Say Goodbye To The Netpliance i-opener 116
HiyaPower writes "Netpliance announced that they have thrown in the towel and will no longer produce their internet appliance. This follows the failure of web appliances by Virgin, and a number of others. It looks like even grandma wants a good isp when she logs on the net and that bundling cute hardware with inferior service just doesn't cut the mustard. This will be a sad note to all of those who have yet to buy the unit that cost $400 to produce for a fraction of that amount. Get'm while you can, cuz they don't make'm no more..." CEO John McHale says in that announcement: "We plan to reposition
Netpliance from a direct consumer Internet appliance service provider
to an enabling infrastructure and managed services company." Perhaps there will be some closeouts? jensend sent in this C|Net coverage as well.
Too bad- my great aunt loves hers (Score:5)
I think the lesson here is that the market for peripherals for the permanently computer illiterate is not big enough to sustain a company like I-Opener. Too bad, because there aren't a lot of good alternatives for them.
No wonder! Shoulda died sooner. (Score:3)
They don't work as good as PCs. They don't do what they should be able to.
Your condolences to the investors?! (Score:1)
Re:Buzzword alert! (Score:3)
The CNET article also says that they are going to license the I-Opener to AT&T and continue to provide the service, probably one layer removed from the consumer.
From CNET: Netpliance said it is forming a venture with AT&T's WorldNet service to jointly offer a version of the I-opener, with Netpliance providing infrastructure and helping to manage the service. The $299 units, similar to the I-opener, will go on sale after Thanksgiving on QVC, the television shopping network. Monthly service for the I-opener will be priced at $21.95.
Re:Buzzword alert! (Score:4)
We're firing people, `cuz this "let's sell hardware cheap to Joe Schmoo so we can rape him on service charges" thing we've been doing is making us hemorrage money like you wouldn't believe. Instead, we're gonna try the "let's sell hardware cheap to Joe Q. Business so we can rape him on service charges". Mabye we'll offer to add the company logo to the I-Opener for `em. Never know, might work. Gotta do something, `cuz otherwise the buzzards are gonna eat us inside of six months.
Re:Question (Score:2)
A Sad Day (Score:1)
Unfortunately, I believe the majority of Slashdot readers have come out on the wrong side of the controversy, and helped to drive this promising device to a premature death.
Most of us learned of this device from one of the many Slashdot articles on "hacking" the i-Opener. Of course, none of the well-educated, tech-oriented and upper-middle class Slashdot audience would be expected to purchase such a low-end and unpowerful device, especially when the purpose of the device is to access the internet through a propietary interface.
But that changed when an individual decided to purchase the device, tear it a part and put it back together with unintended alterations. This individual then spread the knowledge of how to pervert this device from its intended use.
Eventually, the story of the aformentioned hacker's exploits made it to Slashdot, along with news of a loophole in the i-Opener program which allowed people to buy the i-Opener and then not sign up for internet access, turning the sale into an unprofitable one for Netpliance.
What did these people use there underpriced, all-but stolen devices for? Cheap MP3 players or x terminals. Some didn't even use the guts of the machine at all, instead tearing out the LCD screen for a cheap, below-market display on their rack-mount.
That is all fine, until you think of the victims, the people who might be using these devices as they were intended if not for the efforts of "hackers". Who is the intended audience of the i-Opener? I'll tell you:
Those with low-incomes and limited technical background. The elderly; people of color; folks in rural areas. The i-Opener might have provided these people with their first taste of the web, spurring them to further technological investigations. It would have given these people a voice on the web, where upper-income caucasians still hold sway. It would have narrowed the gap in internet access.
But all this ended because a few thought the rules didn't apply to them. I hope the death of the i-Opener shows denizens of Slashdot that their actions do have consequences. Others can't go on financing your lifestyle forever.
Let me leave you with this, a quotation I've taken from the i-Opener web site:
You have a GREAT product; easy to use, compact, attractive, very reasonably priced and FUN!
You were right. Within minutes of opening the box, we had e-mailed our daughter, checked the weather, and surfed through several quilting web sites.
