Slashback: HAMnation, Books, Criticism 105
Reversing the dilithium crystals is not an option in this case. $FFh writes: "AMSAT-DL President (and P3D Project leader) Dr. Karl Meinzer, DJ4ZC, provided ANS with additional information regarding AO-40's recent S-band transmissions on 2401.305 MHz:
Ian, ZL1AOX, has succeeded in loading IPS software and a minimal operational package into AO-40. As a consequence, AO-40 is now sending telemetry (A blocks) that will enable an analysis of the status of the spacecraft.
A first (quick) look has revealed that some temperature sensors and possibly some current sensors have been lost by whatever incident caused the telemetry transmissions to stop. However, the power situation, in particular the battery voltages, look nominal.
We will now start a detailed analysis of the situation; the command stations will continue to follow a conservative philosophy with the primary target of not causing any additional damage along with retaining as much evidence as possible for the analysis of the incident.
Furthermore, command stations will now try to uplink the entire operational software package, which in particular should establish positive control over the power generation system. From there on, the communications capabilities of the spacecraft will be explored. The 2-meter transmitter is considered off limits for the time being (in case that it may have been damaged and thus might have the potential to cause the IHU to crash). The risk is too large before the Warte-Orbits and Command-Assist programs have been updated to reflect the actual capabilities of the satellite available after the incident.
In summary, we can state that the command stations have now regained control over AO-40. During the next few days we hope to learn to what extent the satellite was damaged and to what extent this will impact mission targets."
Read up -- then spread some praise or some griping! bcrowell writes: "The Assayer is a web site for user-contributed book reviews, with a focus on free books. All reviews are free information. We now have 35 free books on computer science in our database, almost all without reviews. A common argument against free books is that without a publisher, there's no way to filter out the junk -- if you'd like to prove otherwise, it's time to do some reading!"
Dissecting Mandrake 7.2: Beyond Eye Candy Linux Tests writes: "Linux Tests published their first review of a distribution. Linux-Mandrake 7.2 was chosen as the first victim -- umm -- first distribution. Linux Tests did the installation several different ways over several weeks timeframe in order to answer the age old question, "Is this right for someone new to Linux?" Find out if this distribution answers the question well."
Their review reflects my experience with Mandrake 7.2, as well -- some glitches, a lot of slickness, and some problems with the manual vs. reality. (On the other hand, Mandrake remains one of only two distributions I would recommend to parents and siblings at present.)
The Linux Tests' site looks like a great resource, too -- three guys grousing is a cool basis for a web site! It will be nice when hardware manufacturers realize that a perhaps small but significant fraction of their buying audience is paying a lot more attention to their products then they may be used to. Publishing specs is always nice, eh?
Now kiss, make up, and have fun, ok? DaGoodBoy writes: "John Roderick, the Director of Rosen Interactive, contacted us with a rebuttal to some of the statements our member Kenneth J. Hendrickson in his recent "Report on the 2nd Real-Time Linux Workshop" which ran here on Slashdot. Details are available here"
Mandrake 7.2 and g++ sys/io.h (Score:2)
So what's the other one? (Score:1)
Re:Mandrake Rules! (Score:1)
Did you read any of the help files beforehand? Win2k does NOT like you changing hardware, ever... especially if your motherboard is using ACPI. I had problems with a simple upgraded driver for the on-board IDE as well - I had to boot to a command prompt in recovery mode and enable the default IDE device, then get back into Windows and uninstall the new drivers. By the way, those were VIA's latest 4-in-1 drivers a month or two ago.
I don't necessarily think Win2k is evil... but I do think ACPI is. Anyone else got an ECP parallel port set to DMA 0 when 3 isn't being used by anything? Damn shitty Compaq Presarios... Oh well.
Re:napster (Score:1)
Re:Mandrake Rules! (Score:4)
There is absolutely NO excuse for requiring a re-install of the operationg system when hardware changes. In my opinion, that is a serious liability. What happens if you have a motherboard failure (stuff like that happens), and the motherboard is discontinued, or now ships with another bios or is a newer revision. I agree totally that motherboards are not all the same (I'm not that naive--I've designed microprocessor-based systems and written BIOS routines, etc. I know that there can be significant, important differences in motherboards, even if they are the exact same models but different revisions--this is reality even in much simpler systems like I worked on). Also, What if you want to make several "Images" of a drive to ease installation of W2K Pro, but can't count on all the PC's to be IDENTICAL?
