Meet The Co-Creator of Firefox 255
Jay Langhurst writes "Learn more about the roots of Firefox and about the 19-year-old who co-created the browser in this article. 'To take an internship at Netscape during the summer of 2001, Ross moved with his mother to a rented apartment near Netscape's offices in Mountain View, Calif. She drove him to work each morning.'"
Ain't that sweet... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Ain't that sweet... (Score:5, Funny)
And have his appearances in major newspapers posted on his eponymous Web site helped with those California girls at school?
"They're the ones that aren't impressed at all," he said with a laugh.
Depressingly familiar ...
Re:Ain't that sweet... (Score:2)
Re:Ain't that sweet... (Score:2)
Is it a two-floor apartment? (Score:5, Funny)
Is the apartment two-floors, so he can still be in mom's basement?
Re:Is it a two-floor apartment? (Score:3, Funny)
Meet him? (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Meet him? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Meet him? (Score:2)
Didn't you read? (Score:2)
And have his appearances in major newspapers posted on his eponymous Web site helped with those California girls at school?
"They're the ones that aren't impressed at all," he said with a laugh
Re:Meet him? (Score:5, Funny)
No wanking for me! (Score:1, Funny)
Re:No wanking for me! (Score:1, Funny)
Re:No wanking for me! (Score:2)
The press gets it wrong, again... (Score:3, Interesting)
Gee, I wonder what codebase he used to create Firefox, then?
That could also be... (Score:1, Interesting)
Note how its not actually quotes but summed up by the reporter...that's his mistake not Ross's. (Score:1, Insightful)
1) Download Mozilla code
2) Change the name and turn off several features in the Makefile
3) ???
4) Profit!!! (Score:5, Insightful) (Score:3, Insightful)
First off, it's LARGELY based off the gecko engine [e.g. Mozilla]. Second, there are other FF active developers.
This would be like me forking GCC then when 100 developers get a cool release out of my fork I take credit for it.
Tom (Score:3, Insightful)
No, it would be like you forking GCC then, when 100 developers get a cool release out of your fork, the media writes simplistic articles giving you credit for it.
Blake Ross readily admits that he gets too much credit from the media. Read his comments on this blog post [] if you want to see his take. (Score:2) (Score:5, Funny)
2) Change the name
3) Change the name
4) Change the name
5) ???
6) Profit!!! (Score:2)
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful) (Score:3, Funny)
You may disagree with me, but you have to acknowledge the existance of my highly educated opinion
Hard to acknowledge your highly educated opinion when you spell "existence" wrong... (Score:2, Interesting)
Some people are successful because of self-gained knowledge and experience as opposed to barfing up some BS they memorized from some bullshit class they attended while half drunk.
Hey, I'm on your side. Go easy. I forget sometimes that I come from a country with state funded university. College was cheap for me. Any money I needed, I could work and my parents could make up the rest. College didnt cost that much and thats even with no grant!!. I know
Basement (Score:2, Redundant)
Strange how often it works out that way (Score:5, Interesting)
Odd isn't it - how many times a flat broke intern turns our entire industry upside-down?
On another note, I wonder how the IE team feels knowing that an intern who had to share an apartment with his mom and have her drive him to work basically outperformed their entire team.
Not only that. (Score:5, Funny)
Studies have shown that a million monkeys, banging on a million typewriters, will produce Microsoft-standards-compliant IE releases on an average of once every 6 minutes.
Re:Not only that. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Not only that. (Score:2)
Re:Not only that. (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Strange how often it works out that way (Score:4, Insightful)
I wonder how the mozilla team feels knowing that an intern who had to share an apartment with his mom and have her drive him to work basically took all the credit for their entire communities work.
Re:Strange how often it works out that way (Score:2)
Are you thinking of JWZ?
Re:Strange how often it works out that way (Score:2)
I don't know if Jamie claims sole credit for the Gecko bottom up rewrite, though.
Re:Strange how often it works out that way (Score:3, Interesting)
How many times is that, exactly? Not to pooh-pooh a good story, but what makes it special is exactly how rarely this really happens.
Re:Strange how often it works out that way (Score:5, Interesting)
Firefox development is hardly without its problems or questionable decisions. They switched from a good looking, professional default theme to an ugly, unfinished one because they couldn't be bothered to check up on the licensing issue (the theme creator had no problems with relicensing it to meet the Firefox needs).
They broke the extension API multiple times while encouraging people to give it to newbies in its pre-1.0 unstable state, even going so far as to put it on the Mozilla front page in favour of the actual Mozilla suite. Newsflash: telling newbies to uninstall extensions, delete directories, etc just to upgrade is not acceptable.
