VNC, No Longer Orphaned 205
geogeek6_7 writes "Icronic informs us of a couple new developments to everyone's favorite piece of remote-managment software, VNC. You may remember that the UK Lab responsible for the creation and maintainence of VNC closed. A company called RealVNC has been formed, sporting the original coders from the AT&T lab, and aiming to 'act as the focal point for open source VNC.' Secondly, the new company has released version 3.3.4 of VNC for Windows and Linux. Greater security and a new, speed-enhancing auto-encoding feature are included among many others in the new version."
Ghostscript-style business model? (Score:5, Interesting)
GPL (Score:2, Informative)
If they link against GPLed code that they do not own the copyright to, and they distribute the result, they must put the resulting product under the GPL, it must be free as in speech, and the people they sell it to can redistribute it freely.
Correct me if i am wrong.
Re:GPL (Score:2)
Re:GPL (Score:2)
TridiaVNC is open source and freely distributed under the GNU General Public License. You are free to install, customize, integrate, and enhance TridiaVNC to meet your specific needs.
Re:GPL (Score:2)
TridiaVNC (Score:2)
Recently (Score:1, Offtopic)
This is awesome! (Score:4, Insightful)
Even at work!
Re:This is awesome! (Score:2)
Now-a-days, I only use tightvnc, even when I'm mainly using high-speed to high-speed (or lan) connection. However, it'd be nice to have new features and bug fixes from the main vnc distribution.
Re:This is awesome! (Score:2)
I actually just discovered VNC yesterday, after getting frustrated spending two months wasting my time with PCAnywhere.
Then I spent most of friday playing around with VNC, and I was quite impressed. I was glad to get full color and about two times the speed of what I was getting in 4 colors on PCAnywhere.
Then near the end of the day, I came across TightVNC. I tried it with maximum compression, and it flew! It was much faster than VNC, and an order of magnitude more useful than PCAnywhere.
I almost stayed late playing with it.
Sure there is nasty jpeg compression when I was really taxing it, but at least I could get my work done. I was impressed though at the compression; when I would drag a window across the screen, it only needed to update what was in the trail of where I was dragging it from. I guess this must be some kind of motion estimation like MPEG?
I'm actually almost eager to get back into work on monday to mess around with it somemore (I've only one computer at home, and it would be pointless to loopback connect). =)
No, no, wrong Linus (Score:2, Funny)
"VNC is the one thing that makes me feel safe when I leave my computer because I know it's a broadband connection away."
Perhaps you're worshipping the wrong Linus [] here...
Awesome? You are... (Score:3, Insightful)
VNC is a dangerous toy without security [], whether that be via SSH [] or tunnelling plus a firewall [].
Re:This is awesome! (Score:2)
VNC is good but... (Score:3, Flamebait)
Seeing as how it now comes with Win XP Pro the general consensus will be that RDC is the new "standard" to be emulated by everyone else.
Doesn't touch VNC (Score:3, Interesting)
VNC kicks the hell out of RDC in WinXP (and I use both at work).
Re:Doesn't touch VNC (Score:2)
Re:Doesn't touch VNC (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Doesn't touch VNC (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Doesn't touch VNC (Score:2)
The RDP protocol or Windows terminal service is also plently secure so I don't know what's not "trustworthy" about it. Lastly its a hell of a lot faster then any version of VNC over modem, lan whatever Period. Its just no contest.
Don't get me wrong I like and use VNC and when using linux or any other non-MS OS its what I use, but for a windows network, Terminal services or Remote Assitance etc is where its at.
ICA and MLView DXPC eat ICA and VNC for breakfast (Score:2)
The name of the protocl is RDP, Remote Desktop Protocol. There's already an RDP client for Linux [] if you need it that works great with Windows 200 terminal services.
However, Citrix ICA is still years ahead of RDP in terms of bandwidth utilization and flexibility. Furthermore, there's also an compression tool that apparently matches Citrix in terms of bandwidth utilization [], although its still in beta. RDP is good, but its certainly not the best.
don't be ridiculous (Score:4, Interesting)
RDC/RDP isn't a standard: as usual, Microsoft took a bunch of ITU standards and hacked them up to make them incompatible with everything else.
