Real Time Gnutella Visualization 130
brett42 writes "Some students at Berkeley wrote a python program that connects to the Gnutella network and maps out connections between nodes in real time. " I gotta say thats pretty smooth. Hopefully future gnutella clients will incorporate something like this just for the time wasting potential of watching the graph wiggle while seeing what porn others are searching for.
I bet they'd sh*t... (Score:1)
I wonder what the RIAA would say when they came into work and found a huge colour printed Map like this on their desk?
P2P anonymity (Score:3, Insightful)
Don't think the RIAA isn't stupid enough to go after some end users. It just hasn't been practical so far to get evidence. Now they can point to P2P traffic maps as probable cause.
Does anybody use Gnutella anymore? (Score:1)
Re:Does anybody use Gnutella anymore? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Does anybody use Gnutella anymore? (Score:3, Offtopic)
If + searches work, Limewire's already nonstandard (Score:1)
The protocol (unfortunately, imo) doesn't say anything about how a search should be run, however. Somewhat of a shame that proprietary search schemes might have already cropped up. If I were writing a client from scratch using only the protocol, I already wouldn't give you the same searching functionality as Limewire, which is a bummer.
Looks like the only other option is to check out the Limewire source (
Re:If + searches work, Limewire's already nonstand (Score:2)
Re:Does anybody use Gnutella anymore? (Score:1)
Re:Does anybody use Gnutella anymore? (Score:1)
Re: Scour Exchange (Score:1)
oh well..
"When i was your age frankfurters only cost a nickel"
Nope (Score:1)
Oh Wonderful... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Oh Wonderful... (Score:1)
Bandwidth usage of gnuTellaVision (Score:2, Informative)
On the other hand, it gets query data using the normal Gnutella procedure (i.e. a neighbour forwards queries to it). Of course, forwarding queries to an extra Gnutella node (the gnuTellaVision program) uses a little bandwidth too.
Re:Oh Wonderful... (Score:1, Offtopic)
Order now while supplies last!
DOH! (Score:2)
Forgot to QA my own post!
hmm (Score:1, Troll)
Re:Kazaa/Morpheus (Score:1)
Re:Kazaa/Morpheus (Score:1, Offtopic)
Re:Kazaa/Morpheus (Score:2, Flamebait)
Re:No you aren't (Score:1)
The installer quits straight away unless you use the compatability app and force XP to pretend to be Win98. Once installed, Morpheus works fine without any compatability help.
I'll stick a screenshot somewhere if you *really* want...
Re:No you aren't (Score:1)
Re:No you aren't (Score:1)
Re:hmm (Score:2, Insightful)
I agree that the Kazaa/Morpheus/giFT technology is superior, but the giFT engine has to be bought up to speed (super-server support), and reliance on the Kazaa/Morpheus networks themselves need to be dropped.
Re:hmm (Score:2)
Because since Kazza modified their protocol so that everything has to go through a single server, authenticated by a valid kazza client, kza and giFT on linux no longer work.
kza still works (Score:1)
And the reliance on a proprietary protocol and a single server for authentication make it much more vulnerable than the gnutella network will ever be. That alone is reason enough to support gnutella which will win out over time after the RIAA and MPAA take out the kazaa network.
Re:kza still works (Score:1)
I suggest that you RTFM:
d - Uploading:
Currently, there is no way to see what uploads are underway. All of
the files in the downloads directory are shared. And there currently
exist no way to choose what directories you wish to share -- only the
downloads directory is shared.
The one thing that gnutella clients need is support for downloading from multiple hosts simultaneously. I haven't yet found a client that supports this, or is it some limitation on the network?
Re:kza still works (Score:1)
I don't think its a limitation of the protocol as such, but there is no information as to the MD5 (or other hash) of the files you are downloading. So you don't really know that the multiple files are the same. If you knew that these 'N' hosts all had the same file (from the hash or MD5), you could then request whatever part of the file you wanted from each host and build the resulting final file, and check that it matches its MD5. Without a hash algorithm, you could still 'assume' it was the same file by name and filesize, and try the simultaneous approach, but assume makes an ass out of u and me!
Re:kza still works (Score:1)
Not quite true -- it will share whatever is in the download directory.
Re:kza still works (Score:1)
Re:hmm (Score:3, Informative)
Re:hmm (Score:1)
Re:hmm (Score:1)
~ fuzzzzz
Re:hmm (Score:1)
Re:hmm (Score:1)
Man, I want to go to Berkley (Score:2, Funny)
The power of plain text (Score:1)
This once more proves the power of plain text. I mean, what gives you more information in 1 second? A wiggle in a graph, or ?
Re:The power of plain text (Score:1)
Re:The power of plain text (Score:1)
Re:The power of plain text (Score:1)
Boy are they going to make a bundle! (Score:3, Insightful)
Very Interesting (Score:4, Informative)
The final visualization was createed with Python and Tkinter ("Tk interface"-- the de-facto Python interface to the Tk GUI toolkit). Tkinter is not the only GUI for Python. However, they chose it because it is commonly used and is easily portable between Unix and Windows (how thoughtful of them!)
