Evangelizing OSS in the Caribbean 280
An anonymous reader writes "Here is an article on NewsForge regarding evangelizing OSS in the Caribbean. I'm wondering what others think of the impact efforts like this may have on software development jobs in the US. Is IT still a viable field to get into and if so will it last?"
Evangelizing OSS in the Carribean (Score:5, Funny)
oh yes (Score:3, Funny)
Re:oh yes (Score:2)
Re:oh yes (Score:2)
Re economics (Score:3, Insightful)
Resources in T&T (Score:3, Interesting)
My family is from T&T (although I was born in Canada) so let me clarify a few things:
It's more than 2 islands. There are a lot of little islands too but the 2 main ones are Trinidad
Re:Resources in T&T (Score:2, Informative)
Not sure that staging drugs from South America through Tobago rates as an 'export' strictly speaking. Drugs are staged through the Bahamas, St.Vincent and the Grenadines etc, so nothing unusual th
Re:Resources in T&T (Score:4, Informative)
You'd be surprised how it has changed. It is getting a lot more touristic, although I think there are still no big department stores or strips with McDonalds, KFC, etc.
But I do agree with the part about being laid back, simple and cool. I think the smaller the island is, the further back into the 'past' you go with regards to how relaxed and friendly it is.
"Anyway, enough already. You forget to mention the racial differences and the break down of wealth between the different racial groups. You also forget to mention the TT Government monopoly on oil distribution and (AFAIK) production. The corruption etc. I personally think Tobago would be better off without Trinidad."
True enough. Because I didn't grow up in TT, such things are not so apparent to me, but I am well aware of the struggles between the Afrian versus Indian populations and the stigmas that exist even today.
T&T, eh? (Score:2)
Re:Re economics (Score:3, Informative)
I have not been on a cruise in the Carribbean, bu I suspect most trinkets have to be imported from China as the native labor is too expensive.
Next question: Have you checked the price of Office in Trinidad? As I recall, many companies drop the price of their software depending on economic condiditions.
Next question, what is the cut that the local sofware dealers gets when they sell Office
Re:Re economics (Score:5, Insightful)
I have never seen any Open Source document claim that money is evil. In fact, the notion that Open Source has something to do with Communism, Socialism, or any other form of economic theory is a leap of reason no less mystifying to me than Cantor's dealings with infinity (as discussed on your web page).
I happen to be a proponent of capitalism. The two deadliest things for capitalism are excessive government control of the flow of goods and services and excessive control of that flow by a few arbitrarily large businesses. having Standard oil control the flow of all oil in the United States was not good for capitalism, nor is it good to have one company corner the market on operating system and office automation software. That is particularly true (as the article points out) when that results in the creation of numerous closed standard formats for data.
The money that should be spent on computers is for R&D in new technologies, including software. That R&D on the software side is happening at (a few) universities here, within companies using Open Source, and to a large extent in Europe. For the most part Microsoft is milking a cash cow and trying to figure out how to keep it giving milk. Examples of research on NEW technologies which you could at one time find at research.Microsoft.com seem to have been abandoned for the most part.
AMD and the PowerPC give Intel enough competition to keep things healthy as far as hardware goes. Between the two monopolies, Intel and Microsoft I have a lot more respect for Intel, even though I wish competition were hotter sooner.
Finally, having one company dominate software, and another company dominate hardware is not in the long term best interest of this country. As the article accurately states, Open Source represents not only an opportunity for poorer countries to catch up technologically without the need for large sums of money, but it will also result in the education of substantial numbers of their population in the computer sciences. Today we turn people out of grad schools with computer science degrees who think that installing Windows and compiling a C program is the pinnacle of their university experience. We have dumbed-down our curriculums drastically thanks to Microsoft and Windows and we are going to get (actually it is happening now) the crap kicked out of us by countries that did not become so obsessed with a single operating system.
We will deserve it too. I just hope there are enough people here who will wake up so that we can get back in the race before WE become the third world nation of computing.
Re:Re economics (Score:2)
I'm running RH8.0, fully patched with XD2, Mozilla and the full boat....why can't I play too? Your site did not specify Linux as an acceptable OS to play with. Supporting the "network effect" of Windows only serves to keep MS in power....could you do the same thing with Java, Flash or something generic?
