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Comment Re:Looks good (Score 2) 94

That's great, if you're only using KDE apps. What about apps that are neither KDE/Qt or Gnome? VLC is the first that comes to mind. xmms2 is another. Or, what if I want to use WinAmp through Wine? All of this just works in MATE/Gnome/Cinnamon with gvfs.

The media playing apps should be file system agnostic -- they shouldn't have to know about URLs or network protocols.

Comment Looks good (Score 4, Informative) 94

I've teetered between MATE and KDE for the last couple of years -- they're both great, but I like KDE's interface and look/feel a bit more. Also, Dolphin is, IMHO the best file manager for Linux.

But, the thing that still pisses me off about KDE is the handling of cifs mounting (a la smb://). In MATE (or Cinnamon or Gnome2), if I mount a share with smb:// in the file manager (Nautilus, or the newer ones), I get an actual cifs mount. Now, if I open a file on that mount with a photo viewer, or a media player (like VLC), the file manager throws a locally-mounted and accessible file path to the application.

Not so with KDE. Doing the same thing from Dolphin throws the URL of the file (smb://server/share/file.ext) to the application, and the application usually has no effing idea what to do with this. So, I end up either copying the file to my local hdd and opening it from there, or adding an entry to fstab to get a real mount (which is not practical if mounting a new share on someone else's server.) The gvfs way is better than the KIO way.

Comment Re:so? (Score 4, Informative) 1198

On what data are you basing your statement? I thought it was interesting, but wanted to verify. Google search: "statistics death row executions race"

First result:
Race of death row inmates executed since 1976 (US).

Comparing the percentage of executions by race to the population data shown lower on the page, I don't think your statement is correct. More whites are executed, but more blacks have pending executions.

Comment Re:Life will find a way (Score -1, Troll) 137

Yeah, you hear that everybody? If you're not privy to insect population control techniques (I mean, who doesn't discuss this topic regularly at dinner parties?), or you disapprove of Monsanto, you're a dolt. A DOLT! Mythosaz has you all on notice, and it's a good thing we have people like him or her to keep us all in check.

So, stop being *cough* dolts, and educate yourselves.

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