
Comment Re:Getting closer to one side of the argument? (Score 1) 25

You can if the power you are given is entirely superficial.

No, you cannot. If your power is entirely superficial then you are not an evil dictator overlord. You might aspire to be one, or maybe even believe yourself to be one, but if your power is entirely superficial you are not at the levers of power at all.

Again, you can wield power, or you can distract attention away from the person who does, but you cannot do both. There are, of course, other options, but these two completely contradictory options that smitty and others are constantly trying to pin on the same person cannot both be true.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Aces Take The Mound Again To Headline Thursdays MLB Action

Verlander makes the Detroit Tigers the initial favorite in this matchup, but with the Cleveland Indians sending Danny Salazar to the mound, who has a 6.75 ERA in two starts, the Tigers should have no problem getting this home victory. Neither of these offenses have made much noise this season, but T ( http://www.betonline.ag/sports-betting/baseball/mlb/daily-mlb-betting-picks-2330)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Orange County School Dance DJ & VIDEO DJ at Port Theater Newport Beach CA

http://TastySounds.com - Orange County School Dance DJ & Video DJ Tasty Sounds recently appeared spinning videos at the Port Theater in Newport Beach, CA. St Margaret's School had a great Winter Formal them party.. The theme was Night at the Oscars. All the students and staff had a great night. Ta ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G2ctNxVyvQ)

Submission + - David Lerner Associates (youtube.com)

mona66hf writes: Come and see what a real financial expert thinks about the growing national debt and other political matters on the David Lerner Associates YouTube Channel.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Orange County School Dance DJ & VIDEO DJ at Port Theater Newport Beach CA

http://TastySounds.com - Orange County School Dance DJ & Video DJ Tasty Sounds recently appeared spinning videos at the Port Theater in Newport Beach, CA. St Margaret's School had a great Winter Formal them party.. The theme was Night at the Oscars. All the students and staff had a great night. Ta ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G2ctNxVyvQ)

Comment Re:Not so fast, Thermodynamic laws are pesky thing (Score 1) 174

Then I misunderstood your previous post, which I took to mean that there wasn't enough to bother with. It would be interesting to me to see an estimate of how much it would cost to make an exhaust manifold of thermocouple material, and what the estimated output would be. With hybrid vehicles like the Prius, which just uses the IC engine to charge the batteries that actually propel it, it might well be worth it.

Comment Re:Holy shit (Score 1) 467

No, but you can start by eliminating that $100/mo TV subscription, and then find some other ways to save money too

I'm constantly amazed at what people spend per month on things they think are "necessary".

Like saving up for retirement? Not sure why having a million dollars to spend in retirement is more important than having $100/month to spend on cable TV today?

Comment Re:Rewarding the bullies... (Score 1) 798

Violence is supposed to be the *last* resort when other methods of dealing with a problem have failed. You have to tread carefully with how to explain this to a child, otherwise they'll see violence as an effective solution to dealing with troubling people and will use it at the first opportunity rather than the last. Imagine what kind of asshole he'll grow up to be with this mindset.

Comment Re:I loved the ads (Score 1) 285

A full page in a print magazine had to get you far enough through the sales process that you would remember the product and be willing to talk to a sales person. A banner ad has to get you interested enough to click on the banner to go the site. The proper comparison is the website to the ad.

User Journal

Journal Journal: 2015

2015 , , ( http://play.donya.ps/game/1002.html)

Comment Re:Make Magazine (Score 1) 285

One thing that surprises me is that every talks about Byte, but not the spin off of a great column in Byte, Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar. Circuit Cellar is a bit expensive, and very technical, but if you like really making hardware it is a must. Circuit Cellar is the part of byte that was hardware making. There was another part that review and broad industry connections, another part that was software, and of course the musings of Jerry Pournelle. If you are into reading international English fiction, Granta is also a must have.

