Microsoft Flouting DOJ Settlement? 580
An anonymous reader writes "According to the Washington Post, Microsoft is not adhering to the terms of its deal with the DOJ. Specifically, there are allegations that it is "trying to license key pieces of its technology at inflated rates" and "thwarting its antitrust settlement with the federal government". They're charging $100,000 just to see technical info about their communication protocols, and you only get $50,000 back if you decide you don't want to license them. Whoda thunk?"
That's ok.... (Score:5, Funny)
ObFightClub (Score:5, Funny)
gosh (Score:5, Funny)
i mean really, what did you think they were going to do.
Re:gosh (Score:5, Funny)
Next you will be telling me there is no Santa Claus.
Re:gosh (Score:4, Interesting)
but i laught at it
128k, you were priveliged, now wait until this ends up as a "my computer was crapper than yours" thread
whats the lowest oldest 'puter any programmed BASIC on...
Re:gosh (Score:4, Funny)
that is a fine computer.. for me to poop on!
Re:gosh (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:gosh (Score:5, Funny)
> Next you will be telling me there is no Santa Claus.
Give me about a year or so and I'll be telling you there is no Santa Cruz (Operation).
Re:gosh (Score:3, Funny)
I don't think IBM would think that dignified. They would probably have a constractor of a subsidiary do the crushing.
Say anyone else have the idea of a Santa Cruz Missle stuck in their head?
Careful of those cruise missle jokes, terrorist! (Score:3, Interesting)
I believe he's still trying to get political asylum in Canada. No joke. Haven't heard much lately about the poor bugger.
Okay.. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Okay.. (Score:5, Funny)
Yeah, don't wait up - not too much interest in "uh, huh-huh, you're a girl, aren't you, uh-huh-huh-huh".
I'm sure a lot of geeks would pay... (Score:3, Funny)
I got some! (Score:5, Funny)
I think that's all. Want your $50k back?
supose... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:supose... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:supose... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:supose... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:supose... (Score:3, Insightful)
Past a certain point, corporate flouting of the law visibly erodes respect for the rule of law. The politicians can't tolerate that and retain their own power. MS will be squashed like a bug if they cross that line and they're getting awfully close.
Re:supose... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:The art of war (Score:5, Interesting)
Generally, in war the best policy is to take a state intact; to ruin it is inferior to this. To capture the enemy's entire army is better than to destroy it; to take intact a regiment, a company, or a squad is better than to destroy them. For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the supreme excellence.
Microsoft's tactics of decimation and delay benefit no one. They are needlessly beligerent, and have managed to make an enemy of almost everyone. In the process they have also earned, EARNED, a reputation for shoddy product at expensive prices.
This is no "brilliant" plan. It is the work of a thug who thinks that he can bully the entire world. News flash: the world at some point gets tired of this shit.
Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:supose... (Score:4, Informative)
Re:supose... (Score:5, Insightful)
Phu-lease! (Score:4, Insightful)
Just the facts:
All the monopoly-whining in the world won't help. On the contrary, it will help Microsoft by portraing them as invulnerable, always winning and not worth resisting.
What will make a difference is use products and open standards.
For example in southern Germany the tiny town of SchwÃbisch Hall has moved to Linux a few months ago, a few weeks ago Munich was inspired by that and (just a few kilometers away) has decided to do the same and a week later Stuttgart und Oldenburg, 2 other south-German cities are evaluating to join in, others will follow.
The dominos are falling. With all the relevant software being ported to Linux, expect a lot of other european cities to move to KDE/Linux as well within 3 years.
So please:
Stop whining, start doing. Whining will not achieve anything.
Tell your coworkers and your boss about Mozilla and OpenOffice, explain to your boss that Microsoft will give anybody huge discounts who is able to move away from Microsoft, etc.
Re:Phu-lease! (Score:3, Interesting)
Even though they are in an industry leading position, they refuse to lead; they would rather be an annoyance and a barrier to everyone who isn't in bed with them. Quite sad.