Lynda Merriman, 55
Indianapolic, IN
avid quilter
Can you see now the happiness you've taken from so many? Something for the spoiled to meditate upon. This is truly a sad day.
I am,
Re:Mustard? (Score:1)
It is "cut the muster" not "mustard"
Nope, mustard is the correct word [alt-usage-english.org].
Re:awww! (Score:1)
Re:No wonder! Shoulda died sooner. (Score:1)
yes RealPlayer is supported on QNX. I'm running it right now
Re:Your condolences to the investors?! (Score:1)
Umm, because those "rich motherfuckers" were the ones whose capital made it possible for me to get some really cool hardware, to say nothing of the jobs they created for those who worked at Netpliance while it was operating?
The IO (and the other network appliances) were neat ideas. Wrong ideas for 1999 and 2000, it turned out. Maybe a good idea some time in the future. Maybe not. But without rich motherfuckers to fund these ideas, we'll never know.
Re:Irony in action (Score:2)
The simple principle remains. Take the profit out of an endevour and the endevour will cease. You can't expect others to pay for your stealing. They won't any more then you would in reverse.
Re:Offerings of popcorn settle no elder gods (Score:2)
Hmm. So game consoles have a bad bsuienss model? (They sell the concole at a loss to sell the software.) Tell that to the milliosn of VERY happy investors in Sony. The classic example of all of this is Razor Baldes, wher the same mdoel is used and have been hugely financially successful.
The problem isn't the mdoel. The problem is greedy people who took unreasonable advanatge of it. (Go look in a mirror.) If you wanted them to survive, maybe you should have helped them MAKE money rather then lose it.
Re:Offerings of popcorn settle no elder gods (Score:2)
Re:Did free beer contribute? (Score:1)
No. Why? maybe because Tivo is a better product to start with. Maybe it's because Tivo never chose to do a "lose leader" and never distrust its customers.
Re:Wanted (Score:1)
All those pins on circuit boards are really rough on the skin.
I always go with 3 ply paper over 6 layer circuit board.
Re:I actually expected this sooner, it's a good mo (Score:2)
Agreed. If NPLI had managed to partner with an ISP (AOL? Earthlink?) and co-brand (as opposed to "hiding" the ISP beneath the embedded system), they might have done really well. Let the ISP fund the costs of the hardware, and sell demographic data back to the ISP.
The built-in USB port also meant their unit was well-positioned for the cablemodem or DSL age.
I agree with you that they were ahead of their time. The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
Re:Im not surprised... (Score:1)
Re:No suprise (Score:1)
Re:The best thing about the webplayer is... (Score:1)
Re:EBay auction item: 27,000 new-in-box IOs (Score:1)
I feel an obligation to the /. community to point out that "3v17 h@x0rZ" translates into "evit hackers", which makes no sense.
What I think you meant to say was "3\/1L h4x0r5" or maybe "31337 h4x0r5", which mean "Evil Hackers" and "Elite Hackers" respectively. However there is the remote possibility that you meant to say, "1 4m l337 h4x0r, 1 0\/\/n j00," but we can't be sure. Please clarify your comment.
Re:"Offtopic"?? (Score:1)
Or troll moderator. But I repeat yourself.
The above sentence is not gramatically correct. So sue me.
Re:A Sad Day (Score:3)
Nice attempt at mis-direction. Yes, you're correct: The i-Opener is going away because a few people thought the rules didn't apply to them. The few people involved are Netpliance management. The rules they thought didn't apply to them are:
So-called license "agreements" are nothing of the kind. They are an invalid form of contract, and a massively unethical business practice. As a person may buy a washing machine from Sears and use it as part of a sculpture (contrary to the intentions of the manufacturer), so may they also buy a computer at Best Buy and use it in any manner they wish.
What is the cost of a typical razor? What is the cost of a typical pack of razor blades? The reality is that the cost of the razor will usually be recovered after the sale of three or four (at most) packs of blades. Netpliance's cost differential was way out of whack. When you're looking at two to three years of uninterrupted service revenue to recover the cost of one unit, you've got a big imbalance.
