Yahoo Buys Overture for $1.63 Billion 182
securitas writes "Today Yahoo announced it plans to buy search technology company Overture for $1.63 Billion. The move is seen as a way to compete with rivals like Google and MSN, especally in the paid search and advertising category. This takeover occurs following this article about Google and Overture's race to secure partners for its paid search advertising. Other reoprts at CNN Money, ZDNet/CNet, AP via the Washington Post, Reuters, Bloomberg and Dow Jones via Yahoo. Press release at Overture and Yahoo."
Yahoo -- Overture (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Yahoo -- Overture (Score:5, Informative)
The problem comes when trying to sell it, as it is only worth what the next guy will buy it for.
In reality, the deal was closer to 270 million in tangible (have it in your hands) money.
Re:Yahoo -- Overture (Score:2, Insightful)
some people/businesses with really deep pockets is interested by your bussiness, as you emitted new shares, the part of the company that you and your associates are holding is lowered.
your shareholders see that the value of their shares is going down
everybody is realizing that you need money and they start to investigate on the validity of your projects
Re:Yahoo -- Overture (Score:2)
It is just like that. Yahoo simply dilutes their stock another 5%. What the heck? Yahoo already way over 100 P/E.
Re:Yahoo -- Overture (Score:4, Insightful)
It seems like the market is consolidating into Google vs. Yahoo! vs. Microsoft (There have been rumours of Microsoft developing its own algorithm-based search engine) and couple of other players like AskJeeves.
Re:Yahoo -- Overture (Score:2)
too late? (Score:2, Insightful)
Altavist was popular but full of ads so it was easy to switch because google was ad-free.
Re:too late? (Score:1)
It's just the right time (Score:4, Insightful)
This is also interesting because of how all the different engines depend on each other in one way or another for their rankings.
Think about how many web developers, designers, consultants, etc are all bragging about their search engine placement capabilities. Obviously it's the next thing to make money on. The big boys want to make sure they're in there as more and more people are relying on search engines for business.
Buying Overture to try to compete? (Score:1)
Oh, great. (Score:2, Funny)
Is this the kind of monopolistic world we want?
Re:Oh, great. (Score:2)
Fortunately, Google isn't publicly held. As the founders seem to be doing exceptionally well for themselves while enjoying what they do, there isn't much reason to sell. Unless they start to fear that they can't compete anymore or suddenly get itchy to retire, I don't think Google's going anywhere.
Re:Oh, great. (Score:4, Insightful)
Wrong heading?? (Score:1, Funny)
Way to copy The Register... (Score:4, Informative)
Have a look at the article on El Reg []
Names make no real sense... (Score:1, Funny)
Re:Names make no real sense... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Names make no real sense... (Score:2)
Re:Names make no real sense... (Score:2)
How many computer companies have names that make any sense? What do Apples have to do with computers? Is Oracle's database really a seer? Is Microsoft's software in any way "micro"? =)
They're just names to catch your attention, to stick in your mind, and perhaps to become a word that does make sense (slowly "google" is becoming something of an synonym for "search", just like "xerox" on
Re:Names make no real sense... (Score:2, Insightful)
Is Microsoft's software in any way "micro"?
Before personal computers evolved from 8-bit microcomputers ("micros" for short) to the VAX clones we know and love, Microsoft was making software for micros.
Re:Names make no real sense... (Score:3, Informative)
The "Google" spelling is also used in "The Hitchhikers Guide
to the Galaxy" by Douglas Adams, in which one of Deep
Thought's designers asks, "And are you not," said Fook,
leaning anxiously foward, "a greater analyst than the
Googleplex Star Thinker in the Seventh Galaxy of Light and
Ingenuity which can calculate the trajectory of every single
dust particle throughout a five-week Dangrabad Bet
Re:Names make no real sense... (Score:2)
Yahoo from Gulliver's travels (Score:3, Informative)
Yahoo is mad (Score:4, Interesting)
But now the big mama has had her throne taken by another, and is hotly pursuing the rival. Yahoo just recently bought up Inktomi (which will be very interesting to see what happens if they dump Google's web search and integrate Inktomi... which is probably bound to happen soon).. and now they just ate up Overture for PPC.
Yep. She's mad. But can she take back her place in the kingdom? I doubt it.
