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Comment Simple Russian Motivation (Score 1) 61

I think this is much simpler than the Russians trying to influence US elections or policy. It's about revenge. Everyone knows Hillary was playing god in Libya and a lot of people died, including friend of Putin...Muammar Gaddafi. Who was killed with US assistance and his corpse mutilated and broadcast on TV.

Russia took the gloves off after that, going after Clinton's support on all fronts. First internationally and now at home. All the leaks from the DNC to Soro's and his constellation of NGOs are all long time Clinton supporters. Taking out Gaddafi changed the rules and everything that follows Ukraine, Syria, etc. is because of it.

Clinton's desperation is just sad...she knows what coming and she'll be done.

Comment Re:In case there is any confusion... (Score 1) 1238

You forgot some from the same wikipedia link:

According to Frank Lambert, Professor of History at Purdue University, the assurances in Article 11 were "intended to allay the fears of the Muslim state by insisting that religion would not govern how the treaty was interpreted and enforced. John Adams and the Senate made clear that the pact was between two sovereign states, not between two religious powers."[17] Article 11 has also been cited by 21st-century church/state separatists as one of several documents — including the Federalist Papers papers and the Declaration of Independence — that demonstrated, according to Author Brooke Allen, that the Founding Fathers "... were not religious men".[18]

Comment Re:It's 2010! (Score 2, Insightful) 617

What's convenient though is that the people who are promoting AGW are the same people who are questioning the credentials/intelligence of anyone who questions their conclusions. If it was such a serious issue you'd think they would have been much more transparent in their data and methodologies. Gaming the journals and the incestuous nature of the AGW cliques doesn't help their cause either. I may be naive but to me one of the responsibilities of being a scientist is to educate humanity on the nature of things...instead these scientists seem more interested in doing the journal/funding circle jerk then answering any questions that may impact their standing in their clique or their funding streams.

If they are wrong, partially wrong thats's the nature of science. But if you adamantly say you are correct you better be able to prove it...attacking anyone who raises concerns just demeans the profession.

Comment Re:Anyone else think the ban was to curb garbage? (Score 1) 756

Actually you'll find plenty of those crappy toys in the third world and developing countries. The excess get shipped there and are sold as regular toys or given as gifts because they are cheap. Without that some kids there wouldn't have any toys at all...they don't know they are excess crap toys from the US or Europe. Kids where I live at the moment are still playing with Happy Meal toys from the 80's and it's nice to see the old toys again since now everything now is from cross marketing agreements with Disney or whoever.

Comment Re:people still play that shit? (Score 0, Troll) 207

Yet another example of my point....why do you insist on bringing politics into every discussion. I never mentioned politics but you assumed that is what I was talking about. Some might think that you are one of the very people you seem so worried about.

The ideological master I was referring to was not a political one but an internal one based (fear, pride, desire, etc.) Moronic statements are on par with factual statements because there are no facts....just probabilities.

How many subjects throughout history have been considered facts only to considered moronic statements later? A political viewpoint is just that...a political view from a single point of observation. Based on your argument the world should still be flat with a burning disc of holy fire above it.

The problem you have with FOX is that same problem with all major media's not news it's entertainment. Political debate in major media is just gladiator games for the intellectual class. You just choose FOX because it is the current meme within your peer/social group so it's safe and you get to bond with your playmates.

You my friend are a are reacting on an emotional level and not a logical one. The only difference between you and the idiots portrayed in Idiocracy is that they knew they where idiots whereas you think you are are doing yourself a disservice.

Comment Re:people still play that shit? (Score 0) 207

Ummm, what does FOX news have to do with it? No one mentioned them in this thread.

Actually stupidity is a point of view as you so aptly demonstrate in your post. OED defines stupid as lacking intelligence or common sense both of which can be corrected/adjusted/modified via new experiences. Most of what people on /. refer to as stupidity is a function of ideologies that they disagree with and not any physiological/psychological deficiencies.

Your reference to FOX News is a perfect example of this. Your ideology is limiting your ability to see the world as it really is and and that FOX News is irrelevant. The existence of FOX News just allows you a lens through which you can focus your ideology. Don't worry though when you burn out that lens you will be given another from your ideological master.

Comment How about... (Score 1) 736

we change your title to "Whining Pussy Who Spent too Much Time in School"? It will help your colleagues understand that you are top tier talent not to be confused with the average IT guy. Seriously dude, if you are concerned enough to post this on /. you don't deserve the title of IT Guy, the ability to influence senior management, nor the responsibility of managing subordinates. Maybe you would prefer a position in marketing or sales.

It's about what's in your head and your heart and not what's on your business card or velcro'd to your cube wall. But if it makes you feel better you can print up a business card that says whatever you want for fairly reasonable rates and keep it next to your heart.

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