Full-on PCs are dirt cheap. You can get a nicely capable PC for about $700 these days. You're not locked in to any ISP. You're not locked in to any particular browser (though Micros~1 makes it hard for you to switch). You can play real games, not cheeseball Java- and Flash-based rot. And your data is your data. If the ISP goes down, you can still compose email and do other things. The cost/benefit ratio of an Internet Appliance just doesn't measure up to a full PC.
Netpliance thought these rules didn't apply to them. They were wrong. Any failure of their business can be laid squarely at the door of Netpliance's management. The Open Source and hacking communities had nothing whatsoever to do with it.
Re:Anybody Got A Line? (Score:1)
I don't think the IO's are gonna end up in a landfill - even NPLI isn't talking about nuking the service altogether, and with the flash-updatability of the SanDisk, AT&T could very easily "upgrade" the units to any platform they desired, so even current non-hacker owners are likely to have an upgrade path should AT&T decide to continue the experiment.
Re:Anybody Got A Line? (Score:1)
Perhaps, but I was talking about the physical screen. No way to get around that ;-)
Re:I'm better than you !! (Score:1)
Wrong business model. (Score:2)
However, the phone company gave me a dsl modem when I ordered the service. I'm sure that the cost is included in my monthly payment, but there were NO setup charges of any kind, so the charge is effectively invisible. I'm sure the phone companies aren't losing money by this model, and they sure don't seem to be showing any signs of cutting back on offering dsl service.
The I-Opener should have had this built in. Dialup OR dsl, or LAN access. Then sell the internet service with it as planned, but sell dsl service instead of dialup where dsl is available. I guarantee the cost increase wouldn't have been significant, but people are buying up dsl as fast as they can get it, so they wouldn't have chosen a dead market. Sure, in 5 years time, dsl might be in the process of getting replaced by something even more sexy, but at least the IOpener would have served a useful purpose for that length of time and the customers will probably still be using them up to that point and would be happy to purchase whatever they offer next.
You CAN'T plan a long term service option on current technology only. You MUST look to the future and plan for what will be coming in 3 months, 6 months, a year, 3 years. DSL isn't new. Its been available in some areas for well over 3 years and has been talked about for many years before that. Yet Netpliance ignores it even though its an emerging market.
Please note that this applies equally well to cable.
Imagine. A relatively idiotproof box, with built in cable and dsl support, built in hub, (at least enough to daisychain it to another hub), phone connection that can work with either regular dialup service or dsl service. Make it slick and sexy and, most importantly, make sure, whatever price you sell it at, make sure its CHEAPER than the lowest cost PC you can currently purchase. You might get ripped by a few people who only want to install linux on it, but 99% of your customers will be happy to get it for the service and you will succeed. Hmmmmm... I might have to consider this.
I have one ... never used ... (Score:1)
It was an interesting experiment, but maybe 5 years ahead of it's time. Maybe more.
Anyway, I was going to give it to the grandparent-in-laws, but now that Netpliance's future is in doubt, I may have to go back to the hacking route. Or maybe I'll sell it.
Re:Blame programmers, not hardware hackers (Score:2)
Re:thank goodness! (Score:1)
Offerings of popcorn settle no elder gods (Score:2)
Oracle on track (Score:1)
Re:No wonder! Shoulda died sooner. (Score:1)
Get it here [qnx.com].
Re:thank goodness! (Score:1)
Damn magazine ads!
I hate magazines. Let's burn them... ALL!!!
Hoo-ray. I'm so happy.
Re:Im not surprised... (Score:3)
There are too many companies trying to force the next "killer app" or "insanely great thing" via marketing instead of by using old-fashioned innovation. And their corpses are beginning to pile up...
(And ironically, it's actually cheaper and easier to use innovation. Of course, that assumes one possesses creativity and insight...)
Re:Did free beer contribute? (Score:1)
Netpliance, OTOH, made every possible wrong move. They didn't control distribution. They didn't have any requirements attached to the sale. Then they added a 3-month requirement (as if that would pay for the hardware). Then they tried to bully people who'd placed their orders before the new contract was in place. The list goes on. Once I saw how inept they were, I didn't feel bad at all about hacking the one I picked up. Even if the concept had been sound, Netpliance would have screwed it up royally. Better to have a few of these units out there being put to good use than all of them residing in a landfill.
