US Geeks Recycle GNU/Linux Boxes for Ecuador 303
An anonymous submitter writes: "According to this article on Salon, geeks involved with Indymedia are recycling 300 GNU/Linux boxes to send to independent media activists in Ecuador. The machines will be used to create free public computer labs across South America, networked with donated wireless 802.11b cards. Anyone wanna chip in to help cover the shipping costs?"
Now... (Score:1, Funny)
My first thought (Score:1)
Re:Now... (Score:3, Insightful)
It's not that all Americans are this clueless - it's just that the attitude betrayed by the parent post is particularly irksome. Americans are resented for their cultural and political hegemony, not because everyone else is starving.
FreeGeek in Portland does something similar. (Score:5, Informative)
Please be gentle [freegeek.org]
Re:FreeGeek in Portland does something similar. (Score:2, Informative)
Do NOT get involved with this (Score:1, Troll)
If you want to cut a check to these people, be my guest, but you should at least know what your money is going to support.
Please moderate parent as Troll (Score:2, Insightful)
blame the world's problems on the US. And sometimes they are right.
Attacking Israel is not the same as being anti-semetic.
Indeed, the behaviour of most parties in the Middle East should be stoutly attacked. Rogues the lot of them.
IndyMedia represent a moderately left-wing viewpoint, one that the world would be poorer without.
And I speak as someone who disagrees with their views.
There's the people, and there's the country (Score:3, Insightful)
I strongly disagree with the Israelian government, but I have no problem with Jews - you see? I can hate Bush, but have no problems with Americans.
Re:Huh? (Score:3, Insightful)
As for the rest of your nonsense, you should consider the possibility that some people might disagree with the Israeli oppression of the palestineans as well as the palestinean terror.
Re:Do NOT get involved with this (Score:2)
Re:Do NOT get involved with this (Score:2)
From the article:
Now, for those of you that want to make up your own minds, here's the FTAA Official website [ftaa-alca.org] and here's Global Exchange's take [globalexchange.org] on the situation. A Google search for FTAA turns up many links, but pro and con, and should provide enough information for the interested.
Not that I disagree with you (Score:2, Insightful)
And why are they the fault of the Bush's? Bush had been in office a little over a year, and the specific attack on the WTC was in planning for more than a year. It is easy to say, and based on nothing more than common wisdom (very rarely correct), but Bush, and his policies wouldn't have even affected anyone when the planning started.
The Muslims have already stated that all western society must fall. Bush, either one of them, haven't created the Protestant, or more generically, the Christian, ethic. These are the things that the fundamentalist Muslims were attacking. Unfortunately for all the atheists, Muslims don't see a big difference between the two groups, as they are all infidels, and deserve to die.
The nerve gas isn't going to reach here, so where is it going to go?
Anti-American sentiment (Score:2, Insightful)
Yet an actual historically aware post gets labeled Troll.
I love this moderation system. Something based on nothing but supposition and strong sentiment gets an informative, something based on history gets a troll.
The attack wasn't aimed at Bush. It was aimed at western civilization as a whole. The same things that make us a target for attacks about being arrogant (uneducated spite at our icon status) make us a target for people attacking the icon.
Re:Do NOT get involved with this (Score:2, Insightful)
Since our creation, we have been week, and we have been afraid to interact with the rest of the world in fear that this interaction might make our homeland appear on someone's radar screen, and that we may have to defend this land from aggressors homeland. Did we fight WWII to save the Jews? Did we fight it to liberate France or free England from the threat of her neighbor? Did we wish to liberate the people of Germany, Japan, and Italy from a repressive government? No! We realized that we may be next.
Just so I am clear, the American government cares about American's first. Thats why we, the American people have put it there. It is the job of our American government to do what is right in defending our way of life.
We have been placed in a world were the agressor with the biggest stick wins. This is apparent in Afghanastan, Cuba, Iraq, most of the middle east in fact, China, North Korea, and every other home of an oppressive totaltarion government. These governments would like to rape America of its fortune and discard are scared bodies to die. I support my government in setting up an empire in order to protect my family from the evil totaltarian governments of the world.
