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Comment Re:Indeed (Score -1, Flamebait) 385

You're talking to grown adults.

[citation needed]
On the occasions on which I have visited reddit, I have seen very little evidence of that.
When a reddit thread is posted to the outside world, it's usually so that we can all point and laugh.

There isn't anything wrong with our behaviour, nor are we the "MRA/Republican/Stromfront/Rascist/Misogyo-nerd" strawmen you and your authoritarian friends constantly paint us as.

Perhaps those are just the people who post the most.

It's getting tiresome to have the open, free, principled sites and communications networks we built being labeled as "septic tanks" by the likes of yourself;

If they didn't have so much shit in them, they wouldn't smell quite so much like septic tanks.

We are not burning down the bridges we have built to the future just because you have found a half dozen trolls making cruel jokes in the darkest corner of the web.

You didn't build anything. Reddit built something and you infested it, and now it's sinking into the usual commercial quagmire and you're fleeing like the rats you are. It was never anything to you other than a resource that someone else provided and from which you could benefit.

That's fine, actually, just don't kid yourself.

There are 2 billion people online, we built this network for them,

Who is this "we"? You don't even have a name.

and we will not turn around and hand it over to your feelings, your agendas, or your petty lust for power.

It's not yours to control. You're just the product. You are now being prepared for consumption.

You people are the creationists of the internet, and you are not taking us back to the stone age.

You people are the rednecks of the internet, and YEEHAW I GOTS MY FREE SPEECH BUT DON'T KNOW WHERE TO POINT IT.

Comment Re:Domain Registrars are all scammers (Score 0) 108

Don't ever take a chance with your domains, register them for 10 years at a time. GoDaddy, while having some useful services, will fuck you.

I thought we all knew that GoDaddy is a bunch of super shitbags by now. If you search a domain there and don't buy it, they often do... and squat it. They can't DIAF soon enough.

Comment Re:Hm (Score 1) 385

It just needs voting/some moderation on top of it.

So what we need is a newsreader which implements a web of trust. People sign their messages. You assign scores to people, when you do the system automagically downloads their pubkey, and their scoring file which contains pubkeys for the people they've scored. Their scores get weighted by your score for them and incorporated into your scoring system... And you could have multiple webs so you could have different experiences. Seems relatively straightforward, so the community should cook up a bodgy implementation in a decade or so

Comment Re:Pao Wants "Safe Spaces" for Shills and Ideologu (Score 1) 385

What these companies seem to fail to understand is that by having "the community" do their work for them without pay, they lose any kind of hold on the site and the community.

What they fail to understand and when they fail to understand it is that the community doesn't give a shit about them and right away. The community just wants a host to infest.

Comment Re:What could possibly go wrong? (Score 1) 135

And it should be pointed out that the whole point of locations is that they be basically what the death camps are today- aka, public places, museums, etc. It's entirely possible that they were not added to troll, but simply on the idea of "hey, people are around here to learn, lets put a portal here because it is interesting for the players who come here".

That could be, or they could have actually known there was a concentration of Jews in the opposing faction in their area. We can't tell from here. Given that this is the internet we're talking about, I'd give about even odds.

Comment Like a Confederate Flag (Score 2, Insightful) 385

I miss fatpeoplehate, because any time someone said something good about it, I knew they were a piece of shit. I don't know enough about Reddit to know which boards to have that opinion of, so I just have that opinion of all of 'em now... because Reddit is home to big collections of jackholes, and they're proud.

Comment Re:You do'n't have to suffer with the touchpad (Score 1) 80

What I stated was factual; it is a fact that a user does not need to remove their entire hand from typing to use the trackpoint. That is part of the reason why it was designed that way. You can hate the trackpoint as much as you want for whatever reasons you chose, but when you lie about it you just look ridiculous. Why would you move your entire hand to use something that is designed to be manipulated with one finger? You couldn't use your entire hand on it even if you wanted to.

Comment The exact opposite of what Niantic should do (Score 3, Insightful) 135

The entire point of portals is that they are located at physical locations that have historical or cultural significance.
The list of the top ten most historically and culturally significant sites in the whole world would include the concentration camps.
This is political correctness at its worst, where in seeking sensitivity it in fact hides atrocity.

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