why it's a giant FUBAR. It's the business model that's crippling the company - how many times do we need to see that even limited ad-sponsored ISPS Just Don't Work.

      Would I go to Joel for advice on how to actually write code for a given project. I don't think so, no - he's almost certainly a good programer, but there are plenty of other people out there who're probably more skilled. But from the perspective of managing software development - well, Joel does have a lot of experience doing THAT successfully (at least at MS).

      One last thought - I wouldn't hold Juno against him as proof of business stupidity - he wrote that client in a simpler time, an innocent time. A time when click-throughs really were worth something - or so the marketing mavens thought.
    • >why are we listening to this guy?

      Um.. possibly because this guy has a better track record that *you* do when it comes to pushing out reasonable quality *commercial* software, and on time?
  • Not "fron scratch" (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Brian Kendig ( 1959 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:18PM (#2657619)
    Just a correction to a point raised in the interview:

    Netscape made the "single worst strategic mistake that any software company can make" by deciding to rewrite their code from scratch.

    Netscape didn't rewrite the browser from scratch. Back in April 1998, Communicator 4 was the current version; to get from there to the open-source Mozilla browser, everything that couldn't be distributed (code from other companies, and security code with export restrictions) was stripped out of the source code. What was left was made available as the start of Mozilla. It didn't even compile at first, but Mozilla didn't start from scratch.

    Admittedly, the fact that this next-generation browser hardly worked at all for more than three years did keep Netscape from capturing any market share, but the browser had already been commoditized, and the battle had already been lost.

    I think that the real browser battle is yet to come -- when the bulletproof and iron-clad Mozilla, carefully fine-tuned to scratch every developer's personal itch, is finally ready sometime next year to take on whatever Microsoft has got. I think that's when the real interesting things will happen -- not just on the technical and marketing fronts, but also on the legal front, as Microsoft finds ways to make sure Mozilla isn't a threat...
    • You misunderstand (Score:3, Interesting)

      by Shoeboy ( 16224 )
      He's not talking about the Mozilla project, he's talking about the transition from 3.0 to 4.0. Basically Netscape threw away a lot of good code and some very nice algorithms for the sake of newness. They also developed a java fixation while the language and libraries were still very immature.

      By the time the Mozilla project was announced, Netscape was already out of marketshare and had a product that was cleary inferior to ie 4. Considering the amount of bugs in the initial release of ie 4, making an inferior product was no easy feat.

      Jamie Zawinski [] has a great deal to say about this period in Netscapes history.

  • by kcbrown ( 7426 ) <> on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:19PM (#2657626)
    1. Act like a cheezy salesdroid. Promise to implement everything the "customer" (usually some other department of the company) requests and tell them that it will be done in a very short period of time like, say, a month or two. Mutually exclusive features are really good here. Say and do whatever it takes to "sell" them on the project.
    2. Talk with the "customer" on a regular basis. Promise to make all changes that they request, especially the ones that would normally be far outside of the scope of the project -- the ones that any sane engineer would insist requires a redesign. Promise that it won't be a problem to make these changes and that it'll only take a couple of weeks at most.
    3. Push your developers hard. I mean really hard. They'll have to work 20 hour days for weeks at a stretch in order to meet the design goals and the target release date, after all, and they do work for you, after all, and you did promise the "customer" it would be done on time, after all. When the project gets behind schedule, fire the team lead(s) to provide "motivation" for the rest of the developers and to show everyone that you mean business. They were just getting in the way anyway. It doesn't matter that they had the most knowledge about the project, because we all know that software is easy.
    4. When you near completion of the project (assuming your developers haven't bailed out on you already, but hey, the economy sucks right now so they'll be happy to be your bitches), hold another meeting with the "customer". You're almost sure to discover that they didn't really need what you're building that much anyway. Oh, well, at least it was good exercise for your developers! At least, for those that are still around. Hold a meeting with your developers, declare victory, and retreat (um, I mean "advance in the opposite direction").

    No, I'm not cynical. Honest.

  • by Osty ( 16825 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:19PM (#2657629)

    From the interview's lead-in material:

    As a Program Manager on the Microsoft Excel team, Joel designed Excel Basic and drove Microsoft's Visual Basic for Applications strategy.

