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Comment Re:The results are just as bad (Score 2) 69

There's no exemption for products. If they don't renew the exemption, you have to stop doing the activity. The exemption process never was meant to work; it was just to make the law look slightly less Draconian (and various groups are pissed off that it somehow managed to produce as many exemptions as it has)

Comment Re:Is there a difference? (Score 1) 131

My "obvious explanation" is the Canadian carriers added their own crap, and now we're not considered a big enough market to fix it.

Not so much that Canada is not a big enough market, but if the carriers are demanding modifications that are low level enough to affect the kernel (as opposed to just adding a few branded apks on top of a standard international image), then LG is going to want them to pay for the maintenance of those modifications. So it is back to the carriers again.

Comment Re:Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes (Score 1) 285

Hell, I even played with scripting text to speech alerting just to see if I could, and it was really easy!

I know a guy who did that with a telephony system which calls him when something goes wrong then accepts voice input for what to do next... including executing a limited # of PS commands.

I've not seen the code, but like you said, I'm told it's pretty easy.

Comment Out of scope? (Score 3, Insightful) 294

the target of wiretaps does not have to be linked to a foreign power or terrorism.

I thought the point of the NSA was that they were meant to protect domestic communications from external threats. If the target is not linked to external threats, how can it be justified?

Comment Re:Odd thoughts: (Score 1) 285

PowerShell primary commands are formatted Verb-Noun. This is awfully convenient, as a PowerShell user can guess hundreds of commands just by learning a few verbs and a few nouns.

Not to mention built in tab completion for arguments where you can read the man page after finding the cmdlet to know which arguments you will have to use, or just quickly tab through to what you know is going to be there.

Comment Re:Linux Mint gets it right. (Score 2) 155

I just tore apart my home lab and I'm reassembling it, reshuffling some motherboards and hard drives.

Tried tossing my Windows drive on a new motherboard. It just crashed.

I found *one* disk from my PC-BSD desktop. Plugged it into the oldest motherboard I could find and it just worked(tm). Missing half of the zfs mirror on completely different hardware.

Between ports, pkg and their installer program software is easier than elsewhere.

I honestly wished that Windows 10 would be them scrapping everything and going with a *BSD. (Just like OS X). Admit defeat, and start over with a different code base. No one knows or cares how it works, just that it does. Apple has managed to move complete platforms 4 times (68k -> PPC, OS 9 -> OS X, PPC->Intel, Intel->ARM). Microsoft has just released C# as open source. It shouldn't be hard.

Then everyone who knows and wants a command prompt will have a real one instead of a half assed Power Shell (or as it is everywhere else Batch file).

Nvidia releases hardware drivers for it. PS4 is based on it (Meaning AMD has drivers for it).

Comment Re:Sometimes even your hack gets outdated... (Score 2) 258

Eh... it wasn't really until the mid 90s before laptops or processors had a large difference between generations. 15 and 30 mhz 486s desktops were still common on store shelves in 1995. Sound cards and CD roms were still expensive add ons around then too. A lot of systems were still dos or Windows 3.1 and not only did you have to purchase a web browser, you had to install a network stack just to dial up the internet. I remember being stoked when i upgraded the 9600 baud modem to a USR 33.6k modem for

Submission + - In Advance Of Upcoming Steam Summer Sale, Valve Introduces Steam Refunds

Deathspawner writes: Despite all of its competition, Valve's Steam service remains the most popular digital PC game store around. While Steam does do a lot of things right, it can sometimes stumble in the worst of ways. Look no further than April's Skyrim mod debacle as a good example. Well, just as Valve fixed up that issue, it's gone ahead and fixed another: it's making refunds dead simple. While refunds have been possible in the past, it's required gamers to jump through hoops to get them. Now, Valve has set certain criteria, and if it's met, a refund will be granted, no questions asked — a definite step in the right direction.

Comment Re:Linux Mint gets it right. (Score 1) 155

> If any program freezes, the WHOLE DESKTOP freezes

That's what this release specifically addresses.

"In case of a freeze or if you need to restart Cinnamon for any reason, you can now do so via a keyboard shortcut. The default key combination is Ctrl+Alt+Escape. Pressing this combination of keys restarts nemo and cinnamon-settings-daemon in case they had crashed, and launches a brand new instance of the Cinnamon desktop," said Clement Lefebvre, the leader of the Linux Mint project.

They also claim boosts in speed:

Also, the devs have explained that it's no longer necessary to recompile Cinnamon to choose between consolekit and logind support, the load times have been greatly improved, the CPU usage has been diminished by about 40%, and the support for multiple monitors has been improved as well.

"Un-necessary calculations in the window management part of Cinnamon could also be dropped, leading to reduced idle CPU usage (about 40% reduction in the number of CPU wakes per second)," Lefebvre also noted.

Submission + - USA Freedom Act passes unamended, limiting NSA surveillance ( 1

Mark Wilson writes: Today the US Senate passed the USA Freedom Act without amendments, signalling the start of the significant surveillance reform that has been called for since Edward Snowden blew the whistle on the agency's activities. It had already been determined that the bulk collection of phone metadata was illegal, and the expiry of Section 215 of the Patriot Act at the end of May brought this data collection to an end anyway.

The USA Freedom Act sets in concrete the end of the phone data collection program and is seen as a major victory for privacy advocates. It will come as good news to Snowden himself who will undoubtedly feel a sense of relief that his risk-taking paid off. The bill is still to be signed into law by President Obama, but this is now little more than a formality.

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