India's ISPs Want Payola from Big Portals 352
knorthern knight writes "Story on The Register.
America's biggest content providers could face a toll to enter India cyberspace, if plans mooted by the Indian ISP trade association bear fruit.
Although the Internet Service Providers Association of India is split on the issue, several of the larger ISPs want to block access to eBay, MSN or Yahoo! unless the prociders pay a toll.
'In order to increase revenue streams we should ask [the portals] to pay if they want traffic on their sites from India,' reports the Hindustani Times."
Won't work (Score:5, Insightful)
Do indians care about ebay? (Score:2, Insightful)
You all assume, that indians are interested in ebay. Here in Europe, for an example, getting stuff from ebay is a really big hassle and with shipping costs added not worth most of the time. I guess with india it's even worse. If there happen to be an indian big auctioneer working the local market, it's very likely that ebay isn't of interest only to a very small minority.
But as written before, most likely those site won't care about indian traffic anyway, as most of their advertisers are interested in american consumers only.
In the end, this could promote the devlopment of a strong asian counterpart to the big american sites. It happened before with Lineage in Korea.
I wonder, if they're going to block Doubleclick and their ilk next.
Re:Do indians care about ebay? (Score:2)
Re:Won't work (Score:3, Insightful)
My impression is that the ISP association would seek legislation to enforce the "tax" on every ISP, whether a member or not. This is certainly how such things are done in the US (Internet radio tax, blank CDR tax, etc.). Presumably the bad-guy ISPs would be both good at and motivated to assist the Indian government with enforcement.
Re:Won't work (Score:2, Funny)
Block only the ads (Score:5, Funny)
That's even worse for the portal and the ISP customers are happy.
Re:Won't work (Score:3, Insightful)
As an aside, I think the ISPs have a point. There's no reason why overseas ISPs, especially those in countries with lower incomes per capita, should shoulder the entire cost of connecting to US commercial entities. US ISPs don't have those levels of costs imposed on them, and Yahoo, eBay, etc, exist in order to make money from the people who connect to them. It's reasonable to suggest that they should help pay the costs. Any other outcome is essentially overseas ISPs subsidizing US businesses.
Re:Won't work (Score:5, Insightful)
If a portal like Yahoo had to pay money to reach their users they would just stop any and all free services. How the fuck are they supposed to be profitable with little to no revenues from advertisements, operational overhead, plus tariffs they'd have to pay to ISPs. Where in the positive cashflow in that situation? I'll give you a hint, there is none. ISPs aren't going to charge end users any less. The data capacity of the fiber in the US has risen emensely in the past seven years but the price of internet access has remained relatively fixed.
This is a stupid idea. Portals providing free services to users are not going to fork over money in order to access the ISP's users. If anything they will in return charge ISPs for their services going out to their network and the net change in cash will be 0. All charging tolls does is piss off users. Like the other poster said, people would switch to the one ISP that didn't block access. Likely portals would only allow access from the ISP that wasn't acting like an assclown anyways. If the one ISP charged too much thse customers would go to the next ISP that allowed access to anything and had low rates. You'll notice this pan has no steam behind it because there isn't universal support for the idea. Without a giant cartel of ISPs the plan has no way of working. In a service oriented business the cartel would last as long as it would take for a single upstart to allow free cheap access to everything.
Re:Won't work (Score:2)
Re:Won't work (Score:4, Insightful)
I use email, but I get it through the same company I have hosting my domain because my home provider (rogers cable -> rogers@home -> shaw@home -> shaw cable) has made me change my email account five or six times. If someone else came along and offered the same service they did at a buck less a month, I'd switch. They're just a commodity.
Even google, as much as I like their service, doesn't actually offer any content themselves (except perhaps the usenet archives) and if they went away the net as a whole would carry on. People would just go back to bookmarking.
Yahoo and sites that offer content and/or host private content, are a big part of the net for me. If my ISP blocked them I'd cancel my service the same day. But, if an ISP started playing games with Yahoo, I'd stick with Yahoo (if, theoretically I had a Yahoo email address) even if they blackholed that provider.
So, if Yahoo and India fight, India loses. Nobody has patience for companies that try to blackmail others.