    At Microsoft, the job title of Program Manager is given to the people that design the software. They dream it up, write the specs, hold countless meetings, and basically lay the path for the developers to follow. The developers (Software Design Engineer) are tasked with actually programming that software (and thus would be considered "programmers"). Just to round out the roster, the Software Design Engineers in Test (SDET) write the testing suites used by the test teams, and the Software Test Engineers apply those suites to the code following a test plan that they create. In that heirarchy, only the SDE and SDET jobs could be accurately described as "programmers".

    Note that this is actually not so cut and dried, wherein SDEs often do design work and test work, and SDETs often do the work of SDTs. PMs don't program, however (well, aside from javascript&html prototypes, anyway).

    The point? Calling this Joel an ex-Microsoft programmer is misleading, because he was not. However, the position he held at Microsoft actually lends more credence to his views on design than if he were actually an ex-programmer, as part of the job description of a program manager is doing software design.

    (Brief descriptions of all these job titles can be found at Microsoft's college site [].)

  • This guy is a turd! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by king_ramen ( 537239 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:22PM (#2657637)
    Ok, I give him points for pragmatism. I don't think anybody in their right mind will criticize Microsoft for failing to capture market share.

    However, I feel slimy for just reading that stuff. Here is what I got:

    1. Bugs are fine if they get your product delivered.
    2. Load in useless features to drive sales, knowing that your code will suck.
    3. Once you have gobs of crap code and a large user base, there will never exist the possibility of re-designing things (eg, WinXP) since it doesn't matter that code sucks (see point 1) and all that counts is revenue.
    4. Being efficient is a waste of time. Let the hardware catch up with the crap code.
    5. The customer never has valid input anyway.
    6. Do it fast and furious, even if January 1900 is broken. Consumers are idiots anyway.

    These may be great for sales, but ultimately you will build crap. Garbage in, garbage out. I would rather design good software that was well designed and efficient than vomit up mounds of bloat that will ultimately topple under its own weight.

    Software built poorly will never hold up over time. If you look at how little UNIX has had to change over the past 30 years to keep up with "The Internet Age" versus the amount of work done to get XP "working", the future looks bleak for Microsoft. In 20 years, their OS need 25GB of RAM simply to boot up. Of course, this seems not to concern them.

    • How fucking dense are you? Windows XP is a couple of interface changes on top of the Windows 2000 codebase which itself goes back to the Windows NT 3/4 codebase. The NT design paradigm is one where if you want to add features you just add system services. Want to do some funky .NET strategy? Just add a set of services to handle SOAP requests for DCOM objects. You don't just jam a Unix kernel onto some hardware and suddenly the system serves web pages, crunches keys, and makes coffee.

      As for the points you bring up, you can't possibly understand writing software meant to be sold. Bugs are a part of anything, do you think your mom's care rolled out of the factory absolutely bug free? Features do drive sales, sales provide a means for continued development and the feeding of one's family. Not everyone lives with mommy and daddy. Completely trashing old code is often times retarded, clean up dirty patches and whatnot but you don't scrap working code entirely. Writing ultra efficient software is often a waste of time since you're hammered by schedules. Today's screamer is a POS in 18 months, product life cycles are often only a little bit longer than that especially in business environments. People running Windows 95B on old 166 Pentiums are probably still using Office 95 or 97, they don't give a shit about new features. New features are the concern of people who really rely on new dodads and whistles. Customers know shit about development most of the time and you often times know what they are going to say. Read the fucking article man, he goes into why customer's suggestions mean shit.
    • Hmm, sort of. . . (Score:3, Interesting)

      by JSBiff ( 87824 )
      As for point 1, I don't really think Joel would say that bugs are "good" or that they shouldn't be fixed. Just fix them in the most economical manner.

      I do somewhat agree with you on the other points, though I'm going to take the liberty of doing some "charitable" interpreting of Joel on a couple of the points:

      2. Load in useless features to drive sales, knowing that your code will suck.

      I think, with respect to this, Joel isn't interested in useless features. What he is basically saying is that if users REALLY want a feature, you're stupid to to take the attitude that "I know better than you: you don't need this feature". You just lose customers that way. Remeber, the customer is always right.

      3. Once you have gobs of crap code and a large user base, there will never exist the possibility of re-designing things (eg, WinXP) since it doesn't matter that code sucks (see point 1) and all that counts is revenue.