Re:supose... (Score:3, Interesting)
Copyright is a government-granted monopoly. The whole point of copyright is that the author controls supply. In this case, Microsoft doesn't want to supply the market at all. The only reason they do, is because their DOJ settlement requires it.
Surely you jest? (Score:5, Funny)
How can you suggest such a thing? There's absolutely no evidence that Microsoft isn't just as well behaved as every other American corporation, such as Enron, WorldCom, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, etc.
GWBush will clean up the corruption (Score:2, Insightful)
There are consequences to actions. Unfortunately the American people cannot seem to draw a line between point A and point B.
Re:GWBush will clean up the corruption (Score:3, Funny)
The American way is to patent a device for drawing a line between A and B, and sell licenses to the highest bidder. Drawing the line is left to lesser countries, like Japan, Taiwan and Germany.
Of course, with the Microsoft Ruler, you can get the source CAD code for a mere $100,000, which allows you to verify that the lines are indeed straight. Or not.
Republican Party Animals (Score:5, Interesting)
I worked in the state AG's office in the antitrust division during 3 AG's tenures. When we went from a Democrat to a Republican, we were told there were certain types of cases we were just not going to bring. Ever.
Now I am all for the American Way and for business making a buck. It ain't Romper Room out there. The Fed is supposed to level the playing field for fair competition. I guess "fair" can be defined several diferent ways, depending on who contributes to your campaign.
Write to those Congressmen, people. They are working on your dime.
what's funny is (Score:5, Interesting)
Their reasoning was they didn't want corporations to become more powerful than the government, and hence, have influence over it.
BTW, if you think corruption is bad today, read all about Teddy, he started his political career fighting corruption that was taking place basically out in the open.
Re:Yes, he will. (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Yes, he will. (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Yes, he will. (Score:5, Insightful)
The difference is that clinton lied about his who stuck his cock into, bush lied about why he took us to war and killed tens of thousands of people.
Re:Yes, he will. (Score:5, Interesting)
I don't know what it worse, being such a bald-faced liar to say those things, or to be the complete intellectual moron to believe those statements.
Re:Yes, he will. (Score:4, Informative)
Once upon a time, President Clinton had to deal with a problem. That problem was that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC, which is pronounced "the ferk") had someone up and quit. Aw shucks. Who to get? Well, our fair President, against his better judgment, got a right wing fanatic from down south to sit in the FERC. Bummer. The poor guy was right in the middle of a good job with a kewl company--trying to get rid of all that public sector crap that carries high voltage power from place to place in Dixieland. Oh well. Duty calls.
Fast forward to May 1999. The California agency for dealing with the physical consequences of the absurd right wing fantasy of "AB 1280", circa 1998 had to route the willy-nilly purchased and sold electric power in California. However, just as forecast an uncharacteristic heat wave swept northern California. It was beyond miserable. Oh my. Why were so many power plants down for maintenance? Why all at once? Why was the schedule for downtime changed? (Psssst. Hindsight informs us that the weather forecast was "beamed in" to the decision making headquarters at Enron down there where the heavenly Governor Bush promised always to look the other way.) The price of a megawatt-hour suddenly went to $400 with no ceiling in sight, and I suppose Ken Lay came in his $700 pants that day. Immediately, the California government commissioned a study. Strangely, a thorough report came through raht quick. There was a murmer about someone gaming the system. With a few more highest level power crises short term, everyone survived in California in 1999. In 2000, the evil science was refined. By 2001, the racket was licensed extortion as is common knowledge. The President of the California Public Utilities Commission (Loretta Lynch) told her top lawyer to dig in and sue the lazy bastards at the FERC, whose notions of laissez-faire included sleeping at the switch while your best friends down south print money through electric wires, choke natural gas lines, game the market, gouge customers, and bankrupt decently managed retail power companies without recourse. Why? Because Bill Clinton wanted to be "nice" to those on his right. The FERC was perverted. Yes. It happened while Clinton held ultimate responsibility. Yes. You can hang this on Clinton. However, when Bush's friends on the FERC kept assisting the milking of the California electric rate payers, after a while the conscience got a little stronger (along with the public outcry that leaked beyond the "lost-to-the-Republicans-anyway" i.e., negligible-to-W.-anyway state of California). When that racket stopped screwing California on schedule, the bets placed at the Enron power/futures/weather casinos in Houston started to lose money for their customers--typically the house itself. Just then there was a Frontline piece on public TV. I watched it. Why was it that all Ken Lay would do was laugh?