No slam, just a gentle propt that you should really support OSS too by making your site avai
Re:Re economics (Score:2)
Re:Re economics (Score:2)
PS. great commentary on socialism/capitalism w/regards to FOSS.
Re:Re economics (Score:2)
There is still a big difference between open source and communism. With communism you have no choice; anything you build belongs to the community whether you like it or not, unless you get their explicit permission to keep it for yourself. With open source, it is the other way around, and you aren't forced by law to release anything you create under an open source license.
Re:Re economics (Score:2)
But ok I will expand amplify and otherwise elaborate. If you can't pay for office your'e not going to be able to pay for programmers to give away the code to the project when its done. I will go further expand, amplify, broaden, elaborate and increase the level of discourse to say, That if you can't afford the office suite you need now, you can't very well pay programmers to develop a new one so you can give it away in 2 to 3 years from now.
And no, nyet,non, negative, n
Re:Re economics (Score:2)
Using Open source, and Developing open source are 2 different things. If you want something customized to meet your immediate needs you will either have to hope someone is working on it and will get it done or you have to PAY!!!. Paying will be more expensive.
Re:Re economics (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Re economics (Score:2)
Really ? There is no initial cost ? This means you have a reservoir of people trained in using the particular OSS app in question?? Oh and lets not forget making certain you have a support base that can and will help you to make things work. No initial cost, you should market for microsoft.
Decreases the digital divide ? What did you do swallow Al Gore's campaign briefing books ? If you can't afford a computer OSS isnt going to decre
Re:Re economics (Score:2)
Providing lowcost internet access or heavily subsidized internet access. Lets face it, the net is the overwhelming contributor of value in the computing experience these days.
Providing a low cost standardized telcom system with digital capabilities. Frances minitel comes to mind.
Making internet and computer access readily available at public libraries is another method.
Once again comes after horse not before, cr
Re:Re economics (Score:2)
Software decisions should not be made on the basis of ideaology, but on technological merits and economic realities.
Heres the counter question If buying propietary software allows the more rapid exploitation of economic oppor
Re:Re economics (Score:2)
If you have lost business because you decided to fund internal solutions, because there is a must develop locally you haven't kept money in the country. As a matter of fact you may very well have cost the company/enterprise/country more money.
Re:Re economics (Score:2)
I just looked at your web page http://www.knowprose.com you are apparently deeply commited to your agenda for a personal stake in the matter. I doubt all the facts in the world would cause you to differ one iota from that agenda. I must say though this has been a very annoying TROLL
Re:Re economics (Score:3, Funny)
I know there are I.T. companies that solve todays problems sometimg in the future, maybe but the poorer the environment the less that can be tolerated.
There will be jobs for good programmers, but... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:There will be jobs for good programmers, but... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:There will be jobs for good programmers, but... (Score:4, Interesting)
Having Windows controlled by Microsoft instead of the public allows them to wrestle companies to their knees. On the other side, the open source movement has as many innovative ideas as Microsoft which is damn near zero. By creating free software, the open source movement kicks third party companies in the kidneys while Microsoft is efficiently pushing them down already.
If Microsoft opened the source to Windows (perhaps 98) tomorrow, Linux would die a quick death or revert back to being a tool of hobbyists.
In fact, that might be the ultimate weapon in any potential trade war with Europe.
Re:There will be jobs for good programmers, but... (Score:3, Insightful)
No, IMO, we'd just have a near perfect wine in about a year... and Linux use would skyrocket. Be honest, have you ever used anything but windows for more than a day? Really? That kind of comment makes me think not.
Re your software point... wtf? You want to ban people making open source applications? How much sense does that make? Law should not there to sustain any
Re:There will be jobs for good programmers, but... (Score:2)
Next time, I'll turn on the sarcasm tag.
Sheesh. Where are you from? Germany?
Re:There will be jobs for good programmers, but... (Score:4, Interesting)
Here's my take on the "Software Ecosystem" as Bill likes to call it......people will forever onward need to get custom stuff done on computers...it's a fact. Not every project can be mass produced for the world and sold to billions of people for INSANE profit levels. I believe that most computer work is custom stuff, a little glue here, adapter there, specialized GUI for operators....this is where most of the rubber meets the road...it will always be there.