And really, the peopel of India need the net more than the net needs them. As such, their ISPs will give this up fairly quickly when their customers start bitching about wanting access to everyone that blocks them.
Re:Won't work (Score:2)
I don't give a shit about Earthlink or Charter as much as I give a shit about whoever made the coaxial cable plugged into my modem. They are just wires connecting me from point A to point B. The only reason they get money from me is to connect me from point A to point B. Sites like eBay and Yahoo don't give a shit either, without those sites Earthlink and Charter can't attract users because there's no reason to use the web. The same goes for ANY internet service be it e-mail or instant messaging. If Earthlink says its users can't use AIM anymore because AOL doesn't pay their access fees, people stop using Earthlink and pick someone else. AOL isn't going to pay Earthlink a damn dime, neither is Yahoo or eBay. All the ability to charge tariffs like this does is fragment the web into haves and have-nots. Stick it on your turn table and spin it.
Re:Won't work (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Won't work (Score:2)
Now, if these Indian ISP's were going to charge locally owned and operated sites it would be a differant story. Local operations may feel that they only way for an online business to be profitable is to have access to the local population, and they would probably be right. Of course you still have to deal with users, and there's a good chance the users would throw a fit. Especially if they have access to these resources now.
Payola huh... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Payola huh... (Score:4, Funny)
Doubtful (Score:4, Insightful)
Let the market sort it out (Score:2, Interesting)
Nice way to put yourself out of business (Score:2)
Anyway, I doubt it would work. Surely the ISPs existing users have a contractual right to a "best effort" ability to send packets to and receive them from Yahoo's web server, for example? That is in fact what they are paying the ISP for. It is, in fact, the defining service that an ISP offers.
As far as new users are concerned, would you choose a) an ISP who will deny you access to web sites you want to contact, or b) one who will allow you access to anything you want? Simple market forces would mean that people would chose the ISPs which weren't attempting to extort the large portals.
Yahoo not being usable from XXXX ISP would be a much greater problem for XXXX ISP than for Yahoo.
Lets not forget... (Score:2)
Okay, so all of them wont be surfing the internet. But even if 10% would that would still be 100,000,000 and imagine if only 10% of those would be surfing MSN , eBay or Yahoo! that would be 10,000,000. I bet that's worth paying for.
Re:Lets not forget... (Score:5, Insightful)
Yahoo isn't going to pay some smart-ass ISP for the priviledge of allowing Yahoo to distribute its already free content.
And MSN will laugh at them: "You want us to pay how much? OK, but we're invoking the terms of our EULA that allows us to remotely control your systems."
Re:Lets not forget... (Score:2)
Also, there *are* some decent Indian portals around, which pretty much provide the same services as yahoo or msn, with local flavor. Frankly, i would expect indians to hang around those sites, not on MSN or yahoo.
Also i'd eat my hat if more than 5% of Indian netizens browse slashdot.
Bass-ackwards (Score:3, Insightful)
Actually, it's preventing Indians from entering outside "cyberspace", not the other way around.
There's only one group of people that can be hurt by this, and I guarantee you it's not the
Doesn't anyone remember this [] story? Hardly an infrastructure to use as a chess piece...
Re:Bass-ackwards (Score:2)
Cutting off your nose to spite your face (Score:5, Interesting)
"If the Indian ISPs want their users to be able to access our content, then they will need to pay".
If a large number of content providers cut off one Indian ISP, and allow their neighbor, and it won't be long before the first ISP caves in (or goes under).
All it would take is one Indian ISP who decided owning the majority of the Indian users monthly payments was more important than extoring additional money out of barely profitable American Internet content companies.
Could be a nice opportinuty for AOL or EarthLink to try to swallow the Indian market whole, as well.
-- Terry
Yep, it's backwards... (Score:2, Informative)
It seems they have now dropped the idea, and instead are going for a micropayment solution - it's up and running, but so far only a handful of sites have implemented it (among those a county office charging for access to individual receipts in a large administration scandal).
Re:Cutting off your nose to spite your face (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Cutting off your nose to spite your face (Score:2)
In other news... (Score:4, Interesting)
No comment so far from the Internet Service Providers Association of India. The major portals so far are ignoring both groups.
</sarcasm> Are the Indian ISPs really this stupid?
