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Roblox Wants To Advertise To Gamers Ages 13 and Up in the Metaverse ( 18

Roblox, the platform with metaverse ambitions that targets tweens, is introducing a host of new features aimed at making its experiences more age-appropriate and profitable for the company. From a report: In coming weeks, Roblox will introduce age guidelines for individual experiences or games, chief product officer Manuel Bronstein said, helping its 52 million daily users better navigate the games hosted on the site. The games will be marked as either appropriate for all ages, suitable for those nine and older and those 13-and-older. "Our platform is aging up now," said Roblox chief product officer Manuel Bronstein. "More than 50% of our users are 13 plus, and our fastest growing demographic is 17 to 24. So it makes sense for people to have control over what experiences they're going to access."

Roblox's platform comprises user-generated games, many created by children and teens, some of whom have made millions of dollars for themselves. The company declined to share exact percentages of how many users are under the age of 13. Last year, it said 54% were under the age of 13. Roblox notes that about 90% of the developers of its top 1,000 games by earnings are above the age of 18. The platform has over 12 million game developers. All ages content could contain infrequent mild violence or light unrealistic blood, according to the company, while the gated content for 13 and above could feature moderate violence and light realistic blood. Roblox says it doesn't allow romantic or sexual content on its platform.

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Roblox Wants To Advertise To Gamers Ages 13 and Up in the Metaverse

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  • All Roblox users who claimed to be older than 13 have been replaced by Roblox users who claim to be younger than 13

  • Roblox is pure evil. Addictive games for children. Roblox makes crazy amounts of money, mostly from children, mostly through tricking your brain into continuing use much like a slot machine or other gambling. Driving addiction in children is wrong.

    • Roblox is pure evil. Addictive games for children. Roblox makes crazy amounts of money, mostly from children, mostly through tricking your brain into continuing use much like a slot machine or other gambling. Driving addiction in children is wrong.

      From what I understand Roblox is covert gambling for kids. How the regulators seems to fail to regulate Roblox is impressive.

      If you have time: []

    • It's profitable. What are you, a commie?

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Roblox founders mid 2000's "let's make an open gaming platform where kids can create their own content and learn how to program"

        Board of Directors 5 years later "show us the money you knobs!"

      • Your mom selling access to her body is profitable. How do you feel about her doing that? Anything for profit, right? If you don't approve of your mom being a whore then obviously you are a commie.

        • My mom selling access to her body would be a scientific and medical miracle. And an economic too, not to mention a legal one, since dead people cannot enter legal contracts according to our laws here.

          • I can't believe that you rent your Mom's remains out for sexual acts. You're pretty sick and so are your customers. Seems that taking things to an extreme produces absurd outcomes, you sick super-capitalist. And you mentioned the legal system, gambling is already illegal for children which was my point. Roblox offers exchange of US Dollars and gambling for children and this is wrong. Roblox uses phycological techniques to increase game play and gambling, 5 seconds of research will show this.

            https://www.psyc []

            • I highly doubt there would be any remnants left by now... but if I can find someone paying for it, I'll provide them with some bones. Since I don't really think they'd start doing some DNA testing on them, I guess I should be safe.

  • More than 50% of our users are 13 plus, and our fastest growing demographic is 17 to 24. So it makes sense for people to have control over what experiences they're going to access

    Of course, 17-24 is your fastest growing, probably only playing the games because they're babysitting a 10yo. Most roblox games really suck if you have access to real games or just more fun things to do in life. I hate to be an old man yelling at the cloud, but my kids are addicted to some of the most basic and boring games I've ever seen. Some popular games on Roblox: Cashier simulator, Uber-driver simulator, McDonald's worker well as more train engineer simulator, etc. Brookhaven is on

    • by Kremmy ( 793693 )
      Look at it another way.
      Something in society has shifted in such a way that the best these kids can hope and dream about are dead end jobs and their own *rooms* let alone homes.
      Society has let them down so badly, blocking them away from big dreams.
      We're looking at a cascade failure here to the point that kids dreams have literally been crushed.
    • A lot of mobile oriented games, and the simpler stuff, seem to be intended for short periods of time (or short attention spans). You do a little bit then move on. There's no long term goal other than to get more coins or stars of cupcakes or whatever. For an adult, that's what you play while on the toilet; for kids, it's what they play while waiting for a social media notification.

    • I hear you, my 9 year old has talked about it for years as her friends all play... Thankfully I've kept her true to the Switch we have and great games like Botw, Metroid dread, and the likes

  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Story poster's been drinking Kool-aid and Flavoraid.

Our OS who art in CPU, UNIX be thy name. Thy programs run, thy syscalls done, In kernel as it is in user!
