Amiga - Back From the Dead? 292
Wired has this story about the Amiga comeback, under a new company, which bought the Amiga rights from Gateway. As an old Amiga fan, I will believe it when I see some new machines. You can read more about it here on the official Amiga Web site. I really hope to see something come out of this.
Re:Its Dead, Jim! (Score:1)
You must be the one who is completely glad to do whatever the others say to do! You must worship the Wintel Monopoly! Or be completely dumb!
Don't keep winning saying it wont, the future is in front of us, and whatever happens no one knows, but we can dream can't we!? Only because you've only seen an A500 working, doesn't mean that you've seen the philosphy of an Amiga! If you'd seen, I bet you wouldn't say that!
Re:The good points of the Amiga - some context (Score:1)
The Mac II wasn't out yet, ALL Macs were 1 bit black and white with those little 10 inch screens. And they cost $2,500. The Mac II with 256 colors (and almost no color software), would soon come out at about $4,000, and it wouldn't multitask at all without a primative one-task-at-a-time add in.
PCs were even worse. Almost none had sound cards, video cards were CGA (something like 4 colors out of a 16 color fixed palette) at 320 x 240, and the OS for them was DOS, no GUI. And they still cost $2000 or so.
The responsiveness of the Amiga was incredible. You clicked and it did something. You moved a window and it moved at 60hz. You played an animation or a game, and it played rock solid and smoothly. You switched tasks, and it did it instantly.
But the main reason for loving the Amiga was that in 1987, it was the only computer that would let me do full color, full screen 3D and 2D animation, compose music with stereo sound and samples, play the best games available outside the arcade and run a word processor. That still sounds pretty good.
For all Amiga lovers... (Score:1)
The whole archive is here [compsoc.net], and the original strip here [coax.net].
PS: The author is obviously an Amiga lover too
Re:What makes an amiga (Score:1)
So a Pentium III with a geForce or NV15?
Re:The good points of the Amiga (Score:1)
I once programmed my A500 to run the cellular-automata Life [tuxedo.org] simulation using only the blitter. I think it used 4 memory-blocks (1 displayed, 3 for calculation) and about a dozen blitter operations per timestep. At the time, it was a lot faster than using the CPU (though this advantage went away in later models like the 4000).
Re:What's so great? (Score:1)
Re: (Score:1)
Re:Local TV station (Score:1)
The Article is written by Leander Kahney ! (Score:1)
The Article is written by Leander Kahney! (Score:1)
Re:The good points of the Amiga (Score:1)
Ah Amiga, we hardly knew ye. Denise! Where are you? Fat Agnes? Gary? Paula? Ah, history.
The Amiga fanatics are a strange lot - I counted myself amongst their number until recently, when I rediscovered beauty in computing with Linux. Such a joy to be incharge of your own destiny, and not to be at the mercy of a single badly run company.
Speaking of which - does anyone know where I can get a copy of the Commodore Deathwatch video? Made by Commodore employees watching the slow march of Commodore into the black pit...
Who Couldn't resist? (Score:1)
Like LL Cool Said (Score:1)
Seriously Amigma will never die as long as the users want it to be around it will it seem that alot of people love amigas. You use what you want not what you need so I see amigas being around for a long time
http://theotherside.com/dvd/ [theotherside.com]
Re:But...why? (Score:1)
Hell yes! (Score:1)
I blame Compaq. Bastards. RIP DEC
Re:MMMMMMM (Score:1)
Bah. We had the Boing Ball on the Atari ST too.
.. and, btw; Atari ST r00leZ!
OT: Atari 8-bit Boink! (Score:1)
Ah, nostalgia. I'll have to dig up a copy of that demo on the 'net, if possible, and let the Atari 800 emulator chew on it....
Amiga in business now dead. (Score:1)
While the amigas did great with video toasters in them.
Emulate :-) (Score:1)
It's cool! I just love watching those old demos - State of the art was a classic!
Oh, and there's WinUAE [codepoet.com], too.
Re:I don't get it (Score:1)
While talking about the old Amiga's hardware capabilities, I think you left out her main strength. I'll explain...
I just assembled my new Linux box this weekend, and I'm running it side-by-side with my Amiga. This new Linux box will be useful to me in a lot of ways, but it's already shown itself to not be a superset -- it can't replace the Amiga.
For example, while I was installing the Myth2 CD, I was also downloading Myth2 patches (to be installed right after the CD install) with Netscape, and Netscape seemed really sluggish. I don't mean the network connection, I mean the GUI! While multitasking (and they were only two I/O bound jobs!), the machine "felt" noticably slower than while singletasking. The Linux box is an Athlon 700 with 256MB of RAM, Matrox G400 MAX, ATA66 hard disk (supposedly DMA?), and a SCSI DVD-ROM. Except for the fact that I wussed out and used ATA66 hard disks instead of SCSI, this should be a top-notch machine. And yet it was performing in a manner that no Amiga user would ever find acceptable. I would have trashed my Amiga years ago if the mere act of installing a game from CD were enough to make my web browser's GUI seem slow.
(Interestingly, someone makes a replacement scheduler for the Amiga (called "Executive"), to make its multitasking more Unix-like. Is that fucked up, or what?)
As long as people keep using computers interactively, where instantaneous response time matters, there will be a role for some Amiga-like OS. Linux isn't it. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate my new Linux box, and it will be useful in ways that my Amiga could never live up to. (For example, there's no Myth2 port for the Amiga. And I imagine that once I get the audio working, it will be able to play MP3s at considerably less than the 50% CPU usage that my Amiga's 50 MHz 68060 needs.) Windows, OS/2, and MacOS 9 aren't it either. I don't think they ever will be, because it's not a matter of technology, it's a matter of values. None of the mainstream OSes are even trying to top the Amiga. Maybe this "new Amiga" will, but I'm even skeptical about that.
