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Comment Re:Wrong target (Score 2) 56

The target should be Apple not Google.

That's a stupendous way to end software development overnight. Yes, Apple had a bug. All software has bugs. They clearly intended for a different outcome and surely never expected Google to actively attack it.

Of the two, Apple made a mistake but acted with good intentions (at least on the surface, but there's no point going full tinfoil because then there's no point having a conversation about it). Google acted maliciously, and if someone's going to be held accountable for this then it should be them.

In before "lol fanboy": I would say exactly the opposite if, say, exploited a bug (not a feature: a bug) in Chrome to do the same thing. In this specific case, Apple seems to have acted honorably and Google unhonorably.

Comment The lack of debate (Score 1) 52

Was astounding. Especially since I heard at least three better plans- community sponsored healthcare (in which LOCAL taxes fund LOCAL facilities with LOCAL doctors, managed like schools used to be with a local hospital board), subscription based healthcare (in which the rich pay more to fund clinics for the poor, but everybody pays what healthcare really costs, not job based but rather what it costs to have doctors on duty in clinics and hospitals, whether you are sick or not), and finally, free market health care (with no middle man, but again, no assurance of care).

Of course, all three of these cut out the insurance middle man cash cow- who was Obama's cronies as well as the cronies of certain key Republicrats. Can't hurt the cronies, so once again any form of subsidiarity goes on the back burner in favor of federal control.

Comment Re:Ancient Chinese wisdom (Score 1) 116

No. If they decide to leave, they've clearly decided not to be trash. For the record, before anyone points out that I forgot to check the "Post Anonymously" box, no, I didn't, I'm not the AC who posted the "all Chinese are trash" remark, nor do I necessarily agree with it; but if we make the assumption that he is correct and everyone in China is trash, then it stands to reason that anyone who leaves China is not. Just following the logic, not saying it's correct.

Comment Re:Ummmm ... duh? (Score 4, Insightful) 385

It appears this German guy knew that, and was hiding his problems from his employer and the regulatory agencies that license his operation of giant passenger aircraft.

So what happens when you remove doctor patient confidentiality? The other depressed people will not see them and will still fly, only without having received psychiatric help or medication. That makes the risk larger, not smaller.

Comment Re:Genderless information (Score 1) 349

The problem is, once you get past the obvious impositions, there is no bright line, only sand traps. Some women can tell raunchier jokes than a longshoreman, like to horse aroundand others will accuse you of oppressing them if you ask them to pass the salt at the lunch table.

Did I not acknowledge that everyone has different ideas of what is and is not harassment? I'm pretty sure the emphasis on "your" in the bit of my post that you quoted does exactly that. As for "some days it was, and some days it wasn't", I covered that with "purposely". So yes, that really is the answer, and it can be made corporate policy, as well.

Comment Re: Genderless information (Score 1) 349

That's why HR departments need to implement a "talk it out" program. Set aside a private conference room, just a room with a small table and 2 chairs, where people can talk out their issues, with documentation of the issue that was discussed, and signatures from both parties indicating that the discussion did, in fact, take place. The forms are deposited into a locked box (via a slot, obviously) in that very same room, to be collected weekly by HR, but no action to be taken aside from filing the form away in the complainant's employee file. It should then become HR policy, when someone comes in to complain about a coworker and does not have an appropriate "talk it out" form in their file already, ti simply hand them the form and tell them to talk it out. Attach a 3 strikes rule to that (e.g. if you come to us without the form 3 times, you are the problem) and make the forms openly available without needing to contact HR, and you have a way to weed out people who just like to complain.

Of course, if the form is on file, the complaint needs to be heard. If the complaint refers to the incident discussed on the "talk it out" form, the complainant should be reprimanded; if the complaint refers to a continuation of the behavior discussed on the form, the person the complainant is complaining about should be reprimanded.

Make attempting to work things out like normal adults an actual corporate policy and attach real consequences to not doing so, filing false complaints, or otherwise the system, and watch the problem solve itself.

Comment Re:So in other words (Score 1) 349

Thus far you're the only person reading anything more into my post than what is there. I think the problem must be everyone else, though, you're right. Comprehend that a fauxminist and a feminist are two different people and you'll realize that the AC was correct. You're reading into that post a lot, as confirmed by myself, personally, telling you that you are reading things I neither wrote nor intended to write.

But go ahead and keep telling yourself I must be getting worked up about it because you insist that I am. I did mention megalomania in that post, right? Indeed. If you still think I was getting worked up in that post, go get help.

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