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Comment Re:so? (Score 4, Informative) 1198

On what data are you basing your statement? I thought it was interesting, but wanted to verify. Google search: "statistics death row executions race"

First result:
Race of death row inmates executed since 1976 (US).

Comparing the percentage of executions by race to the population data shown lower on the page, I don't think your statement is correct. More whites are executed, but more blacks have pending executions.

Comment Re:Life will find a way (Score -1, Troll) 137

Yeah, you hear that everybody? If you're not privy to insect population control techniques (I mean, who doesn't discuss this topic regularly at dinner parties?), or you disapprove of Monsanto, you're a dolt. A DOLT! Mythosaz has you all on notice, and it's a good thing we have people like him or her to keep us all in check.

So, stop being *cough* dolts, and educate yourselves.

Comment Re:Massive Negativity (Score 1) 218

Let's just stop all technological advancement until we overthrow the US government.

Nice straw man, man! Who called for the overthrow of the US gov't or the cessation of technological advancement? My point was that you're labeling people who are rightly suspicious of the motives behind a government-mandated kill switch as paranoid. Their suspicion is vigilance and skepticism, but not (at least in the pejorative sense) paranoia. If you think there's not potential for tyrannical abuse of this technology, you're naive.

The difference between your apparent misunderstanding of my position, and what I'd really advocate is this: You think I want to stop all technological advancement that could potentially be abused by the government. Actually, I just want full control of any technology I own. I do not want my cellphone or laptop camera to be activated unless I activate it. I do not want the mic or GPS on my cellphone to be active unless I'm using it. This is not too much to ask for, and is actually what the expectation ought to be when buying and using and use any of these devices. Sadly, though, as we've learned through recent whistle-blown information, this is not the case.

Comment Re:Massive Negativity (Score 4, Insightful) 218

if humanity in general was as negative and paranoid towards every bit of technological change

There was a time when the idea that the government would capture and store every phone conversation and email of its citizens was paranoid. There was a time, not too long ago, that nobody would ever have believed that we'd have naked body scanners at the airport -- people like you would call anyone claiming this as a possibility "paranoid." Drone surveillance of the masses? Paranoid. Law enforcement roadblocks for obligatory cheek swabs? Paranoid. National database of private medical records available to unelected government entities? Paranoid

Fuck you and your labels -- you and your naivete. If a new technology can be used for control, obviously, it will be.

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