OSS equalizes the playing field for people/companies that want to realize all of the profits themselves. No MS tax, no tax to others, simply your brain and as much as you can produce. OSS is also good for business because they own the software that they've paid to be created...no extra tax in the future for them either, no update charge, no extra fees to keep current on MS Exchange Server, Backoffice server or whatnot....they write spec's for something, it's produced, they pay once and own the source...if they need maintaince, it's easily purchased from a competitive field of qualified professionals.....it's good business.
I've got no problem with people "buying" a solution either, that's part of the capitalist system. Define what you are good at, find a market niche and purchase the rest from people that are good at their respective areas.
It's the tax created by MS's "network effect" that has lots of people chafing...the idea that somehow I MUST send a good percentage of my profits elsewhere....it's MS's "Toll Booth" philosophy that's gonna cause them trouble....people don't like paying tolls, and they usualy find ways to either "slug" the meters or sneak around....In this case, they build their own seperate "Information superhighway"....OSS
OSS simply levels the playing field for programmers and buyers....we've all (people who use OSS) come to the conclusion that sharing a free OS, even with it's bugs (open to interpretation, I have not found any) is better than paying the increasingly draconian "Windows Tax" EVERY time you turn around. Pay for this, pay for that, pay to get inspected, pay when the inspectors kick in your door, coming to check your licenses. MS has turned their OS into a shakedown at every level.
Most disingenous was Bill G's comment about OSS keeping countries poor and being fine if you want your country to stay backward and agricultural....bullsh*%....it gives them a "leg up" on the competition, not a deficit. This put's the competition strictly on brain power rather than lawyer power.
Time's gonna come when everyone is gonna have to pick which side of the revolution they want to be on....I've already done that because I see that MS can't win this fight...there's no company to buy, there's nobody to really sue (yeah, SCO fud, but they are going home in a wheelbarrow)...This can't be stopped primarily because it's really good for business and programmers alike.....it's only bad for the "Toll-booth operators" like MS.....
Good for business (Score:2)
Say Jah to OSS (Score:4, Funny)
Besides, mon, lemme tell you -- after they said that Linux had superior rastability, we were sold.
"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds." (Redemption Song)
Re:Say Jah to OSS (Score:4, Funny)
Besides, mon, lemme tell you -- after they said that Linux had superior rastability, we were sold."
You obviously are not fluent in Caribbean languages ;-) What you just wrote there is Jamacian. Here is the Trinidadian translation:
Ya, man! We got de cricket team feelin' rel good jammin' on de tuxracer a few times.
Besides, man, lemme tell yeh -- after dey say dah Linux had de bes' reliability fo' true, we was all sole!
Seriously, in high school in Trinidad, they teach english as a second language. This is according to my mother who was a teacher in that country for many years.
This is a Good Thing (Score:2, Insightful)
IT will always be viable to those that enjoy the field. Maybe salaries will go down. So fscking what, if you enjoy what you're doing?
The fact that Free Software is gaining in popularity is a Good Thing (tm). Yes, it will lead to lower wages and perhaps fewer jobs, but society as a whole will benefit.
Re:This is a Good Thing (Score:2)
Great... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Great... (Score:3, Funny)
Will it last? (Score:2, Interesting)
IANAEconomist, but I doubt that any of the US economy is going to last.
Forget long-term sustainablity issues, and just notice the increasing flood of companies moving manufacturing offshore to cut their costs. Certainly a smart move if all else were equal, but as more and more companies do it there's going to be less and less money to go around for the American worker, and as the total worker income drops the total consumer spending will drop as well.