They made important UI changes in-between the release candidate and the final 1.0 (do they even know the meaning of "release candidate"?) including such usability cock-ups as changing some keyboard shortcuts from positive actions to destructive ones (when I want to open something in a new tab, I don't expect to get my bookmarks deleted!).
They left a really annoying bug in 1.0 - the Slashdot bug - that affects their "early adopters" that are responsible for recommending this browser to other people. That's a marketing disaster that only seems to have been mitigated by people spreading FUD that it was a bug in Slashdot's code not Firefox's.
I like Firefox. I use it as my primary browser. But all along, I have been shocked at how many boneheaded, unprofessional decisions have been made by the lead developers. I haven't observed this incompetence in other browser developers (except for Internet Explorer, of course), and it is not a good sign for the future quality of the Firefox browser. The Mozilla suite developers might not have had their priorities in tune with everybody else, but they didn't screw up anywhere near as often as the Firefox decision makers.
Re:Strange how often it works out that way (Score:2)
Huh? Which shortcut are you talking about?
PS: I agree with the rest of your comment. Luckily the current Trunk nightlies are useable (--> no more slashdot bug).
Re:Strange how often it works out that way (Score:2)
It's typical of the Mozilla projects, though, sneaking in radical UI changes at the last minute when the project should be concentrating on bug fixes and stabalizing the code.
Re:Strange how often it works out that way (Score:2)
The slashdot bug is the one where the link column on the left partly overlaps the stories, right? Truthfully, that bug doesn't really bother me that much, even as an avid reader of slashdot...
Re:Strange how often it works out that way (Score:2)
Searching for it, finds it's a well known bug that if your machine terminates abnormally, there is a chance to lose the bookmarks. There are even extensions out there that back up your bookmarks whenever you close firefox. But really, this is unacceptable in a 1.0 released product. How can I explain to jo
standing on ye shoulders of giants (Score:5, Insightful)
'Nuff said really.
Re:standing on ye shoulders of giants (Score:2)
It wasnt Newton praising his contemporaries so much as Newton insulting his chief rival of the time, Leibniz, who was a very short man.
Re:standing on ye shoulders of giants (Score:2)
FYI, try
Its realplayer however.
And not making a brass ra zoo (Score:3, Insightful)
Real or figment of media's imagination? (Score:5, Insightful)
Does anyone have a good understanding of the actual role Ross played here and whether the media reports are being fair to other contributors by focussing on him?
Re:Real or figment of media's imagination? (Score:5, Interesting)
I think if there's one person who really deserves credit as "the guy behind Firefox," it's Ben Goodger, UI nazi and lead developer from 0.7 onwards. After all, as Firefox is mostly just a UI gloss on the underlying Mozilla code, it's Ben's rigorous adherence to principles of good, clean, simple UI that has made Firefox the breakaway success that the Suite never was.
But really that just emphasizes how much Firefox depends on the entire Mozilla project, with its thousands of sometime developers and probably a few dozens of real core superstars. That's the real story here, but so far the media has chosen not to cover it.
Re:Real or figment of media's imagination? (Score:2)
Yeah. Too bad he doesn't work on Thunderbird. TB really needs cleanig up its GUI.
Co-creator? (Score:5, Interesting)
You know... (Score:3, Insightful)
Same kid as in Code Rush (Score:2)
Re:Same kid as in Code Rush (Score:3, Interesting)
Wired Mag Feb '05 cover - "The Firefox Explosion" (Score:5, Funny)
Wired Mag doesn't have the cover online yet [], meaning I probably got it from a newstand that put it out early (the 34th St PATH Station newstand in NYC, for those interested).
The issue also features an "interesting" piece: a fake memo from the future...written to one Bill Gates from newly-hired employee Linus Torvalds - concerning Winux, Microsoft's next-generation OS.
[Apparently, Bill's "pitch" to Linus in this post-apocalyptic future was "come on Linus...infect the Mothership
Anyway, I hate to sound like a pitchman for Wired, but it's worth the look.
Re:Wired Mag Feb '05 cover - "The Firefox Explosio (Score:3, Informative) []
It's posted, just not linked up.
Per Asa Dotzler's blog
Re:Wired Mag Feb '05 cover - "The Firefox Explosio (Score:2)
He probably acts better than Hayden Christensen, too, although I'll wager he'd have a hard time (no pun intended) keeping it professional whilst making out with every geek's favourite fantasy, Natalie Portman.
Re:Wired Mag Feb '05 cover - "The Firefox Explosio (Score:2)
Something new (Score:3, Interesting)
For quite sometime people's needs have grown beyond the browser. Java Applet, and ActiveX have been bolted on, but what is needed is a more seamless integration that provides a more traditional application feel.