Comment Re:NYTimes is left I believe. (Score 1) 285

The thing is, the NYT has a lot of high quality articles still, even if their newsroom is all liberal. They go deeply into subjects and do good research. You shouldn't believe everything they say, and if it's important, you should verify; but they give you good overview of the world.

Another high quality newspaper is the Wall Street Journal. If you're looking for print, it can't be beat, for similar reasons. The main difference is the WSJ focuses more on economic issues, and the NYT focuses more on social issues.

The editorial staff of both newspapers is mediocre, but the quality of the guest editorials can't be beaten, in both papers. You have ex presidents, or the commanding officer of the armed forces of Lebanon. Maybe you don't agree with the guest editorials, but they are often worth reading, more than the average blogger.

Submission + - The Pimp God Project (pimpgod.net)

markrussell334 writes: The Pimp God Project — Freeze reveals how he made over a million dollars out of the Pimp Game... and how YOU can use his system for Instant Success!

Feed Google News Sci Tech: Sony Struggles to Meet Demand for PlayStation4 - Bloomberg (google.com)

The Australian Financial Review

Sony Struggles to Meet Demand for PlayStation4
Sony Corp. (6758)'s PlayStation 4 sales are proving a bright spot for Chief Executive Officer Kazuo Hirai who is cutting costs to spur a revival at a company hit by falling demand for televisions and cameras. Five months after its release, sales of the $399...
Sony sells more than 7 million PlayStation 4 consolesReuters Canada
UPDATE 1-Sony sells more than 7 million Playstation 4 consolesReuters
Sony Says 7 Million PlayStation 4s Have Been Sold WorldwideTIME
USA TODAY-CNET-The Australian Financial Review
all 134 news articles

Submission + - Electronic systems that substitute flexible plastic for silicon chips

Chipmunk100 writes: According to a paper published in Nature Communications computers and cell phones that substitute flexible plastic for silicon chips may be one step closer to reality. The researchers show an efficient means of converting information encoded in magnetic storage to light in a flexible plastic device. Transduction between magnetic and optical information in typical organic semiconductors poses additional challenges, as the spin–orbit interaction is weak and spin injection from magnetic electrodes has been limited to low temperature and low polarization efficiency. Here we demonstrate room temperature information transduction between a magnet and an organic light-emitting diode that does not require electrical current, based on control via the magnet’s remanent field of the exciton recombination process in the organic semiconductor.

Submission + - Wake Up Now Reviews (lesterdiazonline.com)

An anonymous reader writes: In depth wake up now review that explains the products, services, compensation plan and everything in between to help you understand this company.

Comment Re:wait, what? (Score 1, Insightful) 467

If quality and skill are heavily reduced, then it wouldn't be worth sending work there. You really can't have it both ways on this one -- either they're smart businessmen who know India saves money, or they're smart businessmen who are wise to a lack of quality and skill.

Often times you simply can't afford to hire your own in-house development staff. Imagine for example that you run a small business and you don't have any programmers on staff, nor does your business operate in the IT sector. Suppose you need a custom inventory management solution because no pre-built ones from any domestic companies are available. Your solution in this case may very well be to hire an outfit in India to do it. You may very well not have the amount of money that a US based firm would ask for, in which case what is your alternative? "Not doing it at all" isn't a good answer.

Submission + - Some auto-insurance basics you should know

irbygeorge01 writes: Dyman Associates Insurance Group of Companies

Automobile insurance is a gamble and is based on risk. We pay for it, but we rarely experience its benefits firsthand. Sometimes we feel it's a waste of money. But accidents happen and when they do, your auto insurance will protect you and your finances. How much it protects you depends on your combination of options and amount of coverage.

But, let's face it, understanding your policy is difficult and at times you are not sure exactly what you are buying.

Third-party liability bodily injury: This should be given the greatest of importance. This will help insure you for another party's medical expenses caused by an accident that was your fault. This does not cover your car or other property damaged in the accident.

Property damage liability: This protects you if your car damages someone else's property.