Further more, let me explain something else to you. The group of people with the biggest production get to build the biggest army. The group of people with the biggest army get to defend there borders and do what is neccesary to prevent aggression on its people. Therefore, economy, as shown in WWII, is equal to military might. Production is directly related to infrastructure, energy, and food. The power in the world that has the greatest infrastructure with sufficient food and energy gets to dictate whatever it wants. It was has allowed America to dominate in the last 50 years. The American capitalist system pays those who produce. Therefore, for 200 years, men have worked very hard to produce. We have spent lifetimes building businesses to take home money to our families so they can have nice things and live in luxury. As a side affect, because our individuals are paid per production and each generation grew beyond their parents, we have the biggest infrastructure in the world. Also, we grow way more food than we eat.
But remember, three things are needed in order to protect our borders. We need energy. Without it, our production (war making ability) goes down, and we are aggressed on by our neighbor. Therefore, war for oil makes since. Without war for oil, we fight wars for our territory. I'd rather fight wars for oil.
In conclusion, if you're not american, watch out because we will do whatever it takes to survive and defend our borders against you. If you your lifestyle to be directly related to your production, come aboard. It's a sturdy ship.
Re:Do NOT get involved with this (Score:2)
Well, not the worst... not yet, anyway. Not for most of us reading here.
Re:Do NOT get involved with this (Score:2)
In case you hadn't noticed, the first two, at least, are on the endangered species list in 'America' at the moment. As for the third, well God alone knows.
Re:He is basically right (Score:2)
You miss the point of my post, sir. Is IndyMedia an organization worthy of receiving my money/time/material, or they not?
They proclaim to be the voice of everyone. Judging by many (all that I've seen) of the writings on their websites, they seem to be decidedly one sided.
From www.indymedia.org: The Independent Media Center is a network of collectively run media outlets for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of the truth. We work out of a love and inspiration for people who continue to work for a better world, despite corporate media's distortions and unwillingness to cover the efforts to free humanity.
"...the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate tellings of the truth. "
From reading many of the writings at indymedia.org, accurate only applies when it agrees with the editors viewpoint.
"...despite corporate media's distortions and unwillingness..."
Sounds like a predisposition to disbelieve anything but what exists on their website.
It is essential that all voices be heard.
Exactly. Show me some opposing viewpoints from IndyMedia.org.
Free speech is great, and needs to be promoted/enforced/protected at all times. Free speech means "free". Any and all viewpoints. Not just those that you agree with.
Whether globalization is a GoodThing(tm) or not, has little to do with the effects of indymedia.org's efforts and policies.
And not denouncing acts of terrorism, but merely calling it civil disobidience by "freedom fighters" is at least as bad as corporate greed.
mean slasheditors (Score:4, Funny)
Couldn't you post links to the RIAA or something?
All about image (Score:2, Funny)
Re:All about image (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:All about image (Score:1)
Re:All about image (Score:4, Funny)
All women have hairy armpits except those Americans that shave them... oh, and whores in other parts of the world.
What's the matter with you? Are you some kind of pedophile that can't cope with a post-pubescent woman's natural body?
Shipping? We Don't Need No Stinking Shipping! (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Shipping? We Don't Need No Stinking Shipping! (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Shipping? We Don't Need No Stinking Shipping! (Score:2)
Re:Shipping? We Don't Need No Stinking Shipping! (Score:2)
Militia groups are people who believe in the second and tenth amendments, those amendments that the 'Social-Justice Activist' would love to get rid of.
Re:Shipping? We Don't Need No Stinking Shipping! (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Shipping? We Don't Need No Stinking Shipping! (Score:2)
there were 10's of thousands of activists in seattle-enough to completely destroy a good chunk of the city. given the number of people, there was very little distruction in seattle. the media did focus on the few broken windows, but that was an outlier in the statistical distribution of what happened. to compare, there has been alot more damage by concert goers, basketball fans, soccer fans, etc. more in terms of total distruction at any given event, or on a per person basis.
Re:Shipping? We Don't Need No Stinking Shipping! (Score:2)
Neither does England...and now that only outlaws are armed as a result of their victim-disarmament laws, their violent-crime rates are among the worst [sierratimes.com] in the industrialized world. You're far more likely [msnbc.com] to be mugged or killed in London than in New York City.
