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IBM Adding Almost 19,000 Jobs 386

cyngus writes "IBM has announced they will add 18,800 jobs worldwide in 2004. They say about a third will be in North America. I don't know how many they have added this year so far. After the new hires IBM will employ about 330,000 people worldwide." More good news for the unemployed techie. Although things are far from the halcyon days of dot-com yesteryear, it's good to see companies doing better.
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IBM Adding Almost 19,000 Jobs

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  • You can feel it! (Score:4, Interesting)

    by PeteQC ( 680043 ) on Thursday August 12, 2004 @07:10PM (#9954280)
    it's good to see companies doing better

    Being an employed-almost-techie(analyst), I would say that it seems a serious trend since maybe 12-18 months that companies are making more and more investment in IT.

    Hope this will last! :)
  • by AresTheImpaler ( 570208 ) on Thursday August 12, 2004 @07:12PM (#9954294)
    Unfortunately, they will only hire lawyers...

    /me didn't read the article, going to do now....

  • Hot damn (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Stevyn ( 691306 ) on Thursday August 12, 2004 @07:12PM (#9954298)
    I guess open source does create jobs! Well, in terms of linux support services. I think a huge area of growth is going to be people with solid knowledge and experience helping companies switch to linux and other open source software.
  • by SteroidMan ( 782859 ) on Thursday August 12, 2004 @07:13PM (#9954307)
    Interesting, it appears most of the jobs are consulting related. Polish up your Linux skills boys and get those resumes up to date.
  • college students.. (Score:4, Interesting)

    by siliconwafer ( 446697 ) on Thursday August 12, 2004 @07:13PM (#9954308)
    Hopefully some of these jobs are entry level positions for recent graduates, or internships and cooperative education positions.
  • If the job growth numbers continue their current trend ( ess_july/?cnn=yes []), then IBM's additions will soon be a significant portion of the month-to-month job growth.

    Go IBM, we're counting on you all the way!

  • by darkonc ( 47285 ) <stephen_samuel@bcgree n . com> on Thursday August 12, 2004 @07:16PM (#9954338) Homepage Journal
    There was a time when some people would look down on the idea of working for IBM because they seemed stuffy and out of step with the market. Now they're a hot spot for job seekers again
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 12, 2004 @07:18PM (#9954347)
    They say about a third will be in North America.

    Stop outsourcing our great Indian jobs to North Americans!
  • Wonder years. (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 12, 2004 @07:18PM (#9954355)
    Okay, this is getting tiring. Why is it that every story that has the word job anywhere has to contain " hay day" of the late 90's. I know that Tech's been in a slump but it seems kind of useless to keep hanging on to that short 5 year period.

    Get over it people.

    **watches troll mods fly**
    • A more rational comparison would be to the recessionary periods of the early 80's or early 90's.

      The present situation for software is a lot worse than those recessions -- both of which I went through.

    • Why is it that every story that has the word job anywhere has to contain " hay day" of the late 90's

      For the same reason that most major stories about terrorism refer to 9/11: It's a massive, world-changing event in the history of the field you're discussing, and it was less than a decade ago. As a result, current events in that field are still influenced by the wake left by that event.

      Real world events aren't like TV shows; you can't just turn them off because they've gotten tedious and you're s
  • by ReidMaynard ( 161608 ) on Thursday August 12, 2004 @07:20PM (#9954362) Homepage
    I started a contract job @ IBM just last week, Linux cluster work. In RTP btw.
    • RTP. Word. Up.

      -- Triangle Fan, Holly Springs Resident, and Licensed Mortgage Loan Officer
    • by Anonymous Coward on Friday August 13, 2004 @08:48AM (#9958056)
      AC because I'm not at home, and I have a new job too!

      Laid off in RTP December 2003 (Software Group (SWG) resource action). Replaced by 5-member team in IBM India. Got work again on a scientific computing project in C + Perl running on Linux.

      My friend still working for IBM in RTP reports that job postings are starting to appear in the cafeteria: "Two years programming experience, $75,000". Quite a bit of money for so little experience, right?

