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Comment "the industry has to be careful not to break..." (Score 1) 41

Why? What, exactly, is so precious about the business model of the "web?" The whole thing is about 30 years old, and less than that for most people. Is there some reason that we can now tolerate no change here?

There was a world before the "web." It was pretty good too. There were catalogs and magazines and newspapers. I promise you can exist happily if the business model of the web is altered and all the things manifest in some new manner.

I'm not sure that's true for Google and Facebook, et al. What I am sure of is I give absolutely no fucks about how they feel about that. And you shouldn't either.

Comment Re:who cares about debt? (Score 1) 257

The rest of the world won't, because their own currencies are currently inflating more than the USD.

The U.S. is squarely in the middle of the list of world inflation (you can sort by tapping on column headers).

But the bigger problem is inflation ahead, which is illuminated quite well by the debt to GDP ratio map, where only a handful of countries are worse off... the interest payments for the U.S. debt are nearing exponential increase.

Got Gold?

Comment Re:You're using crypto wrong (Score 1) 16

This has the added benefit of using something a bit more stable than the US dollar, which doesn't have a fixed supply because they keep printing more of it.

They also destroy it, but they should be printing more of it (and not destroying the same amount) when GDP expands.

Comment Re:Tracking (Score 2) 37

Tracking is the root problem. Remove tracking and you remove the imbalance and drive behind collecting all that meta data in the first place.

Tracking is only the way the data is gathered.

Make it illegal to sell the data and then you make it possible for the authorities to do something about it, which reduces much of the drive behind etc etc.

Comment Re:Just use Debian (Score 1) 114

I used the root on ZFS instructions for Debian and they worked pretty well for Devuan. You have to change some commands and package names a little bit for sysvinit instead of systemd, but everything you need is in the repos.

I did my install with Devuan 4, but I upgraded and am now running Devuan 5 with kernel 6.6.13, and pipewire/wireplumber. The only vestige of PoetteringOS on my system is pulseaudio, which is not running. It's there for the client libraries, and for the package dependency for volume controls for X desktops.

Comment Re:I hate modern Linux distros (Score 1) 114

It's not a big deal to just have more libraries installed in most cases. It would be nice if it were a little easier, though. You can have as many versions of whatever library around as you want, that's not a problem, but then there's those libraries' associated resource files in /usr/share or whatever.

Comment Re:Aggressive drivers (Score 1) 282

it is a fact that people largely think that crosswalks grant universal, absolute right-of-way. They do not, right-of-way does not include a privilege of violating the right of way of other vehicles/pedestrians. If it did, right of way would mean nothing.
A cross walk does not grant you the right to step out into the street when a vehicle is coming.

This is dependent on state law. In California, it does unless the crosswalk is at a controlled intersection, where only the lights and signs can grant the right of way. We now have no jaywalking laws, and when you are not in a defined crosswalk, you do not have the right of way as a pedestrian. When you are then you do.

Comment Re:Aggressive drivers (Score 1) 282

A cross walk does not convey a right to violate a vehicle's right of way.

Pedestrians in crosswalks have the right of way in California.

We also recently got a law saying that you can't park within I forget how many feet (20?) of a crosswalk or corner unless there are curb extensions. So now they are putting curb extensions in towns all over so they don't lose parking. I actually heard some people complain about how this was going to cause damage to vehicles driving over the curb extensions, it was fairly hilarious. Like uh, open your eyes and look you schmucks.

Comment Re:Fuck Apple (Score 1) 39

Apple's part of our GDP is 263 billion annually. Like them or not, that's good for America.

It's good mostly for the owning class, though, since trickle down doesn't. Remember, the money is spent five times or so if it's handed to the poor, or only a couple of times if it's handed to the wealthy, before it sits around like a turd and stops employing anyone because it's no longer being spent.

Comment Re:corporate greed (Score 1) 39

Apple got to where it is now with the iPhone. Full stop. It was not a fluke, nor did it come out of the blue since the iPhone could not have happened without the Newton before it, because that was the motivation for Apple's investment in ARM.

As such, Apple should be continually casting a wide net to find the next thing. That means knowing that you will throw a certain amount of R&D money into the void and hoping that it will work out for you one day because you own the IP. This is, once again, a necessary and large portion of how the iPhone came to be such a wild success for Apple. The Newton was never a financial success for Apple even though they tried several iterations, and finally gave up on the platform entirely. But once the maturity of the mobile hardware had advanced sufficiently that the same OS that ran on the desktops could run on affordable handhelds, that experience and the foundation laid with the hardware could pay off. If Apple doesn't continue to make those attempts, then they are setting themselves up for eventual failure.

They obviously know this, and they have in fact pursued a reasonably diverse set of potential opportunities including automotive applications and AR, but as they are swollen with cash it is also reasonable to argue that they ought to be doing more. If they want the best chance at the next big thing, they've got to keep trying more new things. It also, by the way, employs more people...

Comment Re:Bug or Pull Request? (Score 2) 39

It seems like the sensible fix is to make it possible to pull that data from one Mastodon server to the next, whether this creates a standard or not is irrelevant to the particular problem. With my complete ignorance of the codebase this seems relatively trivial as tasks go given that they already have syndication features in the platform, but as there are many things I don't know about it perhaps there's some reason why this is difficult.

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