The Future of Ghibli US Releases 168
ChibiOne writes " is reporting very interesting news regarding the US release for the works of (Hayao Miyazaki's) Studio Ghibli. Steven Alpert (VP at Tokuma International, parent of Studio Ghibli) spoke after the screening of "Porco Rosso" in New York and revealed several new release plans.
AnimeOnDVD has a complete report."
It says "every Ghibli feature film should be released in the US by the end of next year" as well as a widescreen re-release of Totoro. Here's hoping!
Was at the screening on Friday (Score:5, Informative)
If any of you get the chance, please try to see Miyazaki's work on screen -- I've seen Porco Rosso before on DVD and it's about 10x better on film --
Dub not so good (Score:2, Informative)
While the print was excellent, I thought the dub was only so-so (compared to the rather good Mononoke and Spirited Away dubs). Michael Keaton as Porco is just wrong - we get Batman cool instead of Japanese Porco's more world-weary cool. Gina wasn't great, and I found Fio's english voice very grating.
But don't let me stop you from watching this movie - it is just fantastic.
Re:Was at the screening on Friday (Score:4, Informative)
2) The audio was fine -- were you at the same screening I was? -- rich, convincing stereo sound --
Has Studio Ghibli ditched Disney yet? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Has Studio Ghibli ditched Disney yet? (Score:4, Interesting)
You'll have to import them from Japan though.
Re:Has Studio Ghibli ditched Disney yet? (Score:2, Informative)
Go Go Gadet Grey-Market! (Score:1)
Re:Has Studio Ghibli ditched Disney yet? (Score:3, Funny)
Well, if that's not possible, I know of another sort of Ghibli [] that's at least as enjoyable
-- james
Australian Ghibli DVDs (Score:2)
Madman Entertainment and the AV Channel are the local distributors for Ghibli productions, and they usually have dual audio versions.
Here's a review of the Australian Spirited Away compared to the US and Asian versions (remove whitespace): a y. htm
The entire Ghibli catalogue is not yet available but it's worth keeping an eye out on Australian DVD review sites, s
Re:Has Studio Ghibli ditched Disney yet? (Score:5, Informative)
I can't tell you when it took place but I can tell you that my feelings about Disney have less to do with their marketing and willingness to put their characters on anything that can be sold for a profit and more to do with shit like this [].
Let's face it, George Lucas, Peter Jackson et al don't exactly spurn marketing and sales opportunities but I've never heard of extras playing stormtroopers or uruk-hai having to share smelly, diseased jock-straps and other "previously enjoyed" underwear.
Re:Has Studio Ghibli ditched Disney yet? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Has Studio Ghibli ditched Disney yet? (Score:2)
(* Sorry, I hit Michael front page editorialising mode [] there for a second. I guess people would have totally missed my point if I hadn't felt the need to shout it at them.)
Re:Has Studio Ghibli ditched Disney yet? (Score:3, Insightful)
1. Disney is one company, one cadre of workers right? So if they are evil to their workers (which is debatable but I will accept your premise for this argument) then it is a local problem for the board and the shareholders to work out.
2. Disney is responsible for the hygiene of their workers and if they place them at risk they are opening themselves up to lawsuits by their employees. This is a self-correcting issue.
3. Disney is being dumb if they skimp on l
Re:Has Studio Ghibli ditched Disney yet? (Score:2)
I'd be pissed if my employer was more worried about making billions more from copyright extensions, widgets or whatever than providing me with a safe working environment. Wouldn't you?
Re:Has Studio Ghibli ditched Disney yet? (Score:2)
You are talking about a tiny issue that can be fixed with one telephone call, I am taking about having your freedoms taken away.
Re:Has Studio Ghibli ditched Disney yet? (Score:4, Insightful)
If I remember correctly, Disney doesn't allow its workers to join unions, and we aren't exactly talking about the best paid jobs in the world, so your legal restitution route is all but useless most of the time. To people concerned with putting food on their kids' plates, keeping a steady job and not getting fired for being a troublemaker are more important issues than whether or not copyright lasts for death plus 70 years, 90 years or even a million years.
People in the real world have real world problems. The rights and wrongs of copyright laws aren't often among them.