Re:Shipping? We Don't Need No Stinking Shipping! (Score:2)
Re:Shipping? We Don't Need No Stinking Shipping! (Score:2)
You might want to look at more recent statistics. Those numbers are from before they passed their victim-disarmament laws. In the years since, the violent-crime rate has skyrocketed out of control. The British government has succeeded at boiling the frog.
Re:Shipping? We Don't Need No Stinking Shipping! (Score:2)
Re:Shipping? We Don't Need No Stinking Shipping! (Score:2)
Re:Shipping? We Don't Need No Stinking Shipping! (Score:2)
Re:Shipping? We Don't Need No Stinking Shipping! (Score:2)
Re:Shipping? We Don't Need No Stinking Shipping! (Score:2)
Re:Shipping? We Don't Need No Stinking Shipping! (Score:2)
(On-topic: I actually think this is a good idea. A broken clock is right twice a day!)
Re:Shipping? We Don't Need No Stinking Shipping! (Score:5, Insightful)
Hmmm. (Score:2)
That sounds like the stereotypical computer geek to me. I think he's getting his geek-types mixed up. Or maybe non of the geeks I know are stereotypical?
Humanitarians (Score:5, Funny)
Somehow this reminds me of an old Jay Leno bit about humanitarian efforts to give Christmas toys to starving kids in the third-world:
Child: "Kalimba eat potato?"
Humanitarian: "No, Kalimba *play with* potato! See, you can put eyes, ears and mouth on the potato!"
Child: "Kalimba eat potato?"
Humanitarian: "No, no..."
That's about all I remember. It was hilarious, but I can't find the whole routine on the web.
Re:Humanitarians (Score:2)
[BTW:: I knew that you were kidding but I wanted to make the point.]
One flaw in your comment... (Score:2)
Re:Humanitarians (Score:2, Interesting)
Don't get me as jaded, though. I think donating computers to these folks is great. However, before we send them computers, we should first help them get to the point where the computers will do them some good.
If you want your donation of a computer to do some good in the 3rd world, send a few desks, chairs, and maybe a generator along with the computer.
Of course, while Central/South America is not well off, particularly in certain areas, a donation of computers might actually be OK because they might have some or all of the requisite items (like 4 walls). Sending a generator might help, though.
Re:Humanitarians (Score:2)
Re:Humanitarians (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Humanitarians (Score:2)
Re:Humanitarians (Score:2)
Re:Humanitarians (Score:2)
Re:Humanitarians (Score:2)
Lucky stiffs (Score:1)
I misread the title (Score:1)
Hey, I've got a better idea (Score:4, Insightful)
And another thing, semi off-topic, regarding charity. Why is it that people ooh and aww and feel their heart sink when Sally Struthers shows them pictures of starving orphans in some god-forsaken place, but then the next day can be found in a Dillards parking lot mortified that a homeless kid almost touched their Lexus?
Re:Hey, I've got a better idea (Score:2, Funny)
Because you just don't fuck with another man's automobile!
there is alot of truth in this (Score:2, Insightful)
colombia used to produce alot of it's own wheat. back in the 60s or 70's the us started dumping wheat on their market left over from subsiding
farmers in the us. this infusion of wheat dropped the price of wheat in colombia to the point where farmers couldnt make any money on it. the farmers had to produce something to feed their families.. you can guess what that something was. now we are opressing them with a war on drugs.
Amazing (Score:4, Insightful)
Its never ceases to amaze me how quick so many people are to critique an act of charity.
Somehow kids are more deserving because they happen to be closer geographically/politically/culturally?
Some guys at some location which happens to be in our country have for some reason chosen to help some kids at some other location which is not within out political boundaries. Should they be slighted because they haven't first helped everyone in their neighborhood/city/state/country?
If you think there's someone out there who needs help who isn't getting any try this... help them. That's what these folks here did.
Re:Amazing (Score:2)
While there are those who slip through the cracks, America's kids aren't in that bad a shape. Even if they don't eat much at home, every public school I ever went to had free lunch and often breakfast if you were below a certain income level. If every kid didn't have a computer of his own, they did at least have a chance to use them on a semi-regular basis. American children are considered entitled to an education, including college.
