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Comment Re:Secure is now illegal (Score 1) 199

In some places even a cartoon of an imaginary person counts as child porn and people have been jailed for such images.
Personally I think that's going too far and we should be worrying about crimes committed against children instead of being thought police. Go after child molesters first - there's been more effort going after Kim Dotcom by playing the child porn hosting card than going after a convicted child rapist like Polanski.

Comment Re:Slight factual error (Score 1) 270

You seem to think I "wasted" my time

Since I'd already addressed it before your post - most definitely.
All that time wasted on a throwaway aside that had already been pointed out as such AND SETTING ME UP AS A STRAWMAN instead of a productive discussion. A complete and utter waste of time that just makes you look like a vindictive child instead of whatever you really are. Let's just put that behind us and take what you've written about trains as read.

It should be noted that our electric light rail are almost all modern

Sorry to point this out again - but mass transit is an example of an industry that the USA just is not interested in dealing with apart from buying stuff from elsewhere (eg. importing German trams/light rail for that modern stuff) and my point was that many others are heading that way unless there is a focus on quality and/or technological progress instead of mere hope and greed. That's the only reason why I mentioned trains as an example. Can we get back to that point or do you want to continue going off on a tangent and pretending that I'm leading you there?

Comment Re:Right, but does it correctly model... (Score 2) 247

1) Head to a large multi-story building (like a big school)
2) Destroy all staircases leading up from the ground level
3) Grow food on the roof, use rope ladders to send out raiding parties for other supplies as needed

Seriously, I am so sick of the protagonists in zombie movies & shows always hiding behind stuff that can simply be pushed over by a mindless horde (chain link fences, doors, etc). Gain some elevation that requires equipment to ascend. Or even use something like a simple commando-style rope bridge that requires intelligent motor co-ordination to traverse.

Humans are infinitely more mobile & dextrous than zombies (esp. with the use of tools), there's no reason they shouldn't be able to exploit that to create a haven which is completely inaccessible to zombies by its very nature.

Of course this presupposes the typical George Romero/28 Days Later/Walking Dead type of zombie, as opposed to the World War Z ones which conquer every obstacle with self-organizing meat mountains.

Comment Re:Live (Score 2) 233

it is meant to demonstrate that even with an alternate future from the original movies [...] they couldn't escape their shared fate, or their shared destiny

You REALLY think these movies are interested in exploring pre-destination, determinism, destiny, fate, etc? (If you are interested in such topics, go watch Predestination, it's based on a Heinlein short and is great)

Bullshit. They rebooted it with a fairly conventional time-travel plot device, then brought Kahn back to sell tickets. That's it. No deeper meaning.

I mean, are you not aware of JJ Abrams previous projects? The illusion of deeper meaning is kind've his thing. (See: Lost)

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