Re:Yahoo is mad (Score:5, Insightful)
Yahoo doesn't want her place back (Score:5, Interesting)
Yahoo!Mail has, at least from what I can see, displaced Hotmail as the General Free E-Mail Provider Of Choice. (It absolutely amazes me Microsoft.) Now, i'm not a marketing research agency-- ll i have to work with is single data points, but I never hear anyone say "check my Hotmail" anymore. I hear "Check my Yahoo!Mail" a lot. And it seems to me that all 5,634 of my 11-year-old sister's friends use Yahoo Mail. They seem to act as some kind of borg-like unified swarm. And Yahoo!IM seems set to lose that war in the long run, but they aren't doing bad, for now. Certainly doing better than MSN messenger. And their news service is passable.
And all I know is, as long as provides me a place where I can play scrabble on the internet, I'll keep coming back
Basically, they seem to be turning into the first non-shit instance of this mythical "portal" thingy everyone kept talking about during the dot-com bubble. For that, they need A search functionality, but they don't necessarily need perfect search.
(P.S. i don't know about you but i never heard ANYONE use 'yahoo' as a verb except in advertising)
Can they beat Google? Hell no, never. Can they beat MSN? I'd bet money that they will.
Re:Yahoo is mad (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Yahoo is mad (Score:2)
But now the big mama has had her throne taken by another, and is hotly pursuing the rival.
To summarize:
Google says "Do you google?"
Yahoo enters Blind Rage!
Yahoo shoots level 99 Fireball at Google.
Yahoo Missed!
WHY? (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:WHY? (Score:2)
Arithmetics (Score:1)
Sure they can.
1. Less ads
2. ?????
3. Profit!! (Score:5, Funny) (Score:4, Informative)
Let's just click on that link again:
Searched news for Overture Yahoo. (BETA)
Results 1 - 10 of about 344. Search took 1.59 seconds.
Occam's razor, and all that
-- (Score:2)
Think of it as an easter egg intentionally put into the search engines as a gag... (Score:2)
Yahoo Buys Overture for $1.63 Billion
Slashdot-11 minutes ago
- did not match any documents. Make sure all words fit our corporate standards.
That's the text of your post, and the link points to this slashdot page as of 11 minutes ago!
More Recursive s-word (Score:2)
I placed small text and some screenshots of this occurences on my web page [].
Oops. Forgot the press release (Score:4, Informative)
Overture [] press release and the Yahoo Media Relations press release center [].
yahoo?? (Score:5, Insightful)
Anyways I remember with Yahoo was "partnered" with altavista and it became big enough to be it's own search, hell I remember there being a "search more..." that would link to hotbot and other search engines of the day. Then there was the "partnership" with google, who became big and started to innovate after yahoo promoted them.
I think Yahoo needs to decide if it wants to be a portal or a search engine, because it's trying to be a one-stop-shop. You got games, music, movies, stock, travel, auctions, email, directions, and the kitchen sink. Is ad revenue really that big for these companies?
I stopped using yahoo when I realized that google found what I needed quicker with more precise search words. In essence I switched from yahoo to google because google was better.
Innovate don't just buy out the small fish, that practice is really old and sort of annoying.
Re:yahoo?? (Score:3, Insightful)
I think you miss the point of diversification. Yahoo doesn't target the techno-literate as a primary customer base. If you ask your mother or uncle where they get their information, though, chances are good that Yahoo is still their home page. Consequently, it makes perfect sense for them to try to be "everything for everybody", even if they aren't the best at any of them.
Welcome to the 21st century (Score:2)
Yahoo! is traded on the international stock market [] now, and has been since 1996. Have you been following the news lately?
Re:yahoo?? (Score:2)
In essence I switched from yahoo to google because google was better.
Who needs facts these days? The reasons I switched:
Remember: Joe Sixpack will never do an objective analysis.
This isn't what Yahoo needs (Score:5, Insightful)
This acquisition isn't likely to help Yahoo do what it needs most: better searching. Until they achieve better search results, people are going to continue to defect to Google and its brethren.
Re:This isn't what Yahoo needs (Score:2, Interesting)
I'll tell you what I'm thinking, 1.6 Billion dollars, and they need the ad revenue from putting ads at the bottom of my yahoo e-mail account?
Seems pretty fair to me... (Score:2)
Yahoo gives you an email account for free, in exchange for showing you ads while you view mail and putting a two-line advertisement at the bottom of each email you send ("Do you Yahoo?!" and then one line advertising a particular service.)
