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Comment Skill transfer (Score 1) 113

I imagine that skills transfer from one stock car oval track promotion to another more readily than, say, Counter-Strike skills would transfer to Call of Duty, or even Tetris skills to Dr. Mario. It'd be like competitors having to switch to badminton or pickleball when The Tennis Company starts winning lawsuits.

Comment Re:You americans... (Score 1) 312

Yea, but that's like saying I'm a Mariners fan because I grew up near Seattle.

Not at all. We have the Second Amendment precisely because we had the experience of violently rebelling against tyranny, and recognized the benefits of ensuring that it would be able to happen again, if/when the time came. That is an experience the British and Canadians never had, and that makes us different.

It's fine to be patriotic and all, but do you actually have something against being British or Canadian in modern times, or are your thought processes unchanged from a few centuries ago?

Thought process only need to be changed when they've been proven incorrect. The thought processes that produced the Second Amendment remain correct.

Comment Re:The GPL (Score 1) 469

I want to look at dbus more deeply, but right now my opinion is that it's a fine communication layer (for message passing), but applications should not depend on it directly.

An alternative example is the OSX way, where applications call functions that use message passing under the covers (instead of sending a message directly). That way, it is possible to swap in a different message transportation layer without pain.

In the future, someone might come up with a better method of message passing than dbus, and when that happens we want to be able to swap it out without modifying thousands of other applications.

Comment Re:Around the block (Score 1) 429

You've never sat in a meeting when the powers-that-be announce the great new idea they've been brainstorming on and asked them if they ever googled for it as part of their research, they would have seen why it's not new and it's failed to develop a customer base multiple times because it is a really, really dumb idea.

Or a meeting where people insisted a certain software package couldn't do the job fast enough because "they were told this in school" and not because they actually tested it in the real world - and still don't believe it when you prove it with data sets far larger than they will ever use - "you're using some sort of trick!"

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