      Curious, he investigated and saw identical listings on the Employment Security Commission website, using IBM's position titles like "Staff Software Developer", "Advisory Software Developer", etc.

      Turns out there is a law on the books to explain it. Before a position can be staffed by a foreign national, it MUST be listed locally so that an American can fill the position if they qualify -- just like we expect with the H1-B visa positions. Since virtually NO American with two years' experience can qualify for a $75,000 job, the listing can't be filled locally.

      Our conclusion: IBM's new SWG hires are actually just replacing existing high-paying positions into outsourced/visa'd lower-paying positions.

  • by ostiguy ( 63618 ) on Thursday August 12, 2004 @07:20PM (#9954366)
    Or jobs they pick up from outsourcing deals? If schlotsky house of bacon outsources its IT dept to IBM, and transfers 500 employees to IBM, that aint job creation, but it is increasing IBM's headcount.

  • by gotr00t ( 563828 ) on Thursday August 12, 2004 @07:26PM (#9954416) Journal
    Is it really that hard to say 18,800 jobs in the headline, as opposed to writing the word "almost?" I believe that saying 19,000 does not increase the effect of the headline any, using up some extra characters and making it sound like a marketing gimmick more than anything else.

    As a quote goes on " There was a 23% drop in temperature. That's almost 25%! ... That was one of the most worthless comments I've ever heard."

  • by mikael ( 484 ) on Thursday August 12, 2004 @07:31PM (#9954438)
    IBM has announced they will add 18,800 jobs worldwide in 2004. They say about a third will be in North America.

    And they are all lawyers to fight SCO.
  • Too many already (Score:3, Informative)

    by Fred Nerk ( 128328 ) * on Thursday August 12, 2004 @07:33PM (#9954452)
    I know from personal experience that IBM employ a LOT of people that are only there because of IBM's previous "Redeploy, not redundancy" policy. I worked in teams where hundreds of people spent their day printing out online forms, then typing them into another online form.

    It seemed that they were creating jobs just to keep people there, when I was pushing for working smarter, and laying off 70% of the staff.

    I wasn't popular.
  • ain't gonna happen (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 12, 2004 @08:08PM (#9954688)
    from experience, dell mentioned that they would close their corporate support.

    fact check : they did not. they sent a press release, but the call center offshore continued to grow. brilliant PR. make the folks think they keep jobs in america

    microsoft : reported that they wuold add 5000 jobs in R & D last year

    fact check : they added 3500 offshore

    ibm: most of these jobs are marketing , support and admin jobs. all most all our development, qa, project management jobs have gone.

    list of companies exporting jobs, after getting subsidies from tax payers: popups/lou.dobbs.tonight/exporting.america/framese t.exclude.html []
    • by Shivetya ( 243324 ) on Friday August 13, 2004 @06:39AM (#9957163) Homepage Journal
      It implies that there were American's to take all the jobs that were sent overseas.

      As for jobs that are marketing, support, or admin. These are all valid positions and should not be discounted just because you or someone else doesn't feel they are the right jobs. I know quite a few people who make a great living in marketing, let alone support or similar.

      A lot of companies are overseas simply because to compete overseas you have to have a presence. A lot of people in the news industry ignore this requirement because it does not generate the headlines they desire, let alone drive their own agenda.

      What it comes down to is that many people just need to grow up and realize that there are jobs worth taking and its up to them to do so. People, including the media, spend to much time dwelling on the actions of big corporations, many of who are truly multinational, because it makes them feel better when they can create a "Bad guy" instead of taking account of themselves. The majority of jobs in the US are not from big businesses but instead from the small business. Lastly too many people are upset they are offered only what they are worth and not what they think they are worth. Time to move past the selfish attitude and realize they are not the center of the universe.

  • IBM is a sweatshop (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 12, 2004 @08:20PM (#9954753)
    I just quit there. I was treated better in blue collar assembly lines than I was at IBM.

    IBM gets business and charges less because they pigeonhole everyone. If you do websphere, thats all you do.

    If you do email, thats all you do. It's like working a government job.

    It was exactly like the military. If the process says to do the wrong thing, do it anyway.