Uninsured motorist coverage: This covers bodily injury to you if you are injured in an accident by someone who is not insured and at fault.

Collision coverage: This pays for the damage sustained by your car when you collide with another car or other object like a tree, fence or a post.

Comprehensive coverage: This covers the damage to your car that is not covered in the collision coverage. This could include vandalism, theft, falling objects, glass breakage, fire, animal damage. Most auto insurers on Guam offer typhoon coverage as an option.

Medical payment coverage: Covers medical bill costs associated with the accident for you and passengers in your vehicle.

Rental reimbursement coverage: Pays for a rental car if your vehicle has to be fixed. This option usually has a rate per day and maximum amount.

Emergency roadside service coverage: Usually this is offered free in an automobile policy. This may also cover lockout, fuel delivery and flat-tire change services.

Towing: The annual cost of towing coverage is minimal and well worth it. Towing coverage applies to mechanical failure ONLY and not in the event of an accident. I recommend using the towing companies listed on the back of the insurance card your insurance company provides you and not the first tow truck that shows up on the scene.

Deductible, premium

When choosing a plan that is right for you, think about the cost. In general, with the exception of classic autos, older cars need less collision or comprehensive coverage than a newer one would.

A deductible is the amount you pay before the insurance company pays.

Deductibles are inversely related to premium.

The lower the deductible the higher the premium and vice versa.

If your deductible is $500 and you get into an accident that costs $1,500 to fix your car, you will pay the $500 and the insurance company will pay the remaining $1,000.

Your premium is how much you pay to have the insurance company to insure you. Most insurance companies offer terms to pay your premium. Some offer monthly or quarterly payment plans.

Deciding how much you are willing and able to pay for your premium will help determine your deductible.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Retailers Learn To Sing Hindi

If you want to know more about Eliminate Learn To Sing At Home Free then read on below, or if you want to find out about other ways to learn how to s... ( http://bit.ly/1l2H29o)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Orange County School Dance DJ & VIDEO DJ at Port Theater Newport Beach CA

http://TastySounds.com - Orange County School Dance DJ & Video DJ Tasty Sounds
recently appeared spinning videos at the Port Theater in Newport Beach, CA. St Margaret's School had a great Winter Formal them party.. The theme was Night at the Oscars. All the students and staff had a great night. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0G2ctNxVyvQ)

Comment Re:Militia, then vs now (Score 2) 1633

Compare that to Australia, where the government confiscated all the guns to keep people safe, and violent home invasions skyrocketed.

As an Australian, one aware of the actual statistics, I feel eminently qualified to say: "That's bullshit, mate."

TLDR: using Australia as a reason for arming or disarming America is bad and you should feel bad. :)

Look, I truly get that unilaterally compelling the disarmament of the law-abiding proportion of a heavily-armed, high-density, disaffected population with a long history of armed violence is a Really Bad Idea, but when it comes to using Australia as a comparison point? You've been fed propaganda that exploits statistical shenanigans and popular ignorance of a distant country's cultural differences. Unlike the native Americans, the natives here lacked the technology, organisation and numbers to be much more than a speed bump in the British Empire's history of conquest, and we also never had a revolutionary war nor followed it with a civil war, so our nation was never armed on a level remotely approaching yours even prior to the confiscation. Our horse was still nudging the barn doors open, while yours is already up in the far paddock with a belly full of long grass and an eye on the short fence.


Comment Re:Are you kidding (Score 0) 818

blind faith that "the old way is always the best way" is just nostalgia playing tricks on your mind.

It isn't necessarily a question of "the old way" but rather the proven way. Look at the flip side - communism. It was tried over, and over, and over and kept producing bloody disasters of mass oppression, mass murder, economic ruin. And yet today there are still communists! They want to keep trying despite killing 100,000,000 people in the last century.