They also give you an option (priced at $19.95/year) that allows you to check your Yahoo email using POP3 and send your Yahoo email using SMTP, thus circumventi
Re:Seems pretty fair to me... (Score:2)
Re:The point, I think (Score:2)
Re:This isn't what Yahoo needs (Score:4, Insightful)
Also this is only about half their cash hoard, so they easily have enough to survive a very extended downturn. Their only major cash use is acquisitions, the core business generates cash.
Re:This isn't what Yahoo needs (Score:2)
Yahoo bought Inktomi not too long ago (which is working on its own Google killer) and Overture owns FAST which produces
Thus... Yahoo now has all it needs to produce Google-quality search results *and* a proven way to make money from it (i.e. step 3).
Re:This isn't what Yahoo needs (Score:2, Insightful)
1 Yahoo Listing
1 - 3 Overture Listings
N Google Results
Since the bulk of Yahoo's listings are Google listings, I'm curious as to how they can not be considered "on par."
It is intersting to see people berate web search when in reality 85% of results come from Google, Overture, and Inktomi no matter what site you are searching on - i.e. web search is already ubiquitous. I suppose it is proof that people are very influe
Results comparable to Google? (Score:2, Informative)
Yahoo's search results are (currently) provided by Google, and have been since 2000.
They've been outsourcing and not using their own technology since at least 1996.
More info can be found here []
Re:This isn't what Yahoo needs (Score:2)
I would argue that Yahoo! never really *had* a search engine. Their gig was creating an categorical index to sites, not pages. You are right in pointing out the deficiency in this approach, but if you think about how they got started, it makes sense that they never got around to it: they were a portal/start page from day one, and (I don't think) never really considered their options at trying to be anything else until very recently.
The thing that bothers me about the Overture deal is that it's not even a
Re:This isn't what Yahoo needs (Score:3, Funny)
The part I always find funny? (Score:5, Insightful)
So, in the end, Google would win even if it took me a few minutes longer to find what I wanted, because I can *bear* spending a few minutes on Google. Ten seconds on Yahoo, and my eyes are bleeding.
Re:The part I always find funny? (Score:1, Interesting)
While google does have paid links on the right, distinct from search results, they also will raise your rank for a fee. A former employer of mine swears by this -- she paid the couple-hundred-dollar fee (IIRC) and now she's the top link for searches in her industry. This has resulted in hundreds of new customer sign-ups, and has already paid for itself in a few month's time.
MY BAD -- ignore parent post (Score:2)
Re:The part I always find funny? (Score:3, Informative)
Here we go again... (Score:5, Insightful)
According to this morning's Wall Street Journal, what we are seeing right now with the NASDAQ is consistent with previous boom and bust investment cycles. It seems that there is a big runup, a big fall, and about 2.5 to 3 years later, a revisiting of the now-despised investments. Eventually, that residual boom dies off too. The expert they cited in the story figures the NASDAQ will peak at around 2400, well above its current 1750-ish level.
Before this is modded offtopic, what this means is that Yahoo!, which has enjoyed a tremendous runup in this recent boom now has some cash to invest. Looks like they are trying to do some expansion like back in the good ol' days when we had AOL buying Time Warner. Look for some other mergers and acquistions unless or until this boomlet ends.
Re:Here we go again... (Score:1)
One would hope (or at least, Yahoo would hope) that this aquisition will turn out better than that one.
So, is the WSJ saying that Yahoo has been having something of a turnaround, despite the poor economic climate?
The tide is turning (Score:5, Insightful)
Peoplesoft & JD Edwards (software)
Oracle & Peoplesoft (software)
Lehman Brothers & Neuberger Berman (finance)
Yellow Freight & Roadway (trucking)
Boise Cascade & Office Max (office products)
Let's see what the next few months bring, but the mood is definitely shifting.
Re:The tide is turning (Score:2)
That's rather optimistic of you. Personally, I see it as a bunch of larger companies grabbing smaller (albeit annyoingly competitive) fish at fire-sale, economy-in-the-dumps prices in the hopes that less competition = lock on business sector. That is, I see less of a forward-looking o
Re:The tide is turning (Score:2)
Your overall point is well taken, though - as the old saying goes, "the market has predicted 10 of the last 5 recoveries."
overture -- inktomi - yahoo - overture ... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:overture -- inktomi - yahoo - overture ... (Score:2)
Yahoo now *owns* (Score:5, Informative)
Psh. (Score:4, Interesting)
What's the point (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Psh. (Score:2)
So, it's search engines, now, is it? (Score:4, Interesting)
So, it's all about search engines, now, is it?