Then came August of 2001, when Ken Lay was kind enough to free up the CEO chair for Jeffry Skilling. What a guy!
You know the rest of the story, but now you know the part that we should blame on Clinton. Let the egg drip slowly down your right wing face now. You asked for it.
Re:yeah... (Score:4, Funny)
Re: yeah... (Score:4, Insightful)
> No, the invasion was to *ELIMINATE* WMD. Seems to have worked...
Yes, and they also got rid of all the aliens, bigfoots, and unicorns in Iraq.
Now they're going to install democracy and ensure everyone an education, a job, and good healthcare, just like here at home.
Re: yeah... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re: yeah... (Score:3, Insightful)
I would go into various conspiracy theories about the inspectors not wanting to find WMD, but they are theories only, with no real proof.
Yep. Microsoft is fuckin' EVIL (Score:3, Funny)
What?! (Score:4, Funny)
No, I'm sure they're just misunderstood.
No way! (Score:3, Funny)
What's next? More SCO villification?
But they PROMISED... (Score:5, Interesting)
They even had to set up a committee internally to make sure they didn't break the rules. Surely the DoJ wouldn't have given them such a limp-wristed settlement if it didn't believe they were honest people.
Oh hang on its only George Bush who lives in a 1950s "Wonderful Life" style world.
Is ANYONE suprised by this move ? M$ have also just bought some AV software, umm will they bundle theirs into the OS to drive other people away, its a shot in the dark, and against the DoJ settlement but it might just be true.
M$ know that with the massively pro-business pro-monopoly president there is right now that they have AT LEAST 5 more years before a President who might go after them. Add 5-10 years of DoJ cases and they might get the next numbskull to let them off.
The only hope for the US Software industry is if the EU crackdown.
It's a "Wonderful Life" (Score:5, Informative)
It is a great movie and stands as one of the classics.
Re:It's a "Wonderful Life" [way offtopic] (Score:5, Interesting)
Well, until 1993, when some copyright sleight-of-hand pulled it out of PD.
RIAA? MPAA? DMCA? hello? is this thing on?
All together, with a vaguely French accent: (Score:5, Funny)
"I'm Shocked! Shocked!"
Windows Update (Score:5, Funny)
Drugs are bad (Score:3, Redundant)
Wristslap Pain is a Memory (Score:5, Interesting)
No, this is not a big surprise to the very large crowd of people who think MS got off lightly for what they have done.
The significance, though, is that there are still a couple of states (WV, MA, I think) holding out on the DOJ settlement.
Their case could be made stronger if they can show the settlement is not working properly.
Maybe this wasn't such a good idea (Score:5, Funny)
So this is what happens to our best and brightest programmers.....
Thunking (Score:4, Funny)
I would. Thunking is fun, and a wonderful way of ensuring you keep compatible. Try thunking to another operating system running in a virtual machine, that's cool
Well... (Score:2, Interesting)
Re: (Score:2)
Government Endorsed the Monopoly (Score:5, Insightful)
Really, who won the case? Not the people, well they did, but the newly elected administration had that overturned and gave Microsoft everything they ever wanted and then some.
Crash, bang, pow! The sound of companies being crushed, jobs being lost, and consumers losing more and more to the power of a global monopoly that is in fact a de facto government taxing American citizens on a national basis every time our government (once elected - now paid) buys from the Nation of Microsoft.
Do we really want more media consolidation - must be, someone in the government says its cool for one company to own everything and offer us the same crappy meals every day.