      Well, although I do believe there are certain situations where a complete re-write is in order, I think he makes a valid point. I think Joel (again I'm interpreting here) would say that it is better to revise the current code, clean the current buggy code up and "perfect" it rather than to start over. After all, starting over doesn't even guarantee you that the new code will be any less crufty than the old code, just different! (Although, sometimes your design was fundamentally flawed to begin with and you need to start over to deal with the intrinsic problems in it, but hopefully those kinds of problem can also be dealt with by revisioning instead of starting over completely.) Start over with a new code base and you just end up with new bugs sometimes. Plus, as he points out, not releasing an updated product in the market for 3 or 4 years REALLY hurts a technology company.

      4. Being efficient is a waste of time. Let the hardware catch up with the crap code.

      Hmm, he does sound a bit like he's saying that. But, to be charitable again, I'll interpret him as meaning that it's not worth spending a lot of money and time to get small incremental performance increases or size decreases. But, obviously you're not going to set out to make your code as inefficient as possible. And he does have somewhat of a point about Moore's law. How many people are still using WordPerfect 5.1? Undoubtedly there are still a few people. . . but is Corel making any money from those people? Probably not, and since Corel is a company that needs (desperately at this point) to make money, they are going to add features that user want, that they think will give them a competitive advantage to Microsoft, even if that means increasing the size of the program a little bit.
    • by slamb ( 119285 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @10:03PM (#2657799) Homepage

      These may be great for sales, but ultimately you will build crap. Garbage in, garbage out. I would rather design good software that was well designed and efficient than vomit up mounds of bloat that will ultimately topple under its own weight.

      Everything he said was focused on achieving commercial success. He gave solid examples of times when companies did not do as he suggests and failed commercially. I can't think of too many examples of companies that have succeeded overwhelmingly by doing otherwise.

      On the other hand, he did not talk about sculpting perfect software people will use for decades to come. I can think of software that succeeded in this respect, and it didn't do it by following his advice. (TeX comes to mind.)

      For example, he talked about bloatware, saying it is a good thing. "Features make users' lives better if they use them, and don't usually hurt if they don't." I disagree with this when talking about "hurt" as "making the software more painful to use" instead of "cutting sales". Extra features introduce more bugs and take away from the time programmers could be fixing other bugs. They shouldn't be added until everything else is perfectly solid and possibly not even then.

      Really, I think there is a time for to listen to what this guy has to say and a time to completely ignore it. If you're developing a commercial project, his advice has a certain merit. If you're doing something as a hobby, producing a good piece of software you're proud of is much more important than producing a product before your competitors.

  • by Skim123 ( 3322 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:25PM (#2657643) Homepage
    From Robert Cringely: Microsoft's C# Language Might Be the Death of Java, but Sun's the One to Blame []

    Yes, there are a lot of companies who have been squashed (or, as Joel would say, "Had their lunch eaten") by Microsoft in large part because of Microsoft's money/marketing, but there are also a lot of companies that nose dived into failure because of their own ignorant business and technology decisions.

    While Microsoft may not like the costs and annoyance of court cases and DOJ action, it must give them some satisfaction because most of those companies bringing suit against Microsoft are doing so because they think that's their best option. I would argue that for these plantiffs making better products would be a "better option."

  • by Ars-Fartsica ( 166957 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:47PM (#2657718)
    Joel assumes that crusty code is always filled with knowledge. No, sometimes its filled with crap. More code often means more bugs, not less.

    I agree with the spririt of what he is saying - often the "rewrite" is an ego thing - one programmer wanting to write his code instead of reading someone else's, but there is no doubt that most serious professional programmers have looked at code that simply needs to be thrown away.

  • I was just going to say "hand them over to me," but if you want to get all technical and long winded, be my guest.
  • Bloatware (Score:2, Insightful)

    by Shafalus ( 181224 )

    I have learnt a lot of good practices from one [] or two [] of Spolsky's articles, and for that I was prepared to put up with his cocky know-all attitude and routine rubbishing of every software company except the ones he has stock in, but lately he is full of tendentious statements like

    In 1993, Microsoft Excel 5.0 took up about $36 worth of hard drive space. In 2000, Microsoft Excel 2000 takes up about $1.03 in hard drive space. All adjusted for inflation. So stop whining about how bloated it is.