Re:Has Studio Ghibli ditched Disney yet? (Score:2)
Re:Has Studio Ghibli ditched Disney yet? (Score:2)
Thank God there are still some people who put the good of society before their own selfish interests, but you are not one of them. More pity for you.
Thanks for taking the time to check the "Post Anonymously" box, whoever you are. Funny how you infer that I'm a coward but how it's you rather than me who doesn't have the courage of his convi
Re:Has Studio Ghibli ditched Disney yet? (Score:2)
"Disney won't allow them to organize"... again, they are retarded. The only thing that stops them from organizing is themselves.
These are small issues of local importance. Stupid people who won't take their fates into their own hands. Copyright extension, otoh, is a global issue with ramifications that will touch your children's children. I pity them, I pity you, and I pity a world that cares more for thei
Re:Has Studio Ghibli ditched Disney yet? (Score:3, Insightful)
What's more galling is that I read they held off on releasing the Jungle Book in the late 60's until Kipling's copyrights expired. And their "reimagining" of Treasure Island as Treasure Planet makes me want to use misuse "raping and pillaging" of the public domain the same way they misuse piracy to describe copyright infringement.
Re:Has Studio Ghibli ditched Disney yet? (Score:2)
I guess Disney just can't match Saruman's high ethical standards.
Oh well, the White Hand should have many vacancies open. Go for it, Mickey !
"I used to work in Disneyland, smile and nod. Now I work for Saruman, smile and chop !" - Uruk-Hai berserker, former Disney employee.
Disney dismay (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Disney dismay (Score:5, Insightful)
I agree with you in the sense that I like watching the with the original Japanese and English subtitles, but you've got to be kidding me on that lame lip-sync excuse.
Any decent anime that's been dubbed within the last 10 years has gone through some excruciating processes to get the English dialogue to sync with the lips. More so, I dare say, than the original Japanese dialogue would. There was an especially interesting situation with Neil Gaiman writing the English script for Mononoke. Some of the script had to be rewritten (by others) to get the voices to sync with the lips.
A few years ago I was given a VHS copy of Serial Experiements Lain vol2 which had been manufactured without subtitles for whatever reason. So it was an English box but only the Japanese audio track. I watched it anyway, having already seen the series, I figured it'd be interesting to actually watch, and not read. It became obvious very quickly how the Japanese dialogue did not sync with the lips.
I started turn subtitles off on a few other series I have on DVD and started noticing this was not unique to my copy of Lain.
I think a lot of English-speaking viewers have this misconcieved notion that an English dub won't lip-sync well whereas the Japanese version does. However, I don't think those who feel that way ever took the time to actually look at the lip syncing. They were probably too busy trying to read subtitles.
Perhaps a few years ago the voice acting on the majority of anime wasn't as good as the original Japanese track. Perhaps this is still true. Japanese voice actors do seem to get more emotion out of their voices, although there are certainly many bright spots in American dubs.
The English dub for Lain, I thought, was very well done. So much so that I actually prefer the American dub over the original Japanese. The same goes for Lodoss War. Cowboy Bebop, on the otherhand, I can't stand the English voice cast. I don't think anyone but Aoi Tada could ever do the voice of Ed. The same goes for Escaflwone, Akira, Nazca, etc...
Point is this: lip syncing isn't an issue, and to make it one is just a lame excuse to make up for having no reason at all to stick with Japanese dialogue other than simple personal preference. There's nothing wrong with that, btw, you don't need to make excuses for that.
Secondary point is this: English dubs can be pretty good* and you ought to give them a chance.
*Ignore the whole Gillian Anderson as Moro, the English director for Mononoke just totally missed on that one.
Re:Disney dismay (Score:1)
it'd be nice to have an edit feature in
then i wouldn't look so lame with mispellings while trying to make my point
Re:Disney dismay (Score:2, Informative)
Misspellings don't matter much on Slashdot; even the editors make them.
ObTopic: I hate Disney too []. In fact, if I were a fan of Studio Ghibli's films, I would region-mod my DVD player just so that I could buy DVDs from regions where Disney isn't distributing Ghibli [].
