Slashback: Courseware, Towers, Drives 236
Your school or mine? Francis Esmonde-White writes "Dr. Joe Schwarcz (aka 'Dr. Joe' on the discovery channel & Montreal radio station CJAD), Dr. Ariel Fenster, and Dr. David Harpp at McGill have been running the OCS (Office for Chemistry and Society) for some time now. Their view is that it is academia's responsibility to communicate science to the public. One such facet of this has been to put up a series of lectures available freely through the internet.
I thought this may be interesting in light of MIT's OpenCourseWare, and that there are other major online university education projects around... even if they aren't on the same scale. In any case, here is your chance to learn about all the neat stuff you were interested in, but never learned in your introductory chem class. My first class (world of chemistry) with 'Dr. Joe' included topics like medications, plastics, explosives and pollution, so it isn't the boring chemistry you may have been tortured with in high school!"
Put this in your drive and smoke it. Linuxfr.org says (translated from French):
It comes on a CD with more than 50 applications, articles, and a four-language (yes it's Swiss) html based interface to help newcomers discover Free Software. The complete GNUWin-II can be browsed online. The ISO image of the CD can be downloaded here or better on Swiss SunSITE mirror ftp or http.'GNU Generation, a student association at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne, proudly announces the release of GNUWin-II, a collection of free and open source software for Windows, which luckily contains most of the software that was proposed some days ago on slashdot.'
But who can fit the most soundcards in one machine? An anonymous reader writes "As a follow up to the 37 operating systems, 1 PC you should check out this site http://fileserver.coleskingdom.com 24 hard drives in one PC. And he managed it under Windows 95."
Maybe it was the Zip factor. generic-man writes "Dataplay, a company built around creating a new miniature optical disc format, has announced that all employees have been put on leave as the company tries to come up with the $50 million it needs to stay afloat. The future of Dataplay is still up in the air."
Recursive trailers. A lot of readers were disappointed in the viewing options for the Two Towers trailer posted yesterday anakin876 writes "The TTT Hi-Res trailer is out, but still semi-hidden. The Apple Quicktime Page doesn't have the trailer listed (yet) but it does exist."
Harm, foul. Boone^ writes "You'll remember when California signed a huge deal with state consultant and Oracle reseller Logicon Inc. only to have it blow up in their face [1,2,3]. Gov. Gray Davis finally signed legislation ending the exemption for the state's information technology purchases from California's conflict-of-interest laws. Similar bills have come across the Governor's desk, but Pete Wilson and Davis both vetoed them in the past. Apparently the policy of 'no harm, no foul' reigns out west, since it takes a fiasco to produce change."
That many licenses must be worth some jetlag. In August, we mentioned the possibility (floated by Telstra itself) that the Australian phone company was considering rolling out Linux on as many as 45,000 desktops; an anonymous reader notes that Microsoft is not sitting by for that, and has dispatched Steve Ballmer to convince Telstra otherwise.
dispatched Steve Ballmer... (Score:5, Funny)
Re:dispatched Steve Ballmer... (Score:1)
Windows? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Windows? (Score:3, Insightful)
It is trivial to put 26 SCSI drives on a single phisical controler card (2 SCSI 3 chanels. 14 devices each, including the controler itself. 26 SCSI drives total).
Or as this guy has done. IDE controlers. Some of which alow up to 4 chanels (I.e. 8 drives). I actualy built a test server with over a terabyte of storage space.
6 X Promise IDE controlers.
24 X 60 GB Hard Drives.
1 40 GB Drive
1 CDRW Drive
1 DVD Drive
1 IDE Zip Drive
2 10/100 NICs.
1.480 TB Raw Storage.
1.08 TB RAID 5 protected Storage.
40 GB On the primary tape backup protected drive (Only 1.3 GB used).
Re:Windows? (Score:2)
Re:Windows? (Score:2)
Re: (Score:1)
Re:Windows? (Score:2, Insightful)
Double letters? Where did you come up with that?
Re:Windows? (Score:2)
I probably have the only dual Athlon MP system with a 5.25" floppy drive. :-) (That drive and a Supra 14.4 faxmodem are all that's left of the 286 system I built 10 years ago...and the drive is the only part currently in use.) Something that might be a little bit more common, though, would be to see a Zip drive (or other removable-storage drive) show up as B:...my SCSI Zip never did that, but I've seen it happen with IDE Zip drives in some systems.
Re:Windows? (Score:3, Interesting)
Boy I wonder... (Score:4, Funny)
Assuming they're running RedHat, where are they going to keep their 135,000 system discs?