    So the space it takes on the hard drive is the only cost of bloatware? Try downloading IE 6 on a dialup connection and then check your phone bill.

  • by Velex ( 120469 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @09:48PM (#2657729) Journal

    It's supposed to be a simple function to display a window or something, but for some reason it takes up two pages and has all these ugly little hairs and stuff on it and nobody knows why. OK. I'll tell you why. Those are bug fixes. One of them fixes that bug that Jill had when she tried to install the thing on a computer that didn't have Internet Explorer. Another one fixes a bug that occurs in low memory conditions. Another one fixes some bug that occurred when the file is on a floppy disk and the user yanks out the diskette in the middle. That LoadLibrary call is sure ugly but it makes the code work on old versions of Windows 95. When you throw that function away and start from scratch, you are throwing away all that knowledge. All those collected bug fixes. Years of programming work.

    Now, maybe I'm just ignorant because I've never really developed anything with the 640k barrier or had to haggle with XMS and EMS and other whatnot, but it seems to me that those bugfixes are needed because there's something else fundamentaly wrong with the code. IMO, sometimes you just have to rewrite, because your code is just fundamentally wrong.

    Take DOS, for example. Microsoft added Windows. Then they made a bootloader, added real multitasking, and called it Windows 95, which wasn't that bad. Then they made some fixes, and called it Windows 98, which supported newer hardware, but was more unstable. Then only God and the developers at Microsoft know what happened to Windows ME, but that's when the bugfixes started causing bugs themselves. I mean, plugging in a USB printer shouldn't freeze the entire system!

    Microsoft knew that they had a fundamentally wrong approach to an OS, so they wrote NT, 2K, and are new phasing out ME in favor of XP. XP replaces ME because ME is crap. However, this dude doesn't seem to realize that his own company isn't following is "wisdom."

    Maybe I'm just cynnical, but I wonder if there is some kind of ulterior motive here.

    • I agree with you that sometimes the design is fundamentally, intrinsically flawed and needs to be thown out; but more often times you can revise and evolve code.

      As far as Microsoft redesigning the OS with NT:
      Microsoft is one of the few companies who can afford, financially, to have parallel development teams. When Microsoft started building NT they had help in funding the development because IBM was helping them (remember that NT started out of the OS/2 project that Microsoft was working on with IBM). And later on they had made such a fortune on Win95 + Office 95/97 that they had more than enough money to fund parallel development.

      Microsoft realized that, at least in the early versions of NT, normal users would have a hard time administering NT and running a lot of the programs they wanted to use under NT. That is why they paid developers to keep developing Win9X/ME, EVEN AFTER they decided to redesign the OS. I would say that Win2k Pro is the first version of NT that most users would have no more problems with than if they were using Win9x.

      Since most companies can't afford to keep parallel development teams in order to maintain the old product until the new product is "ready" for all their users, it usually (though not always, I think) makes more sense financially to try to evolve and revise the current code base.

      Point 2: Microsoft IS, in most cases, following exactly the strategy that Joel outlines. Take Internet Explorer for example. Up until IE4, IE just plain sucked as a browser. Microsoft kept revising/evolving it though; With 4 it still had lots of annoying things about it, but was generally usable. With 5.x they fixed more bugs, got a lot of things working fairly well (of course, there were still some things that were annoying about it, especially from a web developers' perspective, like a bad implementation of Cascading Style Sheets, which still isn't quite right (but I'd hasten to add that Netscape 4.x's implementation of CSS is much worse; sometimes valid CSS would CRASH some of the 4.x browsers). Now they've released IE 6. Still not perfect, but adequate and productive for most users. The point of my writing about IE like this is that Microsoft has been able to, relatively quickly, revise their browser, whereas Mozilla/Netscape6 has basically become really useable only in the last 4 months or so (here's where I point out that I'm composing this in Mozilla under Linux).