Nor is there much to emulate. Microsoft's RDP isn't even in the same league with X11 in terms of functionality or performance over LANs. For dial-up connections, there are also good X11 protocol compression solutions. VNC outperforms RDP greatly in another area: it's a very simple, well-documented, open protocol that is easy to implement and works pretty much everywhere. There are VNC servers for 8bit machines, even. Furthermore, X11 and VNC clients and servers are available for Windows, Macintosh, and UNIX, so you can already talk from any platform to any other platform with the open protocols.
People will be able to interoperate with Microsoft RDP via projects like RDesktop--as long as Microsoft lets them and on those odd days when they ship it (Windows XP Home doesn't come with it). Building anything else on top of RDP is like building on quicksand since the world can shift from under you whenever Ballmer feels like it. If Microsoft wanted you to use RDP for anything else, they would have picked an open standard.
Also check out TightVNC (Score:5, Interesting)
It sounds like the main VNC branch has now added a tight-like encoding (ZRLE) which may obviate the need for TightVNC, but TightVNC has some additional niceties like automatic tunneling over SSH.
Re:Also check out TightVNC (Score:2)
Re:Also check out TightVNC (Score:2)
TightVNC turns this on by default, so users don't have to know about the option.
Re:Also check out TightVNC (Score:1)
At 16KiloBytes per second, TightVNC is a pain in the ass to use for Windows.
At 32KiloBytes per second TightVNC is STILL a pain in the ass to use for Windows.
Rather irritating.
(not that Netmeeting is much better, bleh!)
Re:Also check out TightVNC (Score:2)
Depends how you use it (Score:2)
16KB/s or 32Kb/s would be noticably slower, but there are some things you can to that can help, even with TightVNC's tight encoding:
1. Don't use a complicated desktop background. All versions of VNC (including Tight) send low-level bitmap information, not high-level window information. The more complicated your background, the less it compresses, and the slower the repaints.
2. Have as few windows open as possible so your desktop is uncluttered - same reason as 1.
3. Use the lowest color depth you can stand for your particular application. If you're doing word processing, you can probably get away with 8bpp and it will be faster than 16 or 24.
4. When scrolling in a document, use the page-up and page-down keys (or page-up and page-down areas of the scroll bar) instead of the scroll slider. This results in fewer repaints, and any sluggishness is less annoying.
Re:Also check out TightVNC (Score:2)
Seriously, it's usable even at ISDN speeds with X11. On Windows, you get iffy performance even on fast lines unless you install the VNC video driver hooks--without them, VNC has to guess at where updates are happening, and that takes a while. Sorry, but Microsoft doesn't have an open API for this sort of thing, otherwise VNC would be using it.
VNC is how I got linux in to my MS based company. (Score:5, Interesting)
For 1 demo using their system to 15 clients it was going to run between $800-$1200 for 1 to 1.5 hours. I told my boss we could test a solution for free on my box (dual boot Linux/win2000) and if it worked it would be $1200 one time. I demoed to our higher ups and we have a salesman that is using it 2-3 times a day and since our corporate office has conference phone systems already they are free (already a paid service, so why pay twice?).
In the end we spend $800 on the hardware $320 on VMWare $0 on VNC/xfrbserver (spelling?) to export to multiple hosts, and we have an MSDN subscription so I run Win98 in VMWare so the person demoing feels at home (even though it would have worked in Linux w/Netscape the sales people and clients are more comfortable in Windows).
At first they found it a little confusing. But now it's all the rave and I just bring it up remotely (or from the office) and keep an eye on it to make sure they dont accidentally close the exporting server (xf0bserver?), you'd be surprised how many times they kill their own demo!!!! lol...
Anyway since it was so successful I'm implementing a solution to automate offsite backups using sftp/ssh and encrypting our backups daily.
I hope for their sake they never make the mistake of firing me b/c noone else could even tell you what ls does!!! lol.... ensuring job security by doing a good job, saving money, and implementing solutions they dont understand.