It's unfortunately that we're still stuck using a "browser" when what we need is something more dynamic and powerfull.
Firefox is yet another browser. Definitely better than many of the current crop. But it would be nice to see something truly innovative.
I forgot my sig line
Re:Something new (Score:2)
Re:Something new (Score:2)
OS integration is one of the problems with IE; sure, there's the opportunity for many convenient features, but the way they implemented it (viz: poorly) created a lot of security holes that were later exploited by malware writers.
You were being sarcastic, right?
Re:Something new (Score:2)
A Warning (Score:2, Funny)
Re:But... (Score:3, Informative)
Of course Slashdot could get a code cleanup before then...
Re:But... (Score:2)
Re:But... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:But... (Score:1, Troll)
My question for you is why do the Slashbot continually claim that Firefox is so superior when it won't even render their favorite site correctly?
If Slashdot doesn't render correctly how the hell can they claim that every site will work "just fine"? Remember, general users who need to switch to IE will only give something so many ch
Re:But... (Score:1)
Re:But... (Score:5, Informative)
slashdot's html was written back in 1997ish, and hasn't been updated since.
Re:But... (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:But... (Score:2)
Yes, sites are coded with IE in mind and thus they are likely not standard compliant and they will break other browsers but this isn't about that at all. It's about how the general computer user will see Firefox when they attempt to use it.
So, the general computer user hears all this Firefox hype and
Re:But... (Score:2)
Re:But... (Score:2)
By this logic, a browser with a buffer overflow problem could say that it is not their fault, but the attackers.
Standards Exist for a Reason (Score:2)
Bulletproof, even for invalid HTML? There is such a thing as stretching the standards, but how can the browser be expected to compensate for flagrant user error? You can only bend over backwards so far in an attempt to provide backwards compatibility. If I'm a non-compliant web page writer, how far should I reasonably expect the platform for which I am writing HTML to "do what I meant, not what I said"?
Bottom line: the standards are there for a reason; namely, that a web page written with standards-compli
Re:But... (Score:3, Informative)
This *IS* a bug in Mozilla/Firefox, and it *HAS* been fixed for a long time (since before Firefox 1.0 was released) but the fix was not included in FF1.0 because it broke other thin
Re:But... (Score:2)
Re:But... (Score:2)
Re:But... (Score:2)
Actualy 72 is less than I really expected considering how old the base code is they have bits and peices of html generating code spanning 4 or 5 versions of HTML and chunks from add servers and such.
Re:But... (Score:5, Insightful)
Because, even with this flaw, it's better than IE (the browser that's usually compared against)? I mean, Firefox isn't perfect, but IE is even less, from what I've seen.
If Slashdot doesn't render correctly how the hell can they claim that every site will work "just fine"?
Point me to a post where it has been said that all sites there is render just fine instead of just claiming something you think you've heard.
If their favorite site doesn't render correctly under Firefox do you really think that they are going to believe you when you tell them that it is better?
Depends on what they believe matters more, perfect rendering of Slashdot, or other issues like security problems. Also, Slashdot should render correctly in Firefox 1.1.
Re:But... (Score:2)
Re:But... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:But... (Score:2)
I wish it were otherwise, but that's just the cold hard realities of the situation.
Re:But... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:But... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:But... (Score:1)
What gives?
Re:But... (Score:2)
Re:But... (Score:2)
Re:But... (Score:2)
Re:Testimonial (Score:2)
I've heard of web sites using patches to get around browser defects, but patching a browser to get around ONE web site's defects? That's crazy!
Re:But... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:But... (Score:3, Interesting)
At this point, I only test my work in IE because I know some of my users sti
Re:But... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:But... (Score:2)
At least on my firefox.
Re:But... (Score:2)
I will say firefox is being run on a linux box, thrown to my solaris box.
And is probably not the most recent version of firefox but close.
Re:But... (Score:2)
When reading the comments for an article.
The comments are pushed all the way to the left, overlapping the the left column(Sections, user info, etc)
So it is hard to read the first few comments.
Re:But... (Score:2)
I took that screenshot just for you three in this thread, so be proud...
Re:But... (Score:2)
Re:But... (Score:2)
It seems to be "reflowing". There is another (much less extream than mine) screenshot, too.
Re:But... (Score:5, Interesting)
Exact quote: (Score:4, Funny)
Here is what he did say: "During my years on the stellar construction advisory board, I was involved in a lot of initiatives. Not only did I create the sun, I created the moon and planets and a pair of really swell comets."
Re:Hail Hercules! Zero to Hero. (Score:2, Funny)
In australia (Score:2, Funny)