Many other places, these things are not true.
Now, this project? Not aimed at helping starving six-year-olds in Bolivia. While I happen to think their aims are laudable--unlike those posters who still seem to be stuck in the cold war--the fact does remain that these computers are being sent elsewhere for a reason. Not because a small area is in need, but because those
If anyone wants to say that America is a disadvantaged nation, as far as the world goes... they deserve to get beat over the head with a clue-by-four.
Re:Amazing (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Amazing (Score:2)
when there are people literally starving in our streets.
Although I agree with your overall point to some extent, I don't think exaggeration like this is needed. There is NOBODY "literally" starving in our streets. The US has the richest poor people in the world. In fact, it's actually amazing how fat the people are in poor neighborhoods (at least in my neck of the woods).
This is not to say that there aren't children who go hungry on occasion when their parents spend food money on crack, or otherwise need our help, by the way.
must have uninterruptible power supplies (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:must have uninterruptible power supplies (Score:3, Informative)
Re:must have uninterruptible power supplies (Score:2)
So, it sounds like there is no point in sending computers setup like this in the first place. That strengthens the arguement of folks that support sending used computers to impoverished people that have an infrastructure that can actually support computer use, like any-city USA or western europe, etc.
Is there some objection if laptops are sent but may be disposed of in a way thay you do not approve of when their batteries die?
ONE solution, posed by someone else on this thread, is to load an OS with a journaling file system on each machine. Short of that, this seems to be just a publicity stunt, just like mainstream media and just like the "globalists" these guys claim to resist.
Re:must have uninterruptible power supplies (Score:2)
I *have* seen that in other countries -- Honduras has HORRIBLE power, even the big cities. But I haven't been there since 1994, so maybe things have improved.
Re:must have uninterruptible power supplies (Score:2)
Concur with the ACs down the thread... (Score:2, Flamebait)
Indymedia is not the kind of organization I would want to associate myself with, or support even indirectly. Just go to their front page and read about the kind of annoying, wrongheaded activism they seem to support. They are not so much a news organization as a clearing house for far left activist information. These are people that talk about "global justice" when they really mean justice for their particular downtrodden group of the day. On their front page and links off of it, I find evidence of seriously anti-capitalist, anti-Semitic and anti-American sentiment.
While this does sound like a noble project, there are other organizations [freegeek.org] (as was pointed out by another poster) with similar projects that you might support if you find Indymedia's politics so far left that they're about to fall off the table.
It is certainly also true that there are people located domestically in the US we should consider helping get access to computers and technology training, though I don't think that should preclude helping those in South America by any means, unlike some of the other posters in this thread.
Just a thought.
Watch out with labels (Score:3, Interesting)
Indymedia is so heterogenous, that you need to judge individual projects, like this one, if you want to decide to support them or not. They don't have leaders that make up big plans, they are more like lots of local groups that do what they think is good.
And maybe you haven't read the other comments, but Free Geek is supporting [freegeek.org] this action - so helping them could also mean helping this project
Re:Concur with the ACs down the thread... (Score:2)
Be careful. If you paint everybody who critizes israel as anti semitic you are buying into the "zionism is racism argument". In other words if critizing israel (zionism) is the exact same thing as critizising the jewish people then there is no difference between zionism and racism.
Besides both palestenians and israelis are semitic people so you cant play the race card in this case anyway.
Re:Concur with the ACs down the thread... (Score:2)
That's not reporting. That's Palestinian propaganda. Most of the far left wing seems to buy into this crap. I consider this antisemitic (which according to Webster's and Merriam Webster's has come to mean discriminatory against or hating of Jews, not all Semitic peoples, despite the word's structure and appearance).
It is fundamentally antisemitic to start out with a prima facie assumption that Palestinians have a right to a homeland that legitimizes their violence, but that Jews do not have the same right to a homeland that allows for violent response. The leftists generally legitimize this by sympathetic portrayal of the "struggle of the oppressed" which they apply to one side and "vicious domination" which they apply to the other. These portrayals are fictions, and deny the depth or complexity of the topic. Furthermore, they assert in blanket fashion that the Palestinians are victims of oppression, when they have historically been the instigators of violence in the holy land early in the 20th century (don't bother attacking me on this, go do some research on the history of the Palestinian protectorate during the first half of the century first, then we can discuss details if you want).