Re:Boy I wonder... (Score:2, Interesting)
What's stopping them from installing directly from the Australian Mirror [planetmirror.com]?
Re:Boy I wonder... (Score:2)
Ballmer vs. the jetlag (Score:5, Insightful)
I think I see a pattern here -- announce move to linux on day 1, on day 2 sign a deeeeeply discounted deal with Microsoft.
Re:Ballmer vs. the jetlag (Score:1)
I'd like this question answered...(i know it isn't possible to answer):
What is the ratio of copied/original windows pcs out there? (all kinds of m$ windows, x86 architecture only). "Original" here means from each original m$ installation discs, the "legally" allowed installations on HDs. Anyway, you get the idea. That's the question.
pattern (Score:1)
Re:Ballmer vs. the jetlag (Score:5, Insightful)
Or more likely: day 2 MS threatens to audit, sending telstra scrambling for 45000 WinNT4 licenses... day 3: telstra signs standard subscription deal for next X years to avoid lawsuit.
Telstra doesn't intimidate easily (Score:5, Informative)
So, let's see, Microsoft sues Telstra. Not only does Telstra decide to go non-MS in the future, it starts promoting non-MS alternatives through its extensive ISP business (for instance designing its pages to work best with Mozilla/NS rather than IE, having their installation install NS by default, start streaming content in non-MS formats and thus preventing the usual Linux lockout, and so on), the publicity that such a trial would produce would surely encourage other businesses to look for alternatives to a company that sues its best customers.
That's not to mention what a hostile federal government could do to MS's business here if it so chose.
Re:Telstra doesn't intimidate easily (Score:2)
(Kill me now before MS thinks to take this course of action!)
No they couldn't (Score:4, Informative)
But let's assume the rest of Telstra is sold. To obtain a controlling stake in a public company, Microsoft, as a foriegn-owned company, would have to obtain permission from a government body called the Foriegn Investment Review Board. 99.9% of the time such approval is given, but every so often the government knocks back some politically contentious ones (for instance, they knocked back Shell's attempt to buy the rest of a major gas project because it was widely argued that Shell may choose to promote other projects in Indonesia and elsewhere over the Australian one).
Given one of the major arguments advanced by the government for not splitting Telstra up into seperate companies has been that it is one of a very few Australian companies big enough to be a major player in a global market, the idea of approving a foriegn takeover of it seems unlikely.
Re:but the government is another story (Score:2)
- mark
Either way, it's a good thing (Score:5, Insightful)
Why? Because it's going to be millions of dollars that gets distributed back to the Australian economy either in the form of lower pricing of Telstra's products or as profits to shareholders (and as the government is still a 51% shareholder that means all of us).
The next point is that once a few more CEOs see that you can screw Microsoft in this manner, they're going to try it for themselves. At least some (and more as time goes on and Linux apps continue to improve) are going to decide that the Linux option is viable regardless of what deals MS offers, and the others will save a packet. Net result? Less money floating across the Pacific to the money vault in Redmond and more in local customers and shareholders' pockets, and a growing Linux user community who will spend money and use their buying power to get the features they want.
Now, if only Telstra could be levered out of their monopoly or quasi-monopoly positions, then we'd *really* be in good shape :)
Re:Ballmer vs. the jetlag (Score:5, Interesting)
My company uses thousands and thousands of servers in rackmounts, and up until XP, we had a site license for all M$ products. When XP came around, they said, "Nope, no more... you have to individually track every computer." Now, since 80% of the systems are totally indentical hardware-wise, the product activation might be fooled, but there there was the issue of lawsuits should they find out, and as big as we are, M$ is far bigger. This was insane, there was no way in hell we could track all these systems without hiring a team just for that purpose.
So we partnered with Sun, made a deal with HP, burned a few Red Hat disks and if you HAVE to have an M$ machine, you get and old Windows 2000 box. M$ said they didn't care. We found Linux ran faster and cheaper, with more options on older hardware. We could now literally run a system until its hardware failed; before we were throwing out systems because M$ kept upgrading the hardware requirements. Now we can use a 486 for a LAN manager, a router, or just a smart terminal.
That was last year. A few weeks ago, while talking about drive image backups, one of the managers told us that M$ had given us "special" XP disks that require no PA... now, these disks are supposedly "un-reburnable" but I bet someone could figure out how to do this, and if WE have a copy, I bet someone in Hong Kong has a stack of them in his house, selling them through eBay or something.