      So, I'd say that Joel's point is somewhat valid, and that Microsoft, in fact, does follow his logic, in most cases (Office, SQL Server/BackOffice, IE, etc).
  • He missed one (Score:5, Interesting)

    by drodver ( 410899 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @10:34PM (#2657932)
    He missed expecting developers to work 9+ hour days as standard practice. A good book is "Debugging the Development Process". The author also worked at Microsoft, he was a project manager for a couple of different projects that were missing deadlines. He said often they were working 12 hour days all the time. When he started making people go home and also managed the to-do-list better the project would stabalize.
  • by ortholattice ( 175065 ) on Tuesday December 04, 2001 @11:49PM (#2658180)
    According to Joel, the single greatest development sin a software company can commit is "deciding to completely rewrite your product from scratch, on the theory that all your code is messy and bug prone and is bloated...A programmer will whine about a function that he thinks is messy. It's supposed to be a simple function to display a window or something, but for some reason it takes up two pages and has all these ugly little hairs and stuff on it and nobody knows why. OK. I'll tell you why. Those are bug fixes. One of them fixes that bug that Jill had when she tried to install the thing on a computer that didn't have Internet Explorer. Another one fixes a bug that occurs in low memory conditions. Another one fixes some bug that occurred when the file is on a floppy disk and the user yanks out the diskette in the middle. That LoadLibrary call is sure ugly but it makes the code work on old versions of Windows 95. When you throw that function away and start from scratch, you are throwing away all that knowledge. All those collected bug fixes. Years of programming work."

    My God. So this is what Microsoft code looks like? It's a miracle it can be maintained at all. This sounds like sloppy coding by trial-and-error, at its worst. Code filled with "ugly little hairs and stuff" that "nobody knows why" is almost a guaranteed recipe for buggy, unstable code. If all these "bug fixes" were properly commented to begin with there would be no argument as to why they should be kept. Thank God for open source, where programmers are _proud_ to show off their code (well, a lot of them, anyway).

    I would attribute the successfulness of Microsoft, and the failure of others, to factors other than the quality of its code.

    • You don't code much do you? The point is that the environment you are given may not work as told.

      This sounds like sloppy coding by trial-and-error, at its worst.

      Not always:
      Example: The hardware on device X has a timing hazard under conditions Y. Even if your code is perfect it will not work under every condition (that is the real world). So under that condition you do something that seems to have nothing to do with the design under normal condtions. Voila! Problem is solved your code is more robust.

      In the land of make-believe you can just ask the hardware maker to recall their million+ units to fix your silly little issue, but we live in reality.

      Those "ugly little hairs" may not make sense to the 10th maintainer on the project that was ported three platforms ago (Even if commented). I've seen alot of opensource code and some of its pretty damn unreadble. I've seen libraries given with no api reference or samples, drivers with no documentation, and the list goes on. I guess "real men" figure it out just by reading the source. While wasting hours trying to get the code to work in their project.

      Poorly documented open source is just as closed as proprietary code.

  • by bug1 ( 96678 ) on Wednesday December 05, 2001 @12:20AM (#2658275)
    This article is really about the economics of rewritting software.

    The fundamental difference between free software and commercial software is that free software is about the product, commercial software places a higher value on the profit than the product.

    The classic engineering design method is to build something, break it, build it again break it again, etc etc.

    Ive never heard of good engineering design comming from build it, break it, fix just the bit that failed, break it, fix just the bit that failed, etc

    The whole program is one product, patches dont always fit in nicely with the overall program flow, thats when a program becomes ugly.

    Ugly code is more costly to free software because it stops people wanting to get involved, if commercial software is ugly they just pay them more money or something, managment doesnt care how much programmers like readign the code, they just care that it works and its on time/budget
  • by DocStoner ( 236199 ) on Wednesday December 05, 2001 @12:21AM (#2658280)
    [1st and foremost: I use and support Microsoft products. The software and OS's work "OK". No further explanation or flaming is necessary.]

    Everything this guy says tells programmers to consider the bottom line, the almighty dollar. This attitude works in other industries, but will eventually bite them in the ass. (Automotive anyone?)
    He's actually giving us the directions on how to beating MS. So, if you are producing such and are in this to make a fortune today instead of tomorrow... take notes they will be invaluable... for the near future.
    However, we all know this is the worst advice for those of us who use and program open source software. We want simple code. We want it to do just the basics. If it's too basic for you, here's the code, feel free to add to it.
    Remember the automotive industry? Japan (and Germany) started out with simple basic cars and trucks. And the typical American car buyer? "They're so small, so plain and slow." Hmmm, now these little 4-cylinders are blowing the doors off of the bigger American cars. Because each time they built their cars, they started out simple and refined each part before they added on.
    MS is winning today, but soon people will like their programs and OS's like they demnd their cars now, reliable and economical. It will happen, but how long will it take?
  • by jspolsky ( 541429 ) on Wednesday December 05, 2001 @01:27AM (#2658454) Homepage
    Let me tell you a bit about the context of everything that I write at Joel On Software []. Everything I say should only be taken as advice if your goal is to write (a) commercial (b) software (c) for lots of people that (d) succeeds, or at least has a pretty good chance of it. I run a tiny software company, Fog Creek Software [], in a niche where Microsoft has (at least) two competing products. I'm not any happier about Microsoft's dominance than anyone else. I don't own Microsoft stock. On the other hand, I try to be as rational, logical, and non-religious about every decision I make because it's the only chance I have of succeeding.