And that's the real question on my mind: assuming that this new Amiga isn't just another vaporware announcement, will it perform as well as the original Amiga? Or will it turn out to just be another Windoze-wannabe, that has to make sacrifices in order to compete? How many more years am I going to have to keep my A3000 running before someone finally makes a worthy replacement? The whole computer industry is starting to look like a really sick joke.
About Be... yeah, Be might be it. I'm also trying BeOS 4.5 on this new box. Alas, it doesn't seem to like my G400, so it's running in 640x480 VGA mode, and kinda slow. And it doesn't seem to like my 3c905c. Maybe if they update their drivers (or if I downgrade to better-supported cards), BeOS will impress me. Supposedly, QNX Neutrino (along with the Phoenix consortium) is going to try to do it also. So I guess things aren't completely hopeless yet...
But I want an Amiga-like OS, and for now, AmigaOS 3.5 is still the best I've seen.
I knew ! Macintosh was just a sick joke ! (Score:1)
Thank god the truth has finally been revealed.
Re:I hate to p**s on the parade, but... (Score:1)
That must be the understatement of the day. Too late. It was already too late when Commodore went belly-up. A year after than, when Escom came to the picture with its 'Ja'-speaking Germans, it was late too.
Alternatives exist - they just aren't PC (Score:1)
The frontier, the innovations are elsewhere. Mobile computing will might eventually become more important than traditional desktop use. Every electronic appliance you have could have an IP. The net will invade our lives in a way that will make us wonder where it ends and real world starts.
Can Amiga make a comeback ? It's possible. Will it become popular ? Doubtful. Will it be innovative, like the old Amiga used to be ? Dream on. True innovations, those that really shape our world, are going to be made in entirely different arenas.
Re:What's so great? (Score:1)
Okay. I can see that. How about this? Your friend shows you his playstation, and you show him your 1 Gigahertz multi-processor PC running Quake 3 on a GeForce card at 1024x768, 200 fps. Then you tell him it cost the same, because the playstation is outdated, old, garbage and prices have dropped considerably since then. Then you show him your playstation emulator, pop in the playstation disk, and play the exact same game.
This is kind of how I see the Amiga comeback type of people. Sure, it was good for it's time. However, it's time has long since passed. Any "new" Amiga won't be the same in any way. So what's the big deal? Just whip the old Amiga out of the closet (or dumpster) and there you go.
Re:MMMMMMM (Score:1)
Re:Amiga doesn't die, it just gets recycled! (Score:1)
Those of us who still have working Amiga 4000s with enough tricked-out hardware to run a reasonable mini non-linear video edit setup are generally rather ashamed to admit the fact, lest we be tarred with the same brush.
With the exception of a few tinkerers like Matt (Neko) S (who reminds me of vintage car enthusiasts and the like; up to the elbows in oil, and utterly cheerful), they are mostly borderline nutballs. They have a lot of problems with fact that machines from different eras have different orders of magnitude of performance.
The mantra "it will be faster on the amiga, the programmers are better" ignores the fact that you can (for an example) encode a 15 minute mp3 on an 800mhz athlon in 1 minute, or overnight on a deeply tricked out Amiga. Another example would be putting 3ds max on a very average PC up against a maxed out amiga running the 3d package of choice (t3d?). What about an old beige g3 mac with an Echo Gina and logic audio silver, against any Amiga setup you care to mention?
If you think that you know otherwise, the people who design both FPUs and DSPs would probably love to know your secrets. The advocacy loons have no grasp of why vintage computers are cool.
Yes, I love my PET 8032 as well, but I don't expect a conversion of Unreal Tournament for it
Vintage computers are to be enjoyed for what they are, and nostalgia is never what it used to be. They aren't coming back, any more than powdered eggs, Vera Lynn or the Home Service.
It should be possible to point this out, without screaming teenies hurling abuse at you, casting aspersions on your sexuality and parentage, and ranting at you in distinctly broken english.
Ah well, I suppose that not all eccentrics are harmless and charming. Still, 2 troll points need to be awarded to anyone who uses 3 or more exclamation marks in a row, I feel...
Face it guys, the Amiga died years ago, it isn't about to be reborn; it's irrelevant, capiche? Enjoy your old machines, but give up trying to persuade others of its inherent superiority.
Mine all ran out of slots and CPU power years ago. It's getting hard finding drives smaller than 4 gig for them, too!
Let it rest in peace, and remember it as the machine which brought Quantel-stylee painting to the desktop, along with video, affordable digital audio and 3d.
It was a great machine, which did what it did despite the series of bungling company owners, not because of them. The flashes of brilliance came from Jay Miner (may he rest in peace) and the original dev guys, and some of the battlers like Dave Haynie.
The survivors of this mad period have moved on, isn't it time you did?
Those that care can find my lame mp3s at www.mp3.com/tib - those that can't should seek the word of BOB. Amazing!
Re:Oh dear Lord... (Score:1)
Woohoo. (Score:1)
Yet another iteration of "It'll be back, and it'll blow your socks off, you stupid PC l00zurz!!!!!", eh? No thanks.
As if there weren't enough noise on comp.sys.amiga.advocacy already :-)
Re:I was joking (Score:1)
Actually it's 512K.