Ok, but I'm still waiting on push technology, portals and b2whatever to revolutionize my web 'experience'(*).
I will admit that I don't have any idea whether this makes good business sense, but my gut reaction is that Yahoo! is overpaying. In fact, I expect that this will throw them in the same leaky washbasin with AOL Time Warner, not Google.
(*) Face it -- NONE of this is going to get any better until we stop using words like 'experience' and 'product' to describe this stuff. Marketing is the real evil!
Plain and simple.... (Score:2, Insightful)
I use Google... (Score:4, Insightful)
Also, it really helps that they don't have irritating ads, and that it renders great in lynx.
How on earth is Yahoo!'s gonna compete with that? Seriously, I'd like to know. By using a state-of-the-art search engine? That's not going to cut it, not by a long shot.
Re:I use Google... (Score:4, Interesting)
I'll tell you. When someone wants to search for something go ahead and use Google (it is the best search engine IMO).
However, when someone wants to get a free email account, have someone host a free webpage for thier hobby, talk to people with similar interests in groups, or IM eachother they will use Yahoo Email, Yahoo Groups, Yahoo-Geocities, or Yahoo Messenger.
Yahoo is more of a community based services provider, where as google is a great search engine. They cater to very different markets. I don't think Yahoo would really care if they were only the number 2 or even 5 best search engine as long as thier community stayed strong.
Mailing Lists (Score:2)
The Web-based interface is horrible (full-screen ad pages before every other message), but it's still possible to susbcribe and post to its lists without ever visiting the site.
Google is better (Score:1, Insightful)
Here's an example. Search for "linux" using Overture. [] The results are all paid results, worthless sludge like "training classes" and "hosting providers."
Now search for "linux" using Google []. You get relevant, useful results with all sponsored links clearly separated from the good stuff. Of course, most people aren't as smart as me, so they might click the sponsored links. I remain convinced that Googl
Re:Google is better (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Google is better (Score:2)
Who designed Overture's home page animation? (Score:3, Funny)
What yahoo can do... (Score:2)
Yahoo has loads more information about many users than google does, via the Yahoo personals, my yahoo, and other personalized services. If they can integrate some of that information into the search proc
Re:What yahoo can do... (Score:2)
Because when I want to find out the default voltage of this Athlon XP based on its stepping as printed on the chip, and which bridges I need to cut to unlock the multiplier, I also wanna be sure the author of my solution is a h0t ch1x0r, age 19-25, with b1g h0
Good Move by Yahoo. (Score:4, Insightful)
Maybe it will help fend off Microsoft (Score:2, Interesting)
Yahoo should focus on their other features (Score:2, Insightful)
However, Yahoo is probably the site I use the most. They have tons of other features (news, games, (fantasy) sports, mail, address books, etc etc...), and most of them are free. I haven't found another site on the web that has anywhere near as many comprehensive and well-designed features as Yahoo. So, in the end, I couldn't care less about Yahoo's searching ability, because I don't think of Y
Move not competition for MSN (Score:2)
A lot of you seem to be missing the point (Score:5, Interesting)
These are examples from my business. Using the same basic keywords.
google: $2.85 average cost per click
overture: $.95 average cost per click
Which one of those makes more sense to you from a business perspective?
Re:A lot of you seem to be missing the point (Score:2, Informative)
I can spend $3000 at google and get ~1000 visits or I can spend $3000 at overture and get ~3200 visits
I'm sure that may not be the case for every business, but it is true in my space.