Re:In other news... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:In other news... (Score:2)
What do you mean "reamed"? Peering only makes sense when traffic between networks is roughly equivalent, i.e. for every Mb network A sends to network B, network B sends a Mb to A. It's nothing to do with the value of the traffic per se, because the carrier's customers concern, it's the volume that matters, because that's what the carrier's customers are paying for. Otherwise, the network that receives more than it sends is subsidized by the sending network.
If the carrier's customers are only interested in US traffic, then by definiton only US traffic has value, because the carrier's customers won't pay the carrier to carry anything else.
This is how it works with voice telephones too.
Re:In other news... (Score:2)
Whether peering makes sense for a network depends on a huge number of factors,
and the ratio of traffic is rarely a factor when one or both networks are "endpoints",
and often is not a factor even when both aren't.
For example, if Alice sells web hosting and Bob sells dialup,
then peering between Alice and Bob makes economic sense for both of them,
even though the vast majority of the traffic flows from Alice to Bob.
Q: When a package is shipped, who pays, the sender or the receiver?
A: It depends. That's why FedEx allows either method.
-- this is not a
Re:In other news... (Score:2)
Even your example works only for a dial up provider in the First World. What does E-bay care if a farmer outside of Bangladore can't get to their site? His annual income doesn't equal the reserve price on a Welcome Back Kotter lunchbox!
If you're saying that this isn't fair, you're right, but I'm still looking for the rulebook that states life is fair in the first place.
That actually happens (Score:4, Informative)
For instance, most Pacific Asian countries (inc Australia) get charged for line lease and data travelling both ways between that country and the US.
This is regardless of who initiated the data transfer, in other words an Australian ISP hosting a page that is viewed by someone in the US is still charged for sending data back to the USA.
I wish you guys knew how good you have it. The cost bias is one of the factors that inflate the cost of Internet connections (and ultimately broadband) high in areas outside the US.
This would be the final dagger... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:This would be the final dagger... (Score:2)
They have it backwards. (Score:2)
Re:They have it backwards. (Score:2)
Exactly. Without content, ISPs would have far fewer customers. The Indians have badly misunderstood the business if they think that they can get users to sign up without content providers being accessible.
The irony (Score:2)
Now it's the other way around - "we provide you with customers, so give us some money"
Very funny.
Screwing their customers (Score:2)
Sounds like the ISPs essentially would be screwing their own customers by disallowing them to visit popular sites despite having paid for internet access...
Prediction: (Score:3, Funny)
Solution (Score:3, Insightful)
India will then choose to have the big sites on the Internet or not.
And then the other shoe drops ... (Score:3, Funny)
Indian Isp Organization (IIO): Pay or we block your portal!
MSN: Are you sure about that?
MSN: Block us and we block India.
IIO: OK, maybe not.
The Internet is self healing. It is designed to route around problems. Play nice children.
Who pays the bill? (Score:3, Insightful)
How many telecom/datacom companies have we seen go bankrupt in recent time? I've lost count.
In Holland, an ISP tried to gain revenue by giving out stock. Huge mistake. Stock devaluated rapidly, company bought by the Italians, not heard much of 'em since.
A number of companies use 'creative accounting' to make things look better, but we've seen what that leads to.
Maybe it has something to do with scaling, and in a couple of years 4 out of 5 ISPs will have been weeded out, to leave a few strong, healthy ISPs. But right now, it doesn't seem like an ISP can live of the revenues of user accounts.
Since no customer is very willing to pay twice/thrice the price he's paying allready, revenues must come from another direction.
So either the government must put up a program to help their people onto the net (but since India is not that rich, that's not likely), or the revenues must come from the other side of the line, the content providers.
But then again, how many content providers are able to cough up a bag of dollars/euros for every ISP in the world? Putting an extra strain on them will probably increase the amount of banners, popups and spam on the web.
I think it's a bad idea.
The other way around. (Score:2, Interesting)
Since the parties need each other, it is a matter of bargaining power: right now, it is about even, with a slight tilt towards the portals.
1-2 years back, Wired reported that some portals in Norway (I think) tried to bully some ISPs into a revenue-share. Wonder what came of that?!
