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Comment Re:Cool (Score 0) 363

...and that's ultimately the way it needs to stay.

The gestation of a fetus is a non-delegable act that can easily be fucked up. It requires considerable commitment. It requires far more commitment than random busybodies are willing to offer.

Pragmatically, it can only be up to the mother and at that point we should all be willing to assist her in ensuring success.

If anything, the religious fringe wants to do nothing but punish the offending mother and child in a blatantly un-Christ-like fashion.

If he were here, he would slap the whole lot of you for gross callous disregard of the children you would force into the world.

Comment Re:Need something more exciting...like...GOLF... (Score 1) 111

I regret to inform there was only 1 issue ... the readers kept applying the advice (*shock*) and thus was no demand for future issues.

How to live a meaningful life

Vol. 1, Issue 1.

Far too many people waste away their life complaining about X. They are unaware there are only 2 types of people:

1. Achievers: The ones making an effort to live their dreams one step at a time , and
2. Dreams: Everyone else, who complains that they never have enough time, money, or excuse ___ of the month. They spend the majority of the time wasting away their life watching other famous people.

The secret to living a meaningful life starts with a Healthy Body and Healthy Mind.

1. Quit filling your mind up with junk
Limit mindless entertainment to a few hours a week. Be it TV, movies, games, News, etc. Seriously, knowing which Hollywood actor divorced who, or who slept with who, does fuck all for your life.

2. Watching documentaries or TED is a great way to keep the mind up-to-date with meaningful content.

3. With all the free extra time you because you cut out all the crap in your life
- pursue hobbies
- spend more time outside
- spend more actual face time with loved ones, family, parents, friends
- read more
- exercise more
- bicycle more
- walk more

4. Holy Trinity of Exercise
The 3 disciplines of: Yoga, Martial Arts, Weight Lifting complement each other very well. If you can't do all 3, pick one.

5. Diet
As we get older we get fatter and slower. Cut out all High Fructose Corn Syrup. Read all ingredients to see if it is the first one. If mouthwash has alcohol skip it. Favor natural and organic products to "plastic" food. Try Raw. Limit fatty foods.

6. Practice Spirituality
Whatever path you take, Theism, or Atheism, is largely irrelevant because they are both incomplete. All that matters is that you always keep seeking -- learning and applying your philosophy in all areas of your life.

7. Secret to Happiness
Remove False Expectations

8. Keep pondering the big stuff, and enjoy the little moments.

9. Smile, Laugh, and Love more. It is the world's best medicine and miracle.

10. Remove negative influences, and focus on the positive.
Replace your vocabulary of "problem" with "opportunity"

11. Enjoy *your* life, not other's fake life.

Comment Re: Cool (Score 1) 363

Even if they were you would still need to establish legal language just like you would for the real law.

IOW, abortion is not legally murder. This is just something that a small religious fringe conflates together. Furthermore, that religious fringe didn't even hold such a belief until the Regan era.

Before that time, Catholics were pretty much alone in defining abortion as murder.

The 10 commandments aren't enough. You need the Talmud to go along with it. It's very much like the US Code in that respect.

Comment Re: Cool (Score 2, Informative) 363

> As I've heard absolutely ZERO people saying that the full length video says something totally different who has provided specific examples

Like I said. You're a partisan that won't let facts get in the way of your crusade.

FactCheck.org has a nice article on this where they reference a number of legitimate same collection companies and researchers.

The unedited remarks include phrases like "breaking even" and "not impacting care of patients".

Comment Re:Cool (Score 2, Insightful) 363

Clearly you are a moron with no experience with medical procedures, insurance, or medical billing.

You can't blow your nose in a medical facility without spending $30 - $100.

Either that or you're just s shameless partisan who doesn't actually care about facts and won't let them get in the way of a good crusade.

Comment Re:Correlation != Cause (Score 1) 144

I don't think it's the magic of creating a chatbot which made these kids understand Macbeth. I think it's the fact that they spent time studying and interacting with it on a level other than simply reading through the play.

Exactly. Doing something active with the material helps it to stick. Translating it into a foreign language (or rewriting it in modern English), performing it, or making a cartoon strip of it would have had a similar effect. Even reading it out loud would be better than nothing.

Comment Re:Cool (Score 1) 363

"how about we make secret videos of your personal activities"

why don't you bother to read what I was responding to

What you were responding to was irrelevant when you made the spurious claim about your "personal activities". Because they're not legally the same thing.

These were videos filmed by employees and disclosed in the public interest, not "personal activities", and not covered under the same legal protections.