To borrow a line we might have to get used to""You will work harder with a gun in your back for a bowl of rice a day."
Thanks to Justice and Judge CK the animal is free to prowl and kill whatever it wants. Nice, real nice.
Price Inflation? (Score:2, Interesting)
Interesting licensing details: (Score:5, Insightful)
Wow! Paying someone to steal your intellectual property. Thank you Microsoft. Now I understand all that innovation.
At the urging of the Justice Department, Microsoft will now allow engineers from potential licensees to visit its headquarters to examine more technical data. But the rivals say the company is requiring the engineers to sign such strict confidentiality agreements that their ability to work on related products for their employers would be hampered.
"Basically, I'd have to shoot the engineers when they came back," said one irate company executive.
Wow! Paying Microsoft to make your employees unuseable. Thank you Microsoft. Useful employees were a burden anyway.
Shoot the engineers?!? (Score:5, Funny)
Yeah, I'd do the same thing if I were forced to send my engineers to visit Redmond...
Re:Shoot the engineers?!? (Score:3, Funny)
Which protocols? (Score:5, Interesting)
So, what protocols are they? I'm certain that a large number haven't been externally engineered, but I'd be willing to bet that quite a few have, or that they originate from public protocols that MS has since modified.
DOJ ph34rs MS (Score:5, Insightful)
This just shows how scared the DOJ is of MS. I mean if I got taken to court for not paying back a loan and the court ordered me to pay £x back per month and I only paid a fraction of it back per month do you think they would say "We have made progress with graspee. We have gotten him to pay back some of the money he owes." ???
What a shock (Score:2)
"So Bob, should we stop doing business with these criminals?"
"Hell no, Joe, I just got a $2bn kickback! Ye hah for corporate America! Anything goes."
"Good thinking Bob, oh, and I love your new caddy by the way - a Senator is just so much better than my Congressman."
Samba (Score:5, Interesting)
Aargh (Score:3, Informative)
DOJ Scared? (Score:5, Interesting)
It is mentioned in the article, and in some comments before mine, that the DOJ seems to be scared of Microsoft. Indeed, the behaviour even seems to suggest it - they are behaving very trepidatiously, despite their obvious power within the US.
My question is, why are they scared? What have they to be scared of?
Re:DOJ Scared? (Score:4, Insightful)
The current administraton has little interest in pursuing MS. The DOJ is headed by the Attourney General, who is a political appointee of the president. You do something that pisses off the administration -- such as being overly aggressive toward a large employer in a down economy -- you're going to find yourself being one of the people looking for work. And whatever casework you did will be quietly filed until such a time as it can be shredded.
Not that this would be much different under a Democrat administration (what, you don't remember people complaining about the DOJ pursuing MS under Clinton/Reno because they are such a big employer? Go read some older news coverage...) -- the fact is, prosecuting large employers (corporations) when there's relatively high unemployment, particularly in the sector the company is involved in, is a bad political move. The company will complain to the media, and your political opponents, regardless of color or stripe, will jump on it and harp about how you're destroying the economy.
Because of the Benjamins (Score:5, Interesting)
MS hires bigtime for its legal department. It has a budget bigger than the DOJ and more experienced lawyers. Look at http://www.idg.net/english/crd_gates_888634.html
Bill "Nuke 'Em" Neukom built a 600 lawyer in-house team for MS. There are 9,000 lawyers in the DOJ. According to the 2003 Budget at http://www.usdoj.gov/jmd/2003summary/html/atr.htm
The DOJ spent 100,000,000 on ALL cartel activity, not just MS.
The DOJ is outgunned.
Re:DOJ Scared? (Score:3, Insightful)
Now apply that to the antitrust division. Under the current administration, they basically don't have a job, except to put up the appearances of doing a job. They have to draw the fine line between sufficient appearance with
Blech - yet another legal tech story (YALTS) (Score:2, Insightful)
How come so many of the tech stories nowadays include the words:
court, settlement, legal
Getting tired of the misbehaviour and squabbling frankly.