Re:Disney dismay (Score:4, Informative)
lip-sync=shorthand? (Score:1)
Re:lip-sync=shorthand? (Score:2, Interesting)
General Patton was a little guy with a high and squeaky voice, a stark contrast from the commanding and very masculine voice of George C. Scott, the actor who protrayed him in the movie Patton. Often times, the entertainment business is not so much about fulfilling fantasy as it is about
OT: Moro (Score:2)
It was actually Claire Daines I didn't like as San. In English she wasn't the savvy wild girl she was in Japanese
In spite of that, the English Mononoke came off beautifully; it really worked as a piece of storytelling. I know others are up at arms about the dub; I'm not.
Re:Disney dismay (Score:2)
The special edition extras disc actually shows parts of the voice record
Re:Disney dismay (Score:5, Insightful)
FWIW, the dubs are pretty good. I prefer to watch most anime in the original Japanese (notable exception being the Kenshin TV series -- I like his English voice better) but it's nice to know that if you want to watch a movie with people who aren't used to reading subtitles, you can set the dialogue to English and not worry that the quality will be lacking.
The US release of Spirited Away includes a second disc which contains, among other things, a look into Disney's work in adapting the movie. They were very careful about preserving the meaning of the dialogue in translation, only making small changes in places where the American audience might otherwise misunderstand. For example, when the injured Haku drops the stolen magic seal, the protective spell comes out of it in the form of a little slug-like thing. Some people in the translation team got confused at first because the slug-like thing looks a bit like a seal (the animal) so they changed "seal" to "wooden seal" in the dialogue to make it clear which object is meant. Especially after watching that, I don't think the Disney name detracts from the release at all.
Sure its disney, but its also Lassiter right? (Score:2)
That and it seemed from the extras on the discs that the people doing the dubbing really do care about a good job. But they need to
Re:Disney dismay (Score:3, Insightful)
Especially after watching that, I don't think the Disney name detracts from the release at all.
While I can agree that many newer english dubs (WHR, Noir, and Haibane Renmei come to mind) are rather good, Disney's dubs are not amoung them. I'm sure others can generate a more complete list of Disney doing a terrible job, but I'll stick with one particularly glaring example: the opening of "Castle in the Sky".
Watch it with the translated subtitles on, but the English soundtrack. There's an awful lot of
Not so, not really close at all (Score:3, Insightful)
The english version left me somewhat confused- it didnt really sync up well with what the characters were doing. I had to rewatch it with subtitles.
I think disney had a problem with the ending: perhaps they didnt like the way that the good guys and bad guys werent clearly delineated towards the end, so they chose to make yubaba seem more spiteful and adversarial to the last. (and chihiro strangely overbold)
Re:Disney dismay (Score:2)
Re:Disney dismay (Score:2)
Bandai, Manga, Pioneer and ADV barely get the things in ten screens in the US, I think Disney gets about 150 in the US and at least ten in Canada. IIRC, Disney also gets dub and subtitle prints out.
Disney is IMO also pretty well on par with dubbing quality with Ghibli products. Every dub has its miscasts, some show it more than others.
Pretty light on details. (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Pretty light on details. (Score:3, Interesting)
I believe that it will _not_ get theatrical release in the US, but will be released straight to DVD, as was "Castle in the Sky" and "Kiki's Delivery Service". More's the pity.
Re:Pretty light on details. (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm told Tenku no Shiro Rapyuta has the same flaws. So did Mononoke Hime, but at least Gaiman's translation was close enough that it didn't annoy much. It's just the moments where nobody's talking, yet the subtitles keep on rolling...
Re:Pretty light on details. (Score:2)
Re:Pretty light on details. (Score:2)
Re:Pretty light on details. (Score:4, Informative)
You were told incorrectly. There are two sets of subtitles on the DVDs; one is for hearing impaired (literal transcription of the English) and one is a translation of the Japanese, which often differs from the English dialogue quite a bit -- Especially in the case of Laputa, the only Ghibli movie so far which I think that the dub was poorly done.
Re:Pretty light on details. (Score:3, Informative)
If they mess up Spirited Away, then I'll start importing from Australia. Madman seem to take subs seriously, and they make region 2+4 DVDs. Nice.