Re:VNC is how I got linux in to my MS based compan (Score:2, Interesting)
Its also a huge benefit for the sys admin so he doesnt have to waste time configuring each PC to meet the exact testing standards. We can just run a VNC client on Windows and have a Linux environment. No extra installment or configuration time.
VNC is a vital cost and time saver in our company.
Re:VNC is how I got linux in to my MS based compan (Score:4, Funny)
To the VNC devs who helped kick it all off for me, thank you!
Re:VNC is how I got linux in to my MS based compan (Score:2)
Keep up the good fight, my man!
Re:VNC is how I got linux in to my MS based compan (Score:2)
So, in the immortal words of Dr. Lizardo:
Laugh while you can monkey-boy!
Re:VNC is how I got linux in to my MS based compan (Score:2)
These kinds of things and people like you is exactly why so many companies are reluctant to switch to Linux. Sure, in your case, your company saved a little money but what happens if you have an accident or leave the company? They have no idea how their own system works and will be completely screwed. This is not the kind of situation companies want to be in. That's why companies would rather stick around with "comfortable and familiar" Windows solutions, even if it crashes every once in a while or has a hundred security bugs that need to be patched every year. In the long run, it's still a smaller risk for the company than relying on some geek who finds it funny (your "lol") that the company is completely dependent on you.
Re:VNC is how I got linux in to my MS based compan (Score:2)
I gave them a 8 page detailed listing (Score:2)
In the end we did vnc for $1200 instead of terminal server for around $12000 for hardware & software. If I leave/get hurt there is a $11000 dollar incentive for someone to pick up a book. AND our network company we use is heavy into unix/linux so we already outsource 80% of the networking stuff to them, so they could simply outsource anything that needed to be done on the linux servers without too much difficulty.
I still put the company first because, it saved a ton of cash, it is the best solution, and I have demonstrated to the other developers how to use it. If they dont want to take the time that isn't my fault/problem.
I didn't explain fully what we are doing. (Score:2)
the program for exporting our backups will be on windows. so I'm using a custom program to encrypt and compress (via CL rar) our data then I'm calling the sftp routine to transfer it to our offsite server. our server is at our hosting company so the transfers will not have to go through the internet at all (just to our hosts router). We have it encrypted incase someone steals the computer from their location they can rip apart the hardware but the data files (medical records) will not be accessible without a hell of a lot of work (HIPAA req). and realistically the data isnt valuable, we just are very security concious because the HIPAA laws make your liability (civil and criminal) a very high deterant to being carefree with others data.
I tend to get hyped up when I have something (that I think) is interesting to say, so I tend to type faster than I compose my thoughts!!! Hope my explaination made more sense this time!
Yes, and you can do it on ports too. However... (Score:2)
When you have no time to prove yourself or your solution you do it the quickest/easiest way possible. Plus we have scaled it in testing to over 150 connections at once. Our IP range is not that large, and i'd hate to have to maintain it. The way I did it was quick, easy and effective.
Although the main reason i'm replying (other that i'm just waiting on todays OU vs South Florida game on TBS at 6pm CST, i'll be there so keep your eyes open!) is I'm looking for alternative tweaks that might make it a better system.
Thanks to everyone for your input!
Sorry. (Score:2)
Many other sites that have this also assume it.
Unlimited site license? Really?
Excellent (Score:4, Interesting)
AskSlashdot (always a good idea at 12:30am):
Is VNC secure enough to run on a couple of high-traffic, high-exposure web servers? Man, would I ever catch hell if I talked the firewall admin into setting the VNC port open, then we get hacked through it. My company tends to trust commercial solutions like the really flakey Altiris CarbonCopy (formerly Compaq CarbonCopy). Any experience with security bugs?
Re:Excellent (Score:2)
Re:Excellent (Score:2)
The only thing Ive ever done tunneling with is IPSec (Freeswan in Linux, SSH Sent in Windows) and then can quickly and easily access any VNC box in the network
I leave my VNC port open and change the password periodically
Yes! (Score:3, Informative)
Putty [] is a great windows ssh client that is free to boot. It supports compression and port forwarding ( relaying too).