    It's mindless.

    Better than unemployment, but not by a whole lot.
    • If you do websphere, thats all you do.

      Websphere is a catch-all for a dozen products. MQSeries is now "Websphere MQ", etc.
    • by Alioth ( 221270 ) <no@spam> on Friday August 13, 2004 @06:15AM (#9957082) Journal
      IBM is a huge company and there will be massive variances in what conditions are like in different parts of the business.

      I worked at IBM for about 8 years or so - officially, I was in the Open Systems Developent Group from the git-go, but:
      1. I started at IBM Havant (then Portsmouth) directly in the OSDG, mainly doing mini-projects - small up to about 1KLOC one man jobs on AIX systems.
      I then finished my university degree.
      Then I went to Raleigh, NC (Six Forks Road, not RTP) and worked on POS applications there, doing a demo system for a couple of customers.
      I then moved to Houston, and worked on a particular customer's retail system, but whilst doing that, did many side projects - some self-initiated - including looking at porting a visitor's center Space Shuttle simulator from the crufty old IBM PS/2 DOS system (complete with 12in. laserdiscs) to something newer with current hardware.

      I worked on many many things at IBM all whilst notionally being in the same department (which changed names several times, that's marketing for you) - quite a few of them self-initiated because I thought they'd be useful for our group or business. I disagreed with management a lot, and often got my own way.

      I was treated EXTREMELY well by IBM as an employee. They worked hard to ensure schedules were done right so we didn't have to work unpaid overtime. They gave me 4 weeks of paid compassionate leave when my mother died in another country. It was a superb company to work for. It wasn't mindless, and I learned an enormous amount while I was there.

      The only reason I left is that they didn't have any offices or plans to open one in the country I now live, and I wanted to live a bit closer to my Dad.

      Generalising about IBM isn't very useful (nor is generalising about Microsoft - whilst one side of MS hates the GPL, another side of Microsoft is actually *funding* GPLed projects...)
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 12, 2004 @08:24PM (#9954788)
    I know from experience, that at least 1,000 of these jobs belong to "rebadged" employees. I was layed off from a large Fortune 500 company that "rebadged" 1,000 of it's software development staff to IBM. Basically, these 1,000 employees were given the choice of excepting a job with IBM to work on what they were currently working on as an IBM employee or take a severence package. The company I worked for basically sold more that 98% of it's development staff to IBM. Therefore at least 1,000 jobs were NOT created. They were just shifted from one company to another. Although this is supposed to be a 2 year contract, there is no guarantee that these jobs will not move off shore after the contract expires.
  • by Scud ( 1607 ) on Thursday August 12, 2004 @08:28PM (#9954814)
    Isn't IBM in the business of helping other companies outsource work?

    Business must be good...


  • by BCW2 ( 168187 )
    I'll take one!
  • Many of the jobs IBM will add in 2004 are simply employees from other companies being "rebadged" to IBM in outsourcing deals. Sprint is an example of this. Approximately 1100 Sprint IT workers will become IBM employees in the next few months in a billion dollar outsourcing deal. IBM adds 1100 employees, but they're not previously unemployed tech workers.
  • by Wansu ( 846 ) on Thursday August 12, 2004 @11:04PM (#9955627)

    994,000 more and we'll be back to the employment levels we had in late '99.

  • Less than it appears (Score:5, Interesting)

    by ToasterTester ( 95180 ) on Thursday August 12, 2004 @11:09PM (#9955660)
    IBM continues to layoff people, just a few months back they dumped around 4600. They mainly use contractors so they pay bad, no benefits, sick days, and on and on. They just bought a large outsourcing company in India. They keep cutting the retirement programs, stock purchase program and so on. Many they bring on are ITS a employee who is only allowed to work two years for company them have to leave. They are told they can go full time during the two years, but there are huge barriors they make it near impossible. IBM has turned into a services company and most of the services employees are contractors they treat like dirt. The managers make it very clear we are full-time you are contractor dirty. IBM isn't the company they once were.

"It's what you learn after you know it all that counts." -- John Wooden
