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Submission + - 15-YEAR-OLD Windows bug .. (

An anonymous reader writes: The vulnerability could allow remote code execution .. An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could take complete control of an affected system .. Although Windows Server 2003 is an affected product, Microsoft is not issuing an update for it because the comprehensive architectural changes required would jeopardize system stability and cause application compatibility problems ...

Submission + - LinkedIn restricts API usage (

mpicpp writes: LinkedIn is restricting access to most of its application programming interfaces (APIs) to companies that have struck up partnerships with the social networking company.

“Over the past several years, we’ve seen some exciting applications from our developer community. While many delivered value back to our members and LinkedIn, not all have,” wrote Adam Trachtenberg, director of the LinkedIn developer network, explaining in a blog post the change in the company’s API policy.

Starting May 12, LinkedIn will only offer a handful of its APIs for general use, namely those that allow users and companies to post information about themselves on the service. After then, only companies that have enrolled in LinkedIn’s partner program will have API access. Samsung, WeChat, and Evernote have already struck such partnerships.

Currently, the social networking service offers a wide range of APIs, which allow third-party programs to draw content from, and place content into, LinkedIn.

APIs have been seen as an additional channel for businesses to interact with their users and partners. A few companies, however, have recently scaled back access to APIs, which provide the programmatic ability to access a company’s services and data.

Netflix shut its public API channel in November, preferring to channel its user information through a small number of partners. ESPN also disabled public access to its APIs in December.

LinkedIn’s move is evidence of how the business use of APIs are evolving, said John Musser, founder and CEO at API Science, which offers an API performance testing service.

Comment Results vary all the time (Score 1) 83

What gets me angry is when a voice command that Google understood perfectly clear a week prior, in my car, with radio playing and fan running, it will refuse to understand under and circumstances this week. It's great when you're driving and all of the sudden a command that was working fine suddenly dumps you to a search and you have to play "try to click three times while driving at speed in Twin Cities rush hour traffic" for something that used to work.

I don't trust voice commands to work when I need them to, like when I can't be messing with the screen. That's my problem with them.

Submission + - No Big Bang? Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning

taiwanjohn writes: The universe may have existed forever, according to a new model that applies quantum correction terms to complement Einstein's theory of general relativity. The model may also account for dark matter and dark energy, resolving multiple problems at once.

Submission + - No big bang after all (

cyberspittle writes: "The universe may have existed forever, according to a new model that applies quantum correction terms to complement Einstein's theory of general relativity. The model may also account for dark matter and dark energy, resolving multiple problems at once."

Submission + - $10K Ethernet Cable Claims Audio Fidelity, If You're Stupid Enough To Buy It (

MojoKid writes: There are few markets that are quite as loaded-up with "snake oil" products as the audio/video arena. You may have immediately thought of "Monster" cables as one of the most infamous offenders. But believe it or not, there are some vendors that push the envelope so far that Monster's $100 HDMI cables sound like a bargain by comparison. Take AudioQuest's high-end Ethernet cable, for example. Called "Diamond," AudioQuest is promising the world with this $10,500 Ethernet cable. If you, for some reason, believe that an Ethernet cable is completely irrelevant for audio, guess again. According to their claim: "AudioQuest's Diamond RJ/E is a directional Ethernet cable made with the same hallmark materials, philosophy, care and attention that is applied to all their interconnects, whether it's an entry level introduction to Hi-Fi or a died-in-the-wool music connoisseur. Another upgrade with Diamond is a complete plug redesign, opting for an ultra-performance RJ45 connector made from silver with tabs that are virtually unbreakable. The plug comes with added strain relief and firmly lock into place ensuring no critical data is lost." It's too bad AudioQuest limits itself to just audio, because descriptions like that would prove a welcome sight in other markets. Just imagine how tempting it would be to own 100% solid paper clips made with uncompromising materials that take a no-nonsense approach to holding paper together. Unfortunately, in this case, there's the issue of digital data being, well, digital. But hey, a 1 or a 0 could arrive at its destination so much cleaner, right?

Submission + - Recursion - Love it or Hate It?

theodp writes: "Yet another example of how AP exams are loaded with poor coding practices," quipped Alfred Thompson, referring to a recursive code example that prints the numbers 0 to 6, which was posted to the (closed) AP Computer Science Facebook group. "We are often forced to use code examples that are not ideal coding practice," Thompson notes. "We do that to make things clear and to demonstrate specific concepts in a sort of isolation that we might not normally use. We seem to do that a lot with recursion because the examples that require recursion tend to be fairly complex." So, while asking students to use recursion instead of a loop to print '0123456' serves the purpose of teaching recursion, Thompson opines that it's also a poor example of code practice. "Someone raised on functional programming where recursion is a pretty standard way of doing looping might disagree of course," he adds. "There is a saying that when all you have is a hammer all your problems look like nails. This seems, in a way, to be the case with recursion and loops. If your first tool of choice (or what you have learned first) for iteration is loops you tend not to think of recursion as a solution. Similarly if you start with recursion (as is common with functional programming) you are a lot more likely to look at recursion as a tool for iteration." So, do you tend to embrace or eschew recursion in your programming?

