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Comment Correct decision (Score 1) 90

It's factual that Starlink is able to do this better than anyone else (Kuiper is a possibility too, but in the future). Starlink shouldn't be denied from the contract just because it's headed by the evil Elon Musk (who stole the concept from WorldVu when they came to SpaceX for launch services). We gave billions to Verizon and AT&T to do this, and all they built was yachts for their executive staff .. I assume the yachts have cell phone service though, probably from Starlink. Yachts sailing around in the Caribbean with cell phone service -- I suppose that can be considered "rural" broadband after all.

Comment Re:Do you trust _our_ decisions? (Score 1) 77

Trusting ourselves to make the right decision is slightly more logical than trusting nature. If nature can be trusted, then our decisions can definitely be trusted since we're nature. We know nature didn't care that some species went extinct, who is to say it cares about keeping us around? We know that most humans at least want to keep ourselves or themselves around.

Comment Re:"Nature" (Score 1) 77

I was referring to the editorial, sort of. But I would say that human decisions and nature's decisions are separate in the sense that we are less clear about nature's "intent" vs. human intent (or at least most human intents, especially our own). Nature seemingly has no motive. We know it either doesn't seem to care or can't do anything about (at least a certain threshold of) suffering. at least for certain moments during our conscious existence.

Comment "Nature" (Score 1, Troll) 77

We're going to trust Nature's "decisions" why? The premise of it is stupid. It could have gone extinct for a variety of reasons, but it doesn't mean it doesn't have some qualities that could serve us today. Besides, there are indications that humans are the ones who drove it to extinction. We can't miss out on woolly mammoths because some of our ancestors were evil or stupid. Nature is full of shit that can fuck us up. Nature created pedos, it created killers. It's not some benevolent. It also created the woolly mammoth and then did what, declared it useless? That's stupid.

Comment Re:Editorial question (Score 1) 77

We're going to trust Nature's "decisions" why? The premise of it is stupid. It could have gone extinct for a variety of reasons, but it doesn't mean it doesn't have some qualities that could serve us today. Besides, there are indications that humans are the ones who drove it to extinction. We can't miss out on woolly mammoths because some of our ancestors were evil or stupid.

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