Scott Jones
Newscast Director / ABC19 WKPT
Commodore 64 Democoder
Re:I was joking (Score:1)
Well, how about the size of the OS itself, the fact that you can boot to the GUI completely from floppy (ok, ok, Linux sorta can too - but it still uses X on the HD). What about it's rock-solid stability in later generations (I admit, AmigaOS was extremely buggy up until 2.x).
As far as I'm concerned the C64 was the best at the time but I'm not pining for another
Completely agreed! I still code for the C64, but more for nostalgic reasons than for any technological ones.
Scott Jones
Newscast Director / ABC19 WKPT
Commodore 64 Democoder
Amiga Inc. Press release, 3/21/3000 (Score:1)
show this we are proud to present the developers show: AMIGACON3000
To been shown:
AMIGAOS 3000: All the features that were promised for AMIGAOS 2990, which was unfortunatly not released, were bought by XYZ, who have developed the concept way beyond the original. Allready, at the demo state, all the necessary
features of a modern operating system.
Re:What's so great? (Score:1)
The Amiga Research OS (AROS) [aros.org] are making an Amiga OS "clone" running on standard pc hw. It's even possible to run it under Linux.
Aros is for Amiga kinda what Wine is for Windows. You can even play AmigaQuake under Aros under Linux. Great stuff.
Re:I hate to p**s on the parade, but... (Score:1)
When it comes to something that have a chance of success I'll have to agree with you that Linux might have a chance of survinving (due to massive hype lately), sad as it is. I kinda like Linux and have used it for years, but it isn't exactly state of the art (monolithic kernel and all) and it's not something I'd really like to see the computing future built on.
The best thing would be to start of with a nice, clean etc. kernel like QNX or something. Too bad it won't happen.
Re:Why the red & white ball? (Score:1)
Patents, patents, patents (Score:1)
Oh, don't they though? Remember, Gateway still own the Amiga patents; they're only licensing the patents to Amiga Inc. The common fear seems to be that Gateway will pull the carpet out from under Amiga Inc. without any warning, and given Gateway's lackadaisical attitude in the past, I have to confess it doesn't strike me as a completely implausible fear.
Re:Uses for an Old Amiga. (Score:1)
Ah, the good ol' Guru Meditation screen, I can remember repeatedly flipping past the program-listings channel, seeing the "Click left mouse button to continue", and pausing to look at the remote a few moments before thinking, "Wait a minute...!"
That was a long while ago, though. I think they've gone Windoze now, spit spit.
Re:Annual "Amiga-will-be-back-day" (Score:1)
About the flashing LED: When I got my first PC in 1996 (IBM Aptiva) it came with APM and all that stuff. Gee, I remember looking all puzzled as the screen went black and the Power-LED started to blink (showing the Compu was in power-safe-mode).
Amiga was a great machine. I guess I need to replace that broken power-supply on my A3000-T someday.
Annual "Amiga-will-be-back-day" (Score:1)
Open your Window (nah, those in the house, man!) and shout "Guru Meditation" to the world!
Re:I was joking (Score:1)
Re:What's good about the Amiga. (Score:1)
In my experience it's just as bad, if not worse, than any other "community"... there are some cool people and some lame people, like anywhere.
I use my Amiga because I love Thor, GoldEd, AmIRC, ARexx, and all the little things that make my life easier; a big reason is that I know the system so well, I can do most of the stuff I could do anywhere much more easily.
What's good about the Amiga. (Score:1)
Could it possibly be... the community, then? Consider a community where people actually are more interested in getting things to work and doing cool stuff instead of screaming "Bill Gates can su*k my di*k" all the time (even though the ami-community has its fair share of those as well). Posting this here might be considered as swearing in church, but as far as I've had anything to do with any of the two communities, the Linux-jyhad still has something to learn from the ami-fanatics.
(Note that I don't take any sides here, as I don't use either Linux or Amiga as my primary OS)
Re:What's so great? (Score:1)
The very short and simple answer is that when it was introduced it was at least ten years ahead of anything else on the market.
Perhaps this analogy will help: There you are playing with your brand new Nintendo Entertainment System, and your neighbor shows you a Playstation. Does your jaw drop or what?
Re:Why the red & white ball? (Score:1)
It was an example of the hardware's ability to quickly and easily (ie, low CPU usage) move a big bunch of bits hither and tither. You could never have pulled that off on a PC or Mac at the time ('85). Way Back When it was impressive... but then, so were 3 1/2" diskettes.
Re:What's so great? (Score:1)
I agree. But the question wasn't "What is so great about the Amiga", it was "What was so great..."
People have been obcessing over obsolete hardware for a long time - witness the number of vintage car collectors. They buy, sell, trade, refurbish (even replicate!) particular models that they especially love - even if by today's standards those cars are inefficient, bad handling, polluting or whatever. Telling one of these collectors to dump their '57 Mustang in favor of a "better" new car would be met with a "You don't get it" shake of the head. Same thing applies here, I think.
Pity that Commadore couldn't market eternal life if they'd had it in bottles.
Re:curious (Score:1)
It did most of what Win95 does about 10 years before Microsoft. And it did it without a hard drive, and with half a meg of RAM.
Real multitasking, decent GUI, etc. It had powerful graphics hardware (handled by a separate processor) and was easily interfaced with video systems - there are still small TV stations that do their production on Amiga stuff (I remember the preview channel on my local cable company showing a Guru Meditation error).
The Amiga was so far ahead of it's time that no one knew what to do with it. People were interested in spreadsheets and dBase.
Now that the hardware and software have caught up to where the Amiga was 15 years ago, I don't see any real comeback happening.
Re:MMMMMMM (Score:1)
The Boing Ball.
Well, actually I would have thought the Operating System, maybe I'm missing something.