All right letâ(TM)s see:
Loophole alert: âoeOne unusual provision, however, allows Microsoft to license some of the code â¦â
So thereâ(TM)s a disagreement on interpreting the scope of a term of the settlement. Just great.
⦠and now the second page of the story
Why are so many people bitching about this?... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Why are so many people bitching about this?... (Score:3, Funny)
You are so right!!! Why can't people understand that??!? It's seems like it's only you a
Re:Why are so many people bitching about this?... (Score:5, Funny)
communication protocols? (Score:5, Funny)
Appropriate purposes? (Score:5, Funny)
Microsoft requires companies that license the protocols to be audited -- at their own expense, by a third-party auditor selected by Microsoft -- to ensure that they are only using them for appropriate purposes.
What are "appropriate purposes" when it comes to protocols?
Auditor [pointing, exasperated] And what the hell are you using that one for?
Company rep Oh, we keep donuts in that one.
Auditor And that one?
Company rep Oh, that one is forced into the green button on the air-conditioner, otherwise it keeps switching itself off.
Auditor That one?
Company rep Oh. Erm. Sorry. We ran out of cat litter.
Auditor I am truly shocked at your inappropriate use of MS protocols! You'll be hearing from Bill Gates about this!
I'm shocked! (Score:2)
Next stunner please. Anyone suing somebody new over UN*X today?
Another Ten Years (Score:4, Insightful)
Iraq played with the rules for over 10 years before they got their hands slapped
My guess is, it will be another 10 years before the US Government gets around to making a decapitating strike of "Shock and Awe" against Redmond
Seriously though, I think it's rather obvious that the current Administration and Microsoft have come to some understanding to look the other way regarding Microsoft activities. No one will admit that, but that's what PACs are for
My main worry (Score:5, Insightful)
Take the whole Virtual PC thing. I switch from Linux to OS X on the desktop, and get all excited about Virtual PC - now for those few Windows Apps I *need* to run (like Sharkport for my PS2, Ultima VII in DOS mode - you know, the important stuff), I can have that.
Then - Microsoft buys Connectix. OK, I say. Then RealPC announces "We're comin' back - and better!" I see light at the end of the tunnel. If RealPC can do its "direct hardware technology" right, I could even play Half-Life I (and hope that HL2 gets ported to OS X) in a Virtual Window (yes, I'm sure I'd have to grab more RAM, but it's the *potential* of the idea).
Nope - MS is sueing them now too.
That's the part that worries me - the buyiing/sueing of companies who even *look* like they might do something that MS wants (remember how they tried to buy Quicken, and at least that one was nixed?). At least during the DOJ trial they *tried* to act nice - but now that it's over, it back to the Bad Old Days of either buying somebody out, locking them out, or sueing them into oblivion.
Patience, I tell myself. Someday, maybe 50 years from now when MS is just another fair player in the market, this will all be looked backed upon and laughed, like Standard Oil and AT&T. Patience.
Here's another questionable MS practice (Score:3, Interesting)
"Microsoft routinely offers financial inducements to computer companies to not carry LindowsOS computers. With $40 billion in the bank, it's an easy decision for them to use a few million dollars to block Lindows.com from major retailers."
I say *let them do it* (oooh, controversy) (Score:5, Interesting)
We all know that MS is good at copying, but poor at actually 'innovating'.
Ironically, the reverse is usually true for OSS.
Yes, I know that better tech doesn't always win (Beta vs VHS), but if an OSS solution is found to this problem, MS can follow or get out of the way.
The key is to put the shoe on the other foot - force MS's compatabillity with OSS protocols, rather than the other way around. A tough road indeed, but one that we'd better get used to.
Look at Flash (not too long;), there was tech that was released by one company and went on to become a web standard. Everyone has the flash plugin, and if they don't, they can get it easily.
This was a tough story to write a comment to - it was like pointing up and saying, "The sky is blue! What can we do?"