Obviously, for mission-critical stuff, you would have a backup server in the event of hardware failure, but you still need to restore the primary machine. Instead of puking out a STOP 0x7b when it encounters a certain driver/hardware mismatch (as has often happened since NT 3.51) why can't Win2k catch the exception and continue with the "generic" drivers, and allow the user to correct the problem without an invasive repair/re-install process? THERE IS NO GOOD REASON why it can't. Microsoft already allows you to boot in "VGA Mode" if you change video cards. This could be extended to all subsystems.
Yes, there ARE countless different motherboards. However, all decent ones have the same entry points into the black box. They all have PCI and AGP slots, they all support the same BIOS calls and so on. Why can't Win2K (even if only in "Safe Mode") deal with the common denominator in the event the "optimised" configuration no longer applies. I know it seems harsh to hold Win2K to those standards. However, if I'm a company paying tens of thousands a year in licensing fees, a "smarter boot sequence" to save many hours of IT work isn't just a "nice" thing. If the FREE competition appears to be superior in that respect it would be something I'd DEMAND in return for those thousands I gave to Microsoft--particularly then they won't even give me the tools (ie. source code) to make improvements myself (improvements I'd be willing to share).
Yes, I do have a double standard w.r.t. Win2k vs. Linux. It's because they are two different situations. Linux isn't "perfect" or "optimised for everything". However, it is free (monetarily) so you get more than you pay for. It is also Free (open source) so I can contribute improvements. Until MS Windows is Free (open source if not monitarily) I will not be nearly as forgiving with it's shortcomings.
OT: apt (Score:1)
Re:wow (Score:1)
Waaaaaait a minute- Don't your NT servers run that long? At work, e have an NT4 SP6a file server and an NT4 SP6a web/mail server... The last time I even remember the file server being rebooted is because someone hit the power button on the UPS. The web/mail server easily stays up over a month at a time... I'm assuming it crashes because it doesn't have all of the latest patches and someone's been screwing around with it- I haven't bothered keeping up with the patches because it takes forever on a machine that slow, and we have a Win2k box that's replacing it. Other than that, the only reason to have to mess with the thing is to install all of the stupid service packs. *sigh* Someday they'll make that easier.
Re:Hams vs. NASA information (Score:2)
Re:Mandrake Rules! (Score:2)
Also, I never said I was surprised at it overwriting all my updates. I fully expected it. My beef is that I was reduced to doing the restore for new hardware in the first place. I expected more from a highly touted, expensive operating system (OK, not as expensive as some commercial UNIX solutions, but pricy for me nonetheless). At least it could have let me in in "safe mode" (it BSODed even then) using generic drivers (if Linux can have them why not Windows?). I was further aggrivated by the need to reboot after EACH HOTFIX. I expect the odd one if they are kernel related, but to patch a security hole in the browser?
As for the twenty reboods you are almost right--it was SP1, upgrade to strong encryption, IE 5.0 to 5.5 and 14 hotfixes.
Re:We don't need no steenking installation (Score:1)
Re:Mmmmmmmandrake! (Score:1)
type mismatch (Score:1)
Weight is a relative measurement. In orbit, the satellite *weighs* as much as 650L of water in the same orbit -- almost nothing. Both would have the same *mass* of 650 kilos on Earth and in orbit.
Relative to other objects in space, it isn't very big, either. Not that I would disagree that the thing is tiny on a human scale...
(end comment) */ }
Re: HAM satellite & MIR? (Score:1)
Re:wow (Score:2)
Isn't the StrongARM computer an experiment, in that it's not a traditional radiation hardened processor, but rather an experiment in shielding a regular chip enough to put it up in that kind of environment??
Mandrake is good for one very special reason. (Score:2)
Penguins keep very good journals. The Linux Pimp [thelinuxpimp.com]
Re:ham not HAM (Score:1)
Re:Hams vs. NASA information (Score:1)
Now, not all of NASA operates that way... JPL can put out some potent stuff....
Re:Mandrake is kool! (oh my god! a serious post! (Score:1)
Maybe this is drifting off topic a little, but I found these two links extremely helpful when trying to solve the problem you mentioned.
Re:wow (Score:1)
Re:wow (Score:1)
Re:wow (Score:1)
Re:Satelite (Score:1)
A poor migrant to California?