The radicals of the movements springing up in the 60s weren't any better even when they weren't communists. They wanted to tear down society with no real plan to rebuild. Their spiritual heir in many ways is the "Occupy" movement which failed so miserably.

Comment Re: WIndows 8.1 preview install instructions (Score 1) 69

If you have a Nokia, it's easy enough to flash the stock (8.0) OS back again using Nokia Care Suite. Probably also true for Samsung WP8 phones, which have a Flashing tool and ROMs have been released at least for some of them. Not sure about HTC or Huawei, but the latter has custom ROMs (so it's almost certainly possible to go back) and the former has *historically* had lots of flashing tools and at least stock ROMs available. Not sure for WP8 though.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Maxwell played with Astros phenom Springer in Minors

Springer started out as a center fielder in the Houston farm system and was moved to right field this season after the Astros acquired Dexter Fowler in the offseason from Colorado to play center. ( http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20140416&content_id=72321082&notebook_id=72329108&vkey=notebook_kc&c_id=kc)

Submission + - How to Recover Mac Data from CDs (mac-data-recover.com)

nicetry writes: In fact, previously we have to buy CD to get high-quality music, and then use CD player to play fantastic music. This is inconvenient, because as an external storage device and optical disc without any physical protection, it is very possible to lose music data as a result of user's accidental operation.

In the case that your music data in CD is accidentally lost, if you employ PC with Windows operating system, you can use MiniTool Power Data Recovery to perform data recovery operation from CD easily. But if the data loss is caused by physical damage of CD, and you employ MAC, which has very few choices of data recovery software, it is difficult to recover lost data from CD.

Comment lack of curiosity (Score 1) 240

I'm surprised by the lack of curiosity here. The best stuff in the Apple App Store costs some money. What's the point in buying expensive $600 phones if you're going to be too cheap to get out there and see what people are making them do? The highest rated 10-20 apps alone in the App Store would put you over $50 easily. Not all the apps are for everybody, but if you're not using at least a few of them then you aren't getting real value from your iOS device purchase and you probably didn't need one in the first place.

For a site full of people that claim to be geeks, nerds, programmers, admins, etc there's almost nobody out here that's actually PARTICIPATING in the biggest change in the tech industry in the last decade. if you're worried about "privacy" and your credit card information getting taken then you're clearly not paying attention to how the marketplace works, how the various groups interact and developing a sense of safe behavior in this new arena. This is kind of a poor showing of people that claim to have "technical savvy".

Comment Re:Ukraine's borders were changed by use of force (Score 1) 304

Today there was another report from NBC on the ground in other towns where they interviewed Ukrainian military officials who had switched to the Russian flag. They didn't like their pay, they didn't like the hours and they were happy to switch. There were interviews with police who were being asked to arrest or shoot at the very people who had been supporting them a month earlier when everyone was against them. This wasn't Russian propaganda this was an American network representing the real grievances of the people on the ground.

I think I've given more than enough evidence that sources that if anything are biased towards the anti-Russian side investigated and found genuine discount. I'm not going to keep responding to, "This whole business of covering up a rigged poll is not impressing anybody outside of Kreml's media space.." That is clearly unequivocally and verifiably false. At this point you are simply ignoring evidence that contradicts your spin that no one believes Russians that Crimeans were unhappy.

It's not a comparison of Ukraine vs Russia. As a Ukrainian, I am comparing Russia and EU/US

So was I. I gave growth figures and comparative economic figures. Russia's economy is far smaller than EU/US (though on par with many EU countries) but is growing much faster. Showing a healthy government under Putin contrary to your comments above about shrinkage. Again GDP data is public.

As for not having contempt for Russians I think you should read your comments in this thread.

Submission + - Cara alami menyembuhkan rematik (caramenyembuhkanlipoma.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Cara alami menyembuhkan rematik >> Penyakit rematik sudah banyak dikenal masyaraka dan sering menyerang masyarakat terutama mereka yang berusia lanjut. satu dari enam orang positif emnderita rematik.

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