Most of the Indian traffic is non-revenue (Score:3, Interesting)
Why cant the ISP's say just charge those premium subscribers? For Option 1 -- Indian sites only, subscribers pay $1 / month (hypothetical) and for Option 2 -- Access to all sites including international and porno subscribers pay $50 a month.
Would be simpler than building complex legal traffic / royalty arrangement with the major portals.
Re:Most of the Indian traffic is non-revenue (Score:2)
So which option would fall under?
In related news... (Score:2)
I hope they go forward with the plan. Reading the resulting string of articles on slashdot will be better than watching a sitcom on TV.
The Prisoner's Dilema (Score:2, Insightful)
First, the Prisoner's Dilema: Two prisoners are in separate cells. The prosecuting attorney says to each one separately: "If you rat on the other guy I'll give you less time". If they both rat then they both go to jail for a long amount of time. If one rats and the other doesn't the one that didn't goes to jail for a long sentence. The one that did gets set free for cooperating. If they both don't rat they get a plea bargain and get a short sentence.
Now for the telecom analogy: If one telecom charges another to peer traffic, the telecom that charges makes a lot of money and the one that doesn't looses a lot. If they both charge then they both loose because they won't send hardly any traffic and their customers will use less because of the high prices. If they both don't charge then they both win, because they do a lot of isp business and the market grows. The catch is, like the example above, if one of them charged and the other didn't the one that charged would do better than the one that didn't as compared to how the one that charged would have done if they had cooperated.
What is the solution for prisoner's dillema historically? It's tit for tat. If you defect (and rat on me). I will defect (and rat) on you. This works very well in games that are played over and over again. So what's going to happen is that the big portals are going to start charging the isps and vs. versa until they both decide to cooperate.
All bull (Score:5, Informative)
There have been various messages flying up and down Indian telco lists such as India-GII [] that this is blatently untrue. Move along, there's nothing here to see.
All NOT bull (Score:4, Informative)
This story is very very shady. Note that there isn't a paper called Hindustani (note the i) Times. There's Hindustan Times and it's online version has no mention of this at all.
Hindustan Times is one of the larger newspapers in india. It is the largest selling newspaper in the capital city of Delhi. I get this paper, and this news was the main headline on the front page of the newspaper a few days back.
The online versions of most of the Indian newspapers don't carry all the news items.
Could still be crap (Score:2)
This story is a hoax! (Score:5, Informative)
Looks like we have misquoting to thank for this "story".
Mod parent up (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
working link (Score:2, Informative)
Re:This story is a hoax! (OT) (Score:2)
But you can watch the 'slashdot effect' live, in action. View the error_log [] of the server, and see the number of hits to this missing URL.
I know this is offtopic, but just had to throw it out... :-)
Who cares? (Score:2)
The only area where I have any opinion about countries like India is when it comes to immigration. Tech firms here are exploiting everyone by either bringing foreign workers in on temporary visas as slave labor, or simply exporting the job itself to india where they can pay ten cents on the dollar compared to american wages.
The best solution I see to this is to encourage immigration. I might have more people to compete with, but I won't be competing based upon price so much. I'd rather lose my job to someone living here than lose it to someone living in Rangoon. Besides, just imagine what an influx of talent and intelligence will do for our gene pool?
How Internet charges work (Score:5, Informative)
The food-chain in ISPs looks something like this: Customer -> Tier 3 -> Tier 2 -> Tier 1, with each level paying the layer above for access. Tier 1 ISPs are people like UUNet with global reach. Tier 2 are national or "regional" (e.g. EU, Americas, Asia-Pacific). Tier 3 are local ISPs, and customers are both individual users and hosting companies.
Actually there is nothing stopping a customer or Tier 3 ISP from signing up with a Tier 1 ISP, and many do. But the principle is the same.
There are two kinds of link an ISP can have to other ISPs: Transit and Peering. In a transit link an ISP pays a larger ISP for access to "the Internet". In other words the smaller ISP can route packets through the link to any destination and expect to receive replies via the same route. In a peering relationship two ISPs, usually in the same Tier, agree to exchange traffic, usually without payment, but with the proviso that only traffic for customers of the other ISP is to be routed through that link. You can't send traffic to B through your peering link with A (although there are sometimes mutual backup link terms in the agreement).