    Yes, it's true. If you make a major mistake, you get killed, often by Microsoft. Some people think it's a pretty sad state. I just think it's capitalism and evolution. Dodo birds are extinct, and so is Visicalc. I don't want to be extinct, so I try to learn from the mistakes of the companies that have tried to go up against Microsoft. It's easy for me because I was inside and I know something about the way R&D worked at Microsoft. I've tried to share many of these lessons on my site.

    To succeed in commercial software you have to get beyond being shrill and angry about Microsoft. You have to be cool headed and smart and study the past and make the right decisions for your company, not the right decisions for some arbitrary sense of aesthetics (although of course I am as big a fan of clean documented code as anyone.)

    Production code is not so pretty. Open source code is not so pretty. No real code is all that pretty. It takes time to study it, understand it, and read it, to understand how it got the way it is. The more widely the code is used, the more true that is. For Fog Creek's latest software product, CityDesk [], we stayed up one night tracking down a bug that only happened on Chinese Windows, where asc(chr(x)) turned out not to be equal to x, an assumption we had been making. How many of you ever thought about getting your code to work on Chinese Windows? No matter how well that piece of code was designed, I'm sorry, I've been programming for 20 years and I never realized that asc(chr(x)) was not always equal to x on some platforms, and I designed it wrong, and until someone tried it on Chinese Windows, I never would have known. Now the code uses byte arrays instead of strings and doesn't have that problem. There's a nice comment in the code saying "use byte arrays instead of strings because of MBCS versions of Windows." The code now works perfectly, but the byte arrays are a little bit uglier than strings. If ten years from now somebody rewrites CityDesk from scratch, I'll guarantee you that 95% of the Windows programmers working today would make the same mistake again, and stay up all night again.

    If a piece of your code is ugly and doesn't work, by all means, rewrite that piece. If it's ugly and works perfectly, you're wasting valuable hours rewriting it, time that could be spent doing something that will gain you market share. If you really have an undecipherable mess of spaghetti, 9 times out of 10 you're just being lazy about deciphering it because it seems like more fun to create it from scratch, but it's the ultimate in arrogance to think that your newly created from-scratch version is going to be all that great.

    • How many of you ever thought about getting your code to work on Chinese Windows? ... The code now works perfectly, but the byte arrays are a little bit uglier than strings. If ten years from now somebody rewrites CityDesk from scratch, I'll guarantee you that 95% of the Windows programmers working today would make the same mistake again, and stay up all night again.


      The right solution, which many would take if doing it again today, is to do it all in Unicode.

  • by barfy ( 256323 ) on Wednesday December 05, 2001 @03:18AM (#2658680)
    He is correct that a rewrite is expensive, and can (and usually does) take a long time.

    However, the mistake is not in doing the rewrite, but in not managing the process well.

    The number one reason for doing a rewrite is for a cleaner, more stable architecture for writing new features against. The need for a new architecture is discovered in the process of adding new code to the old, and discovering issues that were not adequately addressed in the older version, or in learning better methodologies, or in the existence of better tools and programming processes.

    Programs that have been improved by a total rewrite...

    Windows NT/XP over DOS (and DOS windows)
    Excel over Multimate
    Word For Windows over Word for DOS.
    Adobe Indesign over PageMaker
    Quake over Doom
    Quake II over Quake

    That is off the top of my head...

    ALL real successful software was origninally generated by extremely small teams of EXCELLENT *STAR* quality programmers. (There are not very many of them. If you don't believe that programming is a talent industry, you don't really understand what it takes to make successful commercial software).