M$ knows their product. It's a drug. That's why we're called "users." For many years, they gave the drug "for free," it was insanely easy to copy an M$ OS. It's what made them #1, just like they did with Windows Media player and MSIE. They waited until we got "hooked," and then they charge an arm and a leg. $200 for XP pro? One machine only? Yep, time to pay the dealer for your OSmack, it ain't free no more, kid, I gotta make a living somehow. Dealers don't care about their users, they only care about their money, and will do what it takes to get that money any way they can.
But then came Linux. Linux is a slippery beast because they don't need a profit margin. It's a superior OS that never crashes, is free, a lot more secure, and a thousand times more versitile than Windows ever was. It was a system built by people sick of bad systems. It is not designed to make money, so M$ tactics to drive it out of "business" can't work.
My guess is that M$ will back off the PA and cut prices eventually. I think in 5-10 years, they will be the AOL of OS's, for granny and Mr. Need-it-for-pr0n-browsing, but students and business people will be on Linux.
Go Aussies!
Re:Ballmer vs. the jetlag (Score:2)
Re:Ballmer vs. the jetlag (Score:2)
Nah. Linux doesn't support DRM. It can't, since the source is available and anyone could remove or disable the DRM portions. So all MS will have to do is go along with Hollywood and the record industry and demand that all operating systems be required by law to support DRM. Linux will become The Choice of Thieves and Terrorists(TM). Easy as pie (and a few hundred million in bribe^N^N^N^N^Ncampaign contributions.
Re:Ballmer vs. the jetlag (Score:2)
The rest of your message is mix of misinformation and delusional Linux zealotry.
Re:Ballmer vs. the jetlag (Score:2)
Ummm... hate to disagree, but Linux certainly crashes. I've never had a Linux system that didn't coredump occasionally. I've had maybe 5 or 6 different linux boxen at one time or another, distros slackware 3.4, slackware 8, redhat 6, SuSe 7.1 and SuSe 8.
I have a Linux server at home built by me out of top quality parts with excellent cooling that freezes up. Even when my Windows box crashes, at least Ctrl-Alt-Del still works. This Linux server crashes so bad that I have to hit the power button. And it does it usually within 36 hours of power-on.
All that said I do believe that Linux is more stable than Windows. But please, don't say that it never crashes.
Re:Ballmer vs. the jetlag (Score:2)
Then you are doing something SEVERELY wrong.
I didn't say there wasn't something wrong.
What I did say is that I'm getting freezes. To elaborate, I am reliably and consistently getting complete system crashes requiring a hard boot to rectify, on an out-of-the-box unmodified distro on supported hardware that was installed by a knowledgeable computer technician, according to and in most cases way above spec. See where I'm going with this?
Specifics of my procedure are:
a. Install hardware. Big FDB harddrives properly cooled. AMD 2000+ processor on a supported, AMD logoed motherboard. Quality DDR RAM.
b. Install extra fans and hardware protection. Vibration dampening, 6 fans, 450 W power supply (way over spec), memory heat sinks, big HSF on CPU (Zantec all-copper flower with fan at full speed for those interested), etc.
c. Insert Slackware 8 install image, let it do what it wants.
d. Measure system temperatures at key locations during install. No temperature measured was over the manufacturers' spec. My procedure for this is to open the case, tape the temp probe to the appropriate location, close the case, and wait 15 minutes for temperatures to stabilize.
d. After the install is complete and tested, power down, unplug monitor and keyboard, and power up.
That's it. I didn't do anything special or out of the ordinary. I'm not doing anything wrong from the perspective of configuration. It shouldn't be freezing. But it is. Therefore I do not consider the phrase "never crashes" as being applicable to Linux at this time.
Re:Ballmer vs. the jetlag (Score:2)
Re:Ballmer vs. the jetlag (Score:2)
Actually, if the point is to put pressure on Microsoft then the smartest thing to do would be to advertise that you are getting ready to switch 45 kajillion desktops to Linux. Microsoft can't afford to let even one large company switch to Linux, because if they did then lots of other smaller companies would start to have second thoughts about Windows licensing. One successful Linux desktop implementation on the scale Telstra is talking about and Microsoft would no longer be a given on the corporate desktop.
So Telstra threatens to switch to Linux and the next thing you know Balmer is sweating and dancing his way down under with a big fat discount on Windows licenses.
Personally I think that it makes more sense to simply push for a switch to OpenOffice on Windows with Linux servers. That way you don't have to worry about migrating your entire desktop, but you still save a substantial amount of dinero.