Submission + - RMS Objects To GNU Emacs Having Support For LLVM's Debugger (

An anonymous reader writes: Richard Stallman is in a tizzy over the prospects of GNU Emac's Gud.el supporting LLVM's LLDB debugger. Stallman says it looks like there is a systematic effort to attack GNU packages and calls for the GNU to respond strategically. He wrote his concerns to the mailing list after a patch emerged that would optionally support LLDB alongside GDB as an alternative debugger for Emacs. Other Emacs developers discounted RMS' claims by saying Emacs supports Windows and OS X, so why not support a BSD-licensed compiler/debugger? The Emacs maintainer has called the statements irrelevant and won't affect their decision to merge the LLDB support.

Submission + - CrunchBang Linux Development Stopped (

jones_supa writes: The main developer of the small but popular CrunchBang Linux distribution — Philip Newborough — has decided to end developing the project. It has not been an easy decision to make and he has been putting it off for months. In a lengthy forum post he explains that times in the Linux scene have greatly changed and that CrunchBang simply does not hold value anymore. The discussion forum will remain online.

Comment That's been the thing all along (Score 1) 379

It means "hate speech" will be illegal (pretty sure it already is) and any site with hate speech will be blocked. The definition of "hate speech" will become "things we don't want people saying; think of the children". Oh, also, streaming sites. They're gone. Podcasts? You betcha'.

You'll notice that they've been using this wording for a LONG time. All of the proposals have featured "lawful content" and I'm sure that's not an accident.

Submission + - Hells Angels Are Old Pros at Encryption writes: Kate Knibbs reports at Gizmodo that the Silk Road trial is now focused on Dread Pirate Roberts' interactions with the Hells Angels, who he allegedly hired to kill a rogue drug vendor. Pretrial materials revealed that the Dread Pirate Roberts encouraged members of the Hells Angels to assassinate a drug dealer named FriendlyChemist, who owed the Hells Angels money. It's not clear whether FriendlyChemist was actually killed (or who killed him, if so) and it hasn't been confirmed that Ross Ulbricht ordered this hit as the vindictive (though polite) Dread Pirate. What we do know is that the self-identifying Hells Angels do not appreciate getting talked down to about encryption best practices. "We are familiar with PGP as we have been using it for years via email linked to our smartphones." reported Sara Jeong who has been reporting on the trial for Forbes. "Of course, in a case that rests on whether a digital identity can be definitively proven, it's not a guarantee that the "Hells Angels" that Dread Pirate Roberts spoke to were even recognized members of the storied crime organization," writes Knibbs. "This could've been a particularly intense catfish. "

Comment The problem is synthetic tests are useless (Score 1) 198

I don't agree. The problem with grades is that they actually don't mean anything. They indicate nothing about a student other than how they responded to questions, at an arbitrary date and time, against how an arbitrary instructor graded those responses. For everyone who understood the game, it didn't matter. For everyone who doesn't understand the game, it probably doesn't matter.

After education, there is a world of "pass/fail" tests where sometimes passing or failing doesn't matter and the rules are foggy. Some people become well adjusted, productive, members of society and their community and some don't with many shades in between. But those aren't things that can always be taught let alone graded. You can maybe grade yourself (if you have the maturity to do so objectively) and your boss and peers may grade you, as may your SO/spouse, but those scores are have real world value and are based on real world criteria. That criteria can't be prepped for and forgotten next week, but has to be part of who you are. If you're passing those tests, you're doing something right, if not, you need to adjust. No amount of schooling (I specifically didn't use "education" there) adequately prepares you for that. Experience and introspection does.

Comment Re:Excellent idea (Score 1) 779

What happened to merit? It was re-labeled "privilege". You don't think you actually earned your accompilshments, do you?

... but, I did. Through a lot of hard work and solo night sessions coding. I'm not saying the world owes me anything for that, but I think it raises my value against those that spent their time differently, all other things being equal. That is, if I have thousands of hours more doing one thing (and, humbly, I believe I have a bit of natural talent - but I really can't be sure of that) at the expense of something else, have I not earned something in one area and potentially lost experience in another?

Once again, I'm not saying the world owes me a job, just that I've done things that put me in a better position to get and stay at one.

Submission + - There is no "you" in a parallel Universe

StartsWithABang writes: Ever since quantum mechanics first came along, we’ve recognized how tenuous our perception of reality is, and how — in many ways — what we perceive is just a very small subset of what’s going on at the quantum level in our Universe. Then, along came cosmic inflation, teaching us that our observable Universe is just a tiny, tiny fraction of the matter-and-radiation filled space out there, with possibilities including Universes with different fundamental laws and constants, differing quantum outcomes existing in disconnected regions of space, and even the fantastic one of parallel Universes and alternate versions of you and me. But is that last one really admissible? The best modern evidence teaches us that even with all the Universes that inflation creates, it's still a finite number, and an insufficiently large number to contain all the possibilities that a 13.8 billion year old Universe with 10^90 particles admits.

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