    The only real other option is unlimited resources (time and money) and it seems that where this exists is at Microsoft, and in some open-source projects.

    The biggest problem comes from management believing that random team of programmers can create a new platform from scratch and that it can be done in a schedule that permits dropping the old code base.

    ID does it by continuing to build new platforms with very small extremely talented teams.

    ADOBE and Microsoft did it, with lots of time energy and effort, with parallel development against the old code base.

    But this does not mean that it shouldn't be done. Those that do not rewrite eventually lose, because they are not able to respond to the market on the old code base, and are not able to make the kind of advances that a required by the customer base to upgrade if they use thier product already, or to switch or begin using their product if they hadn't already been convinced.

    Managers are going to be disserved in the long term by reading Joels thoughts on the process, and ultimately the companies they work for will be eaten for lunch by new competitors that are not burdened by legacy code, but also really understand well the problem space they are trying to solve.
  • by Junks Jerzey ( 54586 ) on Wednesday December 05, 2001 @10:14AM (#2659598)
    Like Joel, I have been programming for 20 years, so I'm certainly not trolling just because what I have to say isn't the in thing with the core of the Slashdot audience.

    I read Joel's interview yesterday, before it was mentioned here. Good interview, I thought, he makes lots of good points. But the debate about it here has nothing whatsoever to do with what was said there. Many of the comments key off of the word "Microsoft" and so immediately assume that the interview is crap and has something to do with justifying Microsoft's monopoly position (are these people really bots?).

    Most of the the comments, though, are taking little bits of advice and twisting them around into mini-lectures about commenting style or programming issues, or they're simply being used as jumping off points for the poster's own spouting. Let me make this perfectly clear:

    These people are not professional programmers.

    Anyone who has been through the wringer of commercial software development, and not just a few classes and some tiny open source projects, wouldn't be so religious about such trivialities. Real software development is different. It is not a battle between the Evil Bad Commenters and the Perfection of Beautiful Computer Science (or more correctly What My Professor Said in Class Last Semester). That's not how it works at all. All programmers know about commenting, about indentation style, and so on. There's more to developing commercial products, though: deadlines, missed features, last minute requests from the client, strict requirements for supported platforms, and so on. In this kind of environment, commenting style is a very minor issue (not to say it isn't important, but ranting about it is like ranting to an experienced guitarist about your pet music theories--when you barely know how to play guitar at all). A good way of spotting such people is to ask them what they think of "goto." Odds are you'll get all sorts of vitriol about the evils of goto and the benefits of structured programming and how you should never, never, ever, even if your life depended on it use a goto. An experience programmer would shrug and say "sometimes they are useful, sometimes not."

    My advice: Learn, practice, work on projects, and over the years you'll become a pro. A college student without significant software engineering experience is not in a position to rant about how commercial development doesn't fit his ideals. The true sign of experienced developers is that they've been through it all and have enough experience that they don't feel the need to rant every chance they get--or at all.
  • Death March (Score:3, Insightful)

    by beanerspace ( 443710 ) on Wednesday December 05, 2001 @10:55AM (#2659793) Homepage
    Ed Yourdon wrote a book a couple of years entitled "Death March: The Complete Software Developer's Guide to Surviving 'Mission Impossible' Projects []".

    Whenever I hear of a software project failing, I think of this book because it explains in gory details what happens when software is treated like fast food instead of architecture.

    When Joel Spolsky gripes about "re-writing" as the cause to failure, he's both right and wrong at the same time. Rewrites don't kill projects, MISMANGED rewrites kill projects.

    There are some other points that raise my suspicious about Spolsky's training and experience. Since the 90's, there has been a big effort in the industry to develop large scale products with some semblance of reuse. Hence, one of the determinat reasons for the lurch into object oriented program.

    Spolsky descriptions sound to me like he's still thinking of code, and of failed projects that were lacked modularity. Nor did he give much attention to other major factors such as FEATURE CREEP, where a small system becomes spagetti over years and years of maintenance. Same with scalability, challenges definately occured in the past decade or so with the massive changes in processors, operating systems and their associated APIs/internals.

    But again, it all gets down to one's approach. If you treat software development like you're flipping burgers for the lunch crowd, then you're going to have to deal with the indigestion that comes along with building a house sloppily.

Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good; and when it is bad, it is better than nothing. -- Dick Brandon