Re:Concur with the ACs down the thread... (Score:2)
"It is fundamentally antisemitic to start out with a prima facie assumption that Palestinians have a right to a homeland that legitimizes their violence, but that Jews do not have the same right to a homeland that allows for violent response."
No it's not. Those are political issues and not racial ones. Choosing one side of a political debate is not racism and you should not invoke the race card when people disagree with you.
"Furthermore, they assert in blanket fashion that the Palestinians are victims of oppression"
I don't think this is under dispute is it?
The palestenians have no state.
They are occupied by the israeli army.
They are routinely put under curfew by the israeli army.
they don't have the rights to move around freely.
They are routinely killed by the israeli army.
They are routinely arrested without charges and access to lawyers.
They are routinely tortured.
They are suffering from starvation and malnutrition.
They are being denied water by the israeli govt.
They are being deported and otherwise expelled.
Sorry but all of these are undisputed facts. You say that historically they have been violent people and perhaps that justifes putting 800,000 people under curfew for a couple of months to you but not for me. To the uncritical supporters of israel every action they do is somehow justified in the past or in the bible or something. If any other country did what they are doing I bet you would be against it.
For me there is no justification for torture, no justification for ethnic cleansing, no justification for apartheid, no justification for starving women and children, no justification for destroying other peoples property because a relative committed murder, no justification for forced expulsion, no justfication for taking peoples land and setting up settlements on it.
Israel can't have it both ways. Either it won the war, took the land fair and square and is occuying it legaly or it's in a state of war with palestenians.
If it won the war it needs to do what conqering countries do. Make those people citizens and try to fold them into your culture.
If it's in a state of war then obey the geneva conventions and get the job over with. The palestenians are no match for the most powerful military in the world (the israeli army is the most powerful because it is actually the combined US and the israeli army). Kill them and get it over with slowly torturing them is not making you look good.
Otherwise what you have left is apartheid. It works for a while but eventually it will be lifted, history shows that.
Re:Concur with the ACs down the thread... (Score:2)
more info (Score:3, Informative)
Spare me the drama (Score:2, Insightful)
Why is it people relate IndyMedia to terrorism? Perhaps some of the journalists related to it have slanted views and it reflects that in their stories but how is this different than mainstream media?
Isn't the basis of IndyMedia freedom of speech? Would you rather only have mainstream media owned by 3 gigantic companies?
Now I understand this article is primarily about the charity aspect which *surprise* everybody seems to have a problem with. But the same people critisizing the charity, are the same people that probably have never donated to anything in their lives.
Moral of the story: quit the "Do as I say, Not as I Do" routine.. it's tired.
Re:Spare me the drama (Score:2)
Why is it people relate IndyMedia to terrorism? Perhaps some of the journalists related to it have slanted views and it reflects that in their stories but how is this different than mainstream media? [...] Isn't the basis of IndyMedia freedom of speech?
Just because everyone has freedom of speech doesn't mean all speech has the same value.
Not everyone who is a member of PETA is an anti-human idiot. But I would still treat anyone associated with the organization with deep, deep suspicion and would never, ever give them money. Like it or not, you will be judged based on who you associate with.
Computers and Anti-globalization (Score:3, Insightful)
Anti-globalization activists in Oakland, Calif., are recycling old machines, loading them with free software and shipping them off to Ecuador.
Doesnt something seem wrong with that sentence? How do they "ship them off" without support companies like UPS, FEDEX, DHL or whatever. Dont they all hate those companies?
Also, why are they against free trade? Its hard to get a feel for what these people stand for, and why. They say they are defending poor people, but how? Wont the isolation they seem to want, keep the poor people poor?
That being said, I think that more computers in south america is great. I dont know how this particular group came upon this idea however. Also, the article is a bit short on details, as to where the computers will be housed, and maintained etc.. It also goes on to explain that some will form a wireless network in Quito, but the rest will go to small towns.. How are those computers going to be useful?