Re:Frivolous McDonald's Lawsuit (Score:3, Insightful)
Yeah because when a customer does something that shouldn't be dangerous and gets hurt they should be considered solely at fault. But when a corporation does something that they already know is dangerous they should never be held accountable.
Why do so many people that spout about taking responsibility for your actions never want to apply that standard to corporations?
In other news... (Score:4, Funny)
Reminds me of a scene in "Casablanca" (Score:5, Funny)
Police Captain Renault: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
[A croupier hands Renault a pile of money]
Croupier: Your winnings, sir.
Police Captain Renault: [sotto voice] Oh, thank you very much.
133 Protocols (Score:5, Funny)
Somebody send a correction to the Washington Post. When making fun of an underskilled and overarrogant programmer or group of programmers, the correct derogatory spelling would be, "l33t protocols".
Why obey the law? (Score:4, Insightful)
When you have enough power to force any business entity to do almost anything you need?
When the authorities of the law are so weak and limited in their power?
The only way to get Microsoft, as well as many other unethical, illegal and otherwise misbehaving companies to obey the law is to gradually increase the punishments given when they are found guilty.
The "corporate death penalty" [lightparty.com] (the destruction of a corporation and the auctioning of all of its assets) was and still is a possible punishment that can threaten those corporations who show contempt for the law and repeatedly defy it.
The "corporate death penalty" brought, and could bring today - respect of the law.
Call to restore the "corporate death penalty" today!
Not the first to turn a settlement into (Score:3, Insightful)
Some insurance companies did that years ago with a billion dollar settlement against them and they used the opportunity to charge off a lot of hardware and document scanning software and the people and procedure development against it.
End result, they got lots of new toys which they used to develop in-house technology and processing and they had bugger all left to share between the poor fools who applied for their redress.
Specially since most of the process was to make the poor schmucks provide information (that's why the scanning,) that was then checked against the companies' own records. If there was a discrepancy, they got squat. Like there was a chance an outsider has access to that data.
End result, insurance companies win, their customers lose, again, and the law was flouted once again.
No surprise there either.
Disclosing interfaces in the AT&T and IBM case (Score:3, Interesting)
This created a whole independent industry, where before, only Western Electric made most of that stuff. Today you can buy everything from a phone from a central office switch from multiple vendors, and they all interoperate properly.
The same thing happened over a decade previously with IBM. At one time, you could only buy IBM peripherals from IBM. IBM lost an antitrust case, had to disclose their interfaces six months before they shipped a product that used them. The third-party disk drive industry was born. This forced price competition in disk drives, and started the fiercely competitive disk industry that we know today.
That's what was supposed to happen with Microsoft. That's what antitrust law is supposed to do.
One option at this point is for the Justice Department to go back to the court and say "well, disclosure didn't work, we're going to have to go back to breaking up Microsoft". That's an option, probably for the next post-Bush administration.
Re:Reasonable and non-discriminatory (Score:5, Insightful)
This isn't unfair competitive practices, this is competitive practices designed to protect their trade secrets. They are essentially showing the holy grail of linux computing, so why shouldn't they charge an admission fee?
Re:Reasonable and non-discriminatory (Score:2, Insightful)
Because they are a convicted monopoly?
Re:Reasonable and non-discriminatory (Score:5, Insightful)
Oh I dunno, maybe because the DOJ settlement said they had to? Or is that not a good enough reason for you?
Re:Reasonable and non-discriminatory (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Reasonable and non-discriminatory (Score:5, Insightful)
It is both unreasonable and discriminatory.
Unreasonable? Hardly, in a business world that money is peanuts.
That is irrelevant. They are supposed to disclose the protocols to competitors. The purpose is to level the playing field to competition. Anyone who is a competitor, such as an open source project, should be able to get the protocols.
It is unreasonable because the cost of providing this information is practically zero. They could put it on their web site if they were truly interested in complying with the DOJ settlement.
Discriminatory? Nope. As far as we know, they're asking the same price from everyone.