BTW, if anyone wants to sell me their unused i-opener (or other web appliance)... :)
Wanted (Score:2)
ONboard everything type PC strapped on the back (ala IOpener)
Linux Supported Hardware
Wireless keyboard
1 10/100bt ethernet
USB/Firewire if you feel generous
So I can strap it on the wall in the kitchen, the foyer, the bathroom and the garage. Cant it be seen that their is a market for such a device - a terminal class PC with touch TFT up front...
Re:Anybody Got A Line? (Score:1)
Re:Im not surprised... (Score:1)
Palm will be on the forefront of this, the Palm VII is just the tip of the iceberg.
On the note of reliability, the palms need to be more durable, I have broken 2 screens, and a friend of mine broke one yesterday.
The next killer app, is already here, it will just take time to develop.
Your list of criteria is dead on.
Bad news for Be Inc (Score:2)
I'm better than you !! (Score:1)
If you see me.. I usually have 6 keyboards in front of me and I enrage on them like a mad piano player. All My frined tell me I'm SuperGeek and they beg me to spill some words of wisdom about this world of geeks so obscure to them.
Last but not least.. the chicks areally dig my computers. I think I will buy a Z80 to stick into my lighter and make a micro MP3 player. I already ported Linux to the Z80 and I'm almost done optimizing the MP3 decoder.
Thank you.
Re:I have one ... never used ... (Score:1)
It was an interesting experiment, but maybe 5 years ahead of it's time. Maybe more.
Yea - in 5 years that speedy 56k dial up POTS ISP will really be comeing into it's own.
Stock (Score:1)
No suprise (Score:1)
There is NO market for the non-techie web appliance. Yes I have 2 i-openers , both hacked. I also have 2 websurfers hacked. and all of them are easier to use for my mom, grandma, mother-in-law, grandmother-in-law in my hacked state, and they will display photos/small videos sent to them from us.
something nither of those 2 boxes on their own could do.
I-opener = neato hardware + stupid ISP that was worthless.
websufer = someone elses item + crappy way to extort money from users.
therefore I-opener + websurfer / (companies) = retarted CEO's trying to spend venture capitol for fun.
Re:Anybody Got A Line? (Score:1)
The best thing about the webplayer is... (Score:1)
Re:Virgin business plan is completely different. (Score:1)
My point is that netpliance was run by idiots who couldn't plan their way out of a wet paper sack. The way they set up their business, it was destined to fail. I brought up Virgin to point out that even a company that makes all the right moves was unable to achieve the same goal as Netpliance.
One more time. Both companies had the same goal. If the company that did everything right failed, it's a pretty good indicator that a company that couldn't even manage to write a half-assed TOS didn't stand a chance.
Re:thank goodness! (Score:1)
awww! (Score:1)
Okay, here goes (Score:1)
market forces, people, NOT operability (Score:1)
From IO's point of view, it's the same thing without the useless web browser, at a price point of $100, which they can't match.
Game Over, Man.
Re:thank goodness! (Score:1)
thank goodness! (Score:1)
They're worried about selling them?? (Score:2)
Re: (Score:2)
What about NIC? (Score:1)
Isn't it a bit ironic? (Score:1)
Need I say more?
Re:A Sad Day (Score:2)
No they don't. My machine here runs Netscape 4.7, Opera and IE.
So what's the hard part?
Uh huh.... (Score:1)
Suuuuure you will. Isn't that what every company with roots in the dotcom goldrush of '99 declares, just before they make the frontpage of FC? We did!
iopeners are my mom (Score:1)
Re:Did free beer contribute? (Score:1)
boo hoo. (i think i hear violins playing a sad song) Likewise a self service bank with out walls or a vault or guards(just a pile of money in an alley) might succeed if no one took advantage of them.
i can buy a a diesel engine from Caterpillar [caterpillar.com], add a chassis and a blade and resell it as a bulldozer competing directly against Cat's bulldozer. If Caterpillar sells the aforementioned engine at a loss then...well then maybe they're a little too stupid to stay in business. Netapliance simply should have known better
the moral : stupidity & short-sightedness deserve to be punished.