Re:Pretty light on details. (Score:1)
Re:Sen to Chihiro in the UK (Score:2)
Re:Pretty light on details. (Score:3, Informative)
Disney will. Some films might get a limited theatrical run but all will eventually wind up on DVD with new dubs and the original language track intact - much like the last three Ghibli films Disney put out ("Kiki's Delivery Service","Castle in the Sky" and "Spirited Away")
Re:Pretty light on details. (Score:1)
And I've you would've bothered to RTFA:
a) all the films will be out by the end of 2005, b) Nausicaa is next, c) some films (which were not stated) may get a theatrical release, d) Howl's Moving Castle *will* be Japanese theaters in July and in the US later e) Mononoke will get a second theatrical release in the US in subtitled form.
Re:Pretty light on details. (Score:1)
I also got to see Escaflowne in a movie theater and too was a great experience. Too bad more anime isn't shown in theaters.
Ghibli releases (Score:5, Informative)
Interesting to compare the dubbing done by Disney to the subtitling done by various fans. I have seen at least three sets of subs, all of which vary a bit depending on the translator. Sometimes Disney's dub makes sense, and sometimes it is just plain strange. Hopefully the new realeases will be better translations, although personally I prefer to hear the original language and read subtitles.
Re:Ghibli releases (Score:2)
I like to turn off the sound, turn on the subtitles, put in a Destination Goa CD and smoke about a pound of... well you know. There is nothing like dark psy-trace and Anime.
Which takes US to the greatest ideas of a friend of mine had before he turned into a IV meth junkie. (btw any drug TIMOTHY LEARY says is bad is REALLY FUCKING BAD even if every Anime was made using it.) Add multiple techno sound tracks to Anime DVD's. Blood, Naussca, Akira, and et al. all need to have a Goa, Techno, Jungle, B
Re:Ghibli releases (Score:1)
Re:Ghibli releases (Score:2)
Why would the subtitles be any better translation than voice dubbing? If you really wanted an accurate translation of the original script, you should read the original script in japanese.
Re:Ghibli releases (Score:2)
Re:Ghibli releases (Score:3, Informative)
The question was, "why would a sub be an (intrinsically) better translation than a dub?" I imagine there are intelligent people out there who could give valid reasons. Just because most anime fans on this site come off even more clueless than the normal s
Re:Ghibli releases (Score:2)
Re:Ghibli releases (Score:3, Informative)
A subtitling is under no such pressure. If the subtitle takes its sweet time to say the same thing, or puts the sentence into th
Re:Ghibli releases (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Ghibli releases (Score:3, Insightful)
As well Mononoke (dub script by Neil Gaiman, no less). Mononoke (Web site [], DVD []), IMHO, was his finest work, and anyone who has not seen it should rush out and grab the DVD.
Trademarks of these films tend to be: children (usually girls) as main characters; flight as a major theme (both magical and realistic, often in the same film e.g. Kiki's); powerful older women (both good and evil); technology as a force of decay or at least at odds with nature.
I would say tha
Totoro! (Score:3, Insightful)
Sad treatment for a movie acclaimed by many as one of the best movies of all time.
Re:Totoro! (Score:2)
The lack of original-lan
Re:Totoro! (Score:2)
The video and audio quality is unbelievably bad in comparison to the Disney work (it actually hurts to say anything nice about Disney) and as you point out the lack of subtitles.
I don't have a problem with the dub - it is pretty good.
Re:Totoro! (Score:1)
My kids love Totoro and most I know who have watched it, loved it. I myself think it is not a bad translation.
My big grip with Disney is there taking so long in releasing there versions to the US market.
I waited almost 5 years for Kiki's delivery service from the time it was slated to come out.
But if you want to talk about a terrible hack job on one of Miyazaki's movies, see if you can find a copy of the "Warrio
Problems with the Fox Totoro; other options (Score:3, Interesting)
While the Fox dub preserved the original sound effects and music, it muted these -- quite severely at points. Environmental noises are very important in this film -- and they are all too often almost inaudible. However, the Fox dub did an excellent job in their translated re-recordings of the opening and closing
Pom Poko? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Pom Poko? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re-relase Totoro Please!!! (Score:3, Informative)
Please Ghibili! Re do the Totoro DVD!!!!
Re:Re-relase Totoro Please!!! (Score:1)
The box set is great, and I'd recommend it to anyone, except for the fact that the money doesn't go to Ghibli. To assuage my conscience, I've bought the English versions of both Mononoke and Spirited Away, and saw the latter in theaters. I've
Re:Re-relase Totoro Please!!! (Score:1)
Part of the Ghibli-Disney distribution agreement was that Disney could not make changes to their movies. In reality, this means that Disney can pressure Ghibli to make changes to their own movies.
