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Submission + - PlayStation 4 Will be Running Modified FreeBSD 1

jones_supa writes: This discovery comes nicely along the celebration of FreeBSD's 20th birthday, for all the UNIX nerds. It has been exposed that the operating system powering the PlayStation 4 is Orbis OS, which is a Sony spin of FreeBSD 9.0. It's not a huge surprise FreeBSD is being used over Linux, in part due to the more liberal licensing. The PlayStation 4 is x86-64 based now rather than Cell-based, which makes it easier to use FreeBSD. BSDs in general currently lack manufacturer supported full-feature AMD graphics driver, which leads to the conclusion that Sony and AMD have likely co-developed a discrete driver for the PS4. Some pictures of the development kit boot loader (GRUB) have been published too.

Submission + - Microsoft fails to acquire Nokia 1

MouseTheLuckyDog writes: Ars is reporting a failed attempt by Microsoft to acquire Nokia. Ars is also reported that talks are not likely to restartt. I see things a bit differently.

Given Nokia's position Elop's job is very much at risk. Should Elop be fired, the directors will be bringing in someone with a new plan. One which deemphasises the use of WP. This would be a disaster for MS already low market share in the phone arena.

Another aspect is that should Elop get fired, for the first time in history "Someone will have been fired for using Microsoft." A fact that could potentially reverberate very badly in other areas of MS.

For these two reasons, there is severe pressure on MS to acquire Nokia before Elop gets fired.

There is however another aspect to this deal. WIth Nokia's large portfolio, it is very likely that both Apple and Google will complain to antitrust authorities in the EU and the EU anitrust people have not been kind to MS.

Submission + - The McAfee Guide to Uninstalling McAfee Software (youtube.com)

Shivantrill writes: John McAfee has released a video guide to uninstalling the software that bears his name. In every comment section for every article about John McAfee at least one person asks "how do I uninstall this crappy software". John McAfee has heard your cries and has produced a very NSFW video guide. Whatever you may personally think of Mr. McAfee, we all can agree that he has a sense of humor and is not above making fun of himself. This isn't a home made video either, it is production quality

Submission + - Monsanto executive gets Nobel Prize for food and agriculture (muktworld.com) 4

sfcrazy writes: A top Monsanto executive has won the prestigious World Food Prize. Secretary of State John Kerry announced the award where Robert T. Fraley, the executive vice president and CTO of Monsanto, won the prize along with two other scientists from Belgium and the US. What's next Gaddafi to get the Nobel prize for world peace?

Submission + - Congress Becomes Aware of Patent Trolls

phantomfive writes: Congressman Charles Schumer has written a piece decrying the evils of patent trolls. "Because of the high cost of patent litigation—the average litigation defense costs a small or midsize company $1.75 million—it is often marginally cheaper for a defendant to pay up front to make the case go away. The average settlement for the same group of companies is $1.33 million....Patent trolls cost U.S. companies $29 billion in 2011 alone."
His solution? Make it easier for low quality patents to be re-examined and rejected by the patent office.

Submission + - TreeSheets (cross-platform free form data organizer) now Open Source

Aardappel writes: TreeSheets ( http://treesheets.com/ ) has been available as freeware for Windows / Linux / OS X since 2008, but is now also Open Source (ZLIB license): https://github.com/aardappel/treesheets .
TreeSheets is a cross between a spreadsheet (you can create grids) and an outliner (you can create grids inside grids) allowing you to create almost any structure to organize your data in.

Submission + - Toddlers possibly being posioned, and IT is being blamed! (foodwhistleblower.org) 1

An anonymous reader writes: I am Colin Chase, the man in this story. After coming clean, getting fired, and launching a Federal lawsuit, the company behind the popular Brothers-All-Natural brand launches lawsuit against me. And their lawsuit deals with my access to files, the very files I am using to prove their guilt.

Please post something about this. Toddlers may be at risk with a Disney product being sold at Walmart!


You can reach me at 585-802-4573 or colin.chase.cell@gmail.com. (Please do not share my contact info.)



Submission + - They are calling him a "TRAITOR" !! (independent.co.uk)

Taco Cowboy writes: If by now, you still haven't heard of "EDWARD SNOWDEN"", please read https://news.slashdot.org/story/13/06/10/1134226/usa-calling-for-the-extradition-of-snowden

As I am typing this message, a lot of critters on the Capitol Hill are calling Mr. Snowden a " TRAITOR "


They got so desperate that they even announced a poll result showing that the majority of the Americans preferred to have their Rights stripped away, in exchange for "protection from terrorism" (see http://yro.slashdot.org/story/13/06/11/0316209/majority-of-americans-say-nsa-phone-tracking-is-ok-to-fight-terrorism )

What I want to know is, what kind of government are we having on Washington, D.C. ??

More info @




As an American, I am totally sick of what is happening

Are you ??

Submission + - Slashdot poll

vikingpower writes: "Precision of the most precise measuring device you ever used:
- picometers
- femtofarads
- microvolts
- attobreadcrumbs
- metric tons
- evacowboyneals
- what is this precision thing you are talking of ?
- I am in marketing, you insensitive clod !"

Submission + - Groklaw on ten years of Linux legalities: (zdnet.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Ten years ago, SCO decided to sue IBM and started a series of legal attacks on Linux. Their cases were pathetically weak, but CIOs and CFOs didn't know that. Thanks to paralegal turned legal journalist, Pamela "PJ" Jones and her Website Groklaw, executives who wanted to know what was really what with SCO's multitude of lawsuits soon learned of the FUD behind SCO's claims. SCO and its silent backer Microsoft hope for profits and slowing down Linux's corporate success would come to nothing, and SCO ended up in bankruptcy.

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