And consumer spending amounts to almost 2/3 of the US
Re:Will it last? (Score:2, Interesting)
The US started the IT craze. The IT industry is being increasingly taken over by countries outside of the US. The US started the biotech craze. The biotech industry, is and will continue, to be increasingly non-US based. The US is starting the nanotech craze right now. Eventually co
Re:Will it last? (Score:2, Interesting)
For a long time (at least back to 1901, if not much farther), the main export of the US hasn't been cars, refrigerators, microwaves, drugs, televisions, computers, weapons or indeed anything physical. The primary export has been new creations that no one has ever done before. The product that the US will primarily
Re:Will it last? (Score:2)
The US has between 30 and 40 million people living in poverty, that's a whole 3rd world country within the US borders. The US is the only G7 country without public health care. The top 1% in the US has more wealth than the bottom 95%. And with continued Reaganomics (like Bush's tax cut for the top 5%) this disparity will only continue to grow.
I don't know about you, but
Re:Will it last? (Score:2)
> public health care
Free healthcare is worth it.
> The top 1% in the US has more wealth
> than the bottom 95%
And the top 1% pays 25% of the taxes.
> Bush's tax cut for the top 5%
People earning from $20K to $27K had their tax burden reduced by 10% with the tax cut.
Re: Will it last? (Score:2)
> > Bush's tax cut for the top 5%
> People earning from $20K to $27K had their tax burden reduced by 10% with the tax cut.
The news said people making $30K will take home an extra $3 per week, $90K will take home a whopping $15/week.
Re:Will it last? (Score:2)
It won't quite work like that (because it's not a perfect capitalist market) but it's close. Look at the standard of living rises that have occured in the now-maturing tiger economies and even China - the next big wave
Re:Will it last? (Score:2)
No, it won't last (Score:2)
Now, having said all this, I think you are quite right that the bottom could still fall out of the U.S economy, quite possibly due to consumer spending. I am inclined to think the levels of household debt are alarming here. Consumers do not have much more to spend.
So your "correct" solution leaves the bottom falling out of the US economy?
Just how do you define "correct"? You a Libertarian cultist or something? (I'm joking.)
The real problem should be
This is good for EVERYONE (Score:2)
Other countries ha
Businesses will need programmers. (Score:5, Insightful)
There will always be a business need for programmers to glue software together and create things that nobody else sells or builds.
For example, the IRS changes their reporting requirements every now and then. I don't know of any company that would risk an OSS bug in that kind of software.
There will always be a need for people who can do software upgrades and systems work. A lot of that can't be sent out of the states because of the cost of shipping the computers around.
Software Development is No Longer For the US (Score:3, Funny)
Hopefully the OSS revolution will help rid the world of the indignity caused by cruise ships filled with passengers buying trinkets.
As for the question of IT jobs. The software developing jobs will gradually fade into memory, but there is still a need for having IT skills, and there will continue to be jobs for network admins, data entry and report writers, etc.
The main goal of OSS is simply to end the idea of software development as a business. Software development is only one piece of the pie.
But back to third world evangelizing. Most US software companies have found out that they cannot afford serious OSS development. When the flaws of the revolution become apparent, it is natural to move to the third world.
The question is whether or not the natives have caught on to the double edge sword. Preaching free software and creating a world where software is only taken and not traded, then the third world nimrods who fall for the propaganda will find their software development skills worth less than the local trinket makers.
In someways I see this little Stalin-wannabe iconoclast preaching in the third world as the ultimate act of contempt. Giving your work away for free doesn't work in the first world. So you preach to the peasantry of the glories of the revolution to the third world.
It is a fun example of history repeating itself. The fearless leader preaches the glories of revolution to the peasantry knowing full well that the dictatorship of the prolitariat intends to pave the roads of their paradise with the blood of their followers.
Re:Software Development is No Longer For the US (Score:2)
Where'd you get that one from? Free software is not putting anyone out of business. If anything, it encourages innovation by commercial developers. If you haven't noticed, commercial software makers have been forced to make increasingly better software in order to stay competitive (just compare Win2K and Win98). That is good for the industry. As long as the industry stays innovative, nothing is going to move to the
Re:Software Development is No Longer For the US (Score:2)
I actually agree with most of the points about the advancement of knowledge and innovation that come equipped with OSS. I agree with the ability to see in the code, etc., etc., etc..