You can think of this in your own terms quite easily. You have a transit link with your ISP that you pay for. But if you and your neighbour exchange a lot of traffic you might string an Ethernet cable between your houses and create your own peer link. But it would be very bad manners to use that link to pinch bandwidth off your neighbour.
The market forces that created this system are very straightforward. Originally the Internet worked with free transit links, but then the people investing in global networks realised that all the smaller ISPs were getting a free ride, and so they started demanding payment. This happened around 1996-7, and you can find lots of discussion papers from that time worrying about "the balkanisation of the Internet". In fact nothing of the sort happened. Metcalfe's law saw to it that everyone found more value from being connected to an unbalkanised Internet, and the net effect (sorry) was that money flowed from you and me up to Worldcom, and much good it did them. Meanwhile the smaller ISPs found that peering arrangements helped them to cut their costs because peer traffic avoided the expensive transit routes.
Thats not to say that things are so simple in real life. Peering arrangements in particular are fraught with difficulty because it usually means negotiating with your direct competitors, and you can play all sorts of dirty tricks like "hot potato" routing (routing packets to your nearest exit point instead of the globally most efficient one). But thats the general idea.
Incidentally the economics work like this regardless of the direction of most of the bits. People who tried to analyse the Internet using telephone economics got this wrong, because with the phone its usually the caller who pays. On the Internet the "caller" is hard to identify and the rules for doing so keep changing. And in any case the issue is irrelevant. You have content providers who want to reach readers and readers who want to access content. (Peer to peer changes the numbers and locations, but not the fundamentals). Both pay ISPs to provide this service, and those ISPs then pay the next tier up, and so on.
So now we look at India, where a bunch of Tier 3 and 2 ISPs are demanding payment from Tier 1 ISPs. The Tier 1 ISPs will rightly tell them to get lost.
I suppose that the Indian ISPs (who are mostly consumer ISPs) might demand payment from content providers such as Yahoo, Slashdot and co, on the grounds that the content providers want to reach Indian eyeballs. But I don't see this flying either. Those Indian eyeballs want the content just as much as the providers want to provide it, which is why you get no-payment peering arrangements between content providers and consumers: its the flow of value that counts, not the flow of bits.
Re:How Internet charges work (Score:2)
Loss of Indian eyeballs is worth probably zero to major western portals; 35% of the population lives below the poverty line and probably another 35% doesn't have the purchasing power to buy anything other than basic staples.
This may not be true for portals that have a local variant (Yahoo India or something), but you have to wonder if web economics don't work in the West, how can they possibly work in country with such a high rate of poverty?
Re:How Internet charges work (Score:2)
Not quite the whole story (Score:5, Informative)
The actual point in question was the blocking of voice cht services, which by (new) Indian law can only be offered by ISPS, due to the failure of their law makers to distinguish voice chat from IP telephony, when they legislated to permit Indian ISPs to enter the IP telephony market.
The concern appears to be that India requires a license, and requires that you be a Licensed ISP in India, to offer these services.
Here is the original Press information from the ISPAI (Internet Service Provider's Association of India) web site:
-- Terry
Mod parent up. (Score:2)
What this is all about is voice over IP vs. an overpriced state-operated telephone company. It's the old "voice over the Internet breaks the telco pricing model" issue. It's not about content at all.
Uh oh (Score:3, Insightful)
A billion people. Significant natural resources. A booming and dynamic IT economy. A net exporter of goods and services. Nuclear capability. And, as we see, an attitude.
When you read commentators speculating that India might be the next superpower, don't just scoff and assume that the status quo will preserve itself. This is just one of many signs that India is ready to try throwing its weight around on the world stage.
It might get slapped down this time, but the sheer audacity of it is an eye opener. Up to now, only the USA has been able to impose unilateral conditions on world trade. It'll be interesting - but probably not very comfortable - to see what happens when India starts playing the same game in earnest.
Re:Uh oh (Score:2)
India, the country might or might not want to throw its weight around internationally but the ISPs doing something has nothing to do with that. The whole country is not a borg collective where every piece knows what the other is doing.
