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Comment Re:Backup system (Score 1) 187

So I calculate the opportunity cost of investing in backup supplies, vs, you know, opportunities to use those funds and storage space in other ways.

Of course, the planning intervals, usage patterns, etc. lead me to stock more of paper products, less of cleaning supplies, and take advantage of sales and discounts when I perceive maximum benefit.

For Amazon, if I am impelled to subscribe to Prime and avoid shipping for all these purchases, then Amazon has to calculate the profit. Mind you, Prime probably renews automatically, so I am probably going to be hooked for two years even if I loath Prime - I'll stand a 40% chance of missing the first renewal and cancelling on time. Wired could learn from this, but they seem to be intent on killing paper subscriptions, so maybe they are deliberate in annoying their oldest and most loyal subscribers. Amazon is not. Yet.

And I'm still not convinced this isn't a joke, so I'm speculating here. I will pass until I see this differently. Costco is too close for Amazon to compete for my business.

Comment Re: Suck it Millenials (Score 2, Insightful) 407

Why do you think I'm pissed?

I've paid the taxes that paid for Social Security for the Greatest Generation.

My taxes went towards the failures of the War on Poverty, to cleaning up our environment, to three economic bubbles and the collapses, towards wars, and the education of the most ungrateful generations ever.

I may or may not receive Social Security and Medicare, but I don't expect to retire anyways.

I didn't grow up on computers and technology. I spotted them, adopted them, and made a living from them, from the very beginning of the personal computer revolution. While you were figuring them out, I was making then work. I still am.

I found Linux while working with its successors, and made a living off of it also.

But I'm not angry. Unless you count in the current political climate, them I'm angry, but that's a very different topic.

Comment Oh really? (Score 1) 1089

"they're skewed more heavily towards immigrant groups and minority groups. There's a reason why some folks try to keep them away from the polls."

And there's a reason you, Mr., President, want them to be forced to go to the polls. Same reason. You believe it gives you and your allies an advantage.

Of course, that presumes there is a concerted effort to keep these groups away from the polls to start with, and I dispute that, but we can disagree on that and still find fault with the initial proposal, that voting be mandatory.

Oh, and getting the money (or even the influence of money) out of politics by making voting mandatory? That was a sly joke, right?

Comment Re:It supports it just fine, article is BS (Score 1) 166

And this works fine even if the time differences are 'positive' or 'negative'?

It's when LocalTime appears in the future that the fun begins. Snap LocalTime back a few seconds to sync with CurrentbaseTime, feh, probably livable. But make it more than an hour, and do you risk having all of those log entries either being reset to some arbitrary time, or do they have to disappear? And my password change? And the front door alarm entry? Did that get re-timed, or deleted, or marked as suspicious?

We are going to use the concept of synthetic time to resolve these issues.

I know this is nontrivial. So will the IoT deal with this sufficiently? Do many systems deal with this well?

Comment Re:Free market will sort it out (Score 0) 254

If 'the government' (pick one as you wish) wasn't fighting the murder-for-hire market, they could expand into a viable market and openly sell both the service and the risk.

It's inane to blame prohibition for this in any way, unless your point is that unsavory individuals tend to flock to unsavory markets, and the results when they do unto others before they are done unto would somehow be mitigated if 'the government' wasn't so darned restrictive.

This could easily happen to a site trafficking in aluminum billet shift knobs.

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