Anybody Got A Line? (Score:1)
Duh. (Score:1)
Re:Wrong business model. (Score:2)
They don't need built in ethernet. They have the USB port. I got some (ARK?) 10Mb ethernet with 3 port hubs for about $40 that work in my i-opener.
What they did need was a way to tap into the DSL (or other broadband) dollar stream, and to make the software work with a USB enet that they sold/gave away (assuming a real contract got signed).
I think less then 25% of the people with i-openerws would have DSL, so paying $40 each for them would be better then $10 on each i-opener. Actually less then $40, because they don't need the built in hub.
They had the hardware side Ok. It was the bisness side (as usual) that they failed on.
Did free beer contribute? (Score:2)
Nobody wants a network computer (Score:2)
The iMac was Apple's idea of a network computer, and a success, but of course it's still a proper personal computer as well.
Maybe the Network Computer will be the killer product in 5 years, but at the moment it involves giving up too much for too little gain, even if the cost is less than a PC.
Partially correct (Score:1)
Re:Anybody Got A Line? (Score:3)
The passive-matrix screen and 800x600 resolution are something that can't be fixed, but any IO can be hacked with a bit of solder to run a K6-III-333 at speeds up to 450 MHz.
There are serious heat and power supply limits at 450, but even a very conservative clocking of a K6-III-333 underclocked to 200 MHz is about a 2:1 performance boost over the original WinChip 200. Cost of the chip is $30 at Fry's (for those lucky enough to live near a Fry's.)
Hey, it plays MP3s and runs my GPS mapware. I'm happy, even if the GPSware is a Windoze app.
It's never gonna replace your desktop, and for the amount of time/money you'll put into it, you're better off buying a used laptop on EBay. But I had a hell of a lot more fun building my own line-out, headphone jack, second serial port, VGA-out connector, IDE connectors, hard drive mounts, cooling fans, and doing core voltage / CPU-upgrade mods with a soldering iron and a prayer than I ever woulda had with a used laptop.
Like I said in my other post - my thanks to NPLI for the cool hardware. I learned a lot and had a ball doing it.
The reasoning for the fownfall of the Netpliance. (Score:1)
It's got to be done in the quality-oriented goals of the meta-services. If you question that, the open-ended three-week beta engendered the parallel market. For them to grow, they absolutely had to develop the resource-leveling established standards. They did not, and thus they failed.
Leading indicators would seem to suggest that all of you establish an action item for materials. As our company President states in a recent memo about automated application frameworks, " soup-to-nuts strategic and tactical actions sign off on alliances." The growth markets align the POSIX-compliant solutions, and a competitive platform has possibilities for future technical advances.
Re:EBay auction item: 27,000 new-in-box IOs (Score:1)
Thin clients -- my 2 cents (Score:1)
From what I've seen myriads of companies attempt to produce thin clients capble of virtually everything, but in a cuter packaging and easy to use. What they fail to see is that their thin client is not a thin client, but is merely a computer, just like others. Thin client has to do something special, not "surf-the-net" and then perhaps "write e-mail" and do word processing, but it has do something you would dedicated a system full time to, such as an X-terminal or any other terminal. Checkout what NCD [ncd.com] offers as example of what thin clients should be.
Re:No wonder! Shoulda died sooner. (Score:1)
Hey, RealPlayer doesn't support HP-UX on PA-RISC and now you want them to support QNX too? :)
Seriously, though, I admit to feeling a little guilty about my hacked i-opener now, although I agree that it doesn't look like the hacker community was really the cause of the device's demise. I recommended it to several people, and probably would have accounted for several sales if my family weren't divided between hardcore geeks and total luddites (well, maybe they aren't anti-technology, they're just a-technology). Half of the family doesn't want any computer, and the other half just bought their dream machines.
What Netpliance really proved was that there is a sizeable market for cheap flat-panel screens, even if they are of somewhat low quality, and as soon as somebody finds a way to make money in that market they will make a mint.