WWF ISP Slapdown (Score:2)
Meh... (Score:2)
hard to separate content/ecommerce (Score:2, Interesting)
Indian traffic is probably too small to matter now, but the intent of the ISP's is to reduce competition in the future in support of local ebusinesses. Quite frankly, American ecommerce companies have an enormous advantage of being first to market in their respective fields.
India's trade groups are pretty strong at blocking out international competition. In this case, they could block strictly ecommerce sites from consumers, provided that they wasn't enormous demand from consumers already for those sites (there isn't).
Under this scheme, they could allow content sites, but block the big ecommerce sites. The problem is that the line between content and ecommerce sites is being blurred. Amazon, for example, has great commentaries on books and the literary world. And yahoo/microsoft, which provide free services, also features classified advertising. Making such a rule would tend to give an advantage to sites mixing both types of content.
But don't for a moment think that Indian ISP's (or other third world countries) would simply buckle to international pressure. Indian ISP's want to make money and if blocking the site is as easy as entering an address on a routing table, then kudos to them for trying.
Such a measure could work if the government somehow codified these fees should be and ISP's were ordered to comply. Such money could be used to support national infrastructure charges (in the best case scenario) or to line officials' pockets (in the worst case scenario).
But don't fault them for trying. Actually, I kind of wonder why American ISP's didn't get this idea first.
(BY the way, if American ISP's took retaliatory measures by blocking access to Indian sites, that might unblock those sites very quickly).
You have to remember how wierd it is to view the internet in a developing country. Not only is a lot of it in English, but they probably see advertisements for dozens of American/Western companies and very little from their own country.
It's a really easy target to choose.
PS. I write about India and cyberculture on my []
Asiafirst weblog.
how exactly? (Score:3, Interesting)
And who's to say that Ebay and others won't just tell the Indian ISPs to go screw themselves. Ebay doesn't exactly have much in the way of viable competition. If this goes through, they could probably turn around and demand money from the Indian ISPs instead or they'll block access. And when the ISPs own polices cause great dissent among their users, they'll be forced to pay up to return things to the way they once were.
This is preventing freedom of expression (Score:2)
So, when the Indian ISPs block these sites asking for a payola, they are in essence placing their hands in front of people's eyes and chaining them to the sidewalk telling them "you cannot view that yahoo store or go in there", even though it is the citizen's right.
Now the question is, would this hold true in a court of law, and does India have a "freedom of expression" clause in its constitution to grant web surfers this right?
Right of Way (Score:2)
Different Idea - Everyone Charge THEM (Score:3, Insightful)
I don't get it... (Score:2)
News coverage? Heck, even is a better source of news than the portals that put Britney Spears in the headlines (note that they only push their own products).
Weather? Why get weather information from a bunch of middlemen that think that "doppler radar" is nothing more than a catch phrase?
I admit that my start page points to the one EarthLink provides me, but not only does it tell me when I have e-mail (without having to sign up for a spam-laden free account), their USAA-branded service has information available that is just too obscure for the "real" portal sites to care about.
I realize that most internet users more resemble my mother than me, but I've seen her surf and she doesn't spend any amount of time on the start-up page, she just goes to her favorites and goes to the sites she knows to do her thing. Heck, I'm not sure she'd notice if her start page somehow got pointed to she spends so little time and attention on it. How do these people make money? Arthur Andersen Consulting?
A different model? (Score:2)
Here is what I am thinking - today the Internet is an all or nothing deal. If you have internet access, you reach ALL the websites. Why should it be that way?
Take TV, for example. There are various packages of programming that I can purchase which determine whether I see just the local networks (Free!!!) or HBO. Why can't it be the same way for internet access?
People who want to visit speciality websites need to pay a higher ISP charge than "regular" folks who only care about their email, some news and weather. The ISPs, pay some of this money to the speciality websites.
Regardless of how this is actually implemented, I think the time has come for dividing up the Net in various smaller internets.
What do you think?
India's ISPs can stick it in their collective ear (Score:2)
India's ISPs can stick it in their collective ear
THis could end spam! (Score:2)
Shakedown for cash in india is COMMON (Score:2, Interesting)
This is backwards (Score:2)
They have it backwards (Score:2, Interesting)
It would be like NBC suddenly going "You know what Tom Brokaw, you have ridden on our coattails for long enough. If you want to continue your nightly newscast, you must pay us, or we wont show it."