Re:Ballmer vs. the jetlag (Score:2)
Re:Ballmer vs. the jetlag (Score:3, Funny)
I also see a business model (hurries off to US patent office).
Only 24? (Score:4, Insightful)
Which one's my CD-ROM? Ummmm....
Re:Only 24? (Score:1)
Re:Only 24? (Score:1)
Which one's my CD-ROM? Ummmmm....
$ show logical *cdrom*(LNM$PROCESS_TABLE)
"$CDROM1" = "_ULYDV$DKA400:"
"$CDROM2" = "_ULYDV$DKA500:"
Works for me.
Re:Only 24? (Score:2)
I was being silly. Of course I know which one the CDROM is; it's DKA600. (Now isn't that obvious?) Those logicals you have pointing to them ain't necessarily there though. I don't have them anyway, and there's nothing in the OS that makes you put them there. If your sysadmin expects the users to have more 1337 than average (as ours do, sometimes without justification) they won't bother.
Re:Only 24? (Score:1)
Close. The two missing letters will be A and B
Then again, with the DOS "subst" command (which Windows 9x respects), it might be possible to find a sneaky way of adding two more drives to his system (and assigning them as A: and B:).
Re:Only 24? (Score:2)
Re:Only 24? (Score:2)
Re:Only 24? (Score:5, Informative)
There is no AA: in Windows
Two floppies and 24 other mounted partitions is the max.
Now, more than one physical drive can be used as a single drive letter via RAID, but that's another story.
mounting that 25th network share (Score:2, Informative)
Just a little tip... you windows users can use that often unused B drive letter,
by mounting a network share there.
Offtopic... yes, but I though I'd share anyway
Re:mounting that 25th network share (Score:2, Funny)
Re:mounting that 25th network share (Score:2)
Can you also mount a network share on A: if you have no floppies?
Re:mounting that 25th network share (Score:2)
Re:Only 24? (Score:2)
Yes, but can it do tripple letters like AAA:?
If yes, then I'd bet there's be a few network shares with the drive letters SEX:, and you can guess what people would PUT on those drives!
Re:Only 24? (Score:2)
Re:Only 24? (Score:2)
Then we have several other drives. These are all network mounts for file plans and other assorted shit that *SHOULD* live on a decent intranet page. All of these drives are mounted as like T:, O:, P:, and whatever. AFAIK, there is no way to mount a network drive (or physical, for that matter) to c:\mnt\My_Network_Drive\
I'm not saying you are wrong about the mount thingy, but if MS had figured that one out, I think they'd advertise it like it was the second coming of christ...
Re:Only 24? (Score:2)
Re:Only 24? (Score:3, Interesting)
Ahhhhh... the good old days...
VMS Gurus (Score:2)
Re:Only 24? (Score:2)
Dude. Have you USED VMS? [shudder.]
The 'set' command had, like _400_ different behaviors.
Re:Only 24? (Score:2)
I use VMS every day. It's what I do all my real work on.
Re:Only 24? (Score:2)
Hmmmm (Score:3, Interesting)
Port GNU applications to windows and let people get comfortable at home before they make the Linux Journey.
Free. Nasty. M$ style warfare.
In other news... (Score:3, Funny)
Not Apachne (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Not Apachne (Score:2)
Xitami has a web server?! (Ha-ha...just kidding.)
[pause; grin fades to puzzled look]
By the way, who's Xitami?
DOWNLOADS! *kick ass* (Score:5, Interesting)
The weird part is that it's as a
Re:DOWNLOADS! *kick ass* (Score:1)
Re:DOWNLOADS! *kick ass* (Score:1)
Why the fuck should they care that the trailer ends up on P2P networks? It's not like they get royalties everytime the trailer is shown. It's FREE PROMOTION!
Re:DOWNLOADS! *kick ass* (Score:2)
That was just plain bizarre.
Hardware List for the Slashdot Possibility (Score:3, Informative)
80 Meg Ram
10 base T Ethernet
1.44 floppy drive
Soundblaster 16
Serial Mouse
Creative Graphics Blaster SVGA
24 hard drives by various manufactures
14 IDE
Soundblaster 16 IDE controller on the sound card
2 Promise ATA 66 crontrollers( Running at 33)
1 Adaptec AHA-1510 SCSI controller.
1 Adaptec AVA-1515 SCSI controller.
Windows 95 OSR1
Shame there isn't more information on how he did it and any problems he encountered. I've had a hell of a time in the past getting SCSI and IDE drives to co-operate under Windows
I'd just hate to be the person to have to move it
Re:Hardware List for the Slashdot Possibility (Score:4, Funny)
this is super...a Microsoft ad (Score:2)
and I see the article from Telestra..
and I reload (cause of a link I followed) and I have a Microsoft ad at the top of the page.
