Comment Re:Will they pay you? (Score 0) 263
I think it funny that Mr. "Stop America Now" is Mr. "Pay Me Now". Not a truer American sentiment was ever spoken, and exactly why we are where we are at in every respect.
I think it funny that Mr. "Stop America Now" is Mr. "Pay Me Now". Not a truer American sentiment was ever spoken, and exactly why we are where we are at in every respect.
That's the point. If a company has both Architects and Developers there is an EXPLICIT role definition of decision maker and decision executor. Sure the Architect WAS a developer at one point, but isn't any longer.
If you have BOTH, then of course you only listen to the architect for design/process changes, and the developer for execution level changes.
If you have both, and listen to both equally, you simply shouldn't have both. You aren't getting your money's worth from the architect, and there is no chain of responsibility, a lot of chaos.
Hackers are just a migratory lifeform with a tropism for computers.