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Comment Re:Who cares. (Score 1) 106

I think the main complain is that it does, or tries to do, too much -- certainly more than it *needs* to do (eg: DNS) -- and some not in the way it ideally should (eg: PID 1). Basically it suffers from mission creep and bloat.

It's also somewhat harder to debug than the shell script based versions. If it's working fine, and in practice it does most of the time now, then that's OK. But it's a big old chunk of C code split over a number of communicating processes. If you trigger a bug, good luck.

Comment Re:Not AI (Score 1) 99

LOL. Only 25-30 years ago calling linear regression (and a bunch of other well-established statistical techniques) "AI" would have you laughed at.

LOL! What's amazing is how confident you are, despite obviously having no actual knowledge or experience.

You don't have a clue. Instead of posting laughably uninformed nonsense on Slashdot, try reading a book. Not only will we be spared your brain-damaged comments as you struggle to work out what those weird squiggles on the page mean, there's a very small chance that you'll actually learn something. If we're lucky, you'll at least realize how ignorant and stupid your comments are and stop posting out of embarrassment.

Comment Re:Not AI (Score 1) 99

To the surprise of absolutely no one, you don't know what you're talking about.

and it's not what AI was always about.

That's simply not true. The term "AI" was coined by mathematician and computer science pioneer John McCarthy for the famous Dartmouth conference in 1956 and is exactly what I described. As the earliest use of the term, what I described is necessarily "what AI was always about".

"Weak AI" is a term coined by philosopher John Searle in 1980. You'll notice that 1956 came before 1980.

When people say "AI" by itself, they typically mean

When the average moron says "AI" they typically mean science fiction nonsense. Fortunately, their opinion doesn't matter in the slightest. We're not going to redefine the term because of the ignorant opinions of a few noisy stupid people.

Comment This is just embarrassing (Score 1) 40

I knew a professional gambler. He made good money. It's not actually that hard to do if you just do a statistical analysis across all the races and keep track of the state of the horses and jockeys using public information. The hard part is it requires nerves of steel because you will be up 100,000 one day and down 200,000 the next day and up $120,000 a day after that. The point is it's all doable mathematically.

I haven't kept up with it does Madden football still predict the winner of the super bowl every year? Not that it matters since you usually have to gamble on more esoteric things because it's generally not that hard to predict who's going to win it. I always used to wonder how gambling with football was profitable until I found out you don't gamble on the actual outcome of the match you gamble on point spreads and whatnot which are much harder to predict

Comment No shit? (Score 5, Insightful) 76

I mean... isn't this massively astoundingly obvious? To anyone who's seen wind turbines ever?

They're basically a small pole with the interesting bit a very long way up in the air. You can put them on land and use the land. You can put them in the sea and let it be sea. Also the US has an abundance of land.

How on earth did anyone ever thing wind turbines might use up all the land in America?

Comment What I like best about Junior (Score 4, Interesting) 64

is that he was a Republican plant (his money comes from big GOP donors) that's so crazy that Democrat nut jobs (we've got plenty of ours) seem to be nopeing the **** out on him leaving him pulling more votes from Trump than the candidate he was actually trying to spoil.

It's telling how weak the modern GOP is that they haven't been able to get a spoiler off the ground. Even the Green Party doesn't have a real candidate this cycle, and from what I can tell what little talk there is around their candidate is just another GOP backed spoiler that the actual Green party voters are spotting a mile away.

Back when Karl Rove & Dick Chaney were in large and in charge of the GOP none of this would be happening. Those bastards could make a spoiler. But the modern GOP just seems to be nothing but gifters lining their own pockets. I wouldn't be surprised if the party split between the pure girfters and the corporate backed guys. Normally the Billionaires would step in and sort it out but the grifters aren't interested in their money, they wanna sell bibles and Trump Bucks (look it up).

Comment Didn't the price just tank? (Score 0, Troll) 17

it looks like it recovered, but it dropped something like 15-20%. I also remember reading that one of the big exchanges had a flash crash down to $10 or $15k thanks to some market manipulation by *one* whale.

I know it's all just money laundering at this point, and from what I understand it's easy to buy in but not so easy to cash out, but still how is anyone treating this as anything more than a mildly disturbing threat to the stability of our finance system at this point?

Comment Re: Seriously? (Score 1) 27

They really don't seem to know what to do with Ahsoka as an adult. I guess they don't want her to do anything too interesting as it would screw up continuity, but she made basically no difference to anything in her TV show. She might as well not have been there.

Maybe part of the problem is that Mark Hamill is getting on now, and it's expensive to employ and digitally de-age him for too many scenes. There is an obvious conflict there - Luke trying to rebuild the Jedi Order, Ahsoka having seen how flawed it was and wanting nothing to do with it even before Order 66.

She just doesn't seem to have a purpose or an important role to play in anything now.

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