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Comment False (Score 3, Informative) 80

It may have taken decades to "come up with the hypothesis" .. but that 9.9 years of research pathway leading to the conclusion was accessible to the AI making the hypothesis in combination with a leading question/prompting basically pre-discovered fact. There's no indication whether the AI simply stated the obvious. What I mean is .. for example when CRISPR gene editing protein was developed, one of the innovations was adding a nucleus localization signal (NLS) to the protein. That's what they got a patent on. But see that NLS is nothing new, lots of proteins have had that added in the past. It's virtually guaranteed that if you asked an AI "how can I make sure my DNA editing protein gets into the nucleus" .. it would state "add an NLS to it"... similarly .. their hypothesis is that the superbugs can form a tail from different viruses which allows them to spread between species. Well .. it may have been known that bacteria can form tails after virus infection. This was established over the years: It may also have been separately known that these tails can enable bacteria to dominate against competitors: and that bacteria use virus (phage) tails to spread in nature So if you ask the AI leading questions you can bring it to the conclusion that superbugs can spread across species due to the presence of tails.

The real test is make it find out something you don't have the answer to already (and ideally that researchers have made no progress on answering for a while).

Comment Re:/. No longer working with NoScript? (OT) (Score 2) 24

zOMG SOMEBODY HAS HACKED YOU !!! Immediately throw away your computer in a dumpster and sterilize it with fire. Second, decontaminate your home by spraying two or three cans of bug spray everywhere especially nooks and crannies. Then take shower and wear new clothes. Sleep at a hotel for the next few weeks while you sell your home.

Comment Re:WM made some dumb decisions... (Score 4, Interesting) 24

Walmart isn't losing money, at all. Their overall strategy is correct .. even if they needed more LP hires, because their profits and revenue is growing. If they tried to become Amazon they would fail. Self-checkout is convenient .. they are still making money off it by the improvements in number of customers. Walmart's revenue and profits and its customers are both growing, they're not headed for the poor house any time soon. References: [] []

Comment Re:Good for France (Score -1, Flamebait) 178

ITER is good as dead. There are two solenoid sections (already built) that need to ship from San Diego to complete it (at least the US obligation part), but the Trump administration will likely block it to spite Europe. Plus, we're no longer doing science. The solenoid sections are already built and paid for btw.

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