Writer's Guild, not Author's Guild. The Writer's Guild is a union representing (among others) Hollywood screenwriters, and yes, part of what it's supposed to do is to secure the interests of its dues-paying members.
No one said the WGA was supposed to "sue" anyone for him, but they were supposed to "act" on his behalf and he alleges they haven't been doing that. What he wants it to do is nothing more than its job.
Do I have to spell it out for you?
Apparently, yes.
You mean "Planck length", which is a concept from physics, not "plank length", which is a concept from carpentry. (Or piracy. Whatever.)
Actually, the only person calling this a "theory" was GP. TFA was very careful not to. At this point it's only a hypothetical explanation for the observed noise, and there could be other causes. But it's useless to rule out hypotheses because they don't fit into any available theoretical framework, especially when, as in this case, none of them work particularly well.
No. Even if the building is like that, the land is worth more. You simply don't know what you're talking about. Yes, there really are places in the country where property is that valuable, even if distressed.
But why would I move to such an area with two special-needs children, one severely handicapped? (This is also why I cannot do without a house of a certain size. I already have to have a bed in the living room.) Living in a high-crime area -- not merely one that's poor, which is another matter entirely -- carries its own expenses and risks, and is probably not worth it.
Yes. Really. I suggest you read the Federalist. If I've gone off the deep end, then so did Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, and the other founders. Our Constitution, and especially the Bill of Rights that was soon added, was designed to limit government for precisely that reason. They had a recent, violent example of an overreaching government they wished to avoid ever repeating.
The real threat to us from terrorism is virtually nonexistent. In terms of actual risk, the threat from terrorism is miniscule compared to any number of risks we routinely assume without even blinking. It's not worth yielding the tiniest fraction of our freedom in order to combat it.
Do you guys know what you're doing, or are you just hacking?