When configuring a new connection under putty, check the 'Connection->SSH-Tunnels' panel and check X11 forwarding, and add a local forwarding of say 5903 and destination as something like networkbox:5903. Then click Add and it will display like 'L5903 networkbox:5903'. Rember to save the session with a name and you will be set.
Rember though that the ip or system name will be relative to the box you have the ssh connection into. Packets will arive at the end of the tunnel and then be routed to the destination machine and port specified. In the above example, once connected to the remote machine, you will then be able to fire up vncviewer and connect to localhost:3 and have your connection attempt forwarded through the tunnel and on to the destination machine. Of course you will need to have vnc running as session 3 for this example to work without modification. Good luck.
Re:Excellent (Score:2)
Re:Excellent (Score:2)
Only half? What do you do with the other twelve hours?
ssh tunnel (Score:5, Informative)
some tips: generally you are better off NOT enabling ssh compression as VNC's compression works better. Supposedly tightVNC is the best for narrow pipes. But on fat pipes in actually is better not to compress. if you are worried about security do two things. first always turn off the http port (on by default at 580x). Second, for extra security only allow connections to/from loopback Then use ssh to send it where you want. Finally, note that VNC itself is not encoded so the ONLY protection you are getting is the SSH encoding. If you dont tunnel all the way you are exposed. However since it is graphics info and not plain ascii, it takes a clever hacker to actually decode what you are sending in the clear.
Re:ssh tunnel (Score:2)
Provided that you define clever hacker as someone who can't read the VNC protocol docs. If you're sniffing the packets off the wire, it's not that hard to hack a VNC client that decodes the protocol and displays the screens.
It's not even that hard to harvest keystrokes, since those are sent to the server unencrypted. Use ssh tunneling for VNC whenever possible. When not possible, seriously consider not using it at all.
security (Score:2)
If you need to ask, it probably isn't, for you.
The correct way to use VNC on any machine where security matters the least bit is to allow only local connections to it (-localhost flag) and use an ssh or stunnel connection to connect to it (both work on Windows, MacOSX, Linux, and UNIX).
Another approach is to have the VNC server make an outgoing connection to a known host and to use the vncviewer with the "-listen" flag. That lets you use a VNC server even if it's behind a firewall.
VNC! (Score:1)
Great, now they can write a server for OS/2 ! (Score:1)
Dont buy a belkin. (Score:1)
Re:Dont buy a belkin. (Score:2)
Though, I guess if I weren't so damn lazy, I'd figure out a way to write my own server. The Presentation Manager API can't be so hard to write hand-assembled pentium machine language for, should it? I'll break out the hex editor this minute!
Damn I'm bored.
A bit off topic..... (Score:2, Insightful)
No, I do not work for them - but rather an evil empire [] that clears 9 billion a year worldwide.
Re:A bit off topic..... (Score:3, Informative)
There's a version of VNC for Mac OS 9 as well.
Make sure the version... (Score:1)
Re:Make sure the version... (Score:4, Informative)
OSX VNC (Score:1)
There's plenty of servers for Xfree86 on osX, so that's not what I'm asking about. My guess is that the only difference is basically what window/desktop manager starts under the VNC server. But i've hunted and I cant figure out where the window manager starts in Darwin or in osxVNC server.
does anyone know where this is and how to rig a new vncserver to use the aqua desktop?
Re:OSX VNC (Score:2, Informative)
Re:OSX VNC (Score:2)
Aqua starts when WindowServer is started by coreservicesd from /System/Library/CoreServices/WindowServer (it's a symlink to somewhere else, can't remember where offhand). Anyway, then is launched on the console (see /etc/ttys for the line that does it). handles the rest. Sorry this is vague, but I think you'll be able to find what you want with what I wrote down. I might be wrong about what launches windowserver too, I didn't actually check to make sure. Hope this helps.
The killer feature... (Score:2)
Of course, that wouldn't let us do our favorite trick - freaking people out when they see a computer doing work by itself! More people know about it now, of course, but if you can find someone who doesn't know, and don't warn them ahead of time, the reactions can be quite interesting.