Re:well.. (Score:1)
Re:Wanted (Score:1)
Go out on the web and price it out. It is quite easy to put together a system with those specs. It will almost definitely run you over $1,500 dollars - unless you know of some great gray/after market deals. There are many, many vendors that make the integrated motherboards - a nice P2/Celeron class board will probably be over $400. A nice, touch screen active matrix color LCD will be well over $1000. Netpliance used a proprietary board, cheap screen, and slow processor to reduce price, and still failed.
In the current day market place these products are only targeted at industrial, POS terminal, and other niche markets due to cost.
I think you are mistaken when you say there is a market - few slashdot readers are going to fork over $1500 to $2000 to browse while taking a dump. Besides, my appartments foyer is to small for a 42" gas plasma display...
Net appliances, linux? (Score:1)
Re:Question (Score:1)
Mustard? (Score:1)
It is "cut the muster" not "mustard"
Virgin business plan is completely different. (Score:2)
Netpliance was selling the initial hardware for a modest fee, and then charging the typical $20-25/month internet access fees.
Completely different business plans, which have no bearing on one another.
I believe the initial comment in this thread has merit, and the Linux activists did aid in damaging the companies profitability. I don't think you should be proud of financially harming a company that did you no harm.
Re:What about NIC? (Score:2)
If thinknic is like that, it can't fail.
AOL/Transmeta Device (Score:1)
Re:Bad news for Be Inc (Score:1)
Of course, the world might not be ready for internet applicances (although I want an Audrey) but the "refocusing" of Netpliance is hardly predictive of the future of BeIA.
Re:A Sad Day (Score:1)
What a pathetic piece of shit.
I'll tell you what the intended audience of the i-Opener is -- people with too little time on their hands and money to burn on net access charges.
You act as if Internet access is some sort of manna from heaven. Just goes to show your bias I guess.
Odd... (Score:4)
Re:Anybody Got A Line? (Score:2)
I bought an I-O the day the slashdot article (the first one) hit. it was a 'version1' unit that was fully hackable with no real issues other than the reversed ide cable pins.
it was cute to hack on and a fun project for a while but its limited cpu and non-TFT screen made for a boring user experience.
most folks saw the flaw in their business plan way back then. we all knew they would go belly up sooner or later. and that the high $300 ebay prices for hackable units would soon be a joke; for when the company is being liquidated, their remaining stock would probably go cheap.
any bets on how cheap their remaining stock (of units) will go?
Re:Odd... (Score:1)
Re:Odd... (Score:2)
Once they bite the dust for real there won't be nobody to collect the money. Fuckedcompany.com doesn't have much mention of them yet...
Im not surprised... (Score:3)
You can see where this is going...
People who know nothing about the systems ask the people who do know what to buy... How often would you imagine that the word-of-mouth from geeks is praiseworthy over a net device? I would say almost never.
On the bright side (for geeks) there are cheap "PC's" around to hack on. I am trying to get a WebSurfer from Virgin to build a dedicated Linux MP3 player for my car. (The WebSurfer has a disk on a chip WOOO! Talk about fast boots!)
Buzzword alert! (Score:5)
When their CEO can't even get past the "buzzword phase" how does Netpliance expect to even dream of coming up with a useful product?
Can anyone even decipher what the above quote even means???
This may be an opportunity... (Score:1)
I wonder how easy it would be to customise the ThinkNIC's software for the i-opener? Switch to NetZero that way (so, since NetZero is now supporting a Linux-based "appliance", does that mean general support for Linux is on the way?)
Hmm.. I wouldnt mind using one =) (Score:1)
Question (Score:2)
Does anyone know of a parallel-port wireless ethernet card that's supported under Linux, or is close enough to futz with? I have a hacked i-opener, but I have an apartment where I can't run cable through the walls and I want to use the i-opener as a portable terminal throughout the place. Sure, it still has a power cord, but I've got power outlets all over the place, whereas I don't have network jacks.
I've been meaning to look into this for a few months but have been too busy. This article seems like the perfect opportunity, though.
Any ideas?