Re:MMMMMMM (Score:1)
And the ST sweat blood making it move. On Amy it took maybe 4% of the CPU. Ah, the old flame wars...
Has anyone bothered to emulate the ST? For reasons I cannot explain I've decided I need to emulate everything I can on my new Laptop. I've already got the Atari 800, TRS-80, Atari 7800, Amiga, Odyssey2 (ok, so I'm a sick puppy), Game Boy... must have more! MORE!
(Shoot! Amost forgot, need to d/l a Z-machine for it)
Re:MMMMMMM (Score:1)
Re:Speaking of... (Score:1)
Handy: A Lynx (um.. the handheld machine) emulator [demon.co.uk]
Re:What's so great? (Score:1)
Actually, it was almost exactly like comparing an Atari Lynx ( a.k.a Handy [demon.co.uk], note the historical Amiga link
) to a Gameboy. I got a Lynx, my brother got a Gameboy. It should've been devestating, I should have been able to laugh at his pitiful, mono-color handheld, sneering at him with contempt. (This was what we did for fun, besides playing games. Knocking each other's console of choice was great sport.) Instead it was he who got to be contemptuous, "Where are all the games?" he'd sneer, as he'd show me the latest Castlevania or Mega Man for his system, while I had to put up with stuff like Viking Child and extremely rare releases. I'd be incredulous, "Bbbutt, bbutt, my hardware is clearly superior! Hardware scaling and rotation, a color LCD, why is this happening..."Re:Uses for an Old Amiga. (Score:1)
Good old laser discs.
Re:I don't get it (Score:1)
Why the red & white ball? (Score:1)
Crimson Networks [crimsonnet.net]
Re:MMMMMMM (Score:1)
Re:For all Amiga lovers... (Score:1)
Re:Well... (Score:1)
If you look, you'll see that the "launch" is happening at the St. Louis Amiga Show. Would YOU launch a fake product amongst a few thousand rabid Amigans?
Re:Its Dead, Jim! (Score:2)
Z like in Zombie
It is going to be based on a V like in Vapour chipset and be upgradeable to up to four VLSISE, the new Very Large Scale Integrated Steam Engine devices.
Come on dear Amiga user, put your teeth back into the glass and take a nap.
Again? (Score:2)
What makes them think that this time they will succeed? I'm not faulting the OS itself, but it already failed. Several times. One would think that they would catch the hint.
Re:I hate to p**s on the parade, but... (Score:2)
Amiga has already been dragged through the mud, and to anyone but the hardcore amiga users, it will still remain dirty. I'd honestly consider a name change. 'Amiga' to most people bring up memories a failed product.
Best of luck, truely, but I just don't forsee it taking off.
Re:I was joking (Score:2)
Re:Its not Dead, Jim! (Score:2)
You cannot emulate an Amiga in real-time with a 386DX-25. I haven't tried a recent version of UAE, but the last time I did it was slower than the real thing (25MHz Amiga, 233MHz K6).
I am not disputing that for CPU-bound applications like rendering, any modern x86 box will blow a classic (680x0) Amiga out of the water. But when it comes to responsiveness of the user interface (including non-CPU-bound applications like word processors), the old Amigae still have an edge. I'm sorry, but GNU/Linux with the X Window System is a bloated hog. Less bloated than Win98, but I think it's more useful to compare yourself to the best than to the worst.
The Amiga will be dead when everything it does is done better by something else, and not before.
Re:Again ? (Score:2)
The Amiga circa 1985-1991 represented power and flexibility and ease of use that did NOT compromise each other - sort of like a nonpatronizing Macintosh with a command line. It also represented (at least in the early days) a price/performance curve totally unconnected to the rest of the industry, perhaps more accurately reflecting what silicon could do at a given price point than the overpriced PCs and Macs of the day might suggest.
What about today? Linux can be made easy to use, but it'll be all too easy for a casual user to "fall into the basement" and end up dealing with the Linux underneath. The rest of us are fine with Linux as it is, not because it's intuitive, but because we've memorized it. The Macintosh has a lot of the usability issues solved, but at the expense of coming across with a patronizing attitude - Steve Jobs has encoded too much of his personality into the OS, and it speaks to you with his voice. Windows has the worst of all worlds - it lacks power, it lacks ease of use, but still speaks to you in Bill Gates' patronizing voice.
Hardware-wise: wouldn't it be nice to see hardware revolutions coming from somewhere besides Apple?
Community-wise: What, fundamentally, is the difference between an Amiga fan and a Linux fan? That Linux runs on newer hardware, that's about it - each platform has its failings. And indeed, for many people, Linux has BECOME their Amiga - insofar as it does all they feel they needed from an Amiga.
I'm not defending Amiga Inc, I'm gonna wait for kickable hardware just like the last 107 times. All I'm saying is that maybe there's something the Amiga had, that could be useful again - and the Amiga "faithful" (the level-headed ones anyway, not the goobers who think Q3A should run on a stock A500) are just the people who agree with this statement.
Local TV station (Score:2)
Heh.. not likely. (Score:2)
Now weary traveller, rest your head. For just like me, you're utterly dead.
April 1st, 1976 - Apple Computer Was Born (Score:2)
Of course, the last time we saw an Amiga was when Elvis brought one out of a flying saucer.... (there's a UF [userfriendly.org] comic about that somewhere
Re:Oh dear Lord... (Score:2)
What do you define as "today's computing environment"? A Color Game Boy has terrible specs compared to a PC, yet it sells like hotcakes, because it serves a different purpose. Why should not an Amiga too? There are still a lot of them sitting around running Scala, for instance to "drive" a cable company's information channel.