It all sounds like a great idea, but I really dont understand these people.. I think they do more harm than good to the very people that they say they want to help..
Re:Computers and Anti-globalization (Score:3, Informative)
Anti-Globalization != Anti-Free-Trade
Of course, that's assuming by "free trade" you really mean, "fair and mutually beneficial commercial relations that do not result in the exploitation of one party by another," and not "corporate imporialism/hegemony."
People who oppose "globalization" are generally greatly in favor of international dialogue and cultural exchange, but oppose commercial and cultural dominance/exploitation.
Incidentally, sending computers and other communications equipment to a needy country, if done correctly and followed through on, is actually a far better initiative in terms of improving local conditions than sending the same dollar amount of food. There's a general tendency in foreign aid and foreign charity to create a state of dependence rather than foster indigenous production, commerce and enterprise. Give a man a fish vs. Teach a man to fish, etc etc etc. That's what communications and technology can do.
The bottom line is that "These People" don't trust extra-national corportate interests to improve the conditions of third world countries and seek to improve the conditions there by fostering more robust local economic conditions rather than a state of international dependence.
Re:Computers and Anti-globalization (Score:2)
When rational arguments fail, there's always over-hyped meaningless buzzwords, right?
Re:Computers and Anti-globalization (Score:2)
On both sides of the argument, you're correct.
However, I don't think that "fair and mutually beneficial commercial relations that do not result in the exploitation of one party by another" is a collection of over-hyped and meaningless buzzwords. The concept of Corportate Hegemony sadly gets a lot more airtime, which is a big problem with the left: it's basically a dissident or anti-movement, a collection of arguments against the way things are going rather than for a rational alternative.
I for one don't think this is due to a lack of rational alternatives. Hence "fair and mutually beneficial commercial relations that do not result in the exploitation of one party by another".
Re:Computers and Anti-globalization (Score:2)
The parent poster's little diatribe about "corporate hegemony" is a perfect example of the typical leftist tactic of taking fifty-cent words they don't really understand and putting them together to sound mean and nasty, without any regard for the facts of the actual situation they're purporting to describe.
Re:Computers and Anti-globalization (Score:2)
Since I started it, I'll bite, just in case anyone with an un-made-up mind happens to read this thread.
The notion of cultural dominance is not one of overt coercion by means of violence. There's a long (and natural) history of other cultures following whoever seems to be leading the pack.
However, with todays global marketplace for entertainment, the ability of a dominant nation (e.g. the US) to export its culture to other nations has reached an unprecidented high-water mark. This results in an increasingly bland homoginzation of art and entertainment thoughout the world and generates significant resentment/backlash in many places.
I don't believe this is a Good Thing, and I also don't believe that This Is The Way It Has To Be. By bringin more producers and more viewpoints into the global cultural exchange, we can keep all of our minds active, challanged and resilliant. Of course this is pretty un-american, this talking of "active minds".
You guys are missing the point (Score:2, Insightful)
Indymedia is only moderately left wing. They're about trying to show world views of current global/local problems. The only reason many people view them as extremely left wing is because they talk about issues such as animal rights, womens' rights, environmental issues, violence/war, and governmental issues. Frankly, if you see these issues as left wing, that's pretty sad. These are issues everyone should be concerned with...and most of the world outside of the US speaks about openly. Indymedia about the closest thing we have to unbiased news in the US. Think about that next time you turn on Fox News and watch your daily dose of sensationalism
Three Points (Score:3, Interesting)
Point 2: No matter who they're going to, 300 computers is insignificant. Many medium-sized businesses are getting rid of old computers in these numbers. And since these computers aren't going to help poor kids in schools learn technology, it has no effect. Not newsworthy. I've personally disposed of hundreds of computers, and I'd always put a nice package of freeware on the hard drive before sending it away.
Point 3: The only reason this is happening, is to get some good press. This isn't a "helping a child" story, or a "rejuvenating a country" story, or anything like that, but that's how it is being reported. I'd like to see how many millions of dollars of financial support our government spends in the same country, yet totally goes unreported and uncredited.