Re:until (Score:1)
Both Red Hat [redhat.com] and Mandrake provide pointy-clicky-fancy updaters [redhat.com] for fetching and installing latest updates. Perfect for those who don't want to think, they just have to remember to run it once in a while.
Re:Satelite (Score:2)
Like when Mom wants me to fix her Win95 box over the telephone? Yeah, that only happens about once a week.
(And I'll bet the satellite's easier to explain things to than my Mom.)
Not an acronym! (Score:1)
Re:Use != Install/Configure (Score:1)
Yeah, until you have to install a program. I think a lot of linux users have a huge delusion about what non-geeks call "easy to use". Quite a few programs come as source, and don't forget that to people who aren't programmers, compiling the source is a very tough and confusing thing to do. And RPMs? A bunch of arcane names and errors with dependencies is certainly not "user-friendly" or "easy". Not to a whole lot of people at least.
Terradot [terradot.org]
We don't need no steenking installation (Score:2)
When will people get it through their thick heads that there is much more to "usability" and "user friendliness" than a slick installation? It's great if a user can install the system easily, to be sure. But once that slick installation is done with, you've got a user left staring at an XDM login screen or a console login, thinking, "Okay, what next? How do I get into linux? What do I do?"
System installation is simply a means to an end (the means - installing an OS. the end - an installed OS). Why do we need fancy X-based gui installers that let you play tetris while the packages are installing? The goal of an installation tool is to get the packages on the system, and get the system setup in more-or-less working order. Too much effort has been wasted by the likes of Redhat, Mandrake, Corel, Caldera, and even SuSE (though YaST1 is still an excellent installer and system management tool) developing ever slicker installation routines, while that effort could've been put to use somewhere important, like writing better documentation, or increasing usability of system management tools (linuxconf is a joke), or other more-worthwhile endeavors.
How often does a typical Linux user install any Linux distribution? Aside from the newbie who probably should reinstall every other week or so (knowing you'll be reinstalling eventually is a good way to clear your conscience about "breaking" the system while learning), the loonies that need the latest and greatest Redhat, and reviewers who focus all too much on installation, for most of us installation is a one-shot deal. We install the system, tweak it, and then let it run for who knows how long.
It simply boggles the mind, seeing developers spend so much effort on something that is such a small percentage of the overall user experience, and then seeing users encourage such behavior. Installation needs to be "Good Enough", meaning it's fairly easy to comprehend (a good manual and help system goes a long way, here) and doesn't screw up your system. It doesn't need a gui, and it doesn't need to play games.
Re:Mandrake changes on the way? (Score:1)
Mandrake vs. Debian (Score:2)
mandrake 7.2 (Score:1)
I am using mandrake 7.1 right now. I've downloaded 7.2 but couldn't get X to work with it on a fujitsu laptop with a trident 9388 graphics card. DrakX deteceted it, but when testing, the screen first appeared ok (that picture of a penguin with a rainbow gradient as the background), but when the "is this ok?" message dialog appeared, the screen got corrupted and X crashed. I mean, the entire system crashed, as it did not respond to keyboard commands (ctrl+alt+bksp, ctrl+alt+functionm key to switch to the console), and I couldn't telnet to it from another computer, which is how I assume the entire thing crashed.
Which is a shame. I am a true believer that linux could succeed in the desktop, if some things were done better. Mandrake is a step in the right direction, but is still too crammed with stuff won't be using for now, let alone a newbie with little experience, but willing to learn using linux.
Flame me if you want to, but I advocate a distro with about the same stuff that comes with Windows. Keep the installed stuff to a minimum, and when the user needs program X or service Y, he/she could install it from the distro CD, in constrast to the current situation where all (or almost) the stuff is installed by default. While this is good in the way that you have lots of programs, documentation, themes, available right after install, it intimidates users. hell! I am not an expert, but am quite familiar with Linux, and the amount of software a normal distribution installs even intimidates me!
The ideal situation would be: a distribution with the kernel, support libraries, some shell utils, X, kde/gnome/another window manager, some X utils like a calculator, mp3 player, gimp, net utils and a office application. You need the C compiler? grab the CD and install it in some easy to use package manager. You need Apache? You need MySQL? You need Z? Go to the relevant part in the installer, search for webservers, db servers, or whatever and install it. Let the system grow with the demand, don't dump it all to the users at one point in time when it will hardly be manageable (by them, of course).