I don't know if Miyazaki approves of this, but he probably doesn't care as long as it's not changing the actual movie. The agreement also doe
WHEW! (Score:4, Funny)
got a little freaked out for a sec there...
"You are so lucky..." (Score:5, Funny)
(this joke will only make sense to those who have seen the Disney Ghibli releases)
Re:"You are so lucky..." (Score:1)
Re:"You are so lucky..." (Score:2)
Truer words where NEVER spoken! Trust me- the day I figure our this DVD+/-R/RW whatever stuff (i.e.- good burners are $60!) is the day I'm editing out all the crap intro stuff and all the WEAK "bonus features."
Re:"You are so lucky..." (Score:2)
Re:"You are so lucky..." (Score:2)
Oh dear lord, those are painful. Especially since there doesn't seem to be any way I've found yet to prevent them from at least trying to play. Once they start, you can skip past them, but they're not a usual scene... So you can't jump past them by starting at the "Start of Movie" scene instead of "Oh, I'm such an amazing artist, taking the work of a great man and raping it, aren't I such a fucking moron" scene.
Re:"You are so lucky..." (Score:2)
Good news bad news (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Good news bad news (Score:2)
I think Disney's already adapted a bit of the anime look for Lilo and Stich, they do seem to have oversized eyes.
Studio Ghibli all region DVD collections (Score:3, Informative)
There's also the 6 disk, 12 movie collection which adds Nausicaa, Only Yesterday, Whisper of the Heart, Pompoko, Ocean Waves, and On Your Mark, but doesn't include Spirited Away (this is a newer collection and my guess is the omission of this film from the collection is due to Disney...) Although I can't speak of it's quality I can't imagine it being anything but as good as the 4 disk one.
You can get these collection on eBay. Just search on Ghibli. But you'll end up buying them from distributors like this [] anyway (they heave the 7 [] and 12 [] film collections).
I'd seriously considering grabbing the 7 movie version just to have a non-Disney version of Spirited Away.
These have to be the most imaginative, creative, and beautiful films ever made. The power of animation taken to full advantage (imagine a live version of Totoro? ugh, i just got a bad premonition...)
I can't recommend each and every one of these films enough for anyone with a shred of imagination.
Re:Studio Ghibli all region DVD collections (Score:4, Informative)
So speaketh the man with divx versions of every last Miyazaki film. But I'm buying legit DVDs as they come out, conditional only on there being a decent literal subtitle...
Re:Studio Ghibli all region DVD collections (Score:2)
for what it's worth tho, the 4 disc "collection" i have has non of the technical problems mentioned on the bootleg page you point to (although the menus _are a weird hodge podge_). i've watched all seven films and the quality is excellent with no ghosting or blanking out.
but yeah, if i'm not serving time in prison for owning this set by then, i'll pick up the official releases...
thanks for the wake up
Re:Studio Ghibli all region DVD collections (Score:2)
Re:Studio Ghibli all region DVD collections (Score:2)
4 disc, actually, but I understand what you mean. I guess I was just psyched and figured they must not be well enough appreciated or something. Like I said elsewhere: monumentally naive...
I had to re-purchase Spirited Away, as all of my DVDs were stolen, and I bought the 2-disc US version, not wanting to shell out another $50, and act
Ghibli and Miyazaki (Score:5, Informative)
Grave of the Fireflies [] was directed by Isao Takahata [] who also did Pom Poko [], Yamada [] and Only Yesterday [] for Ghibli.
Miyazaki is definitely the driving creative force at Ghibli but it's important to give credit to Takahata. Grave of the Fireflies is one of the most powerful animated films ever made.
Re: (Score:2)
Oh, they said Ghibli (Score:2)
Surprised by Mononoke rerelease (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Surprised by Mononoke rerelease (Score:1)
Besides, if they lose money from the theatrical release, the difference will be made up w
Re:Surprised by Mononoke rerelease (Score:2)
Maybe, except the most popular film in theatres at this time is not in English. The Passion of the Christ is in Aramaic and Latin, with subtitles. Add to that the successes of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Life is Beautiful and you begin to see the "subtitles die at the box" mantra fade away.