300 Computers can be Amazingly significant. (Score:2)
Point 2 - 300 computers to a news-gathering organization can be amazingly significant; 300 computers to schools would be a drop in the bucket, though the long-term payback would still be worthwhile. Sure, most of these machines are Offical Doorstops today, which means that they can run Microsoft Office version N, N-1, or N-2 at reasonable speed, and can't play recent video games, but people running news-gathering organizations need text-handling, email, and simple databases can do amazing things with 486s. A 14.4kbps modem is about 200 times faster than most people type. (And 486s could run Doom, which was really amazing in its day.)
Point 3 - Hey, Indymedia are a press organization - of course they're going to give good press to things that help them get press
Geeks getting into development (Score:3, Informative)
As a note of caution:
My own experience doing this (built a computer lab in Nicaragua) sort of thing suggests that these folks will run into many political and economic complexities in the places they go to install computers e.g.:
In any event, I hope everyone involved will learn a lot from the process and it will motivate more geeks to get involved with those who have much less than themselves (not the least of the reasons being that it makes you happier).
Not the best idea.. (Score:2, Insightful)
I can tell you for a fact (I come from Ecuador) that the people there DO need clean water and housing, along with EDUCATION in order to actually USE these computers and the wireless network.
Without this knowledge, the people who they'd like to help won't know and eventually won't CARE about the computers.
I'm sorry but I really believe that these people are out of touch with the common person in Ecuador..
Man Helps Starving Kitten - Slashdot Readers Angry (Score:2)
Sheesh, people need to grab a bit of perspective here. They're talking about doing a bit of work to help out the needy in a poor country. From the response you'd think they were throwing Molotov Cocktails on the White House lawn.
People need to go have a walk and clear the dogma from their heads if they really think this is somehow an evil conspiracy.
Re:Man Helps Starving Kitten - Slashdot Readers An (Score:2)
A. It's not just a man helping someone; it's an organization of activists that has some rather extreme viewpoints, that some of us don't trust. They're asking for our money, so we would do well to examine them carefully.
B. The "needy" in this case can be defined as "friends of Indymedia in another country". We're not helping some starving kid here. I wouldn't give the editors of Indymedia a computer if they wanted one. Why would I want to help them give one to their friends?
C. The feasibility of the project needs to be looked at as well. Does this project make any sense considering the country's electrical grid, laws, politics, and Internet connectivity, or is it just a political gesture? I suspect it's the latter.
Dogma, BTW, is an established viewpoint created to be repeated without scrutiny. What you're seeing here on Slashdot is "skepticism", which is a whole different animal.
Confused leftists play into globalization's hands (Score:2, Interesting)
If there are group like this in New York City, I would love to volunteer my spare parts and time, all the while chuckling to myself about how it furthers my agenda and not theirs.
Besides, if developing countries end up with an entrenched linux market share, MS will be pressured to build a compelling Switch campaign, a la Apple. The ensuing competition benefits the whole world.
Re:Confused leftists play into globalization's han (Score:3, Insightful)
I think you're confused.
'Anti-globalization' activists aren't against greater communication and information exchange. Indeed, many are anarchists that would like to see all borders fall and all imposed limits between various peoples disappear.
They are, however, generally against the consolidation of global economic power among a power elite who socialize costs while privatizing benefits. At the moment, globalization seems to be more about extending Western economic power and authority than really improving the lives and freedom of all people.
Re:Confused leftists play into globalization's han (Score:2)
I've got news for anti-globalists - there has been zero growth averaged across developing countries over the last ten years. And as a result, there is still massive poverty. Despite increasing levels of direct investment, developing country governments have been running massive deficits and allowing inflation to rule. Actually, direct investment in the poorest countries is decreasing, it is only the somewhat-with-it governments of Latin America that can keep investment coming in.
Of course, this is due in part because of the IMF and WB dumping dollars into developing governments without gettign any kind of "adjustments" in policy...so they are half-right to want to axe them.
If you axe the WB and IMF, we will stop supporting corrupt developing governments, and they will have to take drastic efforts to increase GDP growth lest they not get their pay...