Anyway, just my 0.02 Euro (4$ PTE).
pedro cardoso
Mandrake and optimized Apache (Score:2)
It is true that Mandrake 7.2 Desktop Edition that you see on Walmart, Staples, etc doesn't include Apache and other server stuff (but they include lots of games), since they are meant for pure desktop. However, both the Download and Professional edition does include complete server stuff such as Apache, Webmin, ProFTPd, etc.
They include an optimized version of Apache by SGI - Advanced Extranet Server, which is said to be 900% faster than the regular Apache - according to SpecWeb96. Click here to see the screenshot of its webserver: http://www.cyest.org/mandrake [cyest.org].
By the way, I'm not Mandrake's employee. I'm just a Gnome programmer and Mandrake's fan.
until (Score:1)
Re:Is there a halfway house? (Score:3)
If you're worried about the distribution breaking, you don't have to always upgrade everything at once (though many Debian users will attest that upgrading everything at once is fun). Start from the current unstable, then use apt-get like you'd use rpmfind, installing the new version of a package when you find that the old version doesn't cut it. This way you don't run into things like constant XFree86 upgrades.
Obfuscated e-mail addresses won't stop sadistic 12-year-old ACs.
Re:Mandrake is good for one very special reason. (Score:1)
I noticed your sig, email address as relating to some sort of Linux Pimp. If you haven't noticed already, I am a female linux. the name is vaginux, in fact, vah-gyn-ucks, I don't know how much more 'female' you'd want to get than that!.
also, I am a whore and would like to meet a pimp with some class! please email me thx.
Re:So what's the other one? (Score:2)
Obfuscated e-mail addresses won't stop sadistic 12-year-old ACs.
Re:Mandrake Rules! (Score:1)
Criticizing an OS for not surviving a motherboard swap is certainly tangental to it's merits as a usable system.
Re:Thank You! (Score:1)
Or download a Slack
Re:Assayer Important for Open Content (Score:1)
Re:napster (Score:2)
Re:Win2K (Score:1)
As for the BSOD--it wasn't before getting to safe mode. I selected Safe Mode--THEN--seconds after going to graphics mode--BSOD (safe mode worked before the upgrade too). I had to boot from CD into the Recovery Console before I could do anything at all. Honestly, I'm not full of crap--I'm just not a Microsoft guru. I'm more at home in the hardware end of things and did the bulk of my school and work on UNIX-style systems. For the record I curse my Linux box (where I passed the old W2K motherboard to--was loathe to disassemble a newly upgraded runnung Linux box to boot my W2K again). Except with Mandarke 7.2, I always had a bitch of a time getting my 3DFX Banchee going. With Linux though I get over it faster because it's free--I just sigh and say "what can you expect for free" and dig in.
If you are indeed a MS evangelist, please don't be offended. I have to say that once all the crap and rebooting is done, everything works great, and MS has done volumes to increase reliability and ease of use in comparison to previous versions. I'm just very critical about products I've spend a lot of money on.
Re:until (Score:1)
This is largely misleading. Most issues discovered are local exploits. These, while concerning, aren't QUITE comparable to operating systems that don't even restrict local access. (This is a discussion of consumer desktop apps, so I consider comparisons of Win2K or NT moot for the purposes of this discussion).
Also, the majority of remote exploits are in third-party packages. The typical linux distribution contains increadible amounts of software NOT included with Windows. As well, the majority of these exploits are fixed VERY quickly and are only typically exploited on administratively neglected machines in spite of CERT advisories and other notices.
You also fail to recognize the inherrent vulnerabilities in Outlook, IE, and other MAJOR windows components that have actually been at the root of MAJOR disruptions in service.
Updating windows just requires a few clicks.
Hmmm...you must not work with Windows too much in a service capacity. When one of the first solutions (from the manufacturer even) suggested for simple registry/library conflict problems is a complete format and reinstall of the operating system, your few clicks suggestion is humorous at best.
Please, continue to enjoy Windows and all it's shortcomings. I'll stick with a system where I can at least fix things myself when they're broken.
Not just for parents/siblings (Score:1)
Nowadays? I use Mandrake. Unless I have problems (I've sworn that I'd dump Kudzu the first time I had problems; I still haven't removed it yet
I say this out of the experience of installing both Win98 and Mandrake on the same box, the same time. It took me LESS time to get Mandrake up and running 100%.
Re:until (Score:1)
I would hope that there is at least a bit of `thinking person' in every user. Since it's 3 am for you, we can cut you some slack on that, but the service is there and actually much more advanced.