This is about the legally protected rights of employees to document true things and disclose them if they are in the public interest.

There is no "personal activities" here. There is no equating this with personal activities. This is commercial activities in the public interest.

Your belief this is a "personal activity" is wrong. Which means your claim of this being about your personal activity is irrelevant to the facts of this.

Comment Re:Cool (Score 5, Insightful) 363

To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. - Thomas Jefferson

What, like war? Or tax cuts for the rich? Or the right to say god hates fags via charitable status and donations? Or the enforcement of copyright laws bought and paid for by industry? How about treaties which are also for the benefit of corporations instead of taxpayers?

Or is it only the stuff you object to you think is tyrannical you wish would stop?

Comment Re:Cool (Score 4, Insightful) 363

They didn't film people having sex, they filmed people abusing animals and creating unhealthy environments in which to be growing food for human consumption.

Arguably there is a much more clearly defined public interest as opposed to if you like to wear your wife's underwear as part of your thing in your "personal activities".

This is about blocking employees from filming stuff which happens in their place of work ... it's not so much about "personal activities" as it is about suppressing constitutionally protected speech.

The judge concluded that the law restricted constitutionally protected free speech, and contradicted "long-established defamation and whistleblowing statutes by punishing employees for publishing true and accurate recordings on matters of public concern."

This is not the same as someone releasing your damned sex tape.

Comment Re:Good news, and all... (Score 4, Insightful) 363

Your rights online.

Many of us give a damn when governments pass terrible laws which don't pass Constitutional muster, because increasingly governments don't care if the laws they pass are actually legal. They just feel they can pass any old law and that should stand.

Feel free to exclude YRO from your preferences, or stick to reading the video games section.

The rest of us care if our governments act like fascists who think they can pass any law they want to.

This is stuff which matters.

They didn't outlaw the animal cruelty, they outlawed telling people about it.

You should always care when a government passes a law which arbitrarily places limits on free speech. Or the next thing you know they'll make it illegal to criticize idiot governments who pass laws which place arbitrary limits on free speech.

Submission + - Patch management for offline customer systems?

Nillerz writes: Hello, /.!

What, in your experience, is generally the best way to distribute patches in a way so customers can download them, considering that the machines are offline? Are there any software packages (open source preferred) that pretty much allow engineers to upload a patch with a description to a web server, and allow customers with credentials that are registered in LDAP to browse and download them quickly?


Comment Re:Correlation != Cause (Score 3, Insightful) 144

You know, a good quality education, and engaged parents can probably go a long way to fostering both ability and aptitude.

From what I can see, kids are like sponges. All things being equal, give them opportunities and teach them, and they'll just get better.

But pretending like CS is some mag bullet which makes all kids smarter and excel at all things is just plain fantasy.

The one and only time in school I was sufficiently afraid of failing an exam than I intended to cheat, I spent a bunch of hours reviewing it, summarizing it, making tiny little notes I could use for cheating ... and found myself in the class realizing that, quite shockingly, I understood the material.

I don't think it's the magic of creating a chatbot which made these kids understand Macbeth. I think it's the fact that they spent time studying and interacting with it on a level other than simply reading through the play.

I'm all for giving kids access to computers and encouraging them. But I think it's a complete crock to claim that the act of learning to code improved their understanding of Macbeth. The act of studying Macbeth in a personal way improved their understanding of Macbeth.

Comment Bullshit ... (Score 1) 144

Kids were grasping Macbeth before there were computers to program.

Sure, if you build your own study aid you learn the material. That doesn't mean programming makes you better, smarter, or more fucking capable of grasping Macbeth.

It means that with high quality teaching, in small classes with dedicates teachers who know their stuff, and for students who have the benefits of wealthy parents and a decent breakfast ... and all of the other benefits kids who go to an expensive private school have ... that education actually works.

This is complete and utter crap. It's not evidence programming teaches Macbeth, it's evidence that wealthy kids in really good schools do better because it's a higher quality of education.

It ignores home life, single parent families, neighborhoods where you have to worry about getting shot, and pretty much everything kids with fewer advantages in life have to deal with.

I am so damned sick of listening to a bunch of rich white guys telling us how education will be improved if kids learn to code.

Put your money where your mouth is, and fund some really damned high quality education for a bunch of poor kids, and while you're at it give them some of the other benefits kids who aren't poor have.

And while you're at it, make the spoiled little rich kids live in poverty as a control. Then you can talk about causation.

Until then, this boils down to "kids whose parents can send them to expensive private schools have many benefits in life which aren't enjoyed by poor kids".

You can't take one of those advantages in isolation and claim it's fucking magic.

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