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Comment Re:I pick Summer time (Score 2) 277

I love the late day sun in the Summer. In Winter, dark is dark, who cares.

Well, then, let's stick the the DST hours...and freeze it there..then summers would have late hours.

I lived in AZ and the lack of changing hours didn't affect anything poorly, in fact, it was nice to never have to twice a year have your sleep cycle all screwed up for days and have to re-adjust.

I just think in this day in age, it really makes no sense for the majority of the US to have to switch back and forth twice annually.

Comment Re:No time zones, no DST, centons (Score 2) 277

At the very least..for the US.

Why don't we just pick one time DST or Regular...and stick with it. I think I've been reading that the change in times has been shown pretty readily that it takes a bad toll on our health. People die because of the changes even....

Nothing wrong with timezones, that make sense, but it makes no sense in this day in age (we're not all farmers anymore) shift the day back and forth twice a year by an hour.

Comment Re:Corporate freedom, unless we say otherwise (Score 1) 367

Really, if FedEx refused to ship a gay wedding cake, you know there would be a lawsuit.

First of all, only an idiot - gay or otherwise - would use FedEx, UPS, or the postal service to ship a wedding cake.

That said, if we substitute something else gay-positive for the hypothetical cake, they could still say "we won't transport that product" and the conservatives would be championing their cause. Carriers have the right to refuse to do business with whomever they want, for whatever reason they want. In this situation, however, the conservatives are shooting themselves in the foot by trying to force a company to take a type of business that it does not want.

If you think FedEx doesn't decide what goods it will or won't ship, go ask them to ship your car, or your pet. They refuse both for different reasons and nobody has ever tried to make a constitutional crisis out of either. There is no law prohibiting them from shipping either, they decided on their own that shipping them isn't worth their bother.

Comment Re: Filed under... (Score 1) 208

While your's is one of "Hey I'm much superior and better than those other guys who purchase expensive watches! Weak minds!"

No, my watch is a superior watch. Their watch is a superior bracelet. To each their own, just don't lie to yourself about what you're buying, that's dumb.

Comment Re:And I care about this why? (Score 2) 169

Even _interesting_ sports are not highly regarded among geeks, I'm not sure how this article was even considered "stuff that matters."

Maybe gladiators would be worth posting about, but boxing is as Neanderthal as it gets.

Apparently you're not the only one who thinks so. I once bought a pair of boxing gloves to spar with friends. The cardboard box had this big bold warning on the side: "WARNING: Boxing is a contact sport"

I wish I were joking.

Comment Re:So they have tactics? So what? (Score 1) 169

They have a strategy? They're actually thinking? It's not just two guys beating the shit out of each other? So?

Not only does boxing have a great deal of strategy and thinking, but there's actually something on the line, unlike eSports.

I wonder how well eAthletes would fare if there was a component of physical confrontation in eSports? One thing for sure, you would hear a lot less of the "I'm gonna rape you so hard" trash-talking of eSports.

Comment Re:A serious question (Score 1) 300

Pale Moon arguably isn't Firefox anymore.

If I can use the same profile if I just swap one or two extensions, then it's close enough for government work.

Honestly speaking, if the only thing you valued from Firefox was the old UI,

It isn't. It's that it's the best browser available. It might not always be fastest, but I actually find that sites work better in it... even Google sites like Youtube. I don't know how google is failing so badly at the web, but they are. Example, Youtube in chrome. Pause a video and go away for a long time. Come back and start it up again. Instead of reconnecting to the stream and buffering and picking up like normal it chokes at the end of the buffer and actually reloads the page. In the process it fails to accurately remember where you were and restarts about the place you paused last time. WTF? What was the point of having their own browser again? Certainly it wasn't to have a platform on which their own site would work correctly, because it doesn't. So just for the purposes of tracking people? Right-o!

I do run Chrome all day every day, I use it for gmail, which is still slightly better in Chrome than in Firefox. I can spare the memory. But seriously, Chrome's only real justification for existing (sandboxing) has been shown to not actually provide meaningful security, so who gives a shit?

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