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Comment Re:Wait - what? (Score 1) 282

Experts Are Still Divided on Whether North Korea Is Behind Sony Attack ( 12.23.14)
"Rather, he thinks someone in a political position inside the FBI, not actual investigators, got hold of a report ..."
"These FBI insiders read this and “wanted it to be North Korea so much that they just threw away caution,” he suggests. "
BREAKING: We Can Conclusively Confirm North Korea Was Not Behind #Sony Hack (DECEMBER 22, 2014 )

Comment Re:No, I refuse to believe this nonsense (Score 1) 115

You are completely right. It is complete nonsense. I doubt a 'scientist' is behind it, more likely an idiotic reporter. Like the idiots who proclaim every few decades that red heads will die out because the gene is recessive.
The same logic could be applied to cows or any cattle ... poor beasts no longer hunted by predators, no longer towing wagons ... their bones must be in an utter mess!

Comment Re:Offense: (Score 5, Insightful) 360

No. Offense can surely be given. But trying to magically legislate it away is a horrific, cowardly, hubris-ridden mistake. Offense arises because of difference in opinion and grasp of fact, intentional or not.

Because of this, it can and will always arise, no matter how narrow you choke down the channel of discourse, unless or until all have the same opinions and grasp of facts, which, one hopes, will never, ever come about.

The most productive course is to try not to give offense, and if received, to assess it and take value (warning, insight, stance, new information) from it if possible — otherwise, let it go.

Restricting opinion by legal means is one of the worst ideas ever. Offense is not a legitimate mitigating factor for censorship and repression. When enacted into law as justification for anything, what it tells us is that we need new legislators, because the ones we have demonstrated fundamental incompetence.

Comment Re:To What End? (Score 1) 282

I'm skeptical it was North Korea too. But they do in fact have a huge motive. You know how Thailand's government gets their panties in a bunch every time a foreigner somehow mocks their king?

What the hell does Thailand have to do with North Korea?

Prejudiced much?

North Korea does not have any great need to repress bad publicity. The royal house of Thailand is very different, and in a very different country with a very different culture.

Comment Re:Wait - what? (Score 1) 282

It is begging the question, isn't it?

I am fairly confident that there are people in the three letter agencies and the government that aren't so much interested in finding the truth as in blaming the Most Hated Enemy du jour.

Comment Re:Someone needs some perspective ... (Score 0) 360

What an intelligent way to interpret a post saying that offense is subjective!

So you feel that the victims got insulted/offended?

So: what is your problem? Hu? You feel neither?

Wow! For starters: the laws are not about 'feeling offended'. They are about 'objective' misspeech. Hint: most constitutions have the habit to give articles in the beginning precedense over those comming later. So if there is the question if a certain topic is either allowed under article 4 or not allowed under article 1 then article 1 usually wins.

The free speech 'amendment' in the US constitution is a _fucking_ amendment ... that litterally means: addition. In other words it was not even there in the first place, and there are plenty of 'other rules' in the USA's constitution that have a 'higher value'.

Comming now to your retarded name: all what we discuss here has nothing to do with censorship at all. Perhaps you should start reading what a 'censor' is and how 'censoring' works ... because you are insulting everyone who either sufferd during the period of WWII or during the eastern communist periods under real censorship!

My diagnostic might be errornous ... perhaps you are not an autist. Nevertheless you have serious mental problems if you prefer to take site for the culprit here (who was not even arested but seeked protection by the police, *facepalm* )

Comment Re:Tree of liberty (Score 1) 360

If you did not read bejond the line you quoted you did mot get my point.

The rest of your post is wrong. There was no arrest and there was no violation of free speech (because the tweat was not directed against the rulers/politicians/government but citizens ... go damn read your constitution!)

And for some reason you seem to feel offended, so read the rest of my post, you answered to.

Comment Re:Occam's Razor (Score 4, Insightful) 282

I do not think you know what Occam's razor is. It does not mean you need conclusive evidence to believe in something. It means the simplest explanation tends to be the best one, other things being equal.

Actually, that's not what it says. It says that plurality is not to be posited without necessity, i.e. don't add complexity to reach a conclusion if it can be reached without adding it.

The simplest solution here isn't that it's North Korea acting based on an unreleased movie they probably hadn't even heard of before this whole debacle, displaying hacking skills not seen before, and then denying it.

Much simpler solutions could be disgruntled former employees or someone doing it for the lulz. It's not like Sony hasn't been a magnet for the latter, with all the previous hacks.

In any case, unless the three letter agencies are withholding crucial information, there's not enough to go on here to point the fingers at Kim Jong-Un. I'm sure there are people who would blame him no matter what, because frankly he's an asshole of Goatse dimensions, but the evidence needs to be far more solid than this.

Comment Re:do what you want. (Score 1) 232

In Olympic archery the distance to the target is 70m, roughly 70yards, not 33feet (which is 10m/10yards) ... you should have figured yourself that that number could in no way have been correct.
So your 90 feet is less then half the olympic distance.

However I agree that shooting with those modern bows is just a joke.

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