I actually expected this sooner, it's a good move (Score:5)
The fact that they want to stop their cash bleed on the hardware should have been very apparant to anyone with eyes when they raised the price of the i-opener back up to $399 instead of the $99 that they had offered for some time. Anyone with a basic grip on economics should have known that it was going to happen way before that.
Basically they are a software company that everyone kept treating like an appliance company. In a July interview [altavista.com] on Raging Bull president Kent Savage had to go to pains to get this point across,
Cyber: But isn't a large part of Netpliance's premise to sell that hardware, the I-opener?
Savage: No, not at all. We did that because we had to. We're a market maker and a first mover, and we had to innovate in order to reach this market.
It's really predictable and sad the way that the geek community has so heavily focused on the device. Unfortunately, it was really nothing too special technology-wise and the interesting things that NPLI was up to was its interface and "OS-agnostic" software package. Also it's client-server infrastructure kind of resurrected 'push' in a market and environment where it almost starts to make sense.
The "i-opener experience" is not nearly as stupid as it sounds, if you step outside of your "master of the source" persona and pretend you are on the other-side of the digital divide for a second. Sure, I prefer to navigate the net with Enlightenment as my interface of choice, but I doubt most of the flashing-12:00-on-the-VCR crowd would. The i-opener interface is just clean and as simple and dumbed-down as you can get, which is great for the market they were targetting.
They signed major strategic relations with big cable companies a long time ago (check the press releases on their web site), and their client software is well suited to be rolled out as an adjunct to set-top boxes and appliance offerings from telcos like At&T. It's curious what difficulties they might be going through negotiating "managed services" contracts with these companies because if I was running the company I would have made this shift in business plans a long long time ago. However you feel about it, they'll probably be around for a while yet, especially if they can convince US West or AT&T subsidize the hardware side of things instead of blowing all their IPO capital on it.
Metamuscle [metamuscle.com] - Building better bodies through hypertext. Slashdot for bodybuilders.
Re:Virgin business plan is completely different. (Score:2)
Pointing out the fact that a company's product can be used in alternative ways is not morally wrong. If Alice sells widgets for less than what Bob charges for identical widgets, should I not state this publicly because it will "financially harm" Bob? Markets depend on information to operate efficiently. The iOpener business plan was fundamentally flawed, and hopefully others will learn from its failures.
Irony in action (Score:2)
And so Slashdot users mourn the passing of a device they were instrumental in killing.
Blaing the failure of this device on "inferior ISP service" is questionable at best. Certainly all the money this company lost producing a loss-leader device that Slashdot promoted using in a way that produced a loss for the company didn't hel pthem survive.
There is a parallel here. Noone produces things for YOUR benefit folks. If you take away the profitability, you take away the product.
Consider that carefully when you think about your feelins on the protection of commercial intelelctual property.
Do you want to live in a world with no writers and no movie makers?
Re:Virgin business plan is completely different. (Score:2)
What others will learn from it is not to trust the Linux hacker community.
"Offtopic"?? (Score:2)
Re:They're worried about selling them?? (Score:2)
p.s. linux has seats; *bsd has flames.
Netpliance: Told Ya (Score:3)
Here's what I'd tell Netpliance: Please go ahead with whatever onerous changes in terms of service you need to make a buck, but leave the hardware hackable, because in a year or so when you're out of business we'll still be around to make some use of used and surplus i-openers, otherwise they'll all end up in landfills all too soon.
EBay auction item: 27,000 new-in-box IOs (Score:3)
More seriously - my condolences to the employees and investors - and gratitude for the cool hardware.
Before folks start screaming that 3v17 h@x0rZ killed NPLI, judging from their revenue figures and number of units sold, I'd bet that the "hackers" snagged about 5000 units, costing about $1.5M over the history of the company - a drop in the bucket against the $10M+ marketing and G&A expenses for the most recent quarter.
The way to make money off the 'net is not to sell hardware as a loss-leader, nor is it to get into the $20/month ISP business.
That's not to say anyone really knows what the way to make money is, just to say that NPLI and others (e.g. Virgin's "internet appliance" operation folded a few days ago) found out the hard way what it wasn't, and that no amount of marketing expense can change it.
well, not quite thrown in the towel (Score:3)