There are rootless VNC clients (Score:1)
Re:There are rootless VNC clients (Score:2, Interesting)
This crops up periodically on the vnc list, but it doesn't look like there's an easy way to implement it (at least for Windows, and certainly for the Mac where applications tend not to live inside a single window - not to mention the menu bar). There's no support in the current VNC protocol for resizing the remote framebuffer without re-establishing the connection, so just resizing a window would also mean dropping the connection and reconnecting.
What VNCThing [] has (I'm the author
-dair (note this is a bit buggy in the current release, but an update is on its way)
Re:The killer feature... (Score:1)
I can't think of any reason why it would not be possible for this though, VNCserver should be able to work out where the window you want is and how big it is pretty easily, and then just grab and send you that area - that sounds more like a last resort idea though
VNC vs Remote X11 vs RDP (Score:4, Interesting)
(The fastest, to me, was RDP)
Re:VNC vs Remote X11 vs RDP (Score:3, Informative)
VNC on the other hand does not care -- it will send everything as a bitmap, compressed of course.
So RDP/X11 will be faster, but you will not be able to administer cross platform, unless either linux gets an RDP client, or windows runs X11 architecture for everything.
Re:VNC vs Remote X11 vs RDP (Score:2)
So RDP must be bitmap-based, at least to a large degree. rdesktop runs just as fast, if not faster than the windows RDP clients.
VNC and X are slow by comparison to RDP, though X-to-X TightVNC runs at a comparable speed.
I don't really see why this is the case, and would be interested to know how RDP manages to outperform VNC so obviously.
Re:VNC vs Remote X11 vs RDP (Score:2, Informative)
The API that he is referring to is the RDP API or protocol.
Rdesktop implements the RDP API and renders the screen. See rdesktop info on the protocol.
However being that the RDP protocol is apparently not documented (propietary?), it is easier for VNC to transfer the screen and have their own protocol.
When you say "So RDP must be bitmap-based", it is almost like saying that when using a web browser, you get screen shots, knowing the protocol, the client implements the rendering of the pages or screens.
Re:VNC vs Remote X11 vs RDP (Score:2)
Like this one? []
Not necessarily... (Score:2)
Overall, I've found that VNC is almost universally faster than a remote X11 connection except in a few rare cases. I've tried remote X11, it's painful and laggy (xterm took 20-30 seconds to pop up a window last time I tried it) even over a 10 Mbit connection, but TightVNC (Not classic VNC, Tight seems to have some nice cursor anti-lag features) is silky smooth in the same situations.
Need for speed. (Score:2)
While security is not great, I don't see this as a major problem. It is simple enough to tunnel a VNC session which provides more than adequate security. This, however, does increase the bandwidth requirement.
Which brings us to the biggest problem, in my mind, with VNC. It still requires far too much bandwidth. Even TightVNC is still a bandwidth hog.
You mention RDP and X11 in your post. X11 is the absolute worst for bandwidth. Running something as simple as XMMS via X11 consumes up to 11Mbps. That's outrageous!!! RDP is far better than X11 but, it's bandwidth requirements are akin to VNC. RDP frequently consumes between 70Kbps and 200Kbps. Sure, it will work over a 14,400 connection but, given the extra bandwidth, both VNC and RDP will eat it up and on low speed connections it is very slow. In these low bandwidth situations it is even worse than PCAnywhere.
By far, the best protocol that I have seen for remote sessions is Citrix ICA protocol. Provided the bandwidth is available, this protocol will use up to 150Kbps bursts for very high resolution and color depths but, on average ICA uses between 20 and 40Kbps. With tuning such as lower color depth and resolutions and disabling animation ICA will work remarkably well even over a 14,400bps connection.
The difference in performance between ICA and any of the other protocols is phenomenal. High color, high resolution and high performance, plus it supports high security too. ICA has a similar effect on people that broadband does. Meaning that once a dial-up user has used broadband for a little while they cannot stand to use dial-up again, it's just too frustrating. A similar experience occurs when comparing ICA with any of the other protocols. The balzing speed and quality of the ICA session makes you very frustrated when you go to use VNC or the other worse protocols.
Unfortunately, Citrix ICA is proprietary and expensive. While it can be served from both Windows and Unix platforms it is primarily found in Windows environments. It is my hope that the VNC team will be able to come up with something similar to the ICA protocol. That would be awesome!