(It's not like Intel-based PCs represent the epitome of computer architecture, either: Both PowerPC-based and Alpha-based architectures run rings around Intel's mangy workhorse cum electrical oven.)
Re:Its Dead, Jim! (Score:2)
I just have no confidence that Amino is well funded enough to pull this off and come up with anything that is modern and capable enough to take off at all, let alone that they have the ability to market it enough to sell even a good product.
There just isn't much of a market for 1994 era machines based on 1985 technology in 2000. And those machine were never able to carve out a viable niche in their day. It will take a huge amount of modernization to bring them up to date, and they will have a really tough time competing against entrenched competitors like Wintel, Mac and Linux which through brute force can match or exceed the capabilities of those old machines in just about every way.
The Amiga still has a certain nostalgia appeal to many computerheads, but that won't sell enough units for it to be viable.
Re:curious (Score:2)
Another thing which WAS good about the Amiga was the operating system (again, in comparison with what was available at that time).
Re:I did, dear sir (Score:2)
How so? I really don't see how. What made Amiga so revolutionary wasn't just that it something new, but that it was something new that was awesomely powerful with the existing hardware technology at the time--and cheap. That's what earned Amiga the adulation that it got (deservedly so).
But all that I read of Tao doesn't strike me as being all that wonderful. I really don't see any particular benefit. Yes, it's interesting to see a proto-OS able to run with other OSes, but what about the hardware? Yes, it's interesting to see this proto-OS idea (or maybe meta-OS is a better word), but there are other concepts out there like microkernels (Mach and HURD) as well as more exotic things like exokernels, but nothing to say definitively if they are The Answer(TM). Feel free to disagree, but I'm very skeptical.
Read what I say with the background knowledge about TAO's products and you too will know why traditional operating systems (including Linux of course) are living out their last of their days as the best tools for the job.
Whoa there. Hold on. "Living out their last days"? That's a tad extreme. There is nothing to suggest that there is a need for a type of OS software like Tao on a mass market. Yes, Elite is intended to be highly portable and connectable, but Linux, for example, already is quite portable, even to handhelds or smaller devices. So is Mach. If you want _really_ high levels of modularity, you've got the exokernel idea. Yet with increasing processor power and decreasing size and power use, the need for extremely slim clients starts to unravel--and consumers want extra bells and whistles for consumer devices (otherwise, why are Pentium IIIs and Athlons selling so well, even though most people don't need that kind of power?), so that added power will be needed. And available.
So the Tao idea sounds interesting, but I honestly don't see how on Earth it should hasten any conceived "extinction" of a traditional operating system. Some of them will die out anyway, like the old MacOS (not OS X). Maybe Windows, too, in the long run (ten years or so). But we already have a high degree of portability and modularity with existing UN*X kernels and low-level layers, so why do we need something as new and different as Tao?
The desktop OS paradigm also has quite a lot of life left in it, if it ever dies at all. There will always IMO be a need for a central workstation, which will need a traditional OS. Interconnected devices are nice, and so is the idea of ubiquitous computing. But I don't believe at all that you can get away from using a more traditional computing device in some form--with a central "desktop" (or whatever you prefer to call it), documents, storage volumes and so on. All that will be networked, sure. The physical computer device may also vanish. But there will still be a need for the OS in the end.
And none of this really explains why it makes sense to use Tao for the new Amiga-named thingie, nor does it explain why the new Amiga-named thingie will be a compelling alternative to existing OSes.
We have RTOS versions of Linux, for example. We may even see RT versions of Mach (and therefore OS X) in the near future. What is the compelling reason for the mass market to switch to Elite?
(Consider this an open invitation for a sales pitch. ;-) )
Ethelred [macnews.de]
I did, dear sir (Score:2)
To create a new consumer OS from the basis that they are using is tantamount to creating a new OS from scratch. Elate is merely meant to be a core, not a whole consumer OS.
Quote from their site:
It has been designed to run very fast as both stand alone and co-existing with host operating systems across any kind of processor.
That doesn't sound like a complete OS to me. It also sounds like it won't work with any existing mainstream OS without a wee bit of work. Doesn't sound like a recipe for success IMO.
Furthermore, it still isn't an Amiga.
Back to you:
Perhaps you ought to actually LEARN before you slag off, eh?
Perhaps you ought to sit back, relax, take a deep breath and join a civil discussion rather than resorting to flames and posting AC. (And yes, I did read up, long before posting--or long before this was posted on /.)
Rather than questioning my integrity, perhaps--just perhaps--you should try to support your own argument like an adult.
Feel free to convince me. But please don't behave like a fool.
Ethelred [macnews.de]
Again ? (Score:2)
From all the cool stuff that made the Amiga success in the late 80s, what remains? Why not tryings to add cool hardware and software to architecture much more widespread now.
Because you where right once, it doesn't mean you're still right now. Amiga didn't adapt.
When I'm thinking to Amiga, all I have is a bunch of good old souvenirs and some regrets for the stupid marketing choices that have been made.But now rest in peace Amiga.
Re:I was joking (Score:2)
Anyway, the new Amiga will not be an outdated platform - I expect it will run on standard x86 hardware (or a selected subset of it - why support old graphics card, for example) and it will also run on the POP boards. It will run on current PPC Amigas (as does Linux, NetBSD, QNX (one day) etc) to provide people with an upgrade path. TAOS Elate has a lot of interesting and good technology in it - it is a step in front of Linux (true cross platform binaries etc) and it leaves Windows at the bottom of the elevator.