Granted its a little different because NBC owns that broadcast, and those ISP's dont own those websites, but its sorta similar.
Re:Funny and sad.... (Score:2)
Re:Funny and sad.... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:I can see quite a few companies paying (Score:2, Insightful)
MS, Yahoo, etc will probably just pay whatever they ask (within reason)...
It seems like a hollow threat to me. If India's ISPs block all of the major portals, then they will lose customers. The end users use the Internet to have access to content. If the Indian ISPs block the content, no more end user.
Re:I can see quite a few companies paying (Score:3, Insightful)
Suddenly, yahoo et al can't get access to China (I'm not that they could already, but at least the Chinese Govt isn't doing it as a revenue raising exercise) and there go the two biggest developing markets in the world unless you pay every ISP.
Add in a few more countries without anti-competitive behaviour laws, and there goes the internet.
I hope they don't cave in. Those sites are barely making it as they are.
-- james
Re:Sheya, right, as if (Score:5, Informative)
I know there are a lot of programmers in India and stuff, but do they really thing Yahoo and MSN will care?
1 peninsula region (often called a subcontinent) S Asia S of the Himalayas between Bay of Bengal & Arabian Sea occupied by India, Pakistan, & Bangladesh & formerly often considered as also including Burma (but not Ceylon)
2 those parts of India until 1947 under British rule or protection together with Baluchistan & the Andaman & Nicobar islands &, prior to 1937, Burma
3 country comprising major portion of peninsula; a republic within the Commonwealth of Nations; until 1947 a part of the British Empire capital New Delhi area 1,195,063 square miles (3,095,472 square kilometers), population 896,567,000
Enough said.
Re:Sheya, right, as if (Score:5, Interesting)
People want to see MSN, Yahoo, and eBay. Take that away from them, and they will find alternative methods to connect to the Internet.
Especially in the case of eBay, this will mean near certain death for the current India ISPs. eBay is doing fine as it is, and if my former company's foray into the international market,, is any lesson of the past, they will not make any effort to go international on their own. If Indian ISPs block it, some smart entreprenuer will offer some sort of alternative connection that doesn't block those sites.
Also, a statement of population has little to nothing to do with a) how many of those people are on the internet and b) how many of them having spending cash to support your advertisers/sellers. Though I have never been to India, I'm going to assume that given the number of Indian workers who have come to America to find good paying jobs and the tales I've heard of poverty in India, there's not a HUGE money market in India right now that any of the three aforementioned sites are going to care at all about.
Still, I'm very impressed that you found the population.
Re:Sheya, right, as if (Score:2, Insightful)
India is the largest consumer market on the planet. They have the largest middle-class and that middle-class has extensive access to the internet. Heck, even the folks living in the slums know where the nearest internet cafe is.
The basic fact is that Indians surf the internet. And sites like Yahoo! know that and have even gone so far as to create India-specific sub-sites. Now the enterprising major ISPs in India think they can cash in on that. What will happen remains to be seen, but suffice it to say that they aren't going to say 'Sheya, right, as if'.
Oh, and incidentally the population of India is actually 1.1 Billion as of February 2002.
Re:Sheya, right, as if (Score:2, Informative)
-"I rather doubt people want to see those sites that much, especially if offered workable alternatives."
-"In fact, it has closed down because everybody was using Yahoo auctions"
Please compare the 1st and 3rd sentences...
What makes you doubt that people would want to see those sites? People everywhere do.... Hence the popularity....Whether it's a good site or not is moot...
Re:Sheya, right, as if (Score:2)
quoting someone else: Depends. An auction site needs to build some kind of connected market to be attractive. EBay US is mostly uselss for me in Germany, since it doesn't establish German/European areas. So, I venture to guess, it is for Indians.
Re:Sheya, right, as if (Score:2)
As far as I know Ebay Germany is doing OK right now.
Re:Sheya, right, as if (Score:2)
In the US, someone who considers himself "middle class" owns his home, can afford DSL or cable and has a reasonable expectation to send his children to college.
In India or Mexico, someone who can afford that is definetely considered in the upper-middle-class region.
Re:Sheya, right, as if (Score:2)
Re:Sheya, right, as if (Score:2, Informative)
According to the CIA World Factbook [].