But there needs to be an economic reward for the developers. What we need is something different from this world of mega monopolies and free software revolution against the machine. We need to figure out how to create a stru
Re:Software Development is No Longer For the US (Score:3, Insightful)
But there needs to be an economic reward for the developers. What we need is something different from this world of mega monopolies and free software revolution against the machine. We need to figure out how to create a structure wh
Re:Software Development is No Longer For the US (Score:2)
There is. You:
a) get nice software that everyone can use and boosts the demand for computers (and thus other, commercial software)
b) get a group of experienced software developers that know how to write software
You realize that some small company in Trinidad can't compete with the likes of Microsoft? You can't be a small fish in a pond dominated by sharks, you know.
I would love to be able to mak
Re:Software Development is No Longer For the US (Score:2)
Completely wrong. OSS is about ending the idea of software development as an artificial monopoly business. It's not about "free lunch for everybody";
Re:Software Development is No Longer For the US (Score:2)
There are plenty of valid pro-FLOS arguments, but this isn't one of them. Your 'if' should be at least all caps--licensing a proprietary solution is almost always cheaper (monetarily) than developing the same
Re:Software Development is No Longer For the US (Score:2)
However, in most cases, "in-house" OSS projects don't necessitate starting from scratch. So if enough of the work is already done, OSS is often still the way to go. There are a lot more IF's
I know this is not popular round here (Score:5, Insightful)
But one of the reasons MS is achieved so much success is because they made their stuff very easy to extend a long time ago, witness the gazillions of VB coders out there who use MS components in their apps, for example its a doddle to stick another button on to IE and code whatever you want behind it in C++ or VB taking advantage of almost all MS office functionality/disfunctionality depending on your point of view. Jesus the number of people I have seen working in major corps who depend on their self built spreadsheets to get anything done alone defies belief.
I always find this a very disingenuous argument for OSS as it implies MS software cannot be customized when it obviously can. Yes you dont have the source code but the occasions where the OS source is required are few and far between for application developers.
Re:I know this is not popular round here (Score:4, Funny)
You will be assim....errrr...not be harmed.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Re:I know this is not popular round here (Score:4, Interesting)
How much more customizeable can you get than having the source code? What I mean is, if you have the source, you can do *anything* concievable with it. Not just the things that Microsoft predicted you might want to change (even if that does happen to be 99% of it).
Say, what's the fastest way to rename 1,000 files according to some regular expression on your Windows box?
Re:I know this is not popular round here (Score:2, Insightful)
And Microsoft gives them a happy, shiny, easy way to mess just with those things... Most VB coders would fall flat on their face if they had to mess with a large, poorly documented, open source application writen in C/C++/Java/whatever (add to that the fact that many OSS applications are written in esoteric (by VB standards) languages like P
Re:I know this is not popular round here (Score:2)
Whereas, with the windows version, two people send one person two spreadsheets with VBA in it. It works - albiet probably has virii in it too, but oh well.
Re:I know this is not popular round here (Score:5, Insightful)
Right. That's why everybody submits their patches to the original author, who merges them, ensures they are compatible, and releases a new version that works for everybody.
Why customize . . . (Score:3, Interesting)
How can a company afford to pay programmers to customize after paying monopolistic prices to get basic functionality?
What if some of the tools I want to use are not part of the MS collective, how will I get the MS parts to talk to the non-MS parts (I have actually taken an Excel file, dumped it into
Dah... (Score:3, Insightful)
No. Absolutely not.
Alice spends 40 hours a week at work developing databases, and 40 hours a week working on OpenOffice.
Bob spends 40 hours a week at work writing an office suite, and 40 hours a week working on PostgreSQL.
I will use Alice's office suite, and Bob's database.
Think hard: Did you all expect your open source project to put everyone else out of a job but not you?
Software development jobs will Leave the US. (Score:5, Informative)
Th US has always exported jobs. I started in IT in 1989 as an IT Manager and have avoided the development and engineering jobs like the plauge because they where being outsourced. In 1994 I changed my focus from IT Managment to security because better network management tools had arrived an made it easier to outsource IT Management. Through the 90s I watched my IT friends getting laid off as the companies they worked for outsource management to IBM, Exodus, C&W,
It's up to me to make my self relevant to US employers and I have found that the easiest way is through being in management (though the politics are a bitch). You can't make an impact or change the world if you are locked in cube coding our trapped behind 15 miles of cable in a server room.