Re:Very Interesting (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Very Interesting (Score:1)
Yes, I do work hard to find informative things to say about stories, and thats why sometimes my posts get modded up to informative. Thats called moderation. If I work to find something interesting and/or informative, it should get modded to interesting and/or informative BECAUSE THATS WHAT IT IS - interesting.
Slashdot users are SUPPOSED to try to post things that either inform or interest people. If trying to teach/intrigue people is a crime, then I am guilty.
Fractals (Score:1)
(Yes I have a T1, no I _don't_ care about it wasting my bandwith.)
Karma? What's that again?
It is one thing to.. (Score:1)
Re:It is one thing to.. (Score:2)
the constant flow of seachwords like f***, l****, t*** etc etc but the best was definitely 2****B*****d****o*****f****w*****c***.mpg
A true documentary! The best thing about Gnutella was that you could see right into the heads of other users by watching their searches and use the searchwords as a crude chat totally overloading poor fileservers looking for matches.
Re:It is one thing to.. (Score:1)
I must be sadly deficient in the imagination department, because I have no idea what that last one was. I can guess a couple words, but that's it. Can I buy a few more letters?
An interesting alternative project to this for you cable-modem users would be to sniff your local network for other people's web searches, and scroll past what their search terms are. I wonder - do people who work at search engine companies do this for fun sometimes?
Re:It is one thing to.. (Score:2, Funny)
Gosh, we really should thank Bill for implementing LONG filenames in Windows! I'd never be able to figure out what 2HotBl~1.mpg was.
Re:It is one thing to.. (Score:1)
more bandwidth? (Score:2, Insightful)
Could we integrate a 2 GIG mpeg that can be sent around to random locations when ppl aren't actually up/downloading so they can feel that they are still contributing to my cable connection sucking even more.
These file sharing programs are such hogs, do you need *that* much pr0n?
I guess you do...
Re:more bandwidth? (Score:3, Insightful)
Does the internet need *that* much Britney Spears?
Or, does the internet need *that* many FPS games?
Or, does the internet need *that* much corporate money?
The fact is, however, that the internet is what it is, and if you don't like it you'll just have to set up your own little multi-terabyte information resource that is devoid of all that pr0n, Britney Spears mp3's, and corporate money. It's not that easy, you say? Well, no one said we all agree on what's on the 'net, which is why it's so powerful for uniting people in niche sectors that do agree on certain things. Your cable connection doesn't suck because of how much information is available, it sucks because of the way it has been built by the cable company.
Re:more bandwidth? (Score:2, Funny)
Uh, *yeah*! Frankly, if you have to ask, you'll never understand.
Gnucleus has that already (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Gnucleus has that already (Score:1)
Now what would be really interesting (Score:4, Funny)
Top 100 pirated songs!
It would be doubly interesting to see if the same songs which were top of the 'real' charts, were also the top of the Gnutella charts. Maybe we could catch the record companies that buy their own records to boost their positions in the charts red-handed.
Re:Now what would be really interesting (Score:1)
Re:Now what would be really interesting (Score:1)
Re:Now what would be really interesting (Score:1)
You compile a list of top gnutella queries (no visualization required), but that would be more of a buzz [] index, wouldn't tell you what people were actually downloading or listening to.
You could track (voluntarily I'd hope) users' media player actions and compile top lists. I'd guess that playlist sharing companies like Uplister [] have or will do this, though I haven't seen it. Companies like Kick [] and MoodLogic [] may also be positioned to do something like this.
Finally, Bitzi [] (disclaimer: I'm involved) has an ugly most reported/highest ranked [] type page, though it bears no resemblance to the real world yet due to low traffic.
I can't wait for record labels to start promoting their wares on p2p networks and helpers like Bitzi -- hopefully that'd mean they'd have at least partially accepted the value of decentralized/uncontrolled distribution.
mirror (Score:2, Informative)
mirror here [].
Re:mirror (Score:1)
My first two tries of mplayer then avifile failed. *sigh*. I uninstalled xanim awhile back because I thought I would no longer need it. Oh well, took me all of 30 seconds to reinstall it.
Graph Porn? (Score:1, Offtopic)
Similarly, school photos of your kid in your wallet constitutes child pornography.
Seriously though, I've always like this kind of thing. For example, the performance monitor graph is endlessly interesting to me. The modem lights on my roadrunner is interesting to me. I'd like something more interesting than the hourglass icon. One that fills up as the work is completed would be great. It would tell me how much longer I have to wait.
Re:Graph Porn? (Score:1, Offtopic)
Which Dictionary are you using? (Score:1)
the depiction of erotic behavior designed primarily to cause sexual excitement.
The online Merriam-Webster dictionary [] concurs.
Similarly, school photos of your kid in your wallet constitutes child pornography.
Now you really need to review the proper definition of the word before you tell someone that, or risk getting a fat lip (or worse).
Re:Which Dictionary are you using? (Score:2)
Latin root of "Porn" - For pleasure
latin root of "graphy" - a visual depiction of infomormation.
Therefore, pornograhy is a visual depiction for pleasure.
