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John Carmack's AGI Startup Keen Raises $20M From Nat Friedman, Daniel Gross and Sequoia 44

John Carmack, a programmer who founded gaming firm id Software and served as chief technology officer of Oculus, has launched a new artificial general intelligence startup called Keen Technologies, and it has raised $20 million in a financing round co-led by former GitHub chief executive Nat Friedman and Cue founder Daniel Gross, Carmack said Friday. Stripe co-founder Patrick Collison, Shopify co-founder Tobi Lutke, storied venture fund Sequoia and microprocessor engineer Jim Keller also invested in the round, a name of which as well as the startup's valuation Carmack did not disclose. In a Twitter thread, Carmack adds: This is explicitly a focusing effort for me. I could write a $20M check myself, but knowing that other people's money is on the line engenders a greater sense of discipline and determination. I had talked about that as a possibility for a while, and I am glad Nat pushed me on it. I am continuing as a consultant with Meta on VR matters, devoting about 20% of my time there.
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John Carmack's AGI Startup Keen Raises $20M From Nat Friedman, Daniel Gross and Sequoia

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  • Why does the headline not expand an obscure TLA, but does spell out the names of unimportant rich people ?
  • by Nocturrne ( 912399 ) on Friday August 19, 2022 @10:28PM (#62805481)

    I'm still waiting for humans to achieve natural general intelligence...

  • So got some rich suckers I am continuing as a consultant with Meta on VR matters and other stuff !
  • Will there be another Commander Keen game or not?

  • Describing him as "a programmer who founded id and was CTO of Oculus" kinda skips over all the contributions he's made to two fairly enormous fields, regardless of how much (or how little) of that will transfer to the AGI space.

    We're still basically no closer to AGI than we were 50 years ago, though at least ML has advanced massively in the last decade. It won't hurt to have someone who's not just exceptionally smart but also has a track record of actually delivering get involved. If nothing else, we know t

We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
