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Comment Re:Blackberry (Score 1) 445

He's done a lot but to be frank pulseaudio, avahi, NetworkManager and systemd have all caused me problems so I have tried to avoid them wherever possible, and at the risk of sounding like an old fart Mr Poettering comes across as a kid who grew up with MS Windows and just doesn't get that it's not the only way of doing things.
He's building a new ecosystem.
That's not a bad thing, but RedHat using it's influence to make that ecosystem dominate for reasons other than it's merits is the bad thing. I'd personally like the things I use to survive in the old ecosystem instead of having to move to a new one - cross platform instead of no choice other than a big monolith with Mr Poettering's name on it.

Comment The EPA doesn't "do" science (Score 1) 517

1/ The EPA sets and enforces rules.
2/ Examining the science behind that is the task of other orgs.
3/ Requiring the EPA to examine the science would either require cutting back on other actions or expanding the size of the EPA.

Thus since it's adding more functions without more funding it looks like a deliberate effort to make the EPA less effective in what it currently does.

That's how I see it. Can you see anything wrong with what I've written?

Comment Re:Yes. What do you lose? But talk to lawyer first (Score 1) 734

You're kidding. Have you actually experienced them? The tax issues are mindboggling in their complexity because the US law is written for US institutions and concepts.

The complexity issue can be solved at a cost of <$1000/year.

Get an accountant to prepare your taxes. I am resident in the USA and have rental properties in the UK, so my taxes are fairly complex. If I had more income from the UK, the tax filings would be more complex, but really, it's not that hard as long as you are prepared to pay a professional.

Comment Re:Blackberry (Score 1) 445

That attitude of a single platform has been present on and off with gnome since the start and was the reason why Enlightenment was the official window manager for gnome for only a couple of weeks. The merge killed cross platform support in Enlightenment and the attitude that it didn't matter drove off all of the Enlightenment developers. However all the gnome people from back then are probably long gone from the project - it became cross-platform after all, the very thing that they said was not important and they made fun of the Enlightenment developers who insisted it was.

gnome-session will be augmented by a per-user systemd instace, leveraging the benefits that systemd gives you for system startup also for session startup.

That text from your other link indicates a desire to go back to the bad old days of linux only gnome.

Comment Re:Libertarian? (Score 1) 331

Ah yes. Forgot how rubbery the definition can be.

And anyone who jeopardizes that gets thrown out an airlock.

Who needs rule of law when you can have might makes right Chinese style?
You are just reinforcing a stereotype and we should probably both stop here before I pour on insults you probably don't deserve just because you've oversimplified things. I accept that the term means a lot of different things to different people - from those that wanted to crown Koch as a benevolent King a few years back to outright anarchists with a lot of less extreme stuff in the middle.
In most forms I believe it's very much about the individual at the expense of society and diametrically opposed to teamwork, nation building, and the foundation of the USA and other democratic nations, but that's just my opinion and don't let that put you off. It's up to you to learn the implications of your ideology and whether it is practical or not. When a sick kid also goes out the airlock despite there being enough resources to go around if pooled then that ideology looks a bit less shiny doesn't it?
OK, so I didn't stop. Let's just leave it where I don't respect selfishness relabelled as ideology and you probably don't see it in those terms as yet.

Comment Re:It's to make the situation unworkable (Score 1) 517

It was about climate science denial so some people would see that as a troll, but I agree that it's an abuse of mod points to vote for or against climate science by modding a post about climate science denial that is not offensive in any way.

And in just the last couple of days, EPA director Gina McCarthy, in testimony before Congress, demonstrated complete ignorance

It's the age of the MBA who is expected to be able to run an org without having the least fucking clue of what it does. You get your ticket via family connections plus money and suddenly you are born to the purple. If it was an interview with a leading advisor of the person in the sinecure that would be a different story, but here it's just another page added to the large pile of "political appointee to important job is an idiot out of their depth" stories.

Back to your earlier post, I can't see the EPA being able to function properly at it's current size with this clog being deliberately cast into the machinery of it's operation. Clearly attempted "sabotage" to expand their function to explain things they previously did not have to do and get tied up in court over it.

Comment Re:Blackberry (Score 1) 445

I should have written "I'll bet my left testicle systemd dependency fed someone's ego" instead of sounding like I had absolute proof. It's a guess from being on the gconf mailing list for years, seeing the behaviour there and extrapolating. We can't blame Miguel for that project or the systemd connections, there are others that are far more petty.

Comment Re:There might be hope for a decent adaptation (Score 1) 331

Verhoeven completely misunderstood the book, was the thing, and made a parody of it

IMHO he got some ideas from the book that didn't really fit with it and made his "own vision" aimed at current events which was different to the book. See also the Star Trek reboot that deliberately shat all over all Trek stuff prior to it as part of the "director's vision". Directors want it to be remembered as something like "Verhoeven's Starship Troopers" instead of "Heinlen's Starship Troopers".
I think it's a good movie just like "Blade Runner", while having not a lot to do with the Phillip K. Dick story is a good movie. Both could probably be vastly better if they came closer to the books but they are still good movies.

exploring an ultra-libertarian society in the same detail

Lord of the flies does that best :)

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