Kozz (-2, Illiterate)
Re:Which Dictionary are you using? (Score:1, Offtopic)
Re:Which Dictionary are you using? (Score:1)
Re:Graph Porn? (Score:2)
Keep in mind that pornography literally means "A visual reproduction created solely for pleasure" Wouldn't the enjoyment of watching a graph wiggle be considered porn?
What? What a word "literally" means is totally irrelevent. What is generally agreed a word means [] is relevent. For example, "sarcasm" literally means "to cut (or rip) flesh", but who gives a crap? When I say "sarcasm", I don't mean literally ripping someone's flesh.
It just dawned on me... (Score:2, Interesting)
Cripes, I must be a dinosaur because I still use news servers and the occasional bout on IRC for fills.
I, personally, love it when someone (usually younger than I) says "I got a DivX of {insert name} last nite off of {insert client}".
"Oh, really", is my reply "I got a DivX of {movie a, b, and the first part of c} and a vcd of {movie d and e} last nite".
The looks of sheer bewilderment I get are too funny to describe at times (even from ppl I know to have cable modems).
Just goes to prove the old saying; "it is not the size of the wand (or 'pipe') but the magic in it".
Don't get me wrong, these clients do have their uses, I've used them but I just don't currently have a use/need for them. train of thought slipped the track a little.
I can't wait to see some of these maps and superimpose them over some of the thermographic maps I have reason but investigation and curiosity.
Re:It just dawned on me... (EXPLANATION) (Score:3, Informative)
Indeed newsgroups are great for downloading...
+Extreme speed - you're downloading directly from your ISP's news server
+LOTS of files available, from games to movies to music to p0rn.
-You can only download what happens to be posted at any given time... Harder to search for a specific item
-Missing parts sometimes. Large files are split up into 20MB parts, and sometimes some parts are incomplete and hence don't get through. Recently, though, people are starting to upload Parity Archives along with the main archives, which means that if you're missing a file, you can reconstruct it based on the other files and the parity archive! very cool... this makes the missing archives problem much less of an issue. But then, there's always IRC for fills.
There is also a netmess working through proxies/fw (Score:1)
Nice Job with the web page! (Score:1)
They must have waited a long time (Score:2)
Re:They must have waited a long time (Score:1)
Re:They must have waited a long time (Score:2)
OMG! Taco used "porn" instead of "pr0n"...YES! (Score:4, Funny)
In out time, we'll wipe out this idiotic, hacker wanna-be, script kiddie morons who think they're special when they type things like a moron.
But we must remain vigilant!
Porn Analysis. (Score:3, Funny)
This is already a fairly interesting utility. Turn on the "view search" option on your favorite gnutella client (Limewire on OS X for me) and check out how specific people's porn searches can be.
"Asian nurse enema big boobs midget amputee smoking."
I guess there really is something for everyone on this new fangled internet thing.
Hollywood wants me... (Score:3, Interesting)
Note that I live in Finland, so I guess somebody has decided to mount a large scale attack against global peer-to-peer piracy.
Re:I don't know about everyone else... (Score:1)
Anyone want to ask them to release the other 3 files in plain source (py files)?
Re:I don't know about everyone else... (Score:1)
How is this OffTopic (or warrent a zero)? I'm trying to run the topic's refferenced app with the topic's refferenced language, and I can't. I could've posted links to goatsex, or a really pretty way of looking at a Network [], but I didn't.
If the moderator had actually read the reply to this, he/she/it would've seen that this is (potentially) a python (version) "problem" that everyone should know about.
Not very interesting paper (Score:2)
A much more interesting article is here []. It discusses a number of findings about Gnutella usage in the context of the famous "Tragedy of the Commons" dilemma commonly studied by economists, and the ramifications these findings have for the long term viability of Gnutella networks.
Oh no, Huberman again (Score:3, Interesting)
Actually, if you run into the "tragedy of the commons" problem, it's usually because the protocol mishandles scaling. See my ancient RFC 970 [], where I pointed this out back in 1985. Gnutilla is generally acknowledged to have scaling problems.
As for the economic analysis, market enthusiasts tend to ignore that markets both increase transaction costs and consume attention. Some goods are too cheap to charge for, because the costs of pricing, charging, billing, accounting, advertising, and marketing exceed the cost of the goods themselves. This is why the Internet beat out the pay-per-bit services.
Worse, there's the problem of limited attention. If something is charged for, the buyer has to pay attention to its cost and how much they're using. That attention is a limited resource, and people hate wasting it on little stuff. This is why consumer Internet services moved from per-hour to flat rate.
Old saying (Score:1)
"A text says more than a 1000 graphs"
It's already been done... (Score:2)
i use other tools to visualize what... (Score:1)
when is down... (Score:2, Informative)
addr = socket.gethostbyname('')
addr = socket.gethostbyname('')
it also works.
Re:Watch you get caught (Score:1)
No, not at all. It's just a tool to draw nice (?) maps, if that's your idea of entertainment.
Give credit to the feds - they don't need to wait until someone with too much time on their hands writes this kind of software.