Open your book again and lookup Germany. There should be only one entry.
Re:Sheya, right, as if (Score:4, Informative)
Total world population online: 580 million.
So... they probably won't care that much. It just makes it a stupid move on the part of the Indian ISPs, who are facing a cash crunch due to shrinking subscriber numbers (see the first article).
Re:not enough said really (Score:4, Interesting)
Oops. When an MP3 player is 2.5 months rent I don't think there a premium crowd of net surfers out there in India.
You're right about the average salary, but you also have to take into account that population figure, currently estimated at a billion people, and bear in mind that the variances are huge.
I spent a few months in India at the start of this year, and one of the (many) things that boggles the mind is the sheer variety of everything, the wild contrasts. In India, there are millions of people who live in the street, who live under blue polythene tarps, who live in mud (well, cowdung, usually) huts and if they're lucky, get to break rocks by the roadside in the ferocious heat to feed themselves and their families. But the 250 million people of the 'middle classes' as they are referred to in India are, in many cases, doing extremely well. As in cellphones, Mercedes cars, designer suits, laptops, satellite TV, and all those other appurtenances of a modern 'western' lifestyle. In Bangalore alone, there are reckoned to be maybe 100,000 rupee millionaires (at about 45 Rs per US dollar). And then there are the industrialists, the Bollywood people, and let's not even start on those who've become staggeringly rich through the back-channel of baksheesh.
So the minority of rich people in India, and the relative handful of very rich people, still represent a huge market, and what a lot of them want is the 'american' lifestyle - McDonalds, Starbucks, Tommy Hilfiger and so forth.
It's all about that figure of a billion people. There's a huge amount of money to be made in India, make no mistake.
Which is why, as a tourist, it's so hard to get your head around the lepers, the polio victims, the people whose parents cut off their feet in childhood to give them a glimmer of hope of a living as a street beggar.
Re:Sheya, right, as if (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Sheya, right, as if (Score:2)
Sorry, but are a bunch of Indian programmers gonna buy a car from Yahoo! Autos? Or sign up for Yahoo! Personal?
If they offer a localized version of the site (which they already do for other countries, BTW), and they figure that the average Indian has enough disposable income to make it worthwhile, then I don't see why not.
Fucking computer geeks think they're the center of the damn universe....
There's no denying that.
Re:new plan (Score:2, Informative)
Re:US Interests abroad... (Score:2)
India and China have similar large populations and similar profiles - a lot of poor, backward people (especially in rural areas) and a lot of affluent people (especially in the big cities). There's a lot of money to be made in India.
You probably have a more favourable impression of China because the government of India hasn't been as friendly to tycoons like Murdoch.
Re:US Interests abroad... (Score:2)
What you've seen of India on TV is mostly bullshit, I suspect.
What I have seen on TV of India is many people starving, a Hindu population that is as violently anti-Muslim as some Muslims in the region are violently anti-non-Muslim, and a military that is willing to push a Muslim country of former Indians to the point of nuclear war, because they know they will win even if the Pakistani do nuke them. You are right, it is bullshit, but unfortunately it actually is true.
India and China have similar large populations and similar profiles - a lot of poor, backward people (especially in rural areas) and a lot of affluent people (especially in the big cities). There's a lot of money to be made in India.
More than a third of the population is unable to afford an adequate diet. Only half of the population is literate. China isn't a very nice place to live for most people either, but there is money to be made there, naturally, because there is money to be made everywhere. Most of both of the two countries are existing in third-world conditions, even if a lucky few aren't. The only reason why there are a lot of people who aren't poor in India is because even a small percentage of 1,000,000,000+ people is a lot of people.
You probably have a more favourable impression of China because the government of India hasn't been as friendly to tycoons like Murdoch.
Most people in the U.S. who are old enough to remember the Tiananmen Square incident have that as their inpression of China, which isn't a very favorable impression, a less favourable opinion then of India even, and it has little if anything to do with Australian media moguls.
Re:FP!!!! (Score:2)
heheheee, man, its they who have the soup.... 1/6 of the earth's DAMN POPULATION
Not the *Internet* population, I assure you !
Re:arglab (Score:2)