Trust us, we like our Amigas, but we know they are old and crufty, and have more add-ons than, erm, something very modular with lots of add-ons, but they do our work well and efficiently, and we can play Quake and lots more games are being ported (several based on the Quake II engine), but the processor power is holding us now. We want Quad 600MHz G4s in our machines! :-)
The classic Amiga OS has lots of great ideas and concepts - datatypes, screens, hardware graphics and audio accelleration, etc. Modern hardware has caught up and overtaken a lot of these features now, and screens is hard to justify when you could have a 1600x1200 desktop instead (but see here [computer-stuff.co.uk] for a more useful application of Amiga OS and screens [computer-stuff.co.uk]).
Re:I hate to p**s on the parade, but... (Score:2)
Because this is the first "attempt" where Amiga Inc. doesn't have a parent company above it to choke it with bureaucracy and side interests. The current Amiga team has no focus besides making this "attempt" a succes, which is for the first time in 7 or so years.
Besides, what does this have to do with the "original" Amiga? Nothing but the name.
Yup. But I consider this a good thing. And one thing we will definitely inherit from the old system is its philosophy: simple, small, fast, elegant.
Re:MMMMMMM (Score:2)
A key difference however is ease of use. AmigaOS has some of the better advantages of Linux/Unix, i.e. pre-emptive multi-tasking, virtual screens, but it was and is a lot easier to install and configure than Linux with X. BeOS tried the "new Amiga approach", but it's barely more active than Commodore was during it's fading days.
An operating system that brings the power of Unix with the ease of Amiga OS can rightly claim it's mantle, provided it develops a similar following.
The "No, Of Course Not" theory (Score:2)
The End of Unix? No, Of Course Not
Linux Approaching A Fork In The Road? No, Of Course Not
Do Geeks Have A Political Voice? No, Of Course Not (okay, so I'm pessimistic.)
Gnutella 0.5c Still Going? No, Of Course Not
Amiga - Back From the Dead? No, Of Course Not
Re:They're still around .. (Score:2)
Video Toasters? (Score:2)
The Video Toaster on the PC IS an Amiga, just stripped of the keyboard, video drivers, mouse, and all I/O stuff except for a simple serial port. So when you are using the Video Toaster on a PC, just remember what you are working with. IMHO this was one of the few smart things Comodore did with the licensing of Amiga hardware. I'm not sure what they are currently doing for hardware, but I'm pretty sure you could hack into that box and get the Amiga running as a stand-alone box from the Video Toaster if you tried.
Re:I don't get it (Score:2)
Whatever inspires people to do something is valuable. There are thousands of superbright people out there who couldn't care less about linux, bsd, macos, beos, or any other new system. If the amiga captures their attention then they are bound to come up with some cool ideas that haven't been thought of.
We should embrace any and every attempt at growth because that is the nature of evolution. It could all be a miserable failure, but even by learning what doesn't work, we still learn.
Amiga, Acorn, or 'the lost ones'. Be glad! (Score:2)
Later on I got my PC and now, with a very good middle class PC, when I look back I think the Amiga was but still is one of the best homecomputers around for that time. But face it; its time to realize the era has come to an end. Sure; not for the local user groups around which still have & use the Amiga. But for the general public the Amiga is gone, yesterdays news.
Articles like this may give some of you around hope that, one day, we'll see a new model. Just like the old one with all the features of today's modern computer. It's not going to happen IMHO and to put it even more blunt: be glad !.
Before you hit that reply button: no; this has nothing to do with some 'lame' idea of mine that we should never see an Amiga again. On the contrary; I think that if we do the Amiga will truly die. Imagine this; there will be another Amiga but unfortunatly the firm which is making them uses a complete other line up then Commodore once used to do. The result being a computer you would not even let your dog get near to because if someone associates the dog with yourself your career is truly over. Do you think that will benefit the Amiga?
"It won't happen". Duh, guess again. Chances are pretty good that it will. Does anyone know the Acorn Archimedes? In its own time (around the 286) it was way ahead of its time, it did things which just became possible when the PC architecture reached 386+ and the 486. Now I ask you; before reading this article did the name "Archimedes" ring a bell?
Like I said; its an Acorn computer (British brand) which was in a later stage sold to Olivetti. The latter just used the technology (I guess) but even despite the rumours there would never be any new model. The "latest" design (few years back) was just more of the same. Period. The result; the Archimedes still lives on. Sure, not for the major public but for its fans. Heck; I've even seen Archie's running stuff like Linux & Win95 and no; we are not talking Intel based computers here. Nor DOS based and/or whatever there is out there.
The machine does not have to live up to its name. Its an Archimedes and thats basicly it. If these boys want to keep the Amiga alive they'll do the same. If they don't I'll bet it will be the end for the Amiga. Don't get me wrong here; I would not like this outcome as well.
I don't get it (Score:2)
But time has moved on, pretty much every computer out there now supports millions of colors, the type of video f/x that the Amiga was worshipped for has been passed by the combination of DV, Firewire and large capacity drives and with OSs like Be OS and Mac OS X, stability is no longer an issue.
The question I raise, is do we need the Amiga? Do we need another OS? I say nay, if anything we need to throw more attention to OSes like Be, which could be one of the greatest operating systems, if it was developed better.
well, that's my 2 centavos for today.
Re:What's next? (Score:2)
Milan is one Atari clone [milan-computer.de]
MMMMMMM (Score:2)
As far as I can see it's a completely different OS on different hardware. Am I right in saying that the only "Amiga" thing about it is the name. I know this is an awkward question but what defines an Amiga?
