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Comment Re:Barking at the wrong tree (Score 3, Interesting) 114

The point of much of social media is not to share links but to replicate content and isolate it from it's original context. You're sharing content not necessarily hyperlinks.

Just look at Facebook this week. Yesterday a video was released by DC Shoes about a daredevil who rode a wave on his motorbike. and hyperlink

You won't get that link anywhere else. I had to google it. That's the original content. Yet my local news had a link to the video on youtube, naturally embedded in the news page. Facebook today has the video itself shared multiple times on their platform without any link to the outside world what so ever each share also removing context of the previous share. The video on my friend's page has 3 comments on it, the video on Motorcross Australia's page has 400 comments on it. Each of these are now detached despite being the same content from a single originator who is never linked to.

Comment Re:Barking at the wrong tree (Score 1) 114

The process had absolutely nothing to do with breathlessly tweeting out every gasp in the real estate market and everything to do with being specific.

You were buying a home. Many people don't. Many people buy investment properties and will absorb those tweets like the weekly junk mail advertising the latest low price gadgets at the local electronics store.

Comment Re:By my calculations (Score 1) 528

Just because so many people are retarded and the people making dictionaries want to appease them or themselves, doesn't mean the result is correct.
Do you say jigaton?
You may be an American. Almost everybody else in the world speaking English will pronounce it properly.

I'll see your Merriam-Webster and raise you the Oxford dictionary, the Cambridge dictionary and

The Internet

EFF Coalition Announces New 'Do Not Track' Standard For Web Browsing 75

An anonymous reader writes: The Electronic Frontier Foundation, privacy company Disconnect, and several other organizations are publishing a new DNT standard. Partners in the coalition include: publishing site Medium, analytics service Mixpanel, AdBlock, and private search engine DuckDuckGo. Thought it's still a voluntary policy, the EFF hopes the new proposed standard will provide users better privacy online. "We are greatly pleased that so many important Web services are committed to this powerful new implementation of Do Not Track, giving their users a clear opt-out from stealthy online tracking and the exploitation of their reading history," said EFF Chief Computer Scientist Peter Eckersley. "These companies understand that clear and fair practices around analytics and advertising are essential not only for privacy but for the future of online commerce."

Comment Re:By my calculations (Score 0) 528

Screw Back to the Future, man.

Due to that movie my pronunciation of gigawatts is permanently incorrect (even though 'gigabytes' is not a problem at all). It is a matter of time before I fuck up some important conversation by sounding infinitely stupid:
- "The power output of the proposed plant is 2 jigawatts."
= "Did you just say.. 2.. Jigawatts?"
- "Yeah, amazing isn't it??"
= "We're leaving."

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