Re:Confused leftists play into globalization's han (Score:2)
Having said that, though, the protests themselves mainly occur at meetings of Western and other big governments, which generally *are* focused more on extending their power and authority and supporting their big political constituents than on genuine free trade. A Libertarian version of NAFTA wouldn't have been 1600 pages of protectionist rulemaking that shifts the details of who gets protected; it would have been a paragraph or so with a lot of room for signatures at the bottom. The IMF Austerity Rules that get imposed on any government that wants to borrow more money are generally pretty rational, if painful, because they have to get the target country on a revenue-positive economic track so they can get their earlier debts paid back. Unfortunately, however, both the old debts that are being paid back and the new money they're lending tend to be for projects that weren't economically viable, centralize power in the hands of the governments and usually the ruling elites, and if they aren't spent on the military, they tend to be spent on big development projects that are environmentally destructive or at best on Bread&Circuses. And many of these countries either have government-controlled broadcasting systems, or if they do have privatized media, it's still controlled by the Usual Suspects, so having an Indymedia type thing around to provide some alternative to the major media is really valuable.
Cool Name... (Score:2)
Heres a better Idea: (Score:2)
Does anyone know who's got the CRT crushers? (Score:2)
My experience with Madison IMC (Score:2)
The people that I know in my local Indymedia [indymedia.org] are all very much in favor of democritizing things. This includes government, media, and trade. (Lately I've been thinking that democracy is a more radical concept than most realize...)
Indymedia was founded around the time of the 1999 WTO protests, which were pro-democratic as much as ore more than they were anti-capitalist. (FTAA and NAFTA are rather the opposite, anti-democratic, pro-capitalist.)
Just so you get a feel of what's actually on an IMC, here's some of what was on madison.indymedia.org today:
- Madison City Council Considering Section 8 Housing Ordinance Tonight
- Digital Rights Management Begins Creeping Into Windows Software, Audio CDs (my article; summary of Slashdot, the Register, eWeek, other sources)
- UW Madison Students Defeat Attempt To Oust Progressive Campus Leaders
- My Summer Vacation as a Delegate at the AFL-CIO Convention
The stories such as these that get featured in the center column are usually of relatively high quality, of local interest, and linked to a longer article. Since joining the Madison IMC I've become one of the center column editors, although I never edit any articles that people have submitted. That goes against our ethics.
We strive for accuracy, passion, and truth. Not ratings or advertising dollars.
Re:Why Equador? (Score:2)
Re:yeah. (Score:1)
Besides, Indymedia has been around for years supporting independent media. You know, an alternative to the mainstream. Isn't that the purpose of linux in the first place? Since most of the major newspapers in the US are headed by the same company, i think it only makes sense to take part in a project that would help to provide an alternative to the mainstream.
Re:yeah. (Score:1)
Re:yeah. (Score:1)
Re:yeah. (Score:2)
My parents were poor republicans (registerd democrat in NY), yes there are many of them. They were republicans becasue they did not believe in an overly strong federal governemnt. I am a middle class Conservative because the republicans have begun to want too much power for the federal government. But nothing like the Democrats who want to give land to the UN, take away all states rights, take away any speech they define as 'hate', and try to censure thought through 'hate crime' laws.
If it makes you feel better to call republicans cocks instead of engaging people on the issues you deserve the biased opinion indymedia will give you..
Re:yeah. (Score:2)
That's a great point. There is far too much demonizing of Republicans - and worse a lot of subtle patronizing of everybody - by left-oriented publications. And there are indeed two sides to every coin.
But the nastiness definitely cuts both ways. I don't need to remind you that Rush Limbaugh and many other cronies have spent a lot of time abusing things like the very idea of any legal protection for the environment, and always using the most scathing personal attacks.
Ultimately all media has an angle. I agree with the posters who complain that the consolidation of media in this country produces a flat point of view. But we've got internet news, let's use it. Read Indymedia, take it for what it's worth: a lefty, activist-friendly rag. Read other countries' major newspapers - almost all of them have English-language editions. Compare the Washington Post to the Boston Globe to Le Monde. You probably won't change your core beliefs, but you sure will get a broader perspective on all these things.
Re:yeah. (Score:2)
Notice I said smaller federal government, now at the state level I would fight for smaller govt too, but theat is my fight in NY not someone in CA..
It must be nice to be in a party in which everyone has a better handel on everything than anyone else in any party..