IBM Releases SashXB 63
IBM has released SashXB
for the Open Source community. SashXB is Weblication Development Environment (a.k.a. the WDE), so you can use it to write "weblications". From the screenshots it looks pretty impressive, and there is a Lotus Notes Client included written with this tool. The license ig LGPL.
Ack, is it just me or... (Score:1)
what's this exactly? (Score:1)
Wow ! (Score:4)
Re:Wow ! (Score:1)
Absolutely! Not just managers though. I've pretty much got the go-ahead to use linux on my desktop at work now but the only reason I can't is the lack of a Lotus notes client. Notes client for Linux is good news for me. (although I haven't actually found a mention of a notes client yet on the site)
To those who might suggest a notes client for windows running under wine. I tried that and it was good, but not good enough. (segfault when reading attachments)
Don't mess with my desktop. (Score:1)
Yea, active desktop for Linux. No thanks, if my desktop were only as stable as my browser I wouldn't be able to keep Katie Holmes on the background.
Download? (Score:2)
Ehm, isn't this around allready? (Score:1)
Re:Wow ! (Score:2)
Exactly my problem too. And this bug has been reported by various people in the Wine bugtracking system for almost a year, and it still hasn't been fixed.
Re:Wow ! (Score:2)
Re:what's this exactly? (Score:4)
> Can anyone point to a coherent explaination of what
> Sash can offer on Linux, and what it's parts are?
This question is probably going to be asked a lot, so I guess we should
start creating a FAQ somewhere.
Anyway. This is of course by no means an official position on anything;
these are just my thoughts.
The Sash end-user gets:
* Painless installation (no command line necessary -- straight from the
browser to the [graphical] installer).
* One-click uninstallation, with recursive dependency checking to prevent
the removal of vital components.
* A point and click interface for the execution and management of all of
his weblications
* Automatic updating of programs/extensions (this is in the works)
* Tiny download sizes for native, fully functional weblications
* Highly componentized infrastructure avoids bloatware -- a program only
fetches and loads exactly what it needs to run.
* Tight security controls every single thing a weblication tries to do
The Sash developer gets:
[from a structural point of view]
* Rapid deployment and easy management of programs
* Powerful native functionality without having to learn a new skill set
(provided that he already knows JavaScript and HTML)
[from a design point of view]
* Ridiculously easy drag-and-drop design for his weblication's UI
* Painless integration of UI with SashScript
* A full-featured IDE which takes him from start to finish in creating a
weblication, including:
- syntax highlighting
- syntax assistance (a la Microsoft's Intellisense)
- multiple document/multiple window interface
- Druids (wizards) which aid in the creation of any given action,
or in the creation of the weblication as a whole
I'm sure there are more features which I am missing right now.
Yeah, this sounds terribly hokey, but it's actually true. We've created a
sample text editor, a web browser, even a simple Lotus Notes mail client
(as demos), each in about an hour, start-to-finish.
Man, I really do sound like a salesman
As for parts, perhaps that's for another email. There are two main parts:
the runtime, which runs the weblications, and the WDE (development
environment) which aids developers in writing weblications. For more info,
check out the README.* files in the source tree...
Congrats to IBM (Score:1)
Now if they would just port over SmartSuite then we would have an office suite as good as microsoft that corportate management already know and use.
Re:You'll have to excuse me... (Score:1)
IBM short on support (Score:2)
I would like to see more thought put into the work during and after the release.
For Example:- The downloadable Linux Domino Server does not provide instructions as to what commands to run to execute the server setup in the readme.
I have no problem reading and following documentation and I do not think that anyone would complain of bloating if they put the relevant text files with the download.
My point in short is that they would get much better market penetration if they set their documentation sites at the competant rather than expert.
Mixing (L)GPL and non GPL compatible code (Score:3)
This might not be a direct problem for SashXB since it is under the LGPL but it might be a problem for pure GPL programs in GNOME that want to use parts of the libraries that it depends on.
Should GNOME really include parts that are not GPL compatible?
JavaScript??? (Score:1)
Re:Download? (Score:1)
Re:Mixing (L)GPL and non GPL compatible code (Score:3)
Check before you post..
Re:Wow ! (Score:1)
This is open source, man.
Re:Wow ! (Score:1)
The link has no mention regarding a Notes Client, and when I last used Notes last year (4.6.3) the Windows client was a very complex piece of software. It is unlikely that a fully featured Notes Client will be included, more likely something to interact with the web publishing features of Domino.
Open Source (Score:2)
Re:IBM short on support (Score:1)
Re:Mixing (L)GPL and non GPL compatible code (Score:3)
Plans are underway to release as much of the code as possible with dual licenses.
This relicensing hasn't actually happened yet. Ahem....
Re:Wow ! (Score:1)
I think most people associate Notes with the email functions it provides, without understanding the database client side to the software. Notes is very complex, it's just that most companies don't use it to anywhere near it's full extent.
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
lotus notes (Score:1)
can you say "yeah baby"
NOTES is one of the programs that large companys insist that you have on a platform before they even think about puting it as a client/end user solution
Linux now has it !!!
yeah rock on IBM
I thought tho that they where going to be java client
if the client is open source then things like Kmail/Kwhatever and Evolution can connect to the domino world
this is a good thing people !
I do however have, how shall I say, bad experance with javascript
hope it turns out ok
(BTW where is the source to the notes client as I cant see it anywhere !)
john jones
(a deltic so please dont moan about spelling but the content)
Re:Don't mess with my desktop. (Score:1)
I hope they don't mean the desktop as in root window, I assume they mean client applications.
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
Re:JavaScript??? (Score:1)
Then use one.
I think the point of this whole thing is to capture people who really use HTML, Javascript and XML (see mozilla [mozilla.org] developers) for most of their functionality. Don't assume that everyone wants to learn C (or whatever you consider to be a decent language).