Re:Software development jobs will Leave the US. (Score:3, Funny)
Thank you, from the bottom of my cube-locked heart. If it weren't for folks like you, who would make all the outsourcing and layoff decisions?
Re:Software development jobs will Leave the US. (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Software development jobs will Leave the US. (Score:2)
Huh? This doesn't make any sense. As applications get more complex you need programmers to do complex programming, not grunt work. I mean, there's nothing saying foreign workers can't do that, but complex applications certainly do not mean you need more grunt workers. If
Re:Software development jobs will Leave the US. (Score:2)
Is it the right thing? I don't know it's just what I see going on. But I see US programming jobs moving towards R&D and Process Automation over the next 15 years. Will I be right...no idea. Take a look at what the big players are doing and saying and let me know what you think.
They have systems building systems o
Were you in a hurry when you wrote this...? (Score:2)
"Th US has always exported jobs. I started in IT in 1989 as an IT Manager and have avoided the development and engineering jobs like the plauge because they where being outsourced. In 1994 I changed my focus from IT Managment to security because better network management tools had arrived an made it easier to
Re:Software development jobs will Leave the US. (Score:2)
Re:Software development jobs will Leave the US. (Score:3, Insightful)
I think that the Open Source movement is suited for goverment because the gov usually deals with undirected problems and since OSS is basically undirected in that you can make almost anything from the available parts its a good fit. Closed source apps are designed to solve specific directed problems usually wit
A Country of Managers (Score:2)
CEO sal
Re:Software development jobs will Leave the US. (Score:2)
Re:Software development jobs will Leave the US. (Score:2)
In-house code (Score:5, Insightful)
Commoditise all the building blocks you want. Operating systems? Fine. Office applications? Yep - alright. Development tools? Yes please, we like that. When you're finished, you still left with a ton of tools that need plugging together to do useful work for a business.
Now, if your business just needs Office to write letters and send invoices, plus a database to track stock, then you were never in the kind of software market I'm talking about anyway. If, however, you happen to be a multi-national bank needing realtime market data information feeding to custom databases, with their own trading front ends etc. - this kind of stuff is only helped by Open Source. Give us the middleware (in this set-up, the OS and database is almost immaterial) and we'll carry on building the final product thank you. Always plenty of work for developers here.
And the official spokesman of the effort should be (Score:3, Funny)
Of course IT is still a "viable field"... (Score:5, Insightful)
Seriously, I've been through a couple of IT recessions, and it's never pretty. If you're good, care about your work and want to work hard, there are still plenty of opportunities. If you're into IT because it's well paid and involves no heavy lifting, you'll find it hard to get by untill the next boom (I've been through a couple of booms, as well). And in the confusion, lots of good people get laid off, and lots of clowns stay around - it's not fair, not clean and good people get screwed.
So, right now, IT is like most other jobs - if you're good, enjoy the work, and have people-skills, you'll probably be okay. If all you want is a fat paycheck in return for an MCSE, bad attitude and the ability to use TLAs without blushing, no, IT is pretty terrible right now...
Story (Score:5, Insightful)
The US is an immigrant nation and for the past few years population growth in the US is being fueled by immigration because fewer US citizens are having kids. It only makes sense to outsource our our needs to countries with high migration rates to the US. South America and Asia. That way we increase our skilled population base.
People like to attribute this to evil globalism or money grubbing multinationals but it's simple. If we don't have generations of skilled workers in this country it will cease to exist.This is not a bad thing for the US.
IT is still viable if you don't suck (Score:4, Insightful)
Yes. But in the future it won't be enough to merely understand how computers work in order to make it in the IT field. You will need to understand how an IT department fits within the overall structure of an organization and how to meet the requirements of your internal customers. You will also need to understand how to scale your IT services within the organization. There are entirely too many bad system administrators out there who really need to get either educated or purged, and even the current IT downswing hasn't been able to do it. There are still too many people who are in the IT job market who should simply stop sending their resumes around. 1999 is over, and you weren't that good.
If you can't think beyond "this machine is broken, here's how to fix it" to "this process is broken, here's how to fix it" then don't bother going into IT. There are already way too many people who are perfectly technically capable in IT but who have no idea of how to solve, or in some cases even identify, a larger problem.