Re:VNC vs Remote X11 vs RDP (Score:2)
In order to get good VNC performance with Windows, you need to install the video hook; it's usually not a bandwidth issue.
VNC needs to provide... (Score:1)
and the ability to function without the need for a video card.
I have used TightVNC (the enchanced VNC). It has very nice features.
Even at the best compressions its performance pales in comparison to that offered by Win2K Termianl services and XP's Remote Desktop feature.
Re:VNC needs to provide... (Score:2)
Have you installed the VNC video driver hooks?
and the ability to function without the need for a video card.
Yes, right after Microsoft makes Windows open source--that's necessary to do that.
Even at the best compressions its performance pales in comparison to that offered by Win2K Termianl services and XP's Remote Desktop feature
Well, first, you haven't installed it for optimal performance. Second, Windows is closed source, and it's pretty much impossible for anybody to beat Microsoft at hooking into their operating system.
Besides, why should open source programmers bother?
Re:VNC needs to provide... (Score:2)
If you want it for free, you have to dig around on Google for "winvnc", "dll", and the like. I've lost track of which version goes with which version of Windows--Microsoft keeps changing things around.
I think this isn't packaged better because people don't quite see why they should bother. Most VNC use involving Windows is for occasional administrative work, and for that it doesn't matter if it's a little sluggish. Also, you can use TightVNC, which is faster already, and tell it to poll more aggressively; with that, you get something that pretty good, albeit with much higher CPU usage than the "hooked" version.
the new version is MUCH faster on win2k (Score:4, Informative)
VNC / Remote action (Score:4, Insightful)
Question: Is there a way to use VNC (or other) to access the main X session (I guess tty0 in rh 7.3) and share it similar to how it is shared in windows?
While I speak of remote access, maybe someone can tell me why when I am @ an ssh shell, my path etc is never set.
Everyone has mentioned tightvnc, so I dont think thats needed but I will say that I found it really interesting when Farmers Insurance rolled out all the Dells to agents across the country, VNC was installed and running on every box.
Re:VNC / Remote action (Score:2)
I believe this is in their FAQ. The answer is yes, kindof. You can run the vncserver with the same
Re:VNC / Remote action (Score:3, Informative)
Re:VNC / Remote action (Score:2)
Or maybe xf4vnc []
Re:VNC / Remote action (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:VNC / Remote action (Score:2)
However, keep in mind that it's not very efficient: for Xvnc, the server is fully instrumented and can send minimal updates. For x0rfbserver, it has to guess for updates. So, it's nice when you need it, but Xvnc is usually a better choice.
If you do this a lot, you are much better off just starting an Xvnc server and using it wherever you happen to be, even if that is on the local machine.
they accept donations (Score:4, Informative)
Website Correction (Score:2, Interesting)
Hopefully their new server will survive the slashdot effect part III.
VNC on Windows (Score:2)
That said, I've also paid for another bought another program called RAdmin []. It's quite a bit faster than VNC (at least 3.3.3), uses fully encrypted data transfer for all connections, has built-in file transfer, remote shell, and remote shutdown/restart capabilities, and is very small and easy to install. They have a free 30 day evaluation which you might want to have a look at ($35 to buy). Just a very happy customer.
While I use VNC when I'm out of town and want to remote access my machine at work so I can get in from anywhere, when I'm connecting two of my own machines, I use RAdmin for the speed, security and features. Unfortunately RAdmin isn't cross-platform (or an open protocol), so it's somewhat more limited than VNC. Each has their uses.
Windows and Linux... (Score:2, Insightful)
PLEASE! Do not fork further (Score:5, Insightful)
VNC is such a wonderful und useful program and I sometimes dream of how much better, securer and faster it could be.
Plaese combine your efforts. The world will thank you.
bye egghat.
Re:PLEASE! Do not fork further (Score:2)
bye egghat.
Re:PLEASE! Do not fork further (Score:2)
Don't know, if it works, if it's ready for prime time, etc. You know, I'm a stupid guy with a stupid disclaimer
Bye egghat.