Multimedia? Why not call BeOS "the new AmigaOS"
Seamless emulation support for the old apps is probably the only distinction and I have UAE running on my computer
"If I can shoot rabbits then I can shoot fascists" -
But...why? (Score:2)
Question is, is there really much point in releasing new machines on it? I mean, it was around before Win3.0, when the 68000 was a hip processor.
Computers are enormously more powerful, and interfaces are (really they are!) substantially more advanced. Is there much call for reviving a dead platform, other than nostalgia?
Not trying to flame anyone here, but I just don't see that reviving the Amiga makes any more sense than reviving the Atari ST. (and only marginally more than the Atari 400)
Amiga, Acorn are not lost ... (Score:2)
Does anyone know the Acorn Archimedes? In its own time (around the 286) it was way ahead of its time, it did things which just became possible when the PC architecture reached 386+ and the 486. Now I ask you; before reading this article did the name "Archimedes" ring a bell?
Funny you should mention this, particularly in this thread. Acorn binned their workstation division two or three years ago, and it looked like the Acorn line was finally hitting the same wall that Amiga hit so many years earlier - a small computer firm with an enthusiastic user and programming community suddenly decides that all that good will in the grass roots can go hang.
At this point, I assumed that that was the end. Finito. Kaputt. Amazingly, and in rather less time than the Amiga people, several firms have stepped into the breach and produced new machines, such as continuations of the original RiscPC designs [castle-technology.co.uk], the RiscStation [riscstation.co.uk], the Imago [millipede.co.uk], RISC OS Ltd [riscos.com] has produced a new, faster, leaner OS and things are looking more hopeful for the fan base. So even a small computer platform can maintain itself outside the Mac/Windows hegemony, and it doesn't hurt the mainstream to have something different at the edges. Besides, the Open Source movement has facilitated the development and porting of numerous tools to these platforms, extending the minority platforms usefulness further. And Linux ports exist for those who need some more mainstream OS stuff from time to time.
And to those of you who keep pontificating that we don't need another platform, one of the things I like about Linux is that it provides me with choice. One of the things I like about lots of platform is that it gives me choice.
Toby Haynes
Re:Why the red & white ball? (Score:2)
Actually, it was an example of the hardware's ability to quickly and easily fool you into thinking it was moving a big bunch of bits "hither and tither".
In reality, all it was doing was messing with registers. The red and white ball was composed of a lot of colors (probably a 16 color mode), which were rotated between red and white. And the ball was in its own bit plane, while the program was changing the location of the bit plane. The graphics hardware was putting it on the display at the appropriate place based on where the bit plane was supposed to be. The blitter chip wasn't being used at all.
No bits were being moved. They stayed right there. They were just displayed at different offsets from the vertical and horizontal sync. That's it. But it looked impressive, and that's why the bouncing ball demo is so famous.
The problem is, multi-layer and sprite graphics hardware like that is rather non-portable. It's awful hard to write cross-platform code that makes good use of such graphics chip tricks, when there is only one hardware platform which can do those tricks. And if a graphics library (X?) isn't designed with them in mind, it's almost impossible to support them portably. The world has gone with flat bitmaps and blitters because they're portable.
Then there are usually limitations with such hardware. They may only handle a maximum number of bit planes and a maximum number of sprites per horizontal line. It's rather technical, but back in the days of single-megahertz CPUs, there were only so many memory accesses you could do per scan line, to fetch the sprite data for the next scan line. If you ran out of bus cycles to the video RAM, tough luck. That's why in Gauntlet (and the Sega Genesis version of it as well!), a screen full of ghosts has sprites missing scanlines on the right edge of the screen.
In my opinion, there's not much that you would get out of someone manufacturing "Amiga" computers these days, except maybe having a major manufacturer other than Apple (and IBM's higher-end stuff) to making PowerPC machines that can run Linux.
They're still around .. (Score:2)
Like I remind customers every other day or so, discontinued does not mean obsolete. Just because the company doesn't make them anymore doesn't mean they stop working
Stupid flamewars (Score:2)
How about waiting until the given date and then commenting things that happened or didn't happen on the show sensibly and rationally, in a way that doesn't give the impression of screaming teen-aged religious fanatic that wants to kill everyone who doesn't agree with his/her view of world? Honestly, that's the feeling that most of posts in one way or other has given so far.
Sorry for sounding pissed off, but that's the feeling that any kind of fanatics generally give me.
Rather interesting about the Elate RTOS (Score:2)
Re:curious (Score:2)
I use Linux whenever I can and I can't understand why other people wouldn't, however I think it would be a sad day if Microsoft was ever driven out of the OS business. People need choice (beyond which disto to use) and companies need competitors.
I say good luck to Amiga and I hope they get enough market share to keep them afloat.
Re:Well... (Score:2)
I owned a seriously souped-up 1200 for years before I bought a PC - and thats only because I fried it with 240v up the audio ports - OUCH!
I used my Amiga for loads of serious stuff.
The Amiga is dead - so hopefully long live a new platform.
I hope that they do something this time - I'm just concerned its too little, way too late. The idea of "multimedia hardware with a multimedia OS" fell by the wayside with the BeBox. I don't know how they would market such a device in these times.
For a lot of people, unfortunately the Amiga name may be a millstone. After COmmodore, Escom, Gateway et al it may be seen as an "unlucky" brandname.
Port BeOS to a seriously multimedia G3/G4 own design hardware standard and then you just may have something worthy to carry on the legacy of the Amiga (as a Linux user, did I just say that...!!
Imagine how much more difficult it is today to resurrect the Amiga identity, in the niche it left behind. Multimedia on PC's and Mac's is simply light years ahead of where it was the day that Commodore died.