I should have added that Your Mileage May Vary to my original post
Re:A lot of you seem to be missing the point (Score:2)
Re:A lot of you seem to be missing the point (Score:2)
This really isn't about search engines. (Score:5, Interesting)
Answer: It depends on who you're talking about. Overture is a wonderful thing to hand to a PHB to make him feel good. It has everything that PHBs love. Gambling, bluffing, seemingly high stakes, and best of all, it counts as "work". I'll never forget the look on my boss' face when I was leaving the company and told him that he would have to (read: get to) control the Overture listings. At that time, Overture had recently gone to a flexible pricing structure, meaning that if you bid $1.00 for a keyword, and your nearest competitor bid 75 cents, and the next bid 50 cents, you would pay 76 cents (1 penny more than the next highest bid), your competitor would pay 51 cents, et al. I was able to devise (at least, that's what I told him I did, after vast amounts of "research"; in reality, I think most dummies could figure this out) a plan. Storm into keywords with bids of upwards of $1.50, where the next highest bid would be in the 20 cent range. The companies bidding 20 cents aren't going to jump you up to $1.51, and you end up only actually paying 21 cents, while scaring off any serious bids to overtake you. Then, and here's where the gamesmanship and paying attention come in, if someone pulls the same thing on you, you bid $1.49 to their $1.50. Now every click costs your competitor $1.50, and only costs you 21 cents, even though you're in second. Bleed them dry. But watch out that they don't drop to $1.48 and turn the tables. My PHB loved this crap. He would sit and click refresh on the bid page just to make sure that Hated Company X wasn't pulling a fast one. Kept him off my back the last week I was there, and I'm sure he's still at it.
All that said, I found Overture to be a gigantic money suck, apparently a good enough one that Yahoo! would like it for themselves. Any industry with decent penetration has enough competition that bidding will get ridiculously out of hand. And I had a pretty good idea that our paid-for-listings on the likes of Yahoo were just cannibalizing the clicks from our actual search listing on Yahoo, and costing us 50 cents a click. Overture may be pretty much idiot-proof, but there are any number of free and relatively easy ways to increase traffic, if you've just got a little time and energy to put into it. So, if Overture changes, or dies, or melds into Yahoo, the PHBs (and those who deal with them) may be disappointed, but those with the ability to do a little actual work shouldn't actually care.
Re:This really isn't about search engines. (Score:2)
Holy Excite@Home Batman!! (Score:2)
Someone should tell Yahoo that it's not 1999 anymore. How long before we see Yahoo on the front page of F***edCompany?
What About Distributed Search Engines? (Score:2)
Re:Uhh, great. Who's Overture? (Score:5, Interesting)
They used to be, but they changed their name to Overture a while back. They are not really a search engine--they are more of a pay-per-click advertising technology that is integrated with pretty much every search engine except Google.
Or, you could just check it out [] for yourself.
What are they hoping to get out of Overture? More than 1.63 billion
Re:Uhh, great. Who's Overture? (Score:3, Funny)
wait, first you tell me that they're an online ad agency and then you expect me to click on the link to their homepage? Talk about death by a million pop-ups.
How do you get pop-ups? :) (Score:2)
If you admit to using IE, at least use some kind of pop-up blocker.
I would imagine surfing the web would be crazy without Mozilla. Thank God I'm sheltered now. (Score:2)
Well, Google's place at the top is safe then.
Overture used to be called (Score:2)
They have a huge number of advertisers and in Q1 2002, they delivered 150 million paid search listings a month.
Re:Uhh, great. Who's Overture? (Score:4, Informative)
Overture's product is to add "sponsored results" to search results. Their original product was nothing more than Inktomi's results with their sponsored results on top. Now, renamed as Overture their business is to sell the ads that get put at the top results at Yahoo and other search engines... pretty much all of the majors other that Google who does it themselves.
Basically, Yahoo's buying their supplier of sponsored results instead of building their own sponsored results system...
Re:Uhh, great. Who's Overture? (Score:2)
but couldn't Yahoo have created their own sponsored search results business arm for less than $1.6B?? Sure, Overture brings a (PHB-facing) brand name and FAST/AllTheWeb's search tech, but Yahoo is huge brand name and already owns Inktomi's search tech. I don't see where the $1.6B value is in Overture.
Re:Uhh, great. Who's Overture? (Score:2)
Advertisers and listings. Yahoo is making the majority of it's money off pay-per-click advertising. It's only natural that they would try to consolidate and eliminate the middle-man. I'd expect this will drive Kanoodle and FindWhat through the roof and raise some serious concerns at Google. In the short term, this is probably a good thing for anyone who buys traffic from the search engines. Overture were dicks about minimum bids and what
Overture WAS, bought AltaVista and Fast (Score:5, Informative)
Overture used to be paid search portal which recently bought AltaVista for $140 million [] and then bought Fast Search / for $100 million []. It was one of the IdeaLab properties. Interesting AP article about Overture's history and challenges over the last six years [] mirrored here [].
Re:Pretty big (Score:1)