Is it just me, or does Microsoft have NO idea who their target market is and isn't...LOL
Re:this is super...a Microsoft ad (Score:2)
It makes sense. MS is trying to provide the negatice news it always seems to be receiving on slashdot with its standard PR machine diversion/balance.
Wonder if it is actually working on some slashdotters.
California Gov. & law (Score:5, Funny)
My View On Dataplay (Score:5, Insightful)
Maybe if I could use it to do other things like buy music for it like I can on CDs. They even say you can! But wait! Can you find any? I doubt it. Can't find a player either (unless the MP3 player does it too). You wanna use it as a tiny CD-RW? Cool! So would I, it's small (and rules compared to Click! drives (or Zip Pocket as they're known now)) and holds alot. But wait! You can't get a drive. You could use the MP3 player as one but, should I have to buy a $400 MP3 player if all I want is something to backup a few files to? How 'bout a PCMCIA type 3 card that could read them and such? Nope. Despite all the drives that they have promised, nothing is really going on. The only thing that's new is it's no longer vaporware, it's just unwanted.
Once again, we see a good technology that could have done great just a few years ago, but they just took too long. This is what hapened to 3Dfx (my opnion, let's not get off topic), BitBoys (the ultimate in vapor), and many other things. Excessive delays can seriously hurt you in the market. How many of you are enjoying you're Segway HTs right now? That's what I though. They should be careful too.
FINE PRINT: This is all my opinion, blah blah blah.
Re:My View On Dataplay (Score:2)
Just picking nits, I think you make a good point.
Re:bah... (Score:2)
Insider perspective (Score:5, Informative)
He said that telstra's annual IT expenses account for a third of the total expenses; and because of this the new CIO/CTO is cutting back radically on IT expenses... that means no new software development... therefore he is developing the expense system himself!
Re:Insider perspective (Score:2)
Bermuda triangle or pighunting (Score:2, Funny)
Or the people from redhat.au should go pig-hunting with him (At least they should have given him a copy of the movie Dirty Deeds before he came down [review [news.com.au], trailer [movie-list.com])
cool.mcgill.ca (Score:2, Interesting)
Big it up Dr. F!
GNUWin-II Chick (Score:2)
Joe Schwarcz (Score:1)
Regards, Guspaz.
Balmer, Balmer, Balmer, Balmer! (Score:2)
big drawback (Score:2)
This guy pushes it to the limit - you can't really fit much more onto a Win95 box. Reminds me of the time a dell technician insatlled a new hard drive in my friend's pc. Dell gave him a 12g drive rather than the standard 2gb drive - needless to say, the PC had 6 partitions, and my friend didn't have a clue what to do with them.
Besides, having 24 hard drives has to be good for something.... the server seemed to survive the slashdotting.... for now *evil laughter*
Re:big drawback (Score:2)
Only the first release of Win95 was limited as such. OSR2 had fat32, which allows up to > partitions. I ran a single partition 40gb drive under 95 for a long while.
many many drives.. (Score:4, Funny)
I guess that kind of geeky humor is unavoidable when you get a whole mess of satellite attitude control system geeks.
Re:many many drives.. (Score:5, Informative)
Telstra, six weeks from now (Score:3, Funny)
A price break from MS is nothing more than the pusher handing out a freebie. They'll get more than it's worth later by keeping them hooked now.
dataplay... boohoo (Score:2)
Dataplay? Good riddance! (Score:5, Informative)
August 6, 2001 - SANTA CLARA, Ca., and BOULDER, Colo. - InterTrust Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ: ITRU), provider of the leading trusted Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology, and DataPlay, Inc., developer of the universal media format for all things digital, today announced a strategic relationship to create a portable media distribution platform for protected content such as music. Universal Music Group, EMI Recorded Music and BMG Entertainment are all planning to release pre-recorded music on DataPlay digital media for use in multiple consumer electronic devices.
Keep information free, forget about Dataplay.
Jet Lag, Schmet Lag (Score:2)
Australia. At least, I've met several Aussies
with abundant unix clue, without even trying.
No obligatory definition? (Score:3, Funny)
Where is the line about how Linux is a operating system developed by Linus Torvalds with a loosely based community of hackers located throughout the world?
