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Comment Re:AM in EVs will force them to consider RF emissi (Score 1) 314

What ever you do, don't leave your Tesla plugged in for a few weeks without using it.
The 12V battery will go flat and you'll be locked out.
The car stops charging it when the main battery is charged.
James May found this out the hard way.

You problem isn't the ICE car, it's you buying cheap-ass chargers.

Comment Hell, No! (Score 1) 314

Do not make them fit an AM radio - force them to provide a standard size (DIN) slot to fit the radio, and make it possible to fit your own.

Then you get a choice of Apple or Android compatible if you want, the Kenwood from your old car if you want real controls, or some ancient one from the car boot sale if you want to go on playing your cassettes.

And change it for a newer one whenever you wish.

Nothing kills the second hand value of a car like being stuck with some old piece of crap that can't be changed because it also controls the Aircon, and has a Satnav that requires an SD card for maps upgrade that is only marginally less expensive than a whole new car (Nissan, I am looking at you! )

Comment It's not like systemd doesn't work. (Score 1) 319

Well for me systemd definitely does not work. If you have one or more inhouse name servers, it can probably be made to work, for a month or two,

but come next upgrade, the entire monstrosity has been re-written, and yet more things that have worked exactly as they did in Unix since 1978 without any problems will have gone to hell in a new and even more unfathomable way.

Poetering and his code are the work if the devil, and those pushing his "way" should be put in rockets with the politicians, estate agents and lawyers and sent to a galaxy far, far away.

I admit to being old, but currently, I do not have a beard of any colour.

Comment Get OVER IT use the mainline Kernel (Score 1) 31

This is a QA action, the whole point is that Android should work on the mainline kernel

removing their QA'd kernel sources is so that reports are clean and they can QA with real hardware and releases

if android did not work on the mainline Linux kernel this would be news...

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