It is discriminatory. It is intended to discriminate against the biggest possible competitor that MS has ever faced. This is directly against the spirit of the settlement.
If asking the same price for everyone were all that mattered, then why not just ask for $1 Trillion? They would not be discriminating against anyone after all. In your world, this would not be unreasonable.
Is Ferrari discriminating against me because I'm too poor?
Irrelevant. Ferrari has not been ordered to provide you with transportation. Furthermore, the MS communication protocols are not a product you are buying. This is information that a court of law has ordered MS to provide to all competitors. I wouldn't have a problem if MS charged for the cost of media, or some minor cost tied to the production of the information. But again, producing this information, even in a very raw form, would cost very little. It could be widely circulated.
Re:Reasonable and non-discriminatory (Score:5, Informative)
This is unfair competitive practices. The whole reason they are to disclose the protocols are the remedy the damage done to the competitive landscape caused by their past wrongdoing that they have been convicted of.
The communication protocols are not to be a trade secret. That is the whole point of disclosing them. Because Microsoft has unfairly leveraged a monopoly to create new monopolies they now have to open the landscape to competition.
I would love to get a copy of MS's protocols so I could write a proper exchange connector for unix. But I don't have a hundred grand to pony up, so it ain't gonna happen.
That is exactly why it is unfair. Don't you get it? Competitors are entitled to the protocols. Microsoft is free to compete on the merits of their product, not on the secrecy of their protocols.
Re:Reasonable and non-discriminatory (Score:5, Insightful)
"There is something fundamentally wrong with requiring Novell to pay large sums of money to access information that the court determined Microsoft illegally withheld," said Ryan Richards, a Novell vice president and deputy general counsel. "Microsoft breaks the law and Novell pays for the remedy."
So no, $100.000 is not reasonable, it's extortion.
To the sarcasm challenged... (Score:2)
I was just quoting the MS party line there. Would you actually pay a 100 grand to read a billion lines of junk?
Likewise on non-discriminatory.
You can never go broke underestimating American intelligence.
Re:Reasonable and non-discriminatory (Score:5, Interesting)
Oh, they manage. They financial statements [yahoo.com] show that they spend just over $1.1bn per quarter on R&D.
Because people will buy it regardless? The effort is not primarily to make their "stuff" better, but to develop new stuff - think X-box, DRM, etc.
Re:Wrong Story Came Up (Score:5, Insightful)
There are a good one hundred technology/business stories a day. Singling out this one is not just politically motivated, it is childish. That is my point. If you really think slashdotters are into business related technology stories, then you need to report on the big stories, not the ones that make your "competition" look bad. This is fundamental editorial ethics.
Re:Has Microsoft realised that... (Score:5, Insightful)
And just look to the Linux distros for proof.. I don't see a lot of them that come as just an OS.. It's OS, X, gcc and friends, web browsers, pims, media players, etc etc etc. And all wrapped up in one nice little bundle that can be installed all at once.
I am guessing most normal (non-geek) users of windows do use IE, why spend the time to download when you have a browser already there.. And I think a lot of geek type may as well, since soo many web sites are designed to work with IE and look like crap in Moz.
Why go out looking for a media player if you have one that works? People new to pcs would not know about winamp unless someone told them it rocked, so why would they go looking in the first place, not to mention winamp doesn't do video..
The long and short is, if they just sold windows without IE, Outlook Express, WMP, etc etc it would be harder to justify the cost, make microsoft apps less obvious, and make it so people had to CHOOSE to get their software instead of someone elses. Why would they want to do that??
Re:There is no corporatism (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:There is no corporatism (Score:3, Interesting)
By what standard?
In 2000, the United States payed US corporations over $250 billion in corporate subsidies (or "welfare," as it is known if provided to individuals). Meanwhile, neither GE nor Microsoft payed *any* taxes in 1999, and very little in subsequent years.
Yes, I know that 10% of the US population payed 30% of the taxes collected; but that 10% accounted for over 40% of the income! Now, with Bush's new tax breaks, the rich pay even