I loved my Amiga, but can you really bring it back - and would you want to? Would you want some second rate imposter, like an aging beauty queen desperately slapping on the makeup and slinky clothes and just ending up looking like an old slapper.
I really don't know what to make of this.
Do we need PC alternatives any-more? (Score:3)
April first?!?!? (Score:3)
April Fool! April Fool! April Fool!
I hate to p**s on the parade, but... (Score:3)
Besides, what does this have to do with the "original" Amiga? Nothing but the name.
I remember using an Amiga 500 with a friend and being knocked sideways by its sheer power. I remember an innovative system that in many ways was too good for its time. But please, this is starting to border on cruelty -- every few months there is a new apparition on the horizon, and old Amiga users look up in hope, only to have those hopes dashed.
Face it: this won't be an Amiga. There is little to no chance that it will be as revolutionary as the original Amiga; at best, it will have a few nice things but will mostly be hard to find a reason to buy it (short of the name).
Pin your hopes on something else that does have a chance of success: Linux, or maybe Mac OS X, or maybe BeOS, or *BSD. Whatever strikes your fancy. But a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush...
Ethelred [macnews.de]
Re:I hate to p**s on the parade, but... (Score:3)
It also doesn't have a parent company to provide it with capital. If the "new" Amiga is to have any success at all, it will need that above all.
If Amiga were to seriously succeed, it would need a parent company that gives a damn. Amiga hasn't had that for years (if ever).
Furthermore, it would be more beneficial to everyone in general if those working on the Amiga would work on existing OSes to improve them, rather than creating yet another OS trading on the name of a once-revolutionary-now-in-twilight OS.
I just find it to be hard on those wishing for Amigas to return, when the "Amiga" returning isn't an Amiga at all--there will never be another true Amiga IMHO, because its active OS development went into a weird twilight long ago. This looks, feels and smells like another mirage.
I would have far more positive feelings about it if Amiga were contributing to something else: BeOS maybe, or Linux. Maybe make an alternative kernel and/or windowing system that works with Linux software. Just some ideas. But to create something new from scratch now strikes me as singularly quixotic.
Ethelred [macnews.de]
Uses for an Old Amiga. (Score:3)
But that was not as spooky as a ZX-80 running a nuclear power plant ...
Re:Why the red & white ball? (Score:4)
It must be Tuesday... (Score:4)
Seems better than previous ones (Score:4)
Refered as my own experience, what made me love Amiga was that I could pay myself without breaking my mother's purse, that you have lot of informations for programming at the price of floppy disks and that for only $100, I bought a C compiler and could run the whole thing with only two floppy disk drives on my A500 (it's true!), and nevertheless have fun with beautiful games. :-). So without money, I have to drop my Amiga (and started with linux few months later after the discover of the sad and flat Windows world)
I started with a A500, continued with an A1200 two years later, and boost it with a 68030 processor card a year after without breaking my whole (and old !) software and cut budget's familly for food and clothes. I could work with LaTeX for editing, play funny and beautiful games, discover programming in GFABasic, Assembly language and C language. In 1996, the hard disk crashed just after I bought a expensive PC (at least for me, a poor student) for working at my school because everybody used to work on PC with windows (may be evil waves from the PC ?
Oups, I almost forgot to say that Amiga was a she computer ;-) The only female computer in the world.
Today even with linux for free, If you want to both play good and beautiful games, discover programming and work, you need an expensive PC. why ? because:
So, there are rooms for low cost and easy systems. Maybe we can call it Amiga in old days when computer was also for pleasure and not only for taking your money.
I just want to come back in happy days when just plug a card under the keyboard was enough to boost my computer, when nobody spoke about plug and play because it was already there, when having a Command Line Interface in the corner wasn't a shame.
Today when I speak with people, ever non-programmer, old enough to have worked on an Amiga, I never meet someone saying that it was a bad machine. Everyone remembers how easy of use it was, how easy it was to just put a card in it and use it without pain for lucky owner of A3000 and A4000. They also remember the low and affordable price of A500 and A1200 computers. It was the days of computers at purse scale.
The good points of the Amiga (Score:4)
2. 4096 colour pallette. (Once again impressive in '85) as well as custom hardware such as the blitter chip - A much more sophisticted one than the simple rectangle movement chips in a lot of SVGA cards too. This could take 3 sources and AND and OR them together.
3. Stereo Sound. Not the best sound available at the time, but certainly very impressive. 2 8-bit channels per speaker allowed a crude 14 bit sound format.
4. Small fast efficient Os. This would work on a 512K machine with no swap space, and still have room for applications
5. Stable. Ironically, This was down to the absence of memory protection. If your program crashes it brings down the whole system.
6. Screens. Something that no other Os has done as well, although the multiple consoles on Linux gives a similar feel. Essentially each application had its own screen at its own resolution and colour depth. This is available on other operating systems now, but it was part of the whole look and fell of the OS.
7. Cost. This was priced competitively against consoles. The small amount extra was considered worth it for the added benefit of having word processors, and paint programs. (Not to mention pirate games)
I'll let others go into the disadvantages. I'm too much of a fanatic to seriously believe that there were any. (It's all lies from the un-Amigaly who will go to silicon Hell)
"Needing" the Amiga (Score:4)
The people who are making this attempt to rejuvenate the Amiga are in it because they love the platform, they find it worth their time and energy, and they want to see the Amiga continue. Open source/Linux, etc. fans should start to see the parallels here... right? Now that I think about it, I'm uncertain whether to be more amused or sad at the attitudes taken by the supposedly open-minded and enlightened people here.
Herbie J.