French, German, Italian and . . . English? (Score:2)
dictionary.com sez (Score:5, Funny)
tr.v. dispatched, dispatching, dispatches
1. To relegate to a specific destination or send on specific business. See Synonyms at send1.
1. To complete, transact, or dispose of promptly.
2. To eat up (food); finish off (a dish or meal).
3. To put to death summarily.
insert clever punchline here, such as "stop teasing."
GNU Win II? (Score:2)
This name reminds me of the weird name feud [sprynet.com] between two towns in rural Alabama.
Re: (Score:2)
Not a dispatch of Ballmer (Score:4, Informative)
The Ballmer visit has been planned for quite a few months, and coincides with an event in Asia. Whenever a senior exec like Steve Ballmer or Bill Gates travel, they always meet with a few top customers. It's just a convenient coincidence that one of their top customers happens to need some extra attention at the time Steve is here, so it all worked out nicely.
Re:Not a dispatch of Ballmer (Score:2)
They'd box monkey box up and send him off even if he wasn't already heading that way. The fact that he was is simply going to affect the timing a little.
This is good, companies can see that if you want to yank MS's chain, and to have them dance for you (as wacky a monkey-dance as it might be) you just need to discuss Linux solutions. We'll either cut into MS's cash flowor we'll take desktops away. Either will hurt them and what hurts them makes it harder for them to force DRM on everyone.
Linux Victoriesks (Score:3, Interesting)
Hey, the software was released to the public, to be used for whatever purpose benefited them. That's what the GPL is for.
And, using it as a leverage to negotiate better prices with M$ is as legitimate a use as any other I can think of!
Don't assume the narrow-minded view that Linux only "wins" when it's the only thing in use. Free software was provided for free with the assumption that it might do you some good, and that it's up to you to determine what good it'd be.
If this Aussie company uses the software to negotiate better terms with MS, more power to 'em!
Either way, Linux continues to grow and improve, and "Billie boy" continues to require changes of underwear.
Re:Linux Victoriesks (Score:2)
You're insane if you think Bill Gates truly cares about Linux. He's made his millions (billions?) already. Yes, he'd like the company he built maintain its monopoly, but he could retire tomorrow and live in luxury for the rest of his life. I get the feeling he's in it for pure interest and entertainment now.
The ones who are worried are the other MS execs. Oh, they're rich, but not as rich as they'd like to be. So something threatning their income is more of a concern.
"Your file server, Linux, LVM, more." (Score:2, Informative)
I'm sure you're getting a lot of mail from Slashdot readers. I'm sure a large majority of it is Linux evangelism.
Please bear with me. I'd like to share some facts about running a file server like yours on Linux that you may find interesting.
First, I'll start with a few big reasons you may be interested:
That means you can have more than 24 hard disks. Linux drives are usually mapped onto the global filesystem (unless you use LVM to combine several hard disks).
For example, if you didn't use LVM to combine your drives, you could choose one disk for /home (personal settings and documents), one disk for /usr (most software), one disk for /var (miscellaneous program data files), a bunch of disks--one per directory (like "drive01", "drive02")--under a network file-serving directory, and one more disk for everything else not covered (the root directory).
The rest of this comment is available at this link [ely.ath.cx]. Appearantly my comment wasn't good enough for the lameness filter. "Reason: Please use fewer 'junk' characters." View the original comment as it was entered in the form here [ely.ath.cx] and tell me if there seems to be too many junk characters. (I tried changing '--' to '&emdash;', hoping that would help get past the lameness filter. '&emdash;' doesn't work anyway, apparently.)
Re:"Your file server, Linux, LVM, more." (Score:2, Informative)
He runs linux on several servers. He's not a zealot either way. He just wanted to see if he could do it using old parts and a windows box.
Slashdot-resistant web server (Score:2)
Anyone ever heard of this web server before?
Re:zipped movie? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:zipped movie? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Oh please, stroke my ego (Score:2, Informative)
that "optical media" would be fibre channel. it's a storage bus architecture, down the lines of SCSI, though more network-like. FC does hubs, switches, multipathing and multipath failover; i believe you can run SCSI commands over a FC infrastructure, but i'm not sure if it's commonly done. but that's all just cabling; believe you me that the storage media is all disks, likely 32GB or 76GB U3SCSI hotplug modules - that's what nearly every SAN architecture out there is built from, whether the label says EMC, HPaq, IBM or Sun.
Re:can't even see the trailer (Score:2)
You need to add
"ddraw" = ""
and it will be nearly flawless