Re:Surprised by Mononoke rerelease (Score:2)
Re:Surprised by Mononoke rerelease (Score:2)
One of the things that is going to happen is that as the American anime fans numbers grow, so to will the acceptance of subtitles. I don't have statistics to back this up, but by having a very good feel on the pulse of the community I would have to say the most preferred format is subtitled. I know there is some well dubbed anime out there, b
us release? (Score:1)
Besides, a majority of anime released in the US have issues. I don't know what exactly they do to it (video processing wise), but the colors get washed out and some times, I swear, they tried to change it and make the mouths match the english dubbed track by manipulating the frames or frame rates. Not to mention the weird intermix of interlace
Why is everyone so happy? (Score:5, Insightful)
The packaging is substandard. Those of you with Region 2 DVDs know, the Japanese DVDs are much better put together. The menus are beautiful watercolors, the DVD covers look real nice. Unlike the American DVDs, which look pretty cheap.
Additionally, Disney put in a lot of crap on Laputa and Kiki, including commercials for one or the film. I can see a small anime company feeling the need to do something like that, Disney ought to know better.
Despite that, there weren't many decent extras on Laputa and Kiki discs. Some crap with the American voice actors, but nothing of real interest. Sen to Chihiro had a great Japanese documentary on the creation of the film, though.
But the big bugaboo with the three discs is that, at least on the release I got, there were major typographical and grammatical errors. For example, several times as combinations are shown as a;. Other typos and mistakes are abound.
I love these films, I wish Disney would show them some respect. They're nto shovelware, they're beautiful creations of art.
I hope the rest of the Ghibli canon (including Umi ga Kikerou, Ocean Waves) is treated better.
Re:Why is everyone so happy? (Score:2)
Now if they'll just redo Castle in the Sky... (Score:2, Insightful)
Hewitt (English Adaptors) Interview (Score:2, Informative)
Had you read the interview when it came out you would have already known a new "Totoro" dub was in the works. ^_^
Madman (Australia) got there first ... (Score:3, Informative)
I don't know who's doing what where though - mastering, dubbing, subbing, etc - it may well be that the Madman releases will be sub-only (SBS-subtitled I would presume) if there isn't already a dub, or Madman may be getting the dubbing done in the US, or it may be part of the US deal
"Prepare Yourself for the Biggest Announcement of the Century!
We are absolutely thrilled to announce the acquisition of a treasure trove of Studio Ghibli anime feature films.
After the success of the acclaimed Madman release of Spirited Away, Studio Ghibli has entrusted Madman with the DVD releases of 10 of their classic films including their newest feature - The Cat Returns.
Stay tuned and connected for updates and news on release dates and other details about this exciting announcement. In the meantime, make room on your shelves for all of these Ghibli Classics...
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (1984)
Laputa: The Castle in the Sky (1986)
My Neighbour Totoro (1988)
Kiki's Delivery Service (1989)
Only Yesterday (1991)
Porco Rosso (1992)
Pom Poko (1994)
Whisper of the Heart (1995)
My Neighbours the Yamadas (1999)
The Cat Returns (2002)
Studio Ghibli's animated features are world-renowned for their intricate stories, multi-faceted characters and fluid animation. The painstaking attention to detail is evident in every cell of their largely handcrafted anime features. Its founders - Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata - have long been celebrated in Japan as visionary directors and icons in the field of animation.
Madman Entertainment plan to release all ten Studio Ghibli titles over the year between April 2004 and May 2005. Theatrical screenings and a Ghibli film-festival touring select locations will showcase the collection. Takahata's GRAVE OF THE FIREFLIES - release date 11 February - will also form part of Madman's Ghibli Collection.
We hope you are as thrilled and excited about this announcement as we are... Stay Tuned!"
Re:Pom Poko? (Score:2)
The Ghibli/Tokuma-Disney Deal (Score:2)
Kondo's "Whisper of the
Re:The Ghibli/Tokuma-Disney Deal (Score:2)
"Ocean Waves"? Is that the english title for Umi ga Kikoeru (literally "I Can Hear the Sea" i believe) or is there another Ghibli movie out there that i'm unaware of?
Re:The Ghibli/Tokuma-Disney Deal (Score:2)