Some things to remember about VNC (Score:3, Informative)
More importantly, though, for those of you thinking of running VNC on heavily-used Windows servers is that the CPU run queue tends to increase by 8 or so when VNC is in full screen polling mode. If you want to run perfmon over a remote connection, the two free RDP connections on W2K Server are a much better choice.
Compared to? (Score:2)
*Note: We are using PCAnywhere at work, if this does the job without the cost, I might just argue a switch.
We had a guy that left his remote-desktop control on. It took him 15 minutes to figure out why his mouse kept jumping away from where he was trying to click, lots of fun - phorm
Re:Compared to? (Score:2)
Good Business Model (Score:2)
Yeah, I hear there's good money in that
Seriously, best of luck to them. VNC completely and totally rocks. I am an alumnus of VNC on Windows, Linux and AIX and it's a lifesaver.
I see it's one of those "it's free but please contribute so we don't starve" business models, augmented by one of those "You're a corporation that hasn't banned VNC for unspoken and ill-understood 'security reasons' yet? How about this 'enterprise support offering'?" models.
OK, fine... moderate me down. I've got some Karma to spare today
Refunds? (Score:2)
Seems to be a lot of focus on bringing in revenue for a company whose mission is to "act as the focal point for open source VNC". Suggesting that companies contact them about commercial support is one thing (and not a bad idea and I wish them all the best) but suggesting "commercial licensing" is downright silly. Even asking for donations is fine, but why the hell would anybody try to downgrade a license from free to non-free?
Re:Refunds? (Score:3, Informative)
As an example, we don't have a mailing list type technology installed. We began to investigate L-Soft
(Who by the way don't want you to say "listserv" unless you're referring to their brand of mailing list technology - I'm sure that kleenex and xerox felt the same way. But I digress...)
We decided not to implement anything because we couldn't afford to pay for the software licenses. Never mind that we need that technology, and that the ROI for building it is huge....
I proposed that we use free software to solve that problem. The answer was no.
The company position was:
a) we want someone to help us if it breaks,
b) we want someone to sue if it breaks something really important, and
c) if the software is free, how can we recover our costs? Our internal customers will know that we paid nothing, and won't want to reimburse us for the engineering costs.
None of these reasons may make sense to you, but they are a cultural perspective that makes perfect sense to folks who run billion-dollar companies.
There are LOTS of companies that will be glad to pay for support of a free product. Just ask Eric Allman!
Someone at your company is a fool... (Score:2)
But b) shows that whoever's involved with their purchasing decisions is a fool. Tell him he should read his EULAs more carefully, because he'll find that most commercial software is "as bad as" or worse than open-source/free software in the liability/sue-ability arena.
Do EULAs hold up? (Score:2)
XP doesn't allow VNC (Score:2)
Isn't the main purpose of VNC to control Windows machines? (You have other alternatives for other platforms).
Woohoo! (Score:2)
I use VNC a lot at work. My desktop machine (with Outlook - bleh) runs a VNC server so that I can check email and such remotely from the lab I spend large amounts of time in. It is also nice because the rackmount machine I use in the lab for some of my work has a rather badly situated monitor, it's simpler to use a VNC viewer on my laptop 3 feet away.
The only annoying thing I've noticed, but haven't been found any documentation on: How does VNC's polling mechanism differ between Windows 2000 and Windows 98? My desktop in the cube runs Win2k and VNC sessions are silky smooth without any performance tweaks to improve VNC performance. The lab machine mentioned before runs '98 and is laggy as anything even with a few performance tweaks (16-bit color depth, etc.) and the fact that it's sitting on the same 100 Mbit hub as the viewer as opposed to traversing the network across the building. The machine hardware is nearly identical between the systems.
Note: I'm running TightVNC in all instances.
My favorite command: 'startx
Re:They have a lot of work on their hands (Score:5, Informative)
However, this is what tightvnc [] is for. Regular VNC works very well in a LAN though, and works quite well from every broadband connection I've used.
Re:Microsoft Ads (Score:2, Insightful)
That's true, but don't forget that they lose even more money on every XBox produced that isn't sold, and it costs you nothing