Can I say that on
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
Re:lotus notes (Score:2)
Re:Ehm, isn't this around allready? (Score:1)
Why IBM loves OSS (Score:1)
Re:lotus notes (Score:3)
Sash Notes Mail Client [ibm.com]
Sash Notes Navigator [ibm.com]
Carlos Mail Alert [ibm.com]
Notes MAIL Client (Score:1)
I've don'e some notes application development with lotus script and there is a lot there. Notes is not a simple port.
I don't think Notes 5 is available for anything but windows (4.6 was available mac,win, AIX).
The fact that there was an AIX version may bring hope that they can get a linux one, although notes seems to be turning into domino (server) with a web browser front end.
Disclaimer, Its been about a year since I used Notes, its been off my radar.
Re:Wow ! (Score:2)
Silly Words(tm) (Score:1)
Re:Wow ! (Score:1)
Re:Don't mess with my desktop. (Score:3)
Replacing desktop icons with links would make my day. The icon system in gmc is an ugly kludge. It'd be great to be able to code functionality directly into the root window using simple tools like HTML, Javascript and style-sheets. A couple of tricks with mouse-overs and layers, and you could do write your own application launch menus. A basic <EMBED> API, and you've got yourself a way to swallow apps into the root window in the way we normally do with docks or panels.
With ten minutes, and without having to learn some obscure C++ API, I could write a little bit of code that popped up the current slashdot headlines when I clicked on an image on my desktop.
That'd be cool.
Charles Miller
Re:Mixing (L)GPL and non GPL compatible code (Score:2)
I don't know whether Gecko is among the GPL'ed parts of Mozilla though.
Re:Why IBM loves OSS (Score:1)
Re:Ehm, isn't this around allready? (Score:2)
SashXB weblications have the same amount of access to your desktop as any other application - you could have a weblication running in your GNOME panel, for example. Of course, scripting combined with access to user data can be an unpleasant combination as Melissa and ILOVEYOU demonstrated, so SashXB includes a sophisticated security manager. The idea here is that SashXB checks each and every operation performed by the weblication to ensure that it has been authorized by the user.
The big advantage to this? The Lotus Notes demo client took under an hour to write.
Read before posting - *NO LINUX NOTES CLIENT* (Score:1)
Moderators, moderate all this Notes client stuff down, please!
Re:Why IBM loves OSS (Score:3)
Personally, I don't care what their motivation is. I think the opening of it's applications (and other technologies as well, i.e. JFS, AFS, et. al.) is a good thing. While it helps them to possibly keeps what footing it has left, it also gives a great deal of credibility to the Linux and Open Source movements. I don't see how this could be bad, even if it is LGPL.
Re:Don't mess with my desktop. (Score:1)
write an app that use the root window (like xsnow) embed gecko, and load your desktop page..
PHP & Daddy Perl (Score:1)
The only Notes client is W32 !!! b'leeevit (Score:2)
Webplication (Score:2)
Re:Wow ! (Score:1)
Re:Wow ! (Score:1)
Re:Wow ! (Score:2)
Re:Congrats to IBM (Score:1)
Re:Mixing (L)GPL and non GPL compatible code (Score:2)
wow (Score:1)
Re:The only Notes client is W32 !!! b'leeevit (Score:2)
My suspicion is that there will never be a Notes Client R6 and that IBM/Lotus will switch the lot over to a Java-based system (witness the Web-ified mailtemplate in R5 and DOLS as hints of things to come). That is probably also why they don't put any effort into developing an R5 client for Unix/Linux.
Re:The only Notes client is W32 !!! b'leeevit (Score:3)
1 - The idiotic individual that was Lotus President and that steered Lotus in the direction of Microsoft has been removed (he cheated on his military and academic careers, IIRC)
2 - Wine works GREATLY. I've been using the Notes Client with it for the last 8 month, and with the 20000801 release virtually all problems are solved. I'm sure IBM could try a Wine port of their Windows client, but even without that things seems pretty good.
As far as this new technology is concerned, the announce is too sketchy to understand what is it, and I have no time to spend on the study of such a thing. Seems to me, however, that is a way to use HTML/web to assemble application based on native components (Win32 on Windows, Gnome on Gnome), so it won't give us windows components/applications via browser.
Bzzzt! Wrong! IBM wants to sell everything... (Score:2)
A) One zillion badly-built, non-standard PC'S, with similarly badly configured OS's? (at $60/copy) OR
B) Ten thousand badly-built, badly-configured, servers at many kilo-bucks per copy, per year.
And oh yes, services to maintain and run all those servers. If bits run through it, IBM wants to sell it to you.
Re:Ehm, isn't this around allready? (Score:1)
Re:JavaScript??? (Score:1)
I'm working on it.
I'm an IBM guy, who's been drafted to do some
Sash related work. I'm currently getting started
on enabling other scripting languages to work within
the Sash framework. Give me a couple of months,
and we'll probably have Perl and Python support.
Re:Don't mess with my desktop. (Score:2)
Where are the Notes links? (Score:2)
Re:Notes MAIL Client (Score:1)
There was also a Solaris version. As someone who still is doing Domino development/administration, I can say you're right. The idea of a Domino server and only web-based front ends is the direction Lotus is going. It's their plan.
Re:The only Notes client is W32 !!! b'leeevit (Score:2)
Weblication?? (Score:1)
Re:Mixing (L)GPL and non GPL compatible code (Score:1)
There is quite a bit [mozilla.org] that is dual licensed though and I'd guess that Gecko is one of things they'd concentrate on GPLing first as it is rather central to the whole thing.
Correction: Detach bug fixed (Score:2)
notes client (Score:1)