(And yes, I had a bad week at work)
Re:IT is still viable if you don't suck (Score:2)
Software Viability and offshore dev (Score:2, Interesting)
BTW "we" were the result of another merger which had occurred 18 months earlier.
I see the combined company eventually employing only business analysts, project co-ordinators, salesmen and client liason people.
Management, the final frontier (Score:2)
With the exception of salesmen making in-person calls, I don't see any reason why these functions can't be outsourced as well.
The last frontier is, , , management.
While a CEO of a company who has outsourced all its core functions isn't going to render himself redundant on purpose, he has in effect, built an overseas organization capable of doing all the business the original or
Trinkets offensive. (Score:3, Interesting)
These trinkets are usually hand made by familys to be sold. It's a family business designed to fit their markets and has to do with the "bandwitdth" of their ecomony and
not the price of an office suite.
The US economy has a ton a bandwidth to support many industries. Just because they don't doesn't mean it's bad for them.
Begin Rant
I'd much rather sell a "trinket" than stand on the corner begging for cash for food.
It's not like OSS doesn't have a need for trinkets. Look at ThinkGeek.com selling trinkets to geeks. Ooooh look at the shiny light on my new Mach 3 combination LED flashlight, key chain, bottle opener, tire repair kit. Or my desktop refrigerator that holds a 6 pack of Geek Drink of Choice, or caffinated soap. What the fuck is caffinated soap for? Maybe it's for removing the blue thinking goo from my ass when I sat on it in my new ergonomic Quake Battle Chair.
Maybe our economy has too much bandwidth.
End Rant
Very good point. (Score:2)
There is still a staggering number of incompetents employed in IT in the UK that the last recession didn't purge. They are the people who will buy trinkets. Hehe.
The IT party is over. (Score:2)
Find something longer term, like being an attorney..
Main reason the future of IT in the US is dire... (Score:2)
But t
Re:Main reason the future of IT in the US is dire. (Score:2)
Not only IT. Almost all R&D is exportable. Check the bioinformatics and drug chemistry mailing lists. How many American names can you find there? If I'm a chemical company, I'd love to have my R&D in a country where the folks can just chuck stuff down the drain when they're done with the experiment. And as for mechanical design -
Re:Anyone seen that new movie? (Score:2)
Re:long term (Score:2, Interesting)
I agree, but programming would only be worth doing in the long run if you actually enjoyed doing it. After society's fascination with day-to-day software like Office wears off as the century progresses, programming may simply be viewed as nothing more than a service field to keep essential computers running, for computers would be inevitably integrated into all facets of life.
In fact, I think a lot of this is already happening.
www.firastudios.com [firastudios.com]
Re:Of course it is. (Score:2)
Excuse me? Not only economists, every taxi driver could predict the .com crash, and have done so quite vocally. It was hardly a surprise for anyone. That just didn't stop it from happening, because preventing an economical crisis is not something investors and entrepreneurs (can afford to) care about indivi
Re:Of course it is. (Score:2)
Common OS to User Compatitbility Chart
MacOS is the equivalent of the trophy wife looks good fairly stable but but expensive. Doesn't like to do things her dad (Steve) didn't intend.
Windows is the equivalent of the reformed catholic school girl. Looks pretty good. Okay on the pocketbook. And if you press the right buttons you can get it to do something nasty. (I think this is smething unconcious on Bills part)
OSS is a golem. Doesn't look very good but it's basically unstopable. Like
Re:Is IT still... (Score:2)
Re:Open Source? More like Openly Racist (Score:2)
Re:IT Viable (Score:2)
Re:IT is indeed dying in the US (Score:2)
Never underestimate the ability of computer users to ignore the obvious. Having worked in technical support, I heard from plenty of people who have had problems with win2k/XP; verything ranging from "how do I get m
Re:IT is indeed dying in the US (Score:2)
factors are to blame:
America just can't cut it anymore
The empire is dwindling
Average intelligence of Americans citizens at an all time low
Britney Spears is the number one role model for our children
Americans are retards
Re:Open Source? More like Openly Racist (Score:2)
Re:Don't bother... (Score:2)