With MS auto-update, you get what they give you no matter what it'll do to your apps. With Debian, it goes through, checks dependencies and knows what will be broken by changes, etc. You don't see MS Update fixing your DLL problems automagically...
Re:Mandrake Rules! (Score:1)
As for being foolish--yes swapping motherboards would be if it was in a business environment. When it is your home PC I call it puttering around. I've puttered around like this with various versions of DOS, Win 3.1/95/98, Slakware, Red Hat, Mandrake, SCO... NOT ONE OF THESE had such a hard time with the brain transplant.
As for the merit of one OS installation to handle motherboard changes being "tangential to its merits as a usable system" consider a real situation I encountered: Some years ago at a student job, we had to take many PCs and upgrade from DOS/win3.1 to Windows 95 (back when 95 was still young and IE was just moved from the Plus Pack to be included with the OS). We did an install, set up all the standard apps and so on--on a single PC. We then made an image of that installation and duplicated it dozens of times, saving a huge amount of work (while honouring licensing terms of course
Of course very few of them ran perfectly right after the copy. However, the image restore was lightning fast compared even to an automated installation process, and more than made up for having to change device drivers (with the newer PCs it was grest because you just remove the bad drivers, reboot and PNP did unexpectedly well at picking up the correct hardware)--installing a few drivers from the setup CD was much easier than a full installation.
With Win2k, every time there was a different motherboard this method would result in the BSOD situation (some machines with IDENTICAL model numbers came factory assembled with different motherboard revisions or IDE controllers, etc). Given this useful method of deployment and my propensity to "foolishly" swap motherboards annually on my home machines, I indeed DO consider the ability to handle hardware changes an important merit.
Of course, I'm not a professional IT guy. I do estimates and budgets. Sometimes I program. Sometimes I build digital circuits. I haven't been an IT guy since my student days. Perhaps Microsoft has improved deployment of Windows via networking in the past 5 years (of course if our servers aren't windows you'd still be SOL I bet). I don't deal with the IT guys on a day to day basis and so haven't had the opportunity to see if it works as well as the drive image thing does...
Installation does not Use make (Score:2)
Installation is not ease-of-use, it's ease-of-installation. To compare ease-of-use you have to compare use after installation. It has been pointed out before that including installation when comparing Linux vs MS is a faulty argument unless you're comparing installation of both.
It's also a composition error [nizkor.org] to project the behavior of the installation program on to the behavior of the program being installed; just because InstallShield does a pretty installation of a bad DOS program won't change how the DOS program behaves.
Re:ham not HAM (Score:2)
Re:hams (Score:1)
Re:Mandrake Rules! (Score:1)
Re:until (Score:1)
Re:Mmmmmmmandrake! (Score:1)
Re:wow (Score:1)
Re:wow (Score:1)
What does your company actually produce?
Mmmmmmmandrake! (Score:4)
If Linux is going to compete against MS on the desktop market, it needs to be easier to use. I don't want to have to hunt around and recompile the kernel just to get sound (this is my biggest complaint with Linux distros right now.) I don't want to poke around with mysterious .conf files just to get a periphial working.
It seems that Mandrake has come a long way towards making Linux much more user friendly. While Linux distros still have a long ways to go, its good to see that they're on the right track!!
Mandrake is kool! (oh my god! a serious post! ) (Score:2)
Did anyone see something in the article about compatible video cards? (What am i missing?)
Mandrake, generally is pretty good though, esp. for those just beginning, except most stuff is written with RH in mind right now.
Re:Is there a halfway house? (Score:1)
Re:Mandrake is kool! (oh my god! a serious post! (Score:2)
Re:Hams vs. NASA information (Score:2)
Re:wow (Score:1)
most "office workers" only use an office suite, and eMail. And I can't see the winows to linux developer path as being much trouble.I did it pretty easy.
sure theres a learning curve, but is pretty small. this assumes your using KDE or GNOME.
I would say the 3.1 to 95 transition would be more difficult.
Re:Its a bit of a chicken and egg situation (Score:3)
When is kde/gnome going to fix this major little problem.
Re:Win2K (Score:1)
Maybe I would have disabled custom hardware in safe mode--if I could have gotten to safe mode. Safe mode BSODed on me too.
Microsoft Apologists, eh?
real time rebuttal (Score:2)
linux really is going pro.
Mandrake 7.2 Review (Score:1)
Feathers in their cap:
-easy install
-flawlessly imports windows fonts
-good choice of applications in distribution
-very easy to use/be productive in
-Half of their GUI apps (all titled Drak something) are crap and don't work, or they break something on your system. (Drakprofile and DrakMenuEdit come to mind, and others).
-they clearly favour KDE.
-more unstable then debian. This is probably due to the random breaking of config files by the drak utilities.
put a ring (Score:1)
Put a ring around the bo...
Cal it bo-ring. Like this site.
Re:Satelite (Score:1)
Picture this: you've sold thousands of remote units distributed all over the country that are tied into a communication network (er. TCP/IP/PPP over an X.25 SVC at a relatively low bit rate). Everything works until you start to download large amounts of data (i.e. a new software load). How do you fix it?
Answer: identify the combination of client and server TCP bugs that conspire to break long sessions; download a small code snippet that patches away enough of the bugs in place, so you can download a completely fixed app and new TCP/IP stack.
Ok, so it isn't thousands of miles UP, but it's thousands of times dozens of miles SIDEWAYS.
Re:Mandrake Rules! (Score:2)
How is this any easier in Linux? We made a common boot image for Linux to install on some of the school's lab PCs, not realizing that several had NVidia TNT2 cards and some had TNT cards. The whole thing came crashing down... way before we even got to X.
In fact, I can't think of a single OS which would catch something as drastic as a motherboard change without at least a partial reinstall (like Win2K allows you to do. Don't know if you have that option in Linux).
Re: (Score:2)
Re:Mandrake 7.2 Apache RPMs (Score:2)
There are significant differences between the two editions! The 2-CD GPL version gives you more choices during the install, and seems to install more command-line tools. It seems targeted a little more at someone who has used Linux before. The 4-CD Commercial version has an even more simplified install, and seems targeted at someone coming from Windows. This is frustrating when there are certain things that the simplified install just does wrong - like networking setup, or not installing a command line FTP client!
Also, even when you tell it to install "everything", it doesn't. That's a pain - I have a fast machine and a 40GB drive, and having to go through the CD's after a fresh install adding more RPM's that the installer skipped is just a nuisance.
Still, it's my favorite, perhaps because I have learned my way around it by now. I've used each Mandrake since 6.0, and now I know how to fix things to work the way I like them.
Torrey Hoffman (Azog)
Re:Its a bit of a chicken and egg situation (Score:1)
Re:Mmmmmmmandrake! (Score:1)
Don't use raw RPM. Use apt-get. (Score:1)
that to people who aren't programmers, compiling the source is a very tough and confusing thing to do.
Only for packages that haven't been properly supported in the configure script. For most packages, ./configure; make; su -c make install works just fine.
And RPMs? A bunch of arcane names and errors with dependencies is certainly not "user-friendly" or "easy".
Apt-get handles dependencies automatically, and IIRC, recent apt-get can act as an RPM wrapper.
Tetris on drugs, NES music, and GNOME vs. KDE Bingo [pineight.com].
Re:wow (Score:1)
Mandrake changes on the way? (Score:3)
Re:napster (Score:1)
Re:Its a bit of a chicken and egg situation (Score:1)
Why get so upset as to post a rebuttal? (Score:2)
Re:wow (Score:1)
Why all the paranoia????????
I worked for a company like this for a real short time once, is the turnover rate HIGH??
ham not HAM (Score:2)
Typical rookie mistake; it's "ham" not "HAM" radio.
Re:Use != Install/Configure (Score:2)
Sometimes if you're not unlucky a windows installation will go quick and clean with no hitches. Woe to the newbie user, though, who has to do his/her own installation -- especially if something doesn't go as MS planned it. I have a friend who had a pretty good understanding of Window. Sometimes, however, even he would head home completely frustrated after spending a day (or two) trying to get windows to install properly on some box.. If it had been a user doing the installation, I think that Linux would have been an easy sell at that point.
My own experience is that a Linux installation is far easier than a Windows installation. Of course I've actually installed both of them. That makes me unusual. Most newbie users have never actually seen an MS install disk out of it's envelope. For the sake of their sanity, they should keep it that way.
Re:Mmmmmmmandrake! (Score:3)
But one feature is rather odd. By default, several of the games and other applications installed on the KDE and Gnome menus don't work. For instance, if you try to play against the machine using the GNU chess game then Mandrake 7.2 will tell you that there is no chess engine.
What is the point of pre-installing games in KDE and Gnome if one cannot play them?
Re:wow (Score:1)
As for servers, you could save a pile of cash, and have a much more stable enviroment, by replacing your NT4 servers with Linux. Samba (windows compatible networking), internet connection sharing, Web (apache) and DB (mySQL, or Oracle) servers are all great pluses for Linux. The only sticking pointfor what you have described is reliance on exchange (but HP OpenMail is supposed to be a good drop in replacement for exchange).
offtopic: Dual boot win2k (Score:1)
I hate being stuck in win but I need some of the programs availible for it.
Satelite (Score:5)
It takes patience, and a lot of persistance. Congrats to the ground operators whose persistance paid off.
Re:Its a bit of a chicken and egg situation (Score:1)
Hams vs. NASA information (Score:2)
Do we ever see such detail in a NASA press releasae? Not really. Its for your own good, you understand.
the AC
Re:Satelite (Score:3)
These guys make me feel like a piker.
Mandrake Rules! (Score:1)
Mandrake has to be my favourite distribution to date (I've also tried Red Hat and Slakware). LM 7.2 was very easy to install and every version of LM has shown improvement. Although Slakware or Debian might be the best for stability, LM has been good in this area while focusing on ease-of-use.
I just went through the exercise of upgrading hardware (MB/CPU only) of Win2K and LM 7.2 machines. Upon upgrading the LM 7.2 machine, it figured out the new hardware config. automatically. Win2k was a different matter. It didn't like the new on-board IDE controller and blue-screened upon bootup. I had to dig out the recovery disk, boot from the install CD and "Repair" my installation to bring it back. The "Repair" undid Service Pack 1 and all the hotfixes. TWENTY reboots later (that is not an exaggeration!) I was back in the saddle. Anyone else had the same experience upgrading a motherboard in a Win2K machine? So much for Windows ease-of-use over Linux...
A couple of notes about the review: It claimed there was not an Apache package in the 7.2 distribution. This is not true. I obtained my LM 7.2 by downloading 2 ISO images--the setup/install CD and the "extensions" CD. Much of the good stuff (notably Apache and PostgreSQL) were on the "extensions" CD. During setup you are asked if you have the extensions CD and are prompted th enter it at the appropriate time. I strongly recommend using the Apache packages for 7.2 over 7.1 since they are updated (some bugs and file permission settings fixed) and tuned to conserve memory when using mod_perl. Also, if you choose "high" or "paranoid" security level take heed of the warning Mandrake gives you--these are best used for servers because many of the security measures break some of Mandrake's GUI-based eye-candy and cause slightly different behaviour from documentation.
Can't wait for the review of Debian (that's the one I want to try next)...
Is there a halfway house? (Score:2)
Re:wow (Score:3)
Re:Mmmmmmmandrake! (Score:1)
Re:Is there a halfway house? (Score:1)
Re:Mmmmmmmandrake! (Score:1)
Re:until (Score:1)
Re:Is there a halfway house? (Score:2)
Re:Win2K (Score:1)
Re:wow (Score:2)
Shielding is often ineffective because if you hit shielding with a high-energy particle the result is a bunch of low-energy particles that are even worse as far as memory and logic cells are concerned. The preferred shielding material is tantalum which is expensive and very difficult to machine, and adds mass to be lofted to orbit. Static rather than dynamic logic is more rad-hard and uses less power, so the StrongARM is a very good choice for a satellite.
Assayer Important for Open Content (Score:2)
With the big-publisher filter out of the way, we should hope to see more niche or small-market content (or content that might not be appreciated by big publishers) become available.
Mandrake 7.2 Apache RPMs (Score:2)
We purchased the Linux-Mandrake 7.2 Complete version from a computer store.
Does anyone know if that is a difference between the downloadable ISO images and the "Complete" version?
Using the downloadable ISO and an expert install I installed Apache straight from the initial setup. I also noticed that the apache rpms are available under Mandrake/RPMS on the install CD (not the supplimental CD)
Its a bit of a chicken and egg situation (Score:2)
Linux is almost as easy to install as windows98, given someone with a reasonable level of technical knowledge, however many PC users are simply not that technical.
Whilst they may benefit from Linux and all its plethora of free (as in beer and speech) software, they still cannot be expected to install it themselves.
Its a chicken and egg situation, people use windows because its what came with their PC
BillG